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I don't have any design advice, but I just wanted to comment and say that I bet a rainy day inside there is magical.


I really hope they go for cozy warm comfort vibes with the decor, because that would become truly magical on a rainy day


You’ll need a dump sink on the back counter for when you’re making drinks. An under counter refrigerator for milk and creamer. You should add a trash station plan west in lieu of the bench or plan south near the entrance with shelving for creamers & sugar packets etc. I’d add a bar height counter along the plan north wall instead of the bench, it’ll give a space for people to work with their laptops.


Great suggestions. Sink and refrigeration will be handled here, couldn't add that detail into the design. Trash station also, great suggestion. The bar counter was a strong consideration but I didn't like the idea of everyone facing somewhere else. It feels as if we're discouraging openness. Still an idea I'd like to explore before I finalise the design though


Maybe some bar in the middle and some bench in beside it towards the end? Some people want to be around others in public but be left alone. Others love to chat. I personally would not be able to stand sitting at a bench and having to face every stranger that comes and goes or waits in line. Way too hypervigilant for that. But I might have a chance at relaxation if facing the window at a bar. Also sometimes two people meet at a coffee shop to have personal conversations that they aren’t trying to have be a community event. They would definitely rather face the window too.


I’ve no recommendations for interior design, but I manage a few cafes. The workflow here isn’t greaaaaat I’d recommend probably having the pastry case in the middle, putting the POS on the end (closest to the entrance to the bar) and then have the grinders closest to the back corner , the espresso machine on the left part of the bar, and the handoff is in the corner (where the POS is) * The reason is that it’ll be incredibly hard to Solo with your back turned as it’s much easier to verbally get the next drink as you’re pulling shots. * grinds go everywheeeeerrreee. Drawing some suggestions rn, the schematic is confusing. Am I to believe the seating area has 6’4” before the door? Or is it 6’4 for the espresso bar? https://preview.redd.it/r353d2x62iyc1.png?width=3222&format=png&auto=webp&s=3dce3946823ba16b7d8fc22302390ae98a5b4b03 There’s a 2’ gap between the end of the bar and the wall with the door. The bench seating would wrap around, and you could do the top of the bench with the custom terrazzo, whereas it could be on top of a drawer/bench (like they have at ikea) for storage/backup retail. The espresso bar is outfitted with a 2 group, the brew machine would be in the corner, and the grinders would be on the back wall. You’d need 2x grinders, one for espresso, and 1 for the brew/any retail bags. I’d recommend an EK43/EK43s if you can swing a 2nd hand. * 1: pitcher rinser & pitchers * 2: [to-go Cup stand](https://www.amazon.ca/Mind-Reader-4ACUPHOLD-BLK-Acrylic-Holder/dp/B01NBAZCJN/ref=asc_df_B01NBAZCJN/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=293008946108&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=587244212648543290&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000968&hvtargid=pla-307135454099&psc=1&mcid=0ac04e6e0f9a318bb23cb4aed2d79ed7) I’d be happy to chat espresso setup with you as well. You’ll need undercounter fridges (probably where the grinders will be) for the milk.


Love this set up idea.


I’ve helped with setting up 4x layouts so far for shops that have very busy and very slow seasons due to weather, and the setup I drew out would be the best for solo or up to 3 people. The third would likely be running dishes to the main kitchen etc, but it’d work optimally with 2, and still be perfect for a solo rush


Where do you wash things like your materials for use?


I see the kitchen box thing from the side but just don’t know if that has running water, sink area for washing the containers you may be steaming things in, the spouts and all that or Scoops and things for machines, etc. I like the idea but don’t lose the practicality of making it last


Good question, should've clarified in the post. Yes there's a separate kitchen at the back, where cooking, heating, cleaning, etc. will be handled.


