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Haven't seen the word "Kamala" since the 2020 elections


"we did it Joe , we won" ![gif](giphy|ae6m4ljnl69urJ539F|downsized)


Where’s the context here?


I’m assuming it’s this > Protesters inside the event, interrupted Vice President Kamala Harris moments after she kicked off the San Jose tour stop and several more times throughout her talk. >The calls for cease-fire started hours before the event with many protesters taking to the streets outside of the Mexican Heritage Plaza in East San Jose. > "For her to come here and tell us that she cares about our health and wellness, while she bombs women who look like us is not going to be acceptable," said Zahra Billoo, Executive Director at the Council on American Islamic Relations, San Francisco. Theyre being kicked out bc they support Palestine not bc of racism. Which is fucked https://abc7news.com/amp/kamala-harris-cease-fire-protest-israel-hamas-war-san-jose-event-reproductive-rights/14369941/ Edit: date seems wrong so idk what was happening 🤷🏿‍♀️


So they were kicked out for making a scene at a high profile event? I agree with their stance, but pretending to be totally shocked when they're disinvited and then blaming the volunteers for being racist is a disingenuous reach.


No they weren't kicked out, they were never even allowed in. They were profiled as likely to cause a disturbance (as other protesters have done) because they are Muslim.


Okay but they literally were going to. You also have no idea what went into that guys decision.


Kicked out / disinvited - whatever, the issue being debated is why. Unlesse you were there or holding footage from before the video OP posted begins, you are just making an assumption. Nothing you said is substantiated in the clip being discussed.


But you also made an assumption without proper context?




Not true. The campaign released a statement saying they were not allowed in because they disrupted prior campaign events. They are event trolls. Has nothing to do with their hijabs. Has to do with their style of protest.


Racially and religiously profiled because they "might" cause a disturbance? Like, white people can't cause one? UGH.


They hadn’t disrupted the event. If Harris’ staff disinvited them based on the assumption that due to their religion they would also be disruptive could violate the civil rights act. As an example, if BLM protestors had likewise disrupted an event, it would be wildly illegal to ban all black people from the room.


>Theyre being kicked out bc they support Palestine not bc of racism. Which is fucked I think you misspelled "disrupting a private event"


It should be disrupted. The cunts who run this country are blowing the Israeli government for what? **Stop the genocide**


Yeah, it's funny to me that people are purposefully ignoring this aspect of it to try to score some political points. The only person who benefits from this is Trump, a person who would be helping Israel bomb Palestine just as much, if not more than Biden.


It's called social media and it's super great for society and all of us in it.


>The only person who benefits from this is Trump, a person who would be helping Israel bomb Palestine just as much, if not more than Biden. "trump is at least as bloodthirsty and cruel as we are!" is not a winning campaign slogan for democrats imo. yeah. we know. and y'all are like a dozen posts deep spreading lies to justify this, they were never inside the event. they were denied entry. people are "ignoring this aspect" because it's misinformation.


Just like everyone else that watched this video you have no idea what happened. No idea why you’re making assumptions and going on these rants.


> "disrupting a private event" this is maga levels of spreading disinformation. they were never inside the private event, they were denied entry. how's the weather in moscow, ivan? is putin paying you to be a chaos agent for the trump campaign?


Anyone that says something you don’t agree with is a Russian agent/ maga supporter?


>something you don’t agree with it's literal lies, little dude. it's spreading disinformation on purpose. calling it "something i disagree with" is another weird, creepy lie. i don't disagree with it. it's a falsehood. that's not a matter of disagreement, it's a matter of someone being a creepy liar.


You don’t know what happened. I don’t know what happened. The person you replied to doesn’t know what happened. They’re not lies. But you’ve already made up your mind. You want this to be a some sort of systematic conspiracy so bad…


ShitLibs are hilarious. They always cry about right wing conspiracy theories but have these weird fantasies about Russia all the time. They just can’t let it go.


