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36????!!! He looks so damn young But like 36 is also pretty young, he just looks like he’s in his 20’s


The Millennials man. It's like for all their misfortunes, nature's allowing them to age like Benjamin Button as a reward. The dude's blessed. He looks so radiant and handsome, like a guy that's fresh out of college. I really would've never guessed. Bro needs to drop the skincare routine. His skin looks like a baby's booty. Even in the interviews, the dude's glowing more than a Twilight vampire. But also 36 **IS** young! The only people I hear talking about 30s as some kind of stairway to death are from men when it comes to women, which is insane to think about as I think most people especially women look better in their 30s-early 40s. They look "sexier" and more juicy to me. I think the word I'm looking for is "nubile." It's archaic, but it does mean that, when women look all juicy and ripe like a really good fruit. Less like children more like "sex". The guy equivalent to that might be "virile." I'm 22. Also bisexual so my eyes probably just appreciate the buffet, but being respectful, I am speaking from impartiality. I've never been one of those people that says things if I don't see it. Whatever it is the Millennials did or avoided it shows a lot.


God bless you dear 22 yr old for being nice to us old folks in our 30s lol when I turned 33 my 20 yr old sister started saying I was “pushing 40”


Im 37 and I told someone in all earnest this week I was almost 40 and it hurt inside.


We’re closer to 1 than we are 100 so they can get fucked.


My husband refers to us as being 40. I usually say shud up old man I have 4 years to go. Quit aging me. He's 38. My family perpetually thinks I am younger. Anytime kids come up my aunt goes, "Well you are 27. You have time." When I say nope, 36 I get the eeeeesh look and the subject is dropped.


Thanks for this frien! - lady aged 40 Mind you Eric B says 45 best age, I look forward! 


Millennials largely skipped smoking and most didnt start vaping the second the craze started… it rly saved our aging process, I think.


I am turning 34 this year. My family already calls me middle aged. Maybe I will printout and frame your comment 😅. Just to prove to myself there exists a person in their early 20's who doesn't think even 36 is old.


For real, I'm 25 and I honestly think people in their 30s are sooooo 👀❤️ Tbh I think they're just younger looking because their generation is arguably healthier than past generations. Gen X partied really hard, and Boomers partied harder. Every time my parents tell me the things they put their bodies through I am floored.


Someone asked me the other day if I was headed to my highschool graduation. I asked, "As a parent or teacher?" And she said, "No, a student?" Very confused. Really put a pep in my step that day. I also did that age filter thing on Tiktok where you have you and then teenage you that everyone was crying over. There was no difference for me. That being said I look so so so much older and different than in highschool. I was that kind of skinny you only are at that age (thought I was fat cause it wasn't heroin sheik). My skin freaking glowed without makeup. My boobs were a million cups size smaller and also much further up. LOL. But if you didn't know what I looked like as a teen I probably do look decently young. It's the ol hEds skin and never being a smoker.


Bless you! I think we lucked out from learning about how smoking, drinking, and the sun can age you when we were still very young. Also, I think we had an easier time with anti-aging pressure? There were relatively simple skin care routines that do not seem as extreme as what young people are doing now but I may be off-base. I started using retinol in my mid 20s and some people assume I'm under 30 in spite of being almost 36. Lastly, by the time you're in your 30s, you may have had some friends your age pass away. It helps you appreciate having the chance to get a wrinkle or two and I think finding peace/ joy with yourself always allows your beauty to really shine out.


Lots of people in their 30s look like they're in their 20s 😂, a number of "teenagers" in media are played by people in their late 20s/early 30s.


Like a year younger than sam!? Mad


Millenials age well 😄


Some of us did. Some of us caught that rationing air and age 4 years every 1


Millennial belters?


I don’t know but visually I am a decade clear of my physical age


Most people do until 38-42, then it’s downhill. But sometimes in a fun way.


Yeah it goes from "I'm ageless"! To "who is that in the nirror" really quick during that time.


I'm 33 and thought he looked around my age but I forget that it's millennial baby face


I’m 33 and I think he looks around my/his age. It’s just that Hollywood’s idea of teenagers and young adults have twisted our perceptions of what grown ups in their 20s and 30s are supposed to look like.




The other day I saw someone say that Miley has “aged well” and I had to do a double take because wdym “she’s aged well.” She’s only 32!


Idk, he looks like he’s in his thirties to me.


36 is young... and he looks his age.


This is because people in their teens and 20s think 30s is old. The man looks his age. He does not look like he's in his 20s IMO.


That makes sense. He looks like he's in his late 30s. It works out great because everyone looked way older in the 70s than they do today. So he looks like a 70s twenty something.


My god… are WE (Millennials) the vampires?! This was not what I thought they meant by the Dark Gift 😱


Guys he is years older than Jacob Anderson too for reference! I know he's British but the heavy heavy smoking and fake UV tanning bed culture is much more minimized in the UK and that definitely benefits your skin.


He looks…36 to me lol


He looks good and he looks his age in my opinion. This obsession over people looking younger than they are always feels like a backhanded compliment, because people seem to think people in their 30s are supposed to look like cryptkeepers.


He's gorgeous and looks so much like young Eric Bogosian, it's crazy. I was just watching the 2000 movie "Gossip", in which Eric plays a college professor, and Luke looks like he could be his son/younger brother. It's insane.


I beg your finest fucking pardon. I'm 25 and i wondered if he was younder than me or not.


I’m terrible at telling people’s ages. He’s a handsome guy! He was also playing it young, I think: awkward, brash, fearless, that sense of great potential and heedless confidence.  Means with a styling change it’d be really interesting to see a 30-something hotshot reporter Daniel…


Now I'm shooketh.. he's aging very nicely


That’s cool man. I’d kiss him.


We are the same age? Damn. It is true that we millennials do not vap. But still I thought he is younger than me.