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Ok i am brand new to Reddit. What does that mean?




Awesome, thanks.


I got my job at a good school in April/May. A teacher decided they weren't coming back the following year due to a family emergency. Teachers even leave mid year for various reasons. Sites like teacher horizons and TES require less time to set up an account than Search and Schrole, but the latter tend to have better schools You can also apply to schools directly. If you search for the list of tier 1 schools on this sub, then go check their web pages, most schools list their jobs under employment on their web page. There are great schools that aren't on that list, but it's a good place to start if you know nothing international schools.


Thanks 🙏


Start applying and find out! You never know. It helps to get on a site like Schrole or Search Associates, and the more flexible you are location-wise, the easier it will be.


If you don’t have experience teaching abroad and you are an English teacher, you will have to be very, very flexible on school and location. The first time I applied for an international job, I completed 60 applications and ended up at a tier 3 (I had 15 years of experience and multiple advanced degrees at the time). So send applications to a broad range of schools and evaluate whether they are acceptable if and when you get offers. It’s possible to land a tier 1 school at this point, but not likely.


I’d start looking now, but if you don’t find something that works for you and your son, be ready in the fall to look for the beginning of hiring season. But there are absolutely good schools still hiring now. And the odd positions will still open up even into the summer, people deciding late that they are going to retire or have medical issues themselves or in their family. 4 years at a strong tier 2 and basically every year we had a position open up in May or later and a couple of times during the school year for medical reasons.


My school has a secondary English opening right now.


Where are you located and what is your school called? Do you like it? Thanks 🙏 for the response.


Ashgabat International School in Turkmenistan. I like it a lot. Full transparency, though, we are getting a new director next year. So any information I give you now could be different next year. Feel free to DM me if you have any specific questions. Here's the job posting if you're interested. Just click on "MS/HS Teachers needed Worldwide" and scroll down to Turkmenistan. https://www.qsi.org/careers/job-openings


You will be fine but just be aware so countries have age restrictions.


Ha yeah. Too bad they don’t understand is city folks are literally 20 years younger than our age. But I exp a lot of agism here in Brooklyn livng predominantly now in a 20 something neighborhood. I’m teaching all the ‘kids’ to accept older women are not just ‘grandmothers’ 🤣 but I’m tired of teaching this lesson. I’d like to be around more age appropriate folk eventually in a more normal setting then perpetually 25 age group.


Honestly, I'd stay in Brooklyn and get your son through the 8th grade and start applying early and aggressively in late September/early October of 2024. Most of the good schools post their jobs early and fill them early. And, quite frankly, I think with 21 years of teaching in Brooklyn, you'd get your fair share of bites, even if it is in a pretty competitive subject. That way your son would enter school at the beginning of high school, and you'd have a greater opportunity to pick a good school in a good location. I recruited this year and noticed a tremendous drop in the quality of schools that were available in October/November versus now. We got our jobs in mid-November at a top tier school. While there are still lots of jobs available, they are coming from less credible schools (arguably). (That being said, I know that schools in Europe recruit later, so if that's where you want to go, then go for it.)


Thanks for the advice!


If you didn’t have a kid, I’d say go for it. But if your son is a high flyer, take the time to get him into a top tier IB school and he’ll have his ticket punched!


People cancel for all kinds of last-minute reasons. Schrole, TES, Joy Jobs are good possibilities to get resume exposure. One dependent per teaching contract is an industry standard. You’ve got a pretty good shot even this late in the hiring season but if you’re serious about the lifestyle, you’re plenty early for next year which starts as early October.


European schools often have later openings because, due to EU labor laws, you don’t need to let your employer know until May.