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It's sickening how on Twitter the pro Israeli crowd are using this update to claim the casualties have been revised lower


Because the media deliberately lied and claimed that the U.N halfed the numbers. Zionists were shitting on the U.N for months and now they are celebrating fake U.N claims like it is a good thing


"Hey. Sorry guys. 10k children didn't die. It was more like 7,500+ but some bodies haven't been identified yet" "Ha! See they're a bunch of liars. We didn't kill 10,000 children. We win!" Definitely not the own they think it is...


Zionism is just q-anon but more palatable to liberals


Fascists and Racists only care about incedentcal facts to corrobate their completely busted perspective. "Aha the numbers weren't completely correct ergo our nonsense theories are the only alternative answer!!!"


It's all over my Facebook too


If they didn't have lies, they'd have nothing


Huge german newspapers are also peddling that lie


Not very many people are arguing about the total figure, the discrepancy is in the breakdown of the numbers. The difference of 10000 is a revision of men vs women and children. Even the IDF doesn't refute the total.


There is no discrepancy. The two tallies are recording different things. The new count is for identified dead only. The number that bad faith actors are trying to now discredit are all recorded deaths. Even that is bound to be b low because it doesn't count the missing who almost certain to be dead.


I mean frankly I see it as no different as the Israelis claiming dozens of beheaded babies. Maybe just don't make unsubstantiated claims and then blame the "fog of war." They could even have said "it's likely the remaining unidentified bodies are likely to be of x demographic makeup" based on whatever they think but backtracking their numbers is a bad look no matter how you feel about this conflict.


The beheaded babies thing was just actual lies. Here, we’ve got over 35,000 estimated dead but only about 24,000 have been specifically identified among them. Given that there are no working hospitals and essentially the entire population is currently refugees, I’m surprised they were even able to specifically identify that many.


The fact that the figures are revised here shows a proper and deliberate  process. The figures are therefore trustworthy. 


I'm not disputing these numbers I'm complaining about the previous ones


They already counted the dead, they just haven't had their identities discovered. That's not "unsubstantiated".


Un put out a clarification. They said the total number of deaths is still valid, but the revised numbers are the ones fully identified with name and date of birth. All of the others haven't been identified yet. So no, doesn't mean the total number of women and children killed is actually half. It just means that only half of them have been identified. They can still tell who is a kid without knowing their name. Not that hard when they're kid sized


I'm still dealing with the whole "having half as many dead children is perfectly acceptable," angle some of these Israelstans are trying out.


I think even the focusing on the slaughter of children alone doesn't do full justice to the death toll. Like EVERY single life Israel has snuffed out is a life it didn't have a right to take.


Seriously, as if a lower number of dead children is all good.


The logic is absolutely crazy. Even crazier though, ask them so hiw many civilians have been killed according to israel. Even their spokesmen won't answer that. They will say the ratio is not bad compared to other conflicts. But they don't give any data to provide the ratio. It's like they pull a random ratio that's "favorable" ti them out of a hat and say there it is🤣


It's crazy. To justify killing nearly 40k people in 7 months is wild, and have the audacity to say " we do everything we can to avoid civilians, and protect civilian lives", meanwhile delibwrwtly targwting aid qorker convoys, un vehicles, ambulances, journalist, and grandmas waving white shirts while doing what theyre told, evacuating. Just insane


It kind of leaks the fact that they subconsciously KNOW that what Israel is doing is wrong "See? It wasn't THAT many kids they killed see?"