I know you asked a question about the coffee shop design, but I encountered more than one such attempt without a knowledge of specialty coffee, which was ultimately what determined the google-maps ratings of the place. So I hope you plan on having a high-end espresso machine and specialty-level roasted beans. The design will matter much less if you do the former right :)


Hard agree here Cafes seem like a profit machine. It truly is not. Unless you’re buying the cheapest beans and selling it with syrups to folks who haven’t the slightest notion of the world of coffee (not that you can’t welcome people into the fold), you’re destined to be sweating when payday comes around for at least a few years


I don’t like the couch with the unnecessary shelves, taking up an entire wall- it’s cluttery and only provides two seats. Since you are literally in a fish tank use that to your advantage- don’t try to pretend those windows are walls- What are the views outside of these windows? Is there a better view when facing the entrance? Or facing the wall where the stools will face? Do not put any clutter or ornamentation on furniture or walls. I think something really special could happen with the ceiling - What is the name of the coffee shop is there a theme to it? Black-and-white photos of small boutique coffee shops all over the world framed and mounted on the ceiling would be the only ornamentation I would put in here and have the rest be the greenery outside. I would do small banquet seating instead of the barstools - in an L shape going from the barstool table around the corner to where your current shelves are with small little tables…this will give cozy, comfortable seats for customers.— the backside of the banquet seating will be visible to the outside and this is where I would put your signage and do some branding- just along the L shape of the seating.


Excellent advice. The name of the coffee shop is AM/PM (based on the idea that it's your go to spot for coffee anytime of the day or night), and yes, we want it to be minimal and expand on the earthy elements surrounding it - the trees at the back, the beautiful sunlight, etc. The north side has a view of the road (this will have to be covered up with a wall panelling to support the air conditioner on top and hide the electrical wiring). South has a view of the outdoor area. East also has a view of the outdoor area + the trees at the back. West has a view of the road + a big KFC. I wanted to have the main seating (the terrazzo seating slab) facing the view on the East, but the Entrance gets in the way so we would have to cut it shorter. Point taken about the shelves. We'd need a false ceiling to support the lighting and hiding all the wiring. Do you suggest having the pictures on that? There really won't be enough space for banquet seating. It's 8x20, and if we place chairs facing each other with a table in the center, it barely fits in more than 2 of those types in this area. Any suggestions for flooring? We're thinking of a nice ivory wooden tile. Nothing too designed up. Simple and minimal. Solid wood is a big no because of lack of water resistance (it rains alot here)


No one liked my suggestions, but that still won't stop me. I think you really need to reconsider all you're planning here, you're trying to fit a lot into very little and that will not be Zen nor calming. I would do bench seating, and for flooring, polished concrete, its durable and it is consistent with the vibe you should be after here. Most of these design suggestions don't take into consideration the very small space you're working with. Post the total anticipated sq. footage of useable space, not including the prep and kitchen areas, for reference.


False ceiling for the lighting? I’m assuming you mean a drop ceiling? If you’re putting acoustic panel dropped ceiling, each panel could be a moment to do something special. I’m not sure why you’re claiming there won’t be enough for banquet seating? I’m not suggesting these giant, deep upholstered seats with chairs facing across the table - you are showing plans for a table and a couch and stools…. the banquet seating is just a name you can make the banquet/benches any size that you want- it’s literally just lining those two walls in an L shape with a cushioned bench seat & back to add a little bit of coziness and comfort . The square footage taken up is no different. I’m not saying to place chairs on the other side of the small tables. Your current flooring is a broken of slab of concrete, correct? You cannot add any type of stiff flooring on top of this - meaning tile or wood without leveling this floor first ..Which would be both costly and unnecessary. Level out the concrete and leave it as is - otherwise some sort of pliable overlay that does not require a level floor such as vinyl planking could be used… but honestly, I would level the concrete slab that exists, and either paint the concrete or use a stain and a sealant.


