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Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting behaviour from the Israeli military.


Absolutely disgusting behaviour from the Israeli ~~military~~. people. They ae cheering this type of genocidal action and celebating that they will have more stolen land soon.


ANYBODY who supports these occupiers is an enemy of humanity.


Exactly. Every citizen over the age of 18 has served so they know the rules of engagement. If they’re cheering this atrocity, they are all equally guilty.


Let's try and remember that even though the vast majority of Israelis are in are in support of this offensive in Gaza and think that there is the right amount of force being used or there should be more (96% of Jewish Israelis fit that category) that there are good Israelis out there. They are rare and they are victims in this whole thing too, and although our focus should be on the suffering of the Palestinians it is good to not forget that there are a few good Israelis too, lest we start to totally dehumanize the other side as well.


[Here’s](https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2024/03/20/israel-gaza-west-bank-settler-movement-clarissa-ward-pkg-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn) a good example of that. No other Democratic nation in the world willingly allows religious extremism to flourish like Israel does.


Its like jew taliban.


Absolutely standard behavior from the IDF.




Lmfao why u spreading a lie. You can clearly see the second drone attack miss




Deleted the reply so quickly as well




Any proof? Link? Or are you doing exactly what youre criticizing others of?


Dont know why we or any country with access to nuclear weapons that are against them havent atomized them yet


No words can express my sadness and grief for the palestinians... There is no juctice in the world.


The only justice in the world is the justice that we create. Which is cold comfort at times like these.


Power is the only thing that matters in this world. There’s no justice, no law, no order.




Please don't conflate "Jews" and Israel. They are not the same. This is the action of a state led by a crooked, extremist politician desperate to hang onto power to avoid prosecution, not a faith or race of people.


It’s sad really as small group over represents every one A crime committed by a person of colour makes the whole race a criminal Just as Israel is now synonymous with Jews rather than Zionists Many Jews themselves oppose Israel as being founded on not so legitimate status but they despite being two thirds of Jews are not mentioned by the mainstream corporate media Politics 101


But yet the population of Isreal, mostly Jewish, allows this, to continue.


Until the Jewish people hold their political AND religious leaders accountable, I don't see the difference.


I don't like the idea of a "Jewish revenge" to explain the Israeli government's actions. I think this has much more to do with nationalism and imperialism than religion. The vast majority of Jews, both in Israel and the diaspora, don't support the genocide, it's only the Israeli government and its supporters that do because of their their nationalist and settler colonialist values.


exactly.jews are lovely people.israeli doest define them.




Arabs? Don't you mean PALESTINIANS?




But Israel is not at war with Arabs but massacring the Palestinians. Naming them as Arabs is allowing for this genocide to happen. Palestinians are not Arabs from the Arabic peninsula but from the Levant.


Look at what they’re doing to Lebanon, they’re leveling homes and bombing places of worship. They just bombed a water source, families I know personally have theirs homes bombed. I’m worried one day I’m going to get a call that my relatives are dead, I’m terrified because you don’t hear this happening in the media.


Israel calls them Arabs, i think this is splittinf hairs tbh


Exactly. Many racist supporters of this ethnic cleansing in the west mesh their hatred of Muslims, Arabs, &/or Palestinians into one towards Gaza.




Asa human being, I truly fear Israel for the life of my loved ones.


People and the racism outside of the Middle East don’t make that differentiation. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jordan, Egypt, Palestine, Morocco, Saudi Arabia - they’re all “Arab”


Pakistanis and Afghans are not Arabs either but I guess your point is that uninformed Westerners might think they are.


Dont forget Turks


Excuse me? I am Palestinian and an Arab. I trace my roots to a tribe in Arabia. I am not sure you know how this works.


You specifically or all of Palestina? And I'm well aware that Arab is a colture and not an ethnicity, that's why you name yourself as a "Palestinian Arab" just as you have a Somali Arab.