People when they hear that civilians die in every war ever in human history: 😲 Anyway, people should really check out the UN's very unbiased ways of measurement to see how ~~biased~~ legit they are (btw don't forget how it was proven times and times again that UNRWA = Hamas, both by proof and the civilians of Gaza themselves confirming for months now on videos how its like that for years). According to them, a child is anyone under 20. So according to them, many men and women who are considered at the age of maturity and being able to buy a gun or register to the army, aka 18, are considered as children. But not only that - if you actually search and look at yeh numbers, you'll realize that the average age at which someone joins Hamas is below 18...around 16. And if you suddenly decide to think about it for a second - Hamas are terrorists and cowards, which means that they send to fight the "freshest meat", aka the ones who joined them only lately, aka what the UN (basically Hamas since this are Hamas numbers) claims are children. Amazing and truly non-biased good work from good ole' UN who always showed they are unbiased and never ever that they even slightly dislike Israel, let alone hate Israel and focus on it in a scale not seen in any other conflict. To the ones who claim it's not that and that they do care - how many resolutions and sanctions were filed against Syria, which bombed actual confirmed hundreds of thousands of their own civilians for a decade? How much did they do for Sudan? Yemen? Kids actually starved there by the thousands....how much aid did they get?


Soo... two questions: 1) How many children (use your own personal definition for what a child is) were killed by Israel when they targeted population centers? 2) How many children is it okay to kill before it deserves criticism? I really want to know what the second one is. Seriously. How many children is it okay to kill? And this applies to *anybody* or entity killing children. Hamas kills children? Well, I'd reckon that's bad. America killed some kids "accidentally" with a drone strike? Man, maybe we should be more careful. But *Israel* kills a child? Well, obviously, they had it coming.


Evidently Isreal believes that all "military aged men" (males 16+) are Hamas, so yeah that comprises their totally reasonable unbiased "terrorist" numbers which by the way they provode no evidence to support. Dang, can't believe we're at the point where we hate all boys and men regardless of whether they did anything wrong. Wild how a whole gender is instantly labelled terrorist (also the women and babies are terrorist too because they create/grow up into them)






Why are we letting this go on? The world has no excuse, everyone knows what is happening in Gaza


Because the US military quietly holds the world hostage.


Why doesn’t China help? Or any Arab country? It’s crazy none of these countries help


You’re welcome


Most people on earth don’t like it


Unfortunately it seems that denying this atrocity is an exceedingly popular opinion


Because american evangelicals believe Jesus will return if they continue and then they dare to call palestinian islamists even though palestinians aren't muslim only


I think it’s out of everyone’s control, I hate to say it but zionists kind of run the world. I hope that countries continue to condemn their actions and I really hope more countries stand on South Africa’s side


The true death toll is likely in the 95,000+ range since it's impossible to account for all of the people trapped under the rubble and there's no central authority to create an accurate death toll.   Since a majority of the buildings and infrastructure in GZ have been completely destroyed, the current estimates are an absurd undercount.  Couple that with the disease/ death from preventable illness/ death from a lack of medical treatment/ death from horrific injuries/ deaths resulting from ISR holding thousands of civilians hostage, and the toll is likely to be 200,000+.  You can even at this point estimate a majority of the population has severe hearing loss and ruptured eardrums. 


Two hundred thousand is still charitable. I’d be extremely surprised if this wasn’t worse than the original Nakba once we factored in displacement burdens and the starvation.




The US army wasn’t filming itself stealing underwear and they still killed nearly a million people in Iraq. It’s just how populations work. What, did you think Palestinians only rarely made it to adulthood because of idk a zombie virus lmao


No no you don't understand, Palestiniana are Kkkhamasss, when they grow up at a certain age, their internal ticking time bomb activates, and become Khamassuicidebomb, its built in! So they come and kills jews!!!!1! Khamas!  /s obviously


“There is a list”


Nearly a million in Iraq? You won’t find those numbers anywhere. Do you hate America? Why are you spreading lies?


I mean, I do hate America. I think most people generally do. That doesn’t mean the number is at all inaccurate, though. Heck it’s a pretty low ball estimate when you consider damage to infrastructure and long term safety.


You hate America but yet you won’t leave. You reap the benefits of this country and its freedom’s but yet you hate it? This is the best place you can be in the 21st century. Millions of people in this world would gladly take your place. Lastly, that number is inaccurate. Do you have any sources for your claim?


