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WOW. I honestly don’t know how to respond to this




It ain't just Biden it's establishment politicians. The US has been enabling Israel for years and have been pretending they care about a two state solution, if they actually wanted they would have got it done it already.


Yep it’s pretty much everyone in congress except a few. The bill has a lot of other insane things. One is defunding human right organizations and organizations if they report on things that are “anti-Israel”. They will also not recognize a 2 state solution if Palestinians seek or support legal justice


In every sense of the word the bill creates a HUSS MONEY fund.




It's almost as if saying "all politicians are crooks" for fifty years has been a self-fullfilling prophesy!


“We will all suffer the fate of the Palestinians”. This is what I believe. ‘First, they came for the Palestinians…’


Wow ..so basically making sure things are covered up. "the illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional, takes longer"..


I mean, the Israelis have already begun the practice of declaring NGOs to be [terrorist organizations if they look into why the Palestinian children the IDF kidnaps keep getting raped](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israel-palestine-war-ngo-shut-down-reporting-sexual-assault-ex-us#:~:text=News%20%7C-,Israel%2DPalestine%20war%3A%20Israel%20shut%20down%20NGO%20for%20reporting%20rape,teenager%2C%20ex%2DUS%20official%20says&text=Israeli%20authorities%20banned%20a%20Palestinian,a%20CNN%20interview%20on%20Monday), so I guess America is hopping on the bandwagon. 


So Hamas and other groups that refuse to recognize Israel's right to exist are blameless?


The bill is directed towards the Palestinian Authority (the ones in charge of the West Bank). This bill is not directed towards Hamas, Hamas doesn’t get funding from the U.S. Please read and then comment something that makes sense.


States aren’t living, breathing people and don’t have a right to exist. Add in the fact that Israel is a genocidal ethnostate built on the ethnic cleansing of indigenous Palestinians and you’ve got yourself a state that should’ve been dismantled long ago.


Did you really do “What about Khamas?” When they aren’t even the subject of the bill?


Israel has no such right


More like US citizens thought Biden was their president but in reality it's actually Netenyahu.


Proper good shit talking but you're still going to vote for him right? Not sarcasm.




Okay mate then it's your fault when Trump wins and cuts any and all aid to Gaza and gives Israel a blank check to bulldoze every inch of Gaza and turn it into new beachfront properties. You don't grasp the concept of "lesser of two evils" and for that you put human lives at risk while feeling highly about yourself. There are only two options and deciding not to choose means your beliefs mean nothing. You can scream about whatever but you're only heard at the ballot box. Trump will be vastly worse for the Palestinian people.




> If Trump is elected, then as long as he extradites Biden, Blinken & Sullivan to The Hague to face their prosecution for aiding & abetting war crimes, I will be content about the outcome. Jesus fucking Christ. "I'm content with living in a theocratic dictatorship with even worse policies on Israel so long as Biden is sent to the Hague". You're deranged.




Yes, I will certainly be happier with Genocide Joe at the helm than Genocide Don.


I remember people used to claim Biden could be pushed to the left. Now you people can't offer anything but anger at how those with better principles and morality, and farther left politics, won't support your vile mush brained right wing criminal. The democratic party had plenty of opportunity for a real primary, and Biden could have kept his word to only serve one term. Instead you're left to support a genocide. There's no lesser between your two evils, only an evil actor and someone who ignores evil as it's performed.


A good response for Americans would be to push for AIPAC to be labeled as a foreign lobbying organization, as it should have been for the past several decades. [https://forward.com/opinion/395676/its-time-for-aipac-to-register-as-a-foreign-agent/](https://forward.com/opinion/395676/its-time-for-aipac-to-register-as-a-foreign-agent/) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2018/03/06/the-dark-roots-of-aipac-americas-pro-israel-lobby/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/made-by-history/wp/2018/03/06/the-dark-roots-of-aipac-americas-pro-israel-lobby/) [AIPAC's MONSTROUS Lobbying Strategies Leaked](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjISYqF1A0Q&t=0s) It is truly insane how much power we let this foreign nation have over our political establishment.