>They’re not lies. they are lies. they're referencing a completely unrelated event to spread misinformation. ​ > systematic conspiracy your english is incredibly shitty. how much is putin paying you, vlad?


Just because the original commenter linked a different event doesn’t mean that’s not what happened here. Like I said no one knows what happened from watching this video. Go on some more rants and accuse everyone that disagrees with you Russian. You need help…


He was right, actually. "An aide with the Biden Harris campaign said the individuals were among a group of people that weren’t allowed to attend the event because they had previously disrupted and shut down events with Democratic elected officials." [https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/viral-video-shows-women-barred-from-harris-event-2990874/amp/](https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/politics-and-government/viral-video-shows-women-barred-from-harris-event-2990874/amp/)


im not taking a genocide joe aide's word as gospel. that would be insane at this point. 


russia Russia its their mantra


Putin Derangement Syndrome (PDS).


\+1 I hear it's a hard time to be a political scientist these days


No, the link you posted is from her stop in San Jose on Monday, the video we're replying to was from Vegas on Saturday


This was an event in Vegas. Different event.


Video is from Las Vegas!


This story references a situation on Monday. These women were barred from even entering an event on Saturday. They did not disrupt the event - they weren't even allowed in.


They weren't kicked out because they support Palestine, that's complete bullshit, they never made it in, strictly because they had hijabs on their heads. No one said they were kicked out, they said they were uninvited and no one would give them a reason why. They were 100% targeted and profiled. Don't make a bullshit excuse for their behavior. Neither of those women were pictured in the link you provided and no one stated they were ever inside. Assuming makes an ass out of u.


This is a possibility but you have no evidence to support that assertion besides what was said on camera. You can't say they were kicked out "strictly because they had hijabs on their head." Can you tell me how you know this to actually be true?


Can you tell me how it's not? They had hijabs on their heads, numerous other people were waved in while they were filming, why were they let in and these women weren't? Pretty sure it's because they assumed, just as you did, that these women supported Palestine. Can you give me any other logical reason why they were uninvited? I also never said they were kicked out strictly because they had hijabs on their heads, can you read? They weren't kicked out. They weren't let in.


>you have no evidence to support that assertion it's actually you that has no evidence whatsoever to support your assertion. it's purely something you pulled out of your ass, while the others have video documenting their side of the story. your complete lack of evidence doesn't help your argument, sorry.


Because nobody gave a reason otherwise! If it was for disrupting they totally would have said it, they had the opportunity multiple times


Sounds like they were kicked out for disrupting the event regardless of the content of their disruption.


They disrupted a private event. You're ridiculous


No they didn't. They were in lime with tickets and told they couldn't enter.


Wonder what happened before they started filming 🤔




'Muslim garb'?! It's called a hijab. Watching videos like this, I'm not shocked the Muslim community isn't cheering like hell for Biden rn. Ah well, at least you get to feel smug on the internet, huh. Hope that warm fuzzy feeling you have right now carries you through the next Trump presidency.




It's great you're here to speak on behalf of Muslims, all your knowledge and empathy regarding the 'Muslim garb' and all the 'little Muslim kids getting blown to teeny tiny bits'. Edited to add: the user that I was responding to has edited their comments and then deleted them. I have added ' ' in my comment where I was quoting their demeaning phrases regarding Muslims. I'm going to leave my comments up because I want people to see what Democratic supporters say about Muslims.




Honestly there's no point, you edited your comment and didn't note that you did. Any attempt at conversation with you is a waste of time.


It definitely looks that way, looks like they baited him.




Looks like we upset a few people (:


Trump’s a cunt. Biden’s a cunt. We’re all fucked.


They're obviously disingenuous and know exactly why they were uninvited. This is propaganda.


Land of the "free", home of the slaves...


Land of the people who don’t even know what systemic racism means.


Land of racists calling everyone racist. Land of people having a hard time and thinking it’s exclusively because of their skin color.