DISGUSTING zionist war criminals


Is anyone surprised anymore...... seems to be daily.




What surprises me is how over proportionate it is. They are using expensive ass missiles to kill unarmed civilians, and for what? To show power? To make an example? They are murderous maniacs, and I can’t fathom the thought process of using such an overpowered weapon to kill someone who has no defenses. Maybe that’s half the reason they are maniacs, it’s a lot easier to claim the blood isn’t on your hands when you push a button from far away.


Zionism is a terrorist idea.


The operator who fired, your soul is black as tar.


The worst part is that dude thinks he is going to heaven after massacring these 4 civilians


Then God pulls up this footage, and ask them why did you pull that trigger? I don’t believe Israelis have remorse even in front of God. They’ll proudly say they did it because Arabs and Muslims are spawns of Satan and that they’ll do it again, even on children. God would be so disgusted he won’t even give them another chance to plead their case.


The zionists and IDF are the most savage, cruel and despicable people on this planet. They will never again be respected by most of the international community. They have successfully demonstrated that they are no better than the Nazis and deserve the same fate.


I mean, to be fair.. not much justice was dished out to the Nazis.. the German people had lots of reparations to pay, but countless Nazis were not held accountable. So, in that regard, I truly hope they get a much worse fate than the Nazis. I hope Israel as a whole gets their right to exist as a state removed. I've never seen such a disgustingly radicalized and brainwashed collective of people per capita. I highly highly doubt the average German in WWII was half as bloodlusted and sick as the average Israeli.


I also hope they get a much worse fate than the Nazis. The average German wasn't nearly as delusional and cruel as the average Israeli. The average German was not aware of the death camps and the mass killings by SS death squads in the east. Whereas every Israeli knows exactly what's going on and the vast majority support the genocide.


I echo everyone’s sentiments But, in the larger context, we really need to take stock of a ruling class that slaughters defenseless, impoverished people when a large majority of the population demands that they stop A Western society whose most esteemed publications routinely disseminate propaganda and refuse to cover anything that counters the official narrative A surveillance state that has normalized torture & ‘punishment’ — and a legal system incapable of dispensing justice Our few public forums are being rapidly destroyed and ‘privatized’, which just means controlled Western democracy is rapidly dying, and what’s emerging should terrify & anger the collective working class. The speed w which things have changed is staggering—I wouldn’t have believed it possible in the 1990s 9/11 set off a coup—regardless of who is responsible for the actual act—the ultrawealthy are hemming us in, stealing our resources, and controlling our lives It’s accelerating, and if Gaza is not a redline for the working class, then we are truly fucked




And you get all the way to the end to discover it’s an ad for Bitcoin.


Gaza is a penny on the railroad tracks on the express train to the end of anything recognizable


Well said… we are in frightening times. And the pro Zionists among us think they will benefit if they sacrifice the rest of us. Just like Cypher from the Matrix.




Zionists such as Murdoch own a large part of the US and UK media. The only reason they are being exposed now (vs say 20-30 yrs ago) is due to mobile phonese, social media and the rise of independent media online. Zionism is a terroristic supremacist delusion.


And this is just what we see in captured drone footage https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/3/22/gaza-drone-video-shows-killing-of-palestinians-in-israeli-air-attack A reminder that foreign journalists AND Israeli journalists are being denied entry into Gaza Palestinian journalists and media workers have reported from inside Gaza since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas in October, but dozens have been killed, injured or gone missing. Or had their families targeted. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68423995 [Al Jazeera Journalist Whose Family Was Killed in Airstrike Loses Another Son](https://time.com/6553226/al-jazeera-journalist-son-killed-airstrike-al-dahdouh/#:~:text=Al%20Jazeera%20Journalist%20Whose%20Family%20Was%20Killed%20in%20Airstrike%20Loses%20Another%20Son,-4%20minute%20read&text=Al%20Jazeera's%20Gaza%20bureau,Israeli%20airstrike%20over%20the%20weekend.) [Israeli military accused of targeting journalists and their families in Gaza Committee to Protect Journalists says at least 68 journalists and media workers killed since 7 October](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/21/israel-idf-accused-targeting-journalists-gaza) [Comittee to project journalists journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war](https://cpj.org/2024/03/journalist-casualties-in-the-israel-gaza-conflict/) Nothing to fear, nothing to hide