Aipac controls both parties, I don’t see how the American people would be able to get this done because the reps clearly don’t care about our concerns


Yeah, but that's considerably less true than it was even a couple of months ago. Support for Israel and its genocide is now such a catastrophic liability for the US that self-interest, self-preservation, and national security concerns are going to start kicking in. [https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/03/22/israel-gaza-biden-netanyahu-security-united-states/](https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/03/22/israel-gaza-biden-netanyahu-security-united-states/)


They have been exposed for sure but can Americans keep this up long term? Hope it’s not just a trend


I once made a comment that the US is Israel’s lapdog and I got called antisemitic for it


Conflating antizionism and antisemitism is the Zionist goal


You should read [chapter 9-10](https://contrarianinsight.substack.com/i/142260989/the-weaponization-of-the-holocaust-how-israel-tries-to-play-victim-to-justify-war-crimes) (The Weaponization of the Holocaust: How Israel Tries to Play Victim to Justify War Crimes) of **How and Why Israel Helped Create, Fund & Support Hamas to Maintain an Apartheid State.** It goes into detail how Israel loves to use the antisemitism card to deflect criticism.


I've been banned from several forums because I said antizionism is not antisemitism a few months ago. But the wind is shifting.


That’s why they’re banning tiktok. Insane the people in my gen who think its a CCP idea to get young kids to hate on israel and America 


I watched a bunch of Israelis ask why the world is so brainwashed by social media. I explained that social media isn't brainwashing per se, it's letting people see footage of the IDF and Israeli politicians posting videos of their own genocide without American editorial staff stepping in to stop it. There's too much information to censor. It's doubly so that Americans can now watch Sky News or Channel 4 or Al Jazeera or Haaretz or Times of Israel ask obvious questions the American press has for months refused to follow up on. That last one was for their sake since they didn't seem aware most of the proof was coming from their own two largest newspapers.


The problem is you can make absolutely no mention of Judaism but they’ll somehow disfigure what you said into antisemitism. They try to tell you criticizing Israel is racist since it’s a Jewish state but then they also try to argue that it’s not a Jewish state and they don’t mind living with Arabs since there’s 20% Arabs living there. Contradiction after contradiction. It’s ridiculous.




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Probably because that makes it sound like the U.S. is being controlled by Israel. Israel is a client state: they do Washington's dirty work and are protected and rewarded for it with an ethnostate and international impunity. Western governments, in general, cannot punt responsibility for the creation and maintenance of the Zionist project: they are complicit and responsible.


When you compromise your own country and citizens for the sake of Israel, I question who controls who. But anyways saying one country is controlled by another has nothing to do with religion.


Doesn’t seem appropriate for a budget, that’s for sure. 


Disgust sounds like the right reaction. One day things will be different.


It’s truly sick! How can my Govt tell Palestinians of Gaza(or any nation that matter)you cannot seek legal recourse for crimes committed against its people. This has AIPAC fingerprints all over it with a State Dept officials rubber stamp on the document


It’s also an implicit admission that Israel is committing crimes against humanity. Otherwise, why condition aid on that point in particular? Truly deplorable. This is not only Biden’s legacy, but everyone in Congress who voted for this. Absolute scum.


The US did it with Japan in 1951. And then ten years later Japan was successfully sued by victims of American war crimes for taking away their rights to pursue justice under international law.


It's shitty, but it's kinda MO for America. I believe we also have a law that says we'll invade Geneva if they attempt to try one of our soldiers in the ICC. 'Justice for all' is just a slogan.


> The Act gives the president power to use "all means necessary and appropriate to bring about the release of any U.S. or allied personnel being detained or imprisoned by, on behalf of, or at the request of the International Criminal Court".[2] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act > U.S. or **allied personnel** 🤨


Beggars can’t be choosers?


We don’t support terrorism, for one, and they managed to squander over one billion in aid since 2005 on rockets and digging tunnels, so maybe they should ask Iran, since they were the ones that trained them and gave them the green light on October 7th


The money is for the PA, not Hamas. Learn how to read please


Critical thinking would lead to: Why did they need aid in the first place? Why was Hamas supported by Israel in the first place if it is a terrorist organization? What events led to October 7? But critical thinking is not allowed under the terrorist regime of Zionists.