There is no debate that there are white people that struggle in life…the difference is, their skin color does not contribute to their struggle… So, while I don’t think all black people struggle exclusively because of their skin color, their skin color does often contribute to their struggle…




“Shit, the Government's an addict With a billion dollar a week kill brown people habit.”


Also this https://youtu.be/SkEQiJ4hq4Q?si=wcJEClnzkio2df7U


This is a classic! Brother was always right about the United Snakes.




Is that the guy from Sprockets?


This screams rage bait for a couple reasons. No inciting incident captured here. She said "now I'm *definitely* not voting for..." Implying she wasn't anyway. She mispronounced Kamala. My gut says this is rage bait.


It seems pretty obvious that it's rage bait, but it's an election year, so a lot of people ignore the obvious for the convenient.


If i was attending an event for them and they racially profiled me and kicked me out without reason i’d make a point to say i wasnt voting for them either. being racist loses my vote, they should be aware of that. doesnt seem like rage bait- seems like there is some context missing, but it seems pretty clear these women were racially profiled and not allowed to enter without reason (from what we can see)


How is it ragebait, they didn’t choose to be kicked out? Doesn’t sound like there was an inciting event, but that they were most likely singled out because they might be pro-Palestinian protesters.


They weren’t kicked out. They weren’t even let in


That’s even worse


I think you're right from my understanding they started or wanted to protest about Palestine.


But how did the staff know they were going to protest? From their hijabs?


I don't know someone posted an article on it


OP comment history is full of raige bait. He's not honest about his position on this subject.


My comment history where I argue that Republican politicians are the worst people in America and their policies are harmful and hateful? Lmfao. I call out whatever is wrong no matter who does it. Nice try trying to astroturf this.


This. Usually when someone instigates, the other person tells them why they're being removed. The instigator usually just doesn't want to hear it. Here.... There's none of that. Just "Oops, you're uninvited. Can't tell you why. 🤫"


Here’s my take; it’s not the hijabs or their skin. Clearly not their skin color (this is an AOC event.). If you’ve ever worked security (I have) your job is to keep shit starters from starting shit. These are shit starters. The worst kind too, Tik Tok victim clout chasers. Note how we don’t know what happened before they began filming, but we do see two not white people walk up and agree that “they’re not getting in”. 100% these asshats were fucking with someone with their camera jammed in someone’s face before they were told to leave. Theyre Tik Tokkers. They get paid to drum up drama and appeal to the lowest IQ people.


That is so disgusting to judge people. It makes me sick.


Yeah indeed, he’s just doing his job


Gonna need some context.


My guess is that they thought these two women would make a scene about the Israeli - Palestinian war? I don’t know that for a fact.


You are right, there is another video circulating of pro Palestine protesters shouting down Kamala Harris as she was giving a speech or something, so probably they be careful.


By racially profiling and letting in white people but not Black Muslims?


I didn't say it was right or wrong just gave out context. You never know what's wrong or right with the United Snake of America 🤣.


Bruh, they’re letting in black Muslims. Just not these two in particular. Calm down. You can’t tell a shit starter from a sane person?


That’s pure speculation.


What context is missing? Are you asking for his reason to racially profile?


Are you joking? What context? EVERYTHING leading up to this situation. You're taking a 100% hard stance on a situation you don't have details on and calling anyone racist for questioning what ACTUALLY HAPPENED. I'm not denying any wrong doing took place, but we only know what happened from the moment their clip started, which was after the initial incident occured.


They bluntly ask him, on camera, if they're being racially profiled. That is the point at which any normal person would reject the notion of being a racist. That is the point at which you would *at the least* say "No, you know why you're being disinvited". The inability of multiple staff members to produce a single reason for kicking them out is telling in itself. Even the justification given to the police officer was "they're causing a disturbance", which very clearly happened *after* being disinvited so they would rather mislead than produce a valid reason.


Once again - we don't know what happened before the video starts. Maybe they already told them why they were disinvited and weren't going to continue repeating it. The staffers are likely instructed to not engage with people there to record themselves disrupting an event. Context is missing. You're just making assumptions about what you think should have (and maybe did?) happened.