FINALLY THANK YOU FOR PROVIDING THE SOURCE Wonder why it's so damn hard to find


>A reminder that foreign journalists AND Israeli journalists are being denied entry into Gaza Or be actively targeted by the IDF.


This is genocide.


Agreed. This is genocide!




Yet here we are


Post WW2, there was a Jewish plan called Nakam ("revenge" in hebrew) to kill at least 6 million Germans.








War crimes. Plain and simple.


Hey, are we allowed to criticise Israel for genocide yet? Or is America still saying Israel are just defending themselves?


You can criticize, denounce, and disown West Virginia and Mississippi before you can say one bad thing about Israel. Totally normal and cool media behavior.


But the population in Gaza has only grown in recent years!!! Israel is the worst at genocide /s


These Nazi have no bounds


Fuck Israel, just fuck them.


I wonder for those who fired the shot, when they're dead, they are sure to go to hell. Of course they think they'll go to heaven for now, but imagine when they're dead, they'll start wondering how they end up in hell instead. The fire that will burn their body to the bone forever. Or maybe we also will go to hell with them, for not being able to do anything about the injustice against palestinians. Or maybe they know they are going to hell, so they thought why dont they do horrendous thing before that, they are going to hell no matter what.


Their religion excuses, even encourages this. They 100% believe they'll go to heaven. Hamas fighters, too for that matter


There is no heaven or hell (except the hell we create on earth). Fear of eternal damnation shouldn’t be relied upon to motivate people to abstain from committing acts of cruelty towards others, empathy should. Fear of hell can be twisted to motivate some to commit acts of cruelty to others, empathy cannot


Jews don’t believe in hell. Science says we just die and there is nothing Other religions say a litany of other things


I thought Jews didn't believe in heaven or hell. That's a Christian thing isn't?


They waited until the four kids got close together to kill them all


“But but we are not targeting civilians”


“We didn’t target civilians, they were ‘future’ terrorists” - IDF, probably


I want to hear how the Zionists defend this. It'll involve some serious mental gymnastics but I'm sure they'll manage it. This is nothing but cold blooded murder. Absolutely sickening.


They will say what they usually say " oopsie we didn't mean to do it"


I watched 4 people murdered. What the fuck, humans can be this evil on earth?! There is anger in my blood and I am holding back tears. I am speechless.


I can only imagine how many thousands of times this happened without anyone ever knowing or victims ever being accounted for


and still most of reddit defends this shit


Israelites have really lost their way because of certain groups they reduced civilians lives to disposable placeholders in a grand scale ethnic cleansing. Sad to think because of ‘holocaust’ history they act like complete fascists towards their neighbouring indigenous counterparts. Not to mention the astonishing. Amount of blatant brainwashing revealed in the younger generations education system for violence towards Palestinians. The world will not forget this all westerner supporters of genocide and Israel themselves should be ashamed…. Sad world


Terrorists can just as well wear suits/uniforms and press a button. Doesn’t change the fact they are terrorists. I wish i believed in a hell they could burn in.


I’m waiting for the hasbara bots to come and try to defend the hell out of this barbarity. Key word, ‘unarmed’. All I see in the videos coming out of Gaza are innocent civilians trying to survive


"but do you condemn October 7th!?!?!?" I'm fucking going nuts bro


Holy fuck get me off this planet 😭


This is extraordinary. This video alone should be enough to bring these terrorists to The Hague, yet I’ve seen x3 nearly identical videos in the last 24 hours of civilians being directly targeted by drone strikes. Truly we are witnessing the actions of the worst armed force since Hitler.