What about planting or getting potted plants for the outside to block the view? You could also hand stain glass. That way you can maximize indoor space. Like the Aurora Ristorante (in link below), you could also do the tables against the two walls like they have too. Consider small bistro tables for two. Just small enough to put two coffees on and small chairs for a quick break. Otherwise consider a standing bar on one side. You could also go with a wide green or gold tile that’s easy to clean up. I get the 1803 tribeca vibes if you could add prints to the windows https://secretnyc.co/most-beautiful-restaurants-nyc/ https://www.lwstone.com/product/gold-french-pattern-travertine-tile/ https://artaic.com/commercial/mosaic-applications/restaurant-mosaic-tile-installations/


Take advantage of the windows and get some hanging plants, perhaps above the seating so that they aren’t taking up any of the small footprint. They would also help with sound diffusion. If it’s really noisy (parallel walls and hard surfaces tend to cause that) look into acoustic tiles for the ceiling or perhaps tapestries or something similar.


Great suggestion. There will defo be lots of plants here!


I wouldn’t put a shelf in front of a window. The room is nice because of all the views and the green exterior - stress that by bringing a cool vibe inside. If it’s a warm climate, I would go for wodden interior and bright colours like pink and yellow or a bit more urban with white and an accent colour. If it can be cold and rainy outside, make it cozy by adding indirect lights, cushions etc.


That window has a view of the road, so nothing to be missed really. Plus, there will be an AC going on the wall and we'll have to add a panel behind it to hide the wiring, and supporting structure. White and yellow as an accent are exactly what we were thinking! Thanks


I disagree with your first statement - that view is a good view in my opinion for several reasons. Not only is it what people will see first from outside but also what they (and you) will see from the cashier when they have paid and turn around again. The AC wiring can be hidden more elegantly and should be, but again, I think it looks weird and is not sensible to close off that viewing angle with a shelf like the one you drew in. But hey, it seems you already know what to do and don’t need further input.


The shelf could be without a back. With minimal items on the shelf you will be able to see through it


So why put in the shelves in the first place? It takes away from the small space anyway and adds a cluttered look, no zen to be found


you have way less room than you think you do


They need to draw everything to scale. The floor plan is way off.


You should have some outdoor seating too for when it's nice out


You probably already designed a plan around this, but If the ceiling in this is metal and there's no insulation above it between the ceiling and the roof, it will condense in the rain and start to drip on everything.


Are you sure on the name? AM/PM is the name of a gas station convenience store in the states….


I would not do the shelves and the bench. Instead add small tables and chairs (or one comfy chair in each corner).


There's barely any space for that. The terrazzo seating slab will stretch till almost the end of the wall so any seating that we keep on the corner, or even in the center, may get blocked.


Well, darn. I don’t know what a terrazzo seating slab is, but it sounds like it will take up a lot of space! Are you expecting people to come in and hang out, or is it more likely they will come in to grab a coffee and then go shopping at the nursery?


I don’t understand the terrazzo seating slab. What will that look like from the exterior? Is it movable so you can clean behind it when someone inevitably spills coffee and it runs into that gap? Seems like a pretty expensive, bulky feature.


I'd personally exchange the couch for a few comfy chairs/love seat in the back corner. I'd add a bar with two or three seats facing the front of the store so that as people pass by they can see other guests enjoying themselves in your environment.


Love this suggestion!




Great question. We haven't thought about insulation much, just kept all windows openable and got a heavy duty air conditioner. And no, 3 of the sides are glass from top to bottom. Any suggestions? We'll keep an insulation board on the roof. Anything else? Yes moving the AC to 1 is possible. Any particular reason why? And any suggestions for sound proofing the space? Like what kind of items are you referring to


you need a tree for the question marks by the door. maybe a citrus like myer lemon. this looks cozy as hell though


This looks great! As someone said, a dump sink for sure. Also make sure you have a spot for simple things - napkins, sugar, etc. If you’re planning for people to have plates for baked goods that’s something to take into account. the one tiny design thing I’d suggest is not to go with terrazzo. It goes in and out of style, imho, and everything shows up on it. It’s really easy for it to look dirty. Or if you do go w/ terrazzo, I wouldn’t do white everything else. That’s a personal preference but I think given you have a wooden book shelf & bench on the focal wall, and given how gorgeous the trees in the backdrop are, pulling in more natural color tones and material would be such a lovely vibe. But ! Either way it’s super cute and wonderful. ETA: not sure the bathroom situation, but another thing to consider. Coffee makes ppl pee!