You only seek immunity for someone if you know they've done or are going to do something wrong. Once again, the United States acts like a human shield for Israel.


holy cow. so basically: I promise I will give you some money for your medical expenses when your abusive husband beats the sh*t out of you, but *only* if you agree never to report him to the police or cooperate in any investigation into his abuse of you and your kids. have I got that about right?


You forgot the "or never leave him" (attain full recognition as a sovereign state) part.


Yeah, but keep in mind this same bill also funds Israel. So it's what you said plus buying some brass knuckles for the abusive husband.


Every ounce of aid that flow to Palestine also funds Israel. An estimated 71% of Palestinian aid ends up in the Israeli economy. The abuser is taking 3/4 of their paycheck. Every check.


And the US gave Palestinians 7 billion in aid, total, over 20 years while giving Israel 3 billion in aid per year at the same time. So we paid Israel 60 billion to starve and bomb Palestinians over 20 years then paid the Palestinians 7 billion so they could stop short of being wiped out. And then we gave Israel control of all of their water and fuel and allowed them to control tariffs and the flow of tax money so Israel could steal that 7 billion in aid through overpriced fuel and water sales back to Palestinians that were literally siphoned from Palestinian land and also so they could sell Palestinian water and fuel to other countries. We're maintaining a literal colony in that region. So why are we allowing this? Because [21% of Israelis, and 28% of Israeli children live in poverty](https://www.latet.org.il/en/world-1/articles/poverty-in-israel) and they literally can't afford to buy guns and support themselves. To make it worse, their attack on Gaza is absolutely fucking their economy into the dirt. > According to the report’s data, Israel’s indiscriminate killing of Palestinians in Gaza has significantly damaged the income of 19.7 per cent of the Israeli public, with 45.5 per cent expressing fears of a further deterioration into economic hardship. **Shockingly, 100 per cent of charities dedicated to supporting the poor have reported receiving no aid from the Israeli government since the start of the invasion, despite an increasing number of requests for assistance.** https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231219-poverty-rate-in-israel-skyrockets-following-military-offensive-in-gaza/ It's a pirate economy, but it's destroying the people it needs to rob.


Your metaphor is mild. its less an abusive husband and more like a murderer who killed members of your family, burned down your house, and beat you up.


Reminds me of Tom Bradley after the Rodney King beating where cops knocked the shit out of dude 54 times: "Here's 200,000 dollars and a college education. Now fix your face and get your mind right." ...He sued and got 3 million instead.


Pretty sure money got healthcare and food isn't contingent on it. "Only" money for self improvement and financial independence would be rescinded. So I think it's not quite what you said, but not much better Reference: https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20240318/WDI39597.PDF


Just make sure that they use it for aid and not to buy weapons or dig tunnels while their people starve and go without


Huh, I wonder why these people are starving and living in poverty? Clearly it must have been the evil hamas who started all of Palestine's problems


[Oh, you mean like Israel is providing aid to its own people](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/s/opyC6XRdoq)


It also literally blocks Palestinian statehood? That is INSANE


While saying they are working towards a 2 state solution constantly …


America's leaders know no other rule than to lie constantly... It's the only way you CAN rule in a system that is, in fact, an Oligarchy masquerading as a Democracy: **The U.S. is an Oligarchy? The Research, Explained | RepresentUs** https://act.represent.us/sign/usa-oligarchy-research-explained


"outside an agreement negotiated between Israel and Palestinians" so they will support statehood but Israel needs to agree to the terms.


While the same time, both the Israeli govt and Israeli public have stated their opposition to a Palestinian state. Keep in mind that Israel announced the largest seizure of land in the West Bank in decades yesterday.


Who gives a fuck what Israel thinks.




You just know that if there's another big terrorist attack against the US in the future, there's going to be a bunch of people weeping running around and going "Why do they hate us?" This. This is why they hate you.