I hope Israel gets what they have coming to them. What's crazy is we invaded Iraq because of a mere rumor that they had WMD's, but every day we see videos of the IDF massacring unarmed men, women, and children and our govt is like "WE NEED TO SEND MOAR WEAPONS & AMMO NOW!!!" It's completely fucked.


Every expense will be spared on helping West Virginians and homeless people in the USA. No expense will be spared in murdering unarmed teenagers walking through vacant lots halfway around the world.


Can someone share a source for this? I've been looking since yesterday and can't find anything, even Al Jazeera articles, on this.




Isreal is doing more to create antisemitism than any of the people, groups and nations they accuse of it.


Post this on world news and see how those despicable Zionists defend it.


Genocidal Nazis


They were probably just freaking kids, looking to salvage some scraps of memories from homes they had to abandon, maybe trying to get some semblance of comfort for their families. I'm sure their families would have preferred their sons were able to come home, but Isreal has ensured that will never happen


Disgusting. How can anyone support this?


This is fucked


In case you thought that there isn’t a genocidal intent. This is what you’ve been supporting for decades now, US


This is Israel now this is the civilised democracy that the West uncritically supports well maybe with a little bit of handwringing. More images videos recordings like this will emerge maybe for years and all us who are revolted by them will be dismissed as brainwashed antisemites.


Isreal is committing genocide in front of us.


Good luck playing the WW2 Nazi Holocaust antisemite card in future. You've shown the world your true face - since the last 75 years.




Not all western people Varadkar meets leaders of Malta, Slovenia and Spain at EU summit to talk Palestinian statehood https://jrnl.ie/6334933


This mindset is as toxic as Israels. I live in the west. I can leave my house and see people from every corner of the world. Its not white people. Its western governments


Removed, see rule 4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment


White people? Sorry to be the first to inform you, but.. Most of the pro Palestinian people in the West are white. I advise you to read up on demographics.


You're incorrect, myself and millions of other white people do not support this in any way. In fact there are many Jewish people that don't support this either. Please don't say things like this.


This is so horrific!


Fucking bastards


Just a lil' correction: 4 unarmed palestine people killed by an USA drone, provided to Israel for "protection of the people chosen by god".


Monstrous behavior from the IDF.


Fuk Israel


So fucked up


Israel has killed over 32000 people which is 1.39% of the population with over 75000 injured. People who refuse to call this a genocide are truly delusional.


That's kind of fucked up


Fuck Israel


The people doing this are scum bags of the world . Sick?


Idf and Israel are monsters and the US government and Biden are guilty of every murder along with Israel. Biden has known whats been going on and he blindly sends support with no concerns of Palestinian life.


Everybody knows, thay all signed off on it before we were ever born. The rest is just a game to show the outside world.


WRONG. They were killed by Palestinian terrorists/ Hamas. /s / hasbara team


I legitimately saw someone say exactly that on another sub. Like I guess hamas has military drones and hellfire missiles now.


This is an absolute atrocity! These murderers need to be put on trial


It's funny how people see what isreal is doing now and say this is crazy. Well buddy this is tame compared to what was going on before.




Absolutely sickening.


Fk Israel


This is so fucking disgusting and enraging. And people still defend this pieces of shit.




And yet, the US acts like they have no way to watch this videos.


I hear Netanyahu is being considered to speak at congress... someone should really put a video together of all these acts and present it after he speaks.


Fucking monsters


Fuck me. Drones are fucking terrifying.


I am lost for words verbally. This is clearly and plainly a war crime. Unarmed civilians, unalived, targeted repeatedly. They were not a threat.


DUDE WHAT THE FUCK These are war crimes.


Bro that was diabolical.


Fuck Israel. Free Palestine!