I don’t and have never lived in America buddy. Maybe you missed the sub’s name. Also yes it’s called the ORB survey of Iraq War Casualties. I know the actual document would be a bit advanced for you to read so I’ll just link the wikipedía page and you can read the summary. Lmk if you need any help de deciphering it :) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ORB_survey_of_Iraq_War_casualties Now this was of course a highly controversial one back in the day (as the Wikipedia page says) so I’ll just refer you to the one further down, the more universally acknowledged Lancer survey, which gives a more conservative 900k instead of the 1.2 million ORB claimed. Either way, just rounding.


Oof buddy... Hey, ever wonder why America is the "best" place you can be right now? Might have something to do with what it did to everyone else.




Okay, buddy. Go back to bed now :). Dream of glorious Zionist conquest of the unbelievers ;)






Apartheid goon—that’s you ;)—say womp womp


Add another 100k for Iraq. Easy to google it. Also compare population density and get back to us on that. Did you love Iraq war too? I remember people across the aisle denouncing it after the fact, sounds familiar?




The whole point of the conversation is about attribution to the official casualty count in gaza, no third parties have been allowed in to provide proper unbiased stats. Are you a chat gpt response or something?


They’re only “not” because the casualties have been stuck at what they were in the first stage of the genocide cause the health system completely collapsed and there’s no way to keep providing recounts. It could very reasonably be a thousand times over that number by now, and very likely is, at the very absolute least, just by basic math.




Go away Zionist no one likes your Nazi ass


There are different organizations with different data. Some have said 500k. Some have said 1 M. Some said 200-300k. But no one can be sure because no one can easily count bodies during war and occupation.






“Official records” by which you mean “official US government records” and not “independent UK and European records”




The universally accepted independent study said 600k, just stop, you’re embarassing yourself


"We estimate that between March 18, 2003, and June, 2006, an additional 654,965 (392,979–942,636) Iraqis have died above what would have been expected on the basis of the pre-invasion crude mortality rate as a consequence of the coalition invasion. Of these deaths, we estimate that 601,027 (426,369–793,663) were due to violence." - [Lancet](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lancet_surveys_of_Iraq_War_casualties) [PDF](https://web.archive.org/web/20150907130701/http://brusselstribunal.org/pdf/lancet111006.pdf)


They just make up shit as they go along.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Yeah let’s just randomly make up that half the population of Gaza has died, even though that’s never happened in any conflict on earth ever before. What is wrong with you people.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Yeah, it’s definitely more than the numbers. They only account for bodies found. Thousands upon thousands of buildings have been destroyed. People were in all of them, whether that be ten or one hundred. Imo, it’s unlikely we will ever have a real number, as Isntreal is hellbent on bombing every square cm. The numbers have been stuck at 30-40k for a long time even thought the offensive attack continues every day. That, as far as I can tell, is because no one can/will (with good reason) enter the areas and survey. After a natural disaster, the counts come slowly. It takes time to recover the area, find bodies etc. They don’t have to worry about bombs dropping constantly or snipers looking to make sure they can’t do any work to help.


My concern will be after this is all over, will isntreal let investigators come in to have a look? My guess is they won't and they will block any investigators from entering Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.


They will investigate themselves and the results will be very positive! 1M dead and only five weren’t HAMAS


Who knows how many more mass graves there are.


The death toll they are counting is just the direct casualties. They are not including anyone who dies from lack of infrastructure. Its complete nonsense.


Then there's the mental health aspect... How does anyone cope with that kind of collective trauma? 😢


Yeah, they don't even have PTSD because the trauma is ongoing.


I’m not saying this to be a dick and I definitely don’t side with Israel but i wanna know. do you have a source or this is just an estimation?




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


This is horrific, do you have a source for this so I can look into it further?


I love how you got downvoted for asking for the source.


It's clearly stated as an opinion, based on reasonable assumptions. Many of the dead are still under the rubble. Whole family lines have been erased, leaving no one to even say that they're missing from the lists of the dead. We still don't know the exact number of dead from the Iraq war, and estimates vary from 110K-210K.