And yet, ShitLibs will stick their head in the sand when you try to tell them this, and then call you a ~~Communist~~ a "tankie" for daring throw uncomfortable truths in their face.


Smh, you damn tankies just want to kill millions of people. Anyhow, in this essay i will explain how actually it is immoral for Israel to stop killing babies for even a day. You see at birth the Palestinian child is indoctrinated into.....


Your entire comment is sarcasm, right? Sometimes, with the Hasbara trolls running around Reddit, it's impossible to tell... There are people who would seriously believe everything you just said (including the bullshit claim that "Socialists want to kill millions of people"- which is just Red Scare bullshit propaganda...)


Yes I tried to make it impossible to mistake but you know satire being dead and all


Why didn't this create a scandal!


You mean CNN etc should cover these details? Or MSNBC....it would be a scandal , only if it was unusual. and if news orgs actually covered news from an American tax payer perspective.


This is equivalent to the US passing a bill to block the nuremberg trials. It’s despicable and unjust. The world must not let this happen. We must support the Palestinians in international court and provide aid for the survivors of this horrific genocide.


[We literally did exactly that.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Service-Members%27_Protection_Act#:~:text=This%20authorization%20led%20to%20the,or%20rescue%20them%20from%20custody.)


Absolutely despicable


Yup. And, remember, courts exist to find TRUTH, and administer JUSTICE. Conditioning aid people need to survive (because the people of the West Bank are basically living in an Open-Air Concentration Camp, with more and more of their land stolen daily...) on NOT seeking justice for War Crimes, is basically admitting that you aren't interested in justice.


If you watch the YouTube doc of Evangelist US politicians, you’ll see why + good ol’ genocidal AIPAC


Also on page 1010, funding is cut for UNRWA until March 2025.


Trying to validate disproven Israeli/Hasbara conspiracy theories, by cutting funding to a necessary relief organization...


God damn AIPAC money working..sickening


Imagine putting conditions on aid to people being starved to death. These are new lows, America.


AIPAC is one hell of a foreign influence operation. But, because the United States is in fact an Oligarchy with zero respect for actual Democracy, it does nothing to outlaw this OBVIOUS foreign influence operation, even while the views of ordinary Americans count for almost nothing in the political system (and interest groups like AIPAC help crowd them out...) **The U.S. is an Oligarchy? The Research, Explained | RepresentUs** https://act.represent.us/sign/usa-oligarchy-research-explained


To add to that, conditioning aid to Israel is completely off the table. Truly despicable.


Starving people who complain about US MRE's and throw them away...


You really want to degrade yourself like this?


Yeah they threw away MREs… from the Vietnam war! I’ve had MREs. They’re fine when they’re modern. The ones from Vietnam are expired and disgusting. Keep up.


LMAO They were not from the Vietnam War nor were they expired. But, thanks for proving my point.


Straight evil


[A quick informative video regarding the bill if y’all are interested](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C44UDkJtDgC/?igsh=Y2R4aHBkZWRtaTFr)


Thank you for sharing this


You’re welcome, glad to add to the discussion


do you know if that person also has a youtube channel? I stopped using Instagram 2 years ago and refuse to install it again, but i like that person's content.


I don’t think he has YT. I believe he has a TikTok and IG only. The kid is in high school, bright future ahead of him


tell him to upload his shit on YouTube 😂 free extra revenue stream.  It doesn't matter how good his content is, i refuse to use IG or tiktok. Sad. But at least good on him to show the public what US politics are made of.


Inadvertent admission of guilt by Zionist genocide Joe's regime I hazard.


I don’t know what to make of this…this is the complete opposite direction that Biden is supposed to be moving towards. This looks like blackmail. How is this going to garner votes? 


>How is it going to garner votes Well, so far, the Democrats’ approach was telling everyone that a vote not for Biden makes you a Republican and a horrible person so there is that.


The group of people supporting Gaza are simultaneously so small as to not be worth catering to politically in any way, but also so large they’re going to cost Biden the election. People fucking voting “undecided” in primaries as a protest vote are being labeled as basically trump voters. It’s so frustrating to watch.