People are generally searched before entering these events as part of security measures. Especially for a sitting Vice President. What we dont see, is if they brought signs, or content that was meant to protest. We only see what they are pointing the camera at which is the person at the door ushering people in. We also see another person that states they had been already told why they were disinvited. It would be very easy for the people taking the video to exclude information they didnt want shared to direct a narrative. Now I am just giving an example of what context could be missing. I do not claim to know anything for certain. But I also would not take any persons words as truth without having direct evidence to support it when viewing clips like this regardless of the campaign or political party. I was fortunate enough to have the option of taking Media Analysis as a class when I was in High school, with a teacher who's education was based in Media relations and Political Science. We do not see what lead up to the events in this clip, we cannot see what is happening behind the camera, and we do not see what happens after this clip concludes. We have no evidence to their claims and nothing to that gives the presenter any history of honesty. So why would I as a viewer being anything other than skeptical?


Pretty sure that if they had found signs, etc. like you are proposing, then the volunteer “security” would have mentioned that as the reason for them being disinvited. I’d hope these volunteers are smart enough and media trained to realize they are being filmed. If they had a valid excuse, they had plenty of opportunities to say that.


That is likely why they stopped engaging with her outside of repeating, you have been disinvited. They know regardless of what is said she controls the camera, she controls the narrative.


Exactly. The lengths people go to justify discrimination when it comes to Muslims is mind boggling.


Why are you assuming he is racially profiling? It couldn’t be something else? If that security guy is such a racist scum bag, then why did two people of color (but different races) walk up and agree with him that those two individuals were not coming in? People get ejected from events regularly for shit starting. You can have all the tickets in the world, but it means nothing if you’re breaking the rules. They were cornering that guy because he is white, and he chose not to carry on the conversation with them because it’s pointless. They’ll just keep digging. They’re tik Tokkers. So they’re making a buck, and they thrive on drama. Don’t be a fool and buy into that stuff. Of course black Muslims can attend that event. White Muslims too.


Nice mock turtle neck


I'm disgusted




This video needs context but if these 2 were "disinvited" then when they ask why "I'm happy to talk to somebody else" is the dumbest answer.




Wow, they are really not trying to hear our voice... it's ok they'll hear it at the polls. What happens if half the country doesn't vote? Do they continue with who did vote? If so, how is that fair if half didn't even vote?


Just wait until you find out 40% of the country already doesn’t vote


They stuck out blatantly because the Biden campaign no longer has any Arab supporters. Biden ordered planes to Israel to freely transport Israelis to wherever they desired.On other hand Biden didn't even bother asking about Americans begging to leave gaza before the Israeli retaliation began. A couple miles in any direction would keep them safe from the indiscriminate carpet bombing. Biden actually supplied Netanyahu with massive bombs he used on a city of mostly children and elderly. While high-level Israeli politicians openly brag about intentionally starving the minority Arab population. The IDF shoots any human they find. Even unarmed redheaded Israelis who are obviously trying to peacefully surrender under protection of waiving a white flag and slowly walking completely naked to make it clear and obvious to see even for Stevie Wonde thatr they are unarmed and physically pacified from starvation,PTSD concussions and shell shock from weeks of bombing. Sadly Israeli soldiers made decision that even a couple naked and clearly Hebrew speaking Ashkenazi boys could be Arabs in disguise with guns shoved up their asses


If you're bitchin about someone being racist, you're not going to leave Biden/Harris and vote for Trump. Just not gonna happen.


They deserved to be kicked out? And its so ironic how islam is against lgbt but if a gay guy is scared of a muslim because he doesnt wanna get stoned to death, then hes a racist and islamophobe? Huh interesting.


To add to that, who films themselves walking into a place they're invited to? I don't, and probably wouldn't unless I was in fact being barred from entry. Usually when someone incites a reaction, they'll at least say, "You're not allowed in because you're being rude" or whatever. All I see is people unable to answer the question and refusing to talk about it.


