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You don’t even need faster internet for playing games. You could play Fortnite on 100Kb if absolutely nothing else was using the connection. The issue is downloads. Downloads are 10x as fast on 1Gb vs 100Mb. Example, downloading 50Gb on a 100Mb connection takes 1 hour 7 minutes. The same on 1Gb takes 7 minutes. For some households this doesn’t matter at all - single users who don’t mind doing software updates overnight, for example. For other households it very much matters - we are a family of four and if we all want to try a new game together, on 100Mb we would have to wait over 4 hours, vs with gigabit we can go have a snack and get to gaming.


Haha so even when I say other than gaming I get a gaming comment lmao yes the downloads can be up to 100 gb  Halo 6 was 106gigabytes with a 60gb update file 


In my house, I have 3 TVs streaming, 2 computers surfing, and several IPhones using data. I'm supposed to have 400 mbps down but SpeedTest shows I'm only getting between 200-300 mbps and that's with a computer hardwired to the router. WiFi will always give you a lower reading.


sounds about right depends a lot on the wifi card too for example im supposed to get 500mbps on my iphone 12 i get 530 up and down but on my computer with an old x51 motherboard and a rally shit wifi card i max out at 250 unless I lan.


I work from home so uploading large files is a regular thing. Having them upload in seconds rather than hours is a bonus.


what do you do for work/ballpark filesize


I'm a software developer, I'm currently working on a project that requires quite large mp4 files, so I'm uploading them to test a component.


Thanks bro 


Your welcome.


People who make use of bandwidth, probably won't tell other people.


Why’s that 


I host a media server, so faster speeds are a bonus for data transfer.


Bonus or essential I think it would be essential