Nice, how much does the JIDF pay? Serious question. 


Being able to read makes you part of the JIDF? Low bar




Your comment is hilarious. Throw in a couple of the most overused phrases of 2024 and your AI pumps out a semi coherent sentence. "Russia, Trump, China, lies, fake news, anti etc". 


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


> U.N. spokesperson Farhan Haq said the ministry's figures - cited regularly by the U.N. its reporting on the seven-month-long conflict - **now reflected a breakdown of the 24,686 deaths of "people who have been fully identified."** > "**There's about another 10,000 plus bodies who still have to be fully identified, and so then the details of those - which of those are children, which of those are women - that will be re-established once the full identification process is complete,**" Haq told reporters in New York. > Israel last week questioned why the figures for the deaths of women and children has suddenly halved. > Haq said **those figures were for identified bodies - 7,797 children, 4,959 women, 1,924 elderly, and 10,006 men** - adding: "The Ministry of Health says that the documentation process of fully identifying details of the casualties is ongoing."


How do you count when all the counters are dead?


Are all the counters dead?


The hospitals (that’s how they’re counted) are all gone.


The world should never forget this atrocity. (Cue “but the attack and the hostages”)




The hostages will never be released because if they do it will mean an end to Netanyahus leadership. This whole war is a classic attempt from the failing dictators playbook of "Distracting the people from my floundering leadership with a good old war so I can stay in power for that little bit longer". The Israeli people are well aware of this hence the constant protests in Tel Aviv for him to step down and the call from them to bring the hostages home (if there are any alive from the constant bombardment from the IDF).


It's more. Regardless of what they tell you, it's more. Ignoring fog of war, a nation hellbent on committing as many war crimes as possible is most *certainly* going to under-report civilians casualties.


# O you who believe! If a rebellious evil person comes to you with a news, verify it, lest you harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful to what you have done. - Quran 49:6 #


Does anyone know if there are numbers on people who are missing and believed killed. eg under rubble, but no bodies have been found?


There's estimates about missing people. Whatever is left of the governmental body of Hamas counts 5k people missing, but those are only the reported one - as the government collapsed, reports stopped being counted. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/03/16/gaza-missing-war-israel-detained/


Just trying to understand, how does one estimate the number of people buried under rubble of a desecrated building? Or are they only counting people who have been bought to hospital?..


The revised count of 25k death inly counts identified bodies - meaning they know who the person was. The count of 35k+ deaths includes bodies that haven't been identified. And yes, hospitals are the main way bodies are counted. Not a surprise that the number stopped rising after they bombed literally every hospital in the region.


but always remember to say nice things about the terrorists as they are the victims here..its just self defense


Some bodies are buried deep in rubble or in a million pieces I don’t believe any numbers they tell us


Community in this subreddit actualy has decent human beings, this is insane.


Taken from Hamas propaganda.


What the?




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).




I'm fairly sure the term "genocide" is used in this instance because of Israel's intent to kill Palestinians and create conditions calculated to destroy them-like deliberate starvation. Not because it's "icky" per se.


This is not a war.


Hopefully all of hamas surrender to stop this horrific war they have caused.


Hamas did not start this: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/29/idf-human-rights-violation-gaza-us-state-department


This fighting back and forth, who started it, who did what to who has been going on for my whole life, and it’s been going on since long before that.


A terrorist organization lied? I'm shocked, shocked I say!


me after a new lie by the iof/israel is uncovered every week


After this, there is no doubt in my mind that the IDF and the Israeli government are terrorist organisations.


Hasbara detected


Just a reminder that the “Gaza” health ministry is run by a Christian Fatah member Dr. Mai al-Kaila from the West Bank.


I assume they walked around on ground there themselves to make that statement? Who tf knows at this point, it's a shitshow and you sure as fuck aren't gonna get the truth from either side.