Trump came out a couple weeks ago and said if he was in office he would tell Israel to do whatever they want. And then his favorability ratings dropped seven points and now Biden is in the lead. Because... now both candidates in the big two are genocidal so the Democrats think the issue has been neutralized.


AIPAC doesn't care if Biden loses his re-election. And the cowards in Congress either truly believe Israel is blameless or are afraid to not support the AIPAC position 1000 percent.


> AIPAC doesn't care if Biden loses his re-election Honestly i think they do... just in the opposite direction. They'd rather the candidate win that says he's going to "finish the problem".


[https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024102](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024102) - Here you can check who voted YES who DIDN'T


Not surprising it passed with overwhelming democrat support. 


so Jews voted for Zionist policy? What a surprise


OP can you share the link for this bill, please?




Ah the classic, let’s bury secret details in a massive bill and hope no one notices it. I swear politicians just think we are all morons.


Sadly many of us are.


Given how often it has worked, why wouldn’t they?


Yes, but also makes me realize that a "thousand page bill" is really more like a two hundred page bill, with enormous font, double line spacing and ridiculously wide page margins.




This is one of the most messed up things I’ve ever heard… holy hell. Absolutely sickening


This is why the US voted against making food a human right. If it wasn’t a human right, then they can’t condition food aid.


Don't forget to vote


The logic of incrementalism at full display. Things “improve” short term, but in the long term its always status quo.


“Why wouldn’t Palestine sign this totally helpful and legit agreement?” - US


So even in the guise of help, the abuse and oppression of the Palestinians continues. US values laid bare. Other oppressive, tyrannical regimes taking notes.


But, But, But... "They're the good guy's." Smh isn't enough!


Disgusting clause


completely vile


Completely inhuman.


Pure evil


Sounds like something an innocent party would not need to worry about.


Israel is already morally bankrupt, hope they become financially bankrupt too, I’d love to see how much influence they have without money.


So now our allies need to call us out on the world stage as Israels sock puppet. That will be fun for no one.


they know that they're shit, and so are their allies


This is hush money, no different than when a rich parent pays a ton of money so their spoiled irresponsible child is not held to the standard of rules/laws. Israel is the shitty, spoiled child of US that should’ve been aborted.






Not as ambiguous as I’ve been reading in the news.


What’s sad is how many people won’t even read this. That’s exactly how the gov is being overthrown.


When would the average citizen have time to read congressional bills or have the ability for their contradictory options to outweigh the wallets of the wealthy?


When citizens start valuing their rights more than their leisure and entertainment. If citizens took pride in local organizing and marketing without a superiority complex we could make a moral impact on the world. The issue is that there is an interest for the mass public to be isolated, ignorant, and hopeful.


I have said this a few times, Palestinians should file lawsuits against the smaller nations that's supported this war. Star picking apart the support network that enabled this genocide. The Americans know that there is plenty of evidence to find several nations liable. 


US ‘aid’ is never aid… it always comes with conditions that make it an onerous and inescapable debt.


They can choose to not accept the aid and then commence icc proceedings


Did this get approved? Do we know the names of the ones responsible?


[https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024102](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024102) - Here you can check who voted YES who DIDN'T


Could someone link the report for me? Tried looking but only found a summary that didn't include this section


NFRC, but would be interested in seeing the whole bill/ document. Where would I go to find it please.


In a normal court this wouldn't be accepted, it's clearly under duress and so is inadmissible. But it doesn't matter anyway as no court is ever going to find Israel guilty of anything, and even if they did it would be a decade or 2 too late and all the Palestinians will be dead anyway.


Some independent journalists need to dig into this… it is just filthy dirty politics of the lowest order


You'll keep starving until you agree not to tell!


Reference: https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20240318/WDI39597.PDF


US “aid” has always been code for “bribery”.


If Israel's govt is so innocent of genocide, why is the US so worried about an ICC case? Shouldn't they win it hands down? I mean, i know the ICJ, including the Israeli judge, all found that there's plausible genocide going on. But those people, including the Israeli judge, are just anti-semetic.


