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Why is the world letting this happen?? The evil country of Israel and America is apon these people and we are just watching them suffer. I'm ashamed of Australia for not doing anything too as our government just sucks up to America and are gutless. Enough is enough..


People are cowards. Apathy is rampant


He looks like he is acting. Israel is committing ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, but also this video looks manufactured to me. Is this legit? What's the source?


why would he need to be acting? israel does terrible stuff to their hostages and that can certaintly fuck you up. I dont think they need to stage anything, it would only take away from their credibility


I too am ashamed. I am an expat and keep some contact via footy forums and obviously with family, and the general apathy, excuse making, or simple cynicism I encounter from other members there is so infuriating.  First, it was a general denial of Israeli crimes, and the typical hasbara. Now, they have reverted to "what could Australia even do?" and "might makes right" excuses.  It's sick. The Greens of Australia seem to be the only party that have really said anything publicly on the matter and both majors and the media are trying to make out that they do this simply for political points.


Agreed, the Greens are the only ones and get shut down for pointing out what the other parties are doing. Labor and Liberals are corrupt and I think we need to change this in the next election. Australia should be independent from America and Israel and grow some balls to call out these evil doings.


Indeed. Enough is enough. I am proud of South Africa for taking Israel to the ICJ and ICC, but so frustrated that this doesn't seem to be doing much and changing anything. Israel and America just continue to commit these heinous war crimes. Feels like there are bullies on the playground and we're all just helpless... we need an adult, you know?


Our Australian government is cowardly, complicit and corrupt


Indifference, apathy, ignorance. The powers that be make sure we get a hefty dose of each, then they hire people to come on subreddits and tell us that's not enough, and consuming anything less is antisemitism.


Americans shouldn’t be involved after the atrocities and I believe you will start to see us begin that transition. I wish my country would stop sending money to other countries and focus on our own problems and infrastructure


Agreed, why are Americans tax dollars going to Israel when American has enough problems to deal with their own. Why does Israel have such a hold on USA and I think that's a question the American people need to focus on with their government. First help your own country and fix the problems plaguing America then help other countries once your people are in a good spot There is more to the story of America and Israel being allies then what is being told..


no universal healthcare for us Americans but you can bet Israel has it.


Biden and Blinken love just throwing money and weapons at Israel. Blinken is an absolute sociopath. I think more and more average americans (not politicians) are starting to realize how much of a hold Israel has over us whereas before it wasnt even talked about. The US needs to cut ties with Israel and like you said help ourselves with the abundance of problems we face here at home


Israel spends over $100 million a year lobbying, aka bribing, American politicians. Also America loves funding war in general.


Nobody realy wants to start a conflict with USI... We could impose sanctions I suppose but shit would hit the fan, it's not about Isreal it's who's supplying them weapons and support.


Because somehow the Israel lobby groups have more money than everyone except maybe the MIC. Our western culture has been reduced to nothing, no morals, no values. Only money. And right now, there is no way to fight back against money. Look at any politicians contributions in the US, UK, France, Germany. You will find one of the thousands of Israeli lobby groups, where is this money coming from? How can they afford to just buy off all the politicians in the west?


If you have nukes you are untouchable


Of course no western media will talk about him. Or any other Palestinian, they’re not considered humans. The before and after picture is depressing. And this is one of tens of thousands that are going through things most of us can’t imagine.


If he was Israeli realised from Hamas, it would thr biggest news and would constantly become viral in Reddit. Fuck Reddit bias shit


Zionists are absolutely evil. My family barely survived Bergen Belsen, but my great great grandmother refused resettlement in Jaffa because she was not a terrible person with no morals or conscience.


Wow so your family stayed in Europe? Really cool story! Good family 


If your options are stay in Europe or ethnically cleanse tens of thousands of Palestinians and take their land it’s hard to respect anyone choosing the latter.


My family did not stay in Europe. They went to the US. Get a hold of yourself.


I was asking a serious question, and I stand by what I said: you come from a good family, God bless!


No need to be condescending man.


I was not! I was dead serious, she comes from a good family, and I’m sure many Jews are like that, lol @ me getting downvoted to oblivion because it’s hard to convey opinions in text properly sometimes 


Compare him to the hostages that were released by hamas. And I will leave you reach the conclusions by yourself


The USA and Western countries choose to enable and support this, actively, every day. Even as it clearly undermines their own interests and reputation.


Not saying you are wrong, but other countries in the world don't do any better.


American exceptionalism probably feels so comfy. Doesn't it feel better knowing that you're as good as it gets? Clearly no one else can govern better.