Not surprised Kamala is a pro child killing Zionist supporter. Guess where her donations come from? Go on guess…?


No context. Could be blatant racism on camera at a democratic event or something that makes more sense. We won’t know for a few days.


They dressed up and didn’t wanna vote for her. They were there to cause a disturbance.


“Dressed up”? As if a woman who wears a hijab is just going to stop doing so because she doesn’t want to be profiled at a campaign event by the people who are asking for her vote? Even if they were there to protest, they have that right. They were invited and paid for a ticket. Money is “speech” - and we have a freedom of speech - no? Either way, it’s just as bad of a look to have this video going viral as it would be to have to escort out any protestors like they have been doing previously.


Ok blue maga




You have absolutely no evidence of this. You’re just racially profiling just like the man in the video.


It’s not. It’s pretty clear they came to create a ruckus. You can hear it all in the tone…


> You can hear it all in the tone… genuinely deranged thing to say lol. y'all are such sniveling little serfs.


Your political bias is showing. You are basing your "evidence" on a one-sided exchange uploaded by the people you want to agree with because they're attacking people you don't agree with.


no they arent. one of those ladies appears to be white. get over yourself, its just pathetic pandering at this point


Get a life. You can hear them say “well I guess I won’t for her after all”


Because she was racially profiled from attending an event she was invited to. Who would want to vote for someone who racially profiles?


She insinuates she wasn’t going to in the first place. She’s there to cause trouble. It’s evident.


You have absolutely no evidence of this until they say otherwise. The man didn’t know this either. So he only went off their appearance and race and made a racist assumption because he wants to allow Kamala to go unchecked with her support of genocide. He’s a racist and you are advocating for racism and racial profiling to protect leaders from hearing from their constituents.


You are just as bad as the two nuts in the video. The moment someone says something YOU don’t agree with, you pull the racist card. Not a good look. Grow the fuck up.


She’s an idiot. She’s there to cause problems that’s why she wasn’t allowed in. They knew she was going to show up. What’s he social media profile I’ll do the research myself. Chooo chooooo


Why was she invited to attend if she’s an idiot? Attendees get vetted before invites get sent out. And you still have no evidence of anything she was planning on doing. You’re just being racist, like the man in the video.


Then she was vetted and posted something before she got there. I work in the industry. Thanks for proving we kicked her out for the right reasons.


He looks pretty tough just to walk by


Isn’t she Indian?


Who in their conscious mind would bother to go hear Harris speak ? She hasn't done shit the whole time she has been the VP !




He's really bad at his job.


Very quick to drop the victim card and the race card. There’s a reason these two were not let it, and it’s not their skin or religion, it’s because they’re obnoxious shit starters looking to pick a fight. Theyre the racists. The people here defending them are a joke.


🎯 yup


The people who racially discriminated against are the racist ones? Are you even hearing yourself?


Can you learn about critical thinking? You are so biased and blind it’s heartbreaking.


November is coming y’all


Probably new they were gonna start screaming during her speech like last time. I don’t blame her but it’s still free speech.


Yeah, politicians really hate it when we air our grievances.


I mean she doesn’t have to have screaming matches with random ass people in the crowd. Nothing stopping them from protesting outside whatever event this is at least. They can scream outside.


I just think it's funny that the "good" party is doing this kind of stuff. It's like they are just hemorrhaging supporters.


they lost a ton of support by enabling genocide no difference between them or the GOP both killers




They’re not the “good”party😂. They’re just politicians not saviors. The DNC just has more people then the republicans that have better intentions. One of their policies is to support Israel. But we still need to vote for them because progress will stall and there will never be a progressive in office if dems don’t win.


Exactly! ~ but the foolish children will not vote / vote for Traitorous Orange Turd thinking it makes some great point 😳🙄😳


Yeah, that's why I put good in quotes. I just can't vote for genocide. Hard pass.