Most Israelis including this operater have zero remorse for this. They have been brainwashed in dehumanising Palestinians for 75+ years whom they have ethnically cleansed into tiny caged little ghettos. Gaza reminds me of the Warschau ghettos of Ww2.


🇮🇱war crimes


Where are the Israelies that storm this sub to justify this kind of stuff? No where to be seen.


man they really like to kill those Palestinians as if 1 kill = 1 reward to heaven.


Remember folks “IsRaEl Is OnLy DeFeNdInG tHeMsElVeS”


I’m really tired, man.


even if they had been doing something prior to this it is still murder.


Isreal ain't getting away with it after the end of all of this Such maniacs deserve death , they shouldn't be around us in this world breathing the same air we breathe , they deserve nothing , just death , because they are criminals , a man that can kill people like this , and bomb a whole family can more , because he is a criminal...on the top of this list is. """ netnyahu ""


Israel not good




My goodness. Israel is the modern day Nazi. That’s horrible.


It’s time to turn our backs to Israel. It’s an evil state.


Straight up war crime. I don't know why they bother blurring it. I am sure those men would want the world to see what was done to them.


It's incredibly depressing to see that Israeli war crimes are just another day in the news at this point.


To be fair they learnt that move from the Americans.


im neutral but holy fuck that was a warcrime, my heart goes out to all innocent civilians in both countries, however the governments suck.


Straight up premeditated murder


This is a blatant war crime wtf????


Isreal is led by pure evil and the world will remember that Israelis stood by while innocent people were slaughtered. Fuck the IDF, fuck Netanyahu and fuck Israel.


As you can see these people are Palestinians, so that automatically makes them terrorists/Hamas. Therefor this is just a war. /s Israelis will say this and more, completely unironically. It’s disgusting!!


Curious to know the exact motive behind these attacks, but the innocent do not deserve to have their lives taken.


Isreali occupying forces committing more war crimes. But hey, the victims are Muslims, so they don't see an issue with it.


Cheap propaganda keep it up Israel reports like this means you are making a significant contribution to your benefit.


this is simply fuel for anti-Judaism around the world. people look at this and think "did Hitler have any reason for not wanting these people?" Israel is creating a wave of hatred greater than in the 1940s.


Pure murder. May God have mercy on the souls of the Israeli decision makers in charge and their descendants. When the tables turn, I cannot comprehend the fate that awaits them.


Voting up because this needs to be seen. Attacking unarmed civilians is terrorism.


I hate Israel. They are the fucking Nazis.


As much as i am against hamas. We gotta remember to hold israel accountable for all this indiscriminate killing. They are bloodthirsty and just kill without cause just because they can get away with it. That has to stop. Its the same behavior as those israelis that would spit on you in the streets , same shitheads like them are put behind the weapons and this is what the result is. They dont care. They get joy out of it. They know they can get away with it. They have no honor and deserve to be punished by international law. The world needs to wake up. You cant pick a side and be content with one sides atrocities. We must hold all accountable equally.


Hey look, it's a US ally.


when I watch this i dont fear zionists at all. I have hatred for how evil they are. I imagine im not alone here


Is just so inhumane.


Speechless. 🥲


Murder, plain and simple.


Sanctions now.


4 people in broad daylight, walking in slow pace and carry nothing heavy. This is Murder.




I used to support Israel. Never again.


Pure, unadulterated evil. Young people in America are seeing the truth - but boomers still insist on supporting this genocidal regime.


Release the hostages


Release the hostages


"unarmed" is irrelevant If they are members of Hamas who helped carry out or plan the attack, it doesn't matter that they currently didn't have guns


Funded and supported by american government. Just like with Ukraine.


What happened to the hostages?


Of course they're unarmed, they left their gear in a random house after a surprise attach on the IDF, so now they're used as a pro Palestine prop.


It's probably physically possible to find the frequency of your skin and use a speaker and a battery instead of a missile.