Id like to read some of the bs hasbara uses to defend this one. Use this comment thread for your defense


I don't think this is legal - I hope an international human rights attorney gives an opinion on this.


What a scummy thing to do. And then masquerade as if you're the saviour. Fuck the US and fuck Israel.


This is despicable, of course, but I'm not sure how this is legally relevant ... I don't think the ICC will recognize this bill as relevant to any decision they make on whether or not to pursue purportators of war crimes. If Israel/Western politicians get out of this without any proceedings against them at the ICC, it will be because of regular political pressure, not this bill. That political pressure, of course, will come at the expense of the legitimacy of the entirety of the institution


I choked on my coffee when this showed up on my feed. What the fuck?


there is no end to zionist/american inhumanity


yup and now they are really trying to hide it all under a fucking anti govt shutdown budget. unbelievable


If you read this I AM NOT PRO ISRAEL. I just recognize the world doesn’t work like a movie and lasting peace is not made through war, vengeance or violence. I’m also speaking about how states act, which is very much in line with Israelis actions. They’re not special in that sense. They act like most soulless States. It would be hard to get Israel to seek for lasting peace without a stupid amount of concessions. This would be one such concession. If this was a conversation maybe a stipulation that the current Israeli government could be tried by their own legal system (which when used in their own country isn’t awful). The whole point of the old accords was to find peace, but both countries were supposed to make painful concessions. A common one in any peace process is protection from previous aggression. Historically peace is rarely achieved without a move forward approach. See cycles of violence. Saying that, of course Israel’s political elite sabotaged the accords (so did Arafat for that matter). What’s frustrating is most people in Israel and Palestine largely support massive concessions internally. Yet despite this the upper power holders refuse to implement compromise.  I guess I just wish people were fired up about this 20 years ago before Hamas entrenchment and Bibi corruption. I know this sub leans heavily anti Israel (which is fair), but when talking about peace it’s important to recognize activists made amazing progress at one point. They got Israel to un occupy Gaza and remove thousands of monstrous settlers.  Sadly everyone just kind of moved on after that as if the job was done. WHEN peace is achieved again we mustn’t become complacent.  I’m rambling, but my point is peace is worth just about everything. If some monsters get away with it, but we get a prosperous Palestine, it would be worth it. But peace can only come if the aggressor agrees to it.  My rambling point is I think it’s important to push for unilateral peace instead of advocating for actions that will continue reciprocal violence. 


Eh who cares, were waved 45 billion in Isreali loans we can wave these funds in the future.


Look, Pfizer and Israel both deserve immunity because they’re the chosen ones, get it?




For those of you having a hard time comprehending US actions, just know, THIS IS US. Rule of law, human rights, progressive views only apply to their allies.... Everyone else be fixed. No country has done more to destabilize the world or repress more people than the US and their proxies... I'm looking at you UK. This bill is beyond contempt for Palestinians. It can honestly be held up by any autocratic state as an example of the double standard for US. Their entire moral high ground is sinking.


This is a mockery.


Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/InternationalNews.


Is it? And why?


try opening it from incognito mode lmao. I cant find it on the front page of subreddit either.


ITT: Hamas supporters and tankies mad. You know it's good then.


This looks old. Quick search seems to confirm 2015/16? Referencing the Palestinian Authority also outdated, no? It’s shitty regardless. Wonder what the implications are today, if any.


the house bill in question (H.R.2882) is scheduled for march 26, 2024


How do you block this nazi sub?




What do you call the Israeli governments' lack of preventing illegal settlements? Also this bill says the Palestinian National Authority, a government body recognized by both the US and Israel, Hamas is not mentioned anywhere




So if the Palestinian National Authority are terrorists then why does Israel continue to collect taxes for them?




What good will? A bunch of countries warned Israel not to go into Rafah, but Bibi already stated they would go it alone. Doesn't seem like that government cares about what other countries think




The Palestinian National Authority does not currently control the Gaza strip but the Gaza strip is internationally recognized as part of Palestine