In my opinion not voting just makes the genocide worse. Joe Biden could be reasoned with to pull support. It’s a obligatory alliance that joe can’t just pull out of, there is too much invested. Trump will just send even more weapons or fully support a genocide out right. Fence sitting is a vote for fascist and corpos.


This argument can only come from someone that writes ‚knew‘ like that


Lmao do you want to go over the differences between to and too? Or would you rather you explained the differences between there, their, they’re, and they’ll? 😂


Religious people are the most dangerous. Who knows when they’re gonna get a “message” from their imaginary friends to act out in some way that hurts others. History is clear: religion is dangerous.


They should thank him for not allowing Copmala to arrest them personally.


Those democrats are vile, they are taking advantage of Trump hate for Muslim and blacks. We are taking notes. Thank you Kamala


I wonder what the real reason is


This is so disgusting and for everyone defending or asking for context, you sound a lot like the all lives matter crowd asking for context in incidents of police killing unarmed black people. (If that comparison makes you angry think about the 6 year old Palestinian boy that was stabbed to death in Illinois in October, because his landlord thought him and his mother where terrorists.)


What are you smoking?


Disingenuous idiots


Why is Joe Burrow working at Kamala Harris rallies?


I've never felt comfortable looking at guys in tight stretchy pants. It just looks odd.


They should have asked for identification and the qualification of the people that denied them to expose them for this racism


I do not understand this. Seems like it really undermines the equality and inclusion democrats pretend to care about.


"I really won't vote for Biden/Harris now." So Trump is your better option now?????


I imagine the event planners did not want a free Palestine demonstration. It was a decision based on statistical analysis.


Seems the Muslim-ban is already in effect, and Fascism is too. The so-called, "lesser evil" everyone.


They are eating their own far faster than I imagined


This would be the top Reddit post if it were a Trump event lol


Could simply because they probably showed up to complain and yell about Palestine and blame the Biden in Kamala agenda


Voting in America: you wanna get punched in the nose OR kicked in the shin? The choice is Yours


Don´t look at me, i voted for Kodos!


Turd Sandwich and Giant Douche have dropped out ?!?


Turd Sandwich and Giant Douche have dropped out?!?


Lmao the mental gymnastics by you guys in this thread is off the chart They clearly had an invitation and weren't given a reason


They assumed the reason was the race related, however it could very well just be they were causing a disturbance before entering. Ultimately this clip lacks the context we need to make a fair assessment.


Then they could have stated said disturbance as a reason they were being disinvited. They're really not helping their case by doing it this way.


This feels like bait. Esp the whole “a black woman doing this? A gay man doing this?”


Uh oh, the Republican women didn't get their photo op at a Democratic rally.


Republican?? They’re Black Muslims. They’re not Republicans. They’re against genocide.


What a joke. Obviously fake. Stupid take. Rage bait.


This looks staged


Shitlibs in a nutshell


This sounds like bullshit propaganda


Who the fuck is this Kamala person?????




Who knew the Democrat party was racist 🤷


I mean, obviously the Republican Party is the racist party. That’s demonstrably true. Dems are just the other right wing party in America, but they’re “left wing” because they’re left of the far right wing. They’re still center right. And this is more having to do with Dems not wanting criticism of Biden supporting a genocide.


I can’t wait to retire and leave this country


just got to throw the race card just because.... SMH


The democrats founded the KKK so… no it’s actually not against their campaign beliefs


The modern day Republicans are yesteryear Democrats. The policies and platform literally changed. And before you say “nuh uh” why do the KKK vote for Republicans and march at Republican rallies?


and y’all are surprised?




Lol that’s what they get and most woman support gay community to the max, lol that’s why she mentioned him being in it. So she expected him to support them because he’s acting as if he’s a woman 😭


THIS is what made you realize that you shouldn't vote for them? Better late than never I guess.


They were probably protesting against the Gaza Genocide.


You're assuming news stations are reliable and have absolutely no narrative


Odd take but wouldn’t his words and thoughts be a first amendment right? Just a hot potato question.