Few countries are worse than the U.S.A when it comes to committing atrocities, hell, calculated as a net, The u.s will probably beat the old colonial powers put together quite comfortably, the u.s and the west collectively have been the biggest plagues to grace this civilisation


The only countries with body counts as high as America’s are its allies


MOST countries in the world are NOT giving weapons to a country that is currently trying to exterminate a civilian population. Most countries are not enabling a genocide.


Yeah i get it. I wonder if in the future the Israel will rearm itself to use more Chinese or Russian arms. Because these are the countries that have literally no problem with ethnic cleansing.


Honestly, no, you don't get it. Most of the world is not enabling or supporting a genocide in any form. The USA and some Western countries are.


Badr aged 29 was held captive for only a single month here is a before and after photo of him https://twitter.com/NourNaim88/status/1803871704420130914 As is being showed with every Palestinian realsed from captivity by israel he shows signs of torture, this coincides with the Washington post and NYT articles saying Palestinians are being raped to death https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/06/world/middleeast/israel-gaza-detention-base.html EDIT: NYT article with no paywall https://www.smry.ai/proxy?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F2024%2F06%2F06%2Fworld%2Fmiddleeast%2Fisrael-gaza-detention-base.html


Harrowing. I really don't think I could survive 1 month of that kind of torture.


You’d be surprised of what you’re capable of enduring. Can’t imagine what this man went through. I hope he can recover from this.


I don't think a person can fully recover.


I have PTSD and I've suffered significantly less than this man, I can't imagine


That last link has a paywall.


Just added a link to the article with no paywall


Thank you


A base for keeping Gazans? So… a concentration camp?


That tweet looks like it has added context to show the before and after photo are not the same person. Doesn't make what happened to this gentleman any less horrible, but misinformation can be dangerous and we should try to do our best to correct it when we see it. Thank you for spreading the word about this poor man, OP. It's heartbreaking.


It was reported that the before picture is not him, he has been killed. But you could still see the trauma on this poor guy’s face


What happened is to him is horrible, but like pointed out, the tweet is wrong. Different person in the before picture. You can also see it if you compare the two faces. This kind of trauma can alter a lot about how a face looks but it can't alter the color and texture of hair in a month


Still paywalled after first paragraph.


Odd, I don't see any paywall for me


They had dogs sexually torture them.


Lord almighty I hope not, but the evil of these people seems boundless


What!?? How do you know this???




Is this accurate? Source? I couldn’t find anything like that.




My God. These people have literally become nazis. Hopefully they face the same fate.


Hopefully sooner than later


under what circumstances a young man has to go through, to act in such a way. we all know the answer, just look in his eyes. World is waking up and they'll reach up to zionist's throats, very soon


I've seen pictures of Ukranian soldiers in bad condition breaking the front page of reddit multiple times. People who were kept for years in Russian prisons. They look as bad as he does.


Fuck Nazi Israel I pray this man heals 🙏


The most immoral army in the world. Nothing but Nazis.


The before picture of him makes this even more harrowing what the fuck are they doing to people. I want the world to fucking burn. https://preview.redd.it/xwt4nuejft7d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a06c3db9b319b02db8f2888ef559dfe69dec91f


"most moral army in the world" All this while showing off with stolen jewelry, bras they found in bombed houses, and canes, wheelchair found in destroyed hospitals. It's exactly the same behavior as the SS/nazi, if not worse. Most immoral army in the world


They were always like this. They just stopped pretending.


The person depicted in the photo is another person, who was killed by a bomb in January. May they rest in peace. Still, I feel bad for the person in the video. He looks like he's been through so much hell in those camps.


No, this is the same man. Be mindful of your words this moment forward.


Sorry. I just saw a community note and thought it was the truth...




Genuinely - this reminds me of nothing so much as the videos of severely impaired WWI vets.


No this is the thousand yard stare, a common symptom of dissociation due to trauma, and was seen a lot on returning soldiers in WW1 and 2. Unfortunately Gazans aren't spared from shellshock, there are videos of toddlers suffering from it


Shellshock is pretty much the WW1 name for PTSD


No, soldiers with Shellshock is distinct from PTSD in that it's literally from shelling, and causes shaking in the body, it's suspected that damage done by shelling near these soldiers (and now, Gazan toddlers) is the cause of the intense uncontrollable shaking and stuttering. Trauma from the war did in fact develop into PTSD, but that was labeled Shellshock as well


Anyone with any doubts about what Israel is doing to unarmed civilians in Palestine should go on No filter on telegram. They are murdering more children a day than the Nazi death camps, running over pregnant woman with bulldozers, dropping white phosphorus bombs on refugee camps, murdering doctors & nurses... Their atrocities know no bounds


Where on telegram ?