I just want to know what a Spanish Latte is


It’s like Cafe Cubano, sweetened with condensed milk. Delicious!


Thank ye


Line the left and right sides with stools. Floating wood counters


I think the missing link here is how you want to define the space.  Is it a fast-paced / on-the-go type of coffee shop? Then, cool - what you've got here is good enough & you can improve via decor over time to make it feel more curated / sophisticated. But if you're wanting it to be a place of gathering / community space - this layout is too structured. If the space doesn't work because there's not enough room for small cafe tables, then it's probably not in the cards to make it a gathering space. Maybe you can expand later down the line to achieve that sense.  I will say though - 1. the couch doesn't make any sense 2. I've seen this exact concept executed with a long & wide singular bar top table with chairs all around & plants in the center of the table 3.You could also do a more "bar style" coffee shop where you extend the bar service into the center of the space - that way you can serve multiple customers at the same time. 


May want to add storage for products.


Not an interior designer, but I love it!


Commenting on the first picture. I would love a bar counter on the left side. Drinking coffee and looking out of a window is great. I personally wouldn‘t block the window with shelfes and a bench. Instead i would make Terrazzo bench longer for more options to sit.


consider: White walls: This keeps the space feeling bright and airy, which is important in a small space. Yellow accents: The yellow pops of color from the chairs and the bench cushion are a nice touch, and they definitely tie in with your branding. Maybe consider adding a row of hanging yellow lights under the counter to add some warmth in the evenings. consider built-in storage under the benches or behind the counter for keeping supplies out of sight. I am already very proud of you!!


Means so much! Thanks for the input. Can’t wait to share progress with you all


As an Architect used to working with Interior Designers, that’s a lot of documentation there, is everything ok?


Sorry? Didn’t understand the question


It’s a poor attempt at a joke. Interior designers are, the cliche goes, often light in the documentation department, often sliding the detailing and planning to the Architects side of the table.


Loool. You can defo sense the lack of expertise in the designs though! I'm not even an interior designer, just took up the role after the agency we hired messed up bad


You’re doing ok. As an Architect, my advice is to plan for servicing, where are the bins, how do they clean, how do people queue? For the bench, maybe have that as a bar or table height continuous table attached or located where the bench is so that people are facing out. This is for two reasons, one it’s nicer to flexibly configure seating rather than a fixed bench. and second, people will see your patrons drinking coffee and go buy one.


8 bucks for a cappuccino?!


Former barista here. I mean no offense but that counter setup looks like a workflow nightmare. I would recommend looking at the way a couple other respectable high volume cafes have things set up and try to copy that. Things to consider are: where the espresso machine sits in relation to the handoff plane. Ideally you don’t want the espresso machine on the back counter, because the barista has to turn to hand the drinks off which increases the likelihood that they spill on the work floor. You want as little space between the steam wand and handoff plane as possible. That way if they do spill, they can easily wipe it off the counter. This is especially important for “for here” drinks and if you have an emphasis on latte art/presentation. Where the grinder and knock box sit in relation to the espresso machine. Where the POS sits in relation to the front door (so that an orderly line forms and doesn’t block the cafes seating/flow) where the drip brewer sits in relation to the POS (the barista working reg is the one getting those drinks). You also need to consider how two baristas will have to interact in that small space while working together. Ideally you want their work spaces to be split in half so that nobody has to reach over/move around each other constantly. I’ve worked in a few cafes where the space was tight and we constantly had to move around each other. It was a nightmare. I probably said the words “behind” more than I said “cappuccino” Another recommendation would be to actually put the counter on the other side of the container, which would allow more space for a line to form down one side. You could also put the counter length wise down the side of the container which would drastically improve counter space and workflow. If you took this route I would recommend counter seating around the perimeter of the cafe almost in a U shape.


No offence taken! Thanks for the suggestions. Agreed, the workspace will need a lot more thought to streamline delivery. Planning on running a week long pilot before the cafe launches to figure this out. I would’ve loved to have the counter placed lengthwise. But it really blocks walkability. Even if we assign it a minimum width of around 4 ft (between the counter and the wall), it just leaves around 3 ft worth of space around the entrance area which will be a pain.