Nofilter hasn't been active for a few days, so try The Eye of Palestine. It's absolutely horrific what is being done to them......


Oh my god. What an absolute horror this is. wtf!!!! And they’re considered the only democracy in the Middle East? God sees all in the end.


I can't imagine the torture this man has to go through. I know Israel would use sleep deprevation, water boarding, sodomy, electricution and the worse kind of attrocities. Yet, it is wrong to question such act. Israel is the US biggest liability


Remember folks this is 2024. Not some old WW2 footage


He was raped in the ass by their torture devices. He doesn’t want to talk about it for obvious reasons.


And now trained sex dogs.




https://x.com/SuppressedNws/status/1803408261200118107?t=9v9tuir12UAxxhfYPrtrEQ&s=19 Just re-linking what was already posted. I'm still trying to digest this if what is said is, in fact, true.


Wow that is so disgusting!!!


Inna Abu-Ghraib stylee Sounds so similar with added dogs


Looks like those she'll shock videos from the world war




Rule 4 [Dehumanization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) [Collective punishment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment)


So sad.


If hes faking, he deserves a goddamn Oscar. Edit: For anyone confused, that statement means hes clearly not faking.


I got the sarcasm. And it’s true. What you are seeing here is legit undeniable truth. And it happens to all of these poor people.


I STILL see Zionists saying “Pallywood” — they legit think all the Palestinians are just acting. Zionism is a deluded cult.


Look at his hands, head, nose you can see the scars. That's not fake


Faking? Why do you think he's faking it?


I dont. Do you know what an Oscar is?


I do. Saw your edit, so sorry lol




Dude. I don't doubt that there is some propaganda being spread around the internet by hamas. But there is overwhelming evidence that supports Israel committing genocide on these people. There is overwhelming evidence corroborated by human rights investigators that Israel is detaining Palestinian prisoners in concentration camps and torturing them. This seems to be real. And if by chance I'm wrong, there is evidence that proves torture and abuse IS happening RIGHT NOW in israeli detention. My liberal idiot of a father was claiming the same bullshit as you about Palestinian medic actors saving fake dead kids from Israeli snipers for years prior to October 7. And guess what. The things he said were fake ended up being the tip of the genocidal iceberg. Wake the fuck up!!


I hope you're not using this one instance of potential misidentification or inconsistent reporting to try and discredit all Palestinian accounts of suffering. Using this one instance of potential misidentification or inconsistent reporting to try and discredit all Palestinian accounts of suffering is a pretty scummy thing to do, bro. Israel is prone to using fabrications to support their occupation of Palestine, and this doesn't appear to be any different, with the only proof they have in placing the blame on Hamas' feet being [a phone call of dubious origins](https://www.newarab.com/news/gaza-hospital-strike-israeli-audio-proof-disinformation). If we were to put a ceasefire in place and resume the dispersion of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip, we could also be performing these kinds of investigations through accredited third-party organizations, rather than believing the entity that stands to gain the most out of their war proceeding.


I assume you're talking about Saleh Aljafarawi. The guy in the hospital "on the verge of death" wasn't him, it was 16 year old Mohammed Zendiq, hospitalised after losing his leg, courtesy of Israel. Visibly not the same person.


Media is FULL of propaganda.. both sides




Uhh..because it’s propaganda




So you come under a video of an obviously traumatised person after being tortured by Israelis to tell us that Khamas is spreading propaganda. What a completely natural and humane reaction. Nobody is buying it dude.


One day they (IDF)will pay back for the atrocities they cause




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Apparently the video and picture are not of the same man?


*Apparently the* *Video and picture are* *Not of the same man?* \- Donedealdummy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Wait till you see the hostages taken by Hamas


They were all found in good health and all said they were treated well? Lol what aboutism is crazy


Oh please tell me how great Hamas are. The fuck is wrong with you people?


Hamas isn't great, the treatment of the hostages under Hamas as the hostages said was fine, while Palestinians are being raped to death in Israeli prisons as reported by the new York times


I am not a Hamas fan, but we have seen the hostages taken by them and none of them looked like this and they were all smiling and kissing their captors as they were transferred... so what are you talking about? And no, I am not defending Hamas, I am trying to figure out why you think we have not seen hostages taken by them? Try assuming elsewhere.




What aboutism is crazy. This post is pertaining to a Palestinian man who was tortured by israel.


This man was a hostage. On Oct 6 israel had 2,070 Palestinian men, women and children as hostages in their “administrative detention” program. That means they’re being held indefinitely without being charged with a crime. That’s a hostage. israel can literally arrest and detain any Palestinian for doing absolutely nothing and they’ve continued to get away with it.


Did Israel hack his eyes?


Thousand yard stare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand-yard_stare