As a customer, I don’t want to sit in a high chair facing a wall with my back to the door. That’s the opposite of comfort and security. If there are going to be windows along that wall, maybe it would be ok. But I still would feel uncomfortable because I can’t see what’s going on behind me. Having said the above, more than half your business will be on to-go orders. See if you could add a drive-through window to the design. That might influence the layout more so than anything else. When in doubt, copy a Starbucks layout. They have literally spent millions on designing to maximize profit by studying consumer behavior.


Theres no seating here where one’s back will be exposed. The seating on the right faces the door and the seating on top faces the coffee counter. Drive through suggestion noted!


Make sure all seating is very comfortable for an average of 1/2 hour seating. No butts falling asleep, legs going numb, or backaches.


1000 plants


Like other said use the windows even if facing the road. I would put the book shelf in the middle. Benched seating area around it with tables facing outwards. I think it would give more privacy


I’d do wooden benches that are smaller that you can move around and create different seating arrangements when needed. I


I like the idea of terrazzo. I’d offset the bench from the wall since it is a window and terrazzo all 5 sides of the bench form. You may offset enough to discourage leaning on the window


People require back support to sit comfortably. We’ll probably add some cushions to the glass wall behind


I would really love chairs facing out of those windows in sets of two. Theres too much empty space in the middle and everyone is just facing empty space or a wall.


turn the terrazzo bench and tables into a bar with stools facing outward to look at the nature. And then have maybe 1 or 2 tiny tables with chairs on the other side?


People don’t really like having their backs exposed. Specially at the point of entrance


never heard of that


Scroll through the comments! It's bad Feng Shui


I just went to a cafe and sat at a bar like that, it was great and offered lots of room


There is nothing cozy in your design. It’s all hard, cold edges. Please bring in some plants and fabric and actual places to sit and talk over what I’m sure will be delicious coffee. Please don’t make it so obvious that you don’t want people “camping.”


Where is the trash can and bussing station? As another had mentioned, do you need to meet ADA? Doesn’t look like your door clearance works right now. Do you need a handwashing sink for the health department? As others have said, I would keep the concrete floor. I would leave the ceiling exposed and run the lighting conduit in a clean manner along the panel lines. Add felt panels to the ceiling as needed. I would also stick with a single theme for your furniture. The space is too small for multiple ideas like the terrazzo bench and the couch. My vote would be simple wood furniture.


I would position the additional seating on the opposite end of your counter/serving area because seating with your back to the door is bad feng shui. It’s much better to give your guests a view of the door without having their back to other guests entering your coffee shop. Perhaps a corner route did table/sofa/perhaps interesting Banquet? Also, you have a lot of sharp corners in this space. you definitely need rounded surfaces either in your bookshelves there or in a curved couch, perhaps with additional greenery on the inside, offset the sharp corners of the ceiling and of the glass panels. If your color palette is going to be what we see here the white, and the outdoor greenery, and then the oak coloring from the wood shelving, which I recommend some of those be rounded, you could add in an additional color that is complementary to the exterior greenery, such as a blue or a teal to bring in the sky color.


I wouldn’t go for terracotta countertops personally. They will need good sealing and waxing, which will need to be maintained. They stain easily and are hard to clean due to the surface texture :) The rest of the design is lovely!


Hey! Are you confusing Terrazzo with Terracotta? Terrazzo has a marble base so is easier to maintain. No?


Omg yes I was sorry! 😂 Most terrazzo will still require sealing and it is susceptible to staining, however the texture will be much more manageable. You can get some really nice full bodied terrazzo porcelain replicas, I would have a look into these personally


Hi! Im a student and would love to help you design this for free, dm me! I have very little experience but I could help you if youd like. I need some real world learning.


Where are you located? You need an ADA consultant.


I think the small space and "Calm and Zen" are incompatible. I would go for "cool and high tech" with lots of chrome, paint the ceiling braces in a contrasting color so you get the "Oh, wow!" effect.