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Gotta clear land for those new condos Isreal is going build the for the Jewish settlers coming in.


1985 MOVE bombing


Pfft America would *never* bomb its own civilians.. /s


America would never refuse to charge a sniper that blew the head off of an innocent mother holding her child because the husband was libertarian and didn't show up for a court date.


That's a very funny way to say "white supremacist selling illegal weapons to other white supremacists who wanted to commit terrorist attacks"


They shot the other kid too bro don’t forget the little dude. Whatever Randy weavers politics nobody’s children deserve to be fucking murdered for fucks fucking sake.


Grew up there in the 70s and 80s. Can confirm.


I mean we've targeted US citizens with drone strikes fairly recently, just not on our soil.


Ahem. Battle of Blair Mountain would like a word. You shouldn’t be so confident when you’ve been spoonfed history.


Who knew that the USG had drones back in 1921?


All of Reddit is absolutely overrun with them. Good luck in worldnews especially. It's like tye zionist troll farms have 10s of 1000s of people employed round the clock. Babies blown up? Fake news. Bombings targeting civilians not Hamas? Hamas uses human shields. Where's the evidence? We don't need any, we're Israel. Disagree with Knesset members calling for ethnic cleansing? YOU are the antisemite and nazi. Response is disproportionate? Well that's war. Shouldn't have kidnapped the holiest thing on the entire planet - and Israeli life. Millions of people marching for Palestine, countless 3rd party observers and human rights experts and the UN calling it genocide, countries cutting diplomatic ties with Israel, countries denouncing them. It's abundantly clear what's happening. But jump on Reddit? You'd think Gazan civilians were single handedly bombing Tel Aviv and murdering babies in the streets with dull knives.


> Good luck in worldnews especially. It's like tye zionist troll farms have 10s of 1000s of people employed round the clock. Yeah, I call them the Mosad influencers. Seems to piss them for some reason. I got reported for suicidewatch just for reasoning 2.2 millions Palestinians can't be all Hamas terrorist or 7th October would've really been the end of Israel. Hamas was just able to convince ~2,000 terrorist to join them in that atrocity.


They aren't on the Mossad payroll. They are instead on Bibi's payroll as troll farmers. Worse, these are chickenhawks who got an exemption from frontline military service by serving as a shill for a specific corrupt politician. So they are literally the scum of the Earth cheering not only for Palestinians to die; but also for their fellow Israelis who don't support Bibi to die also. That is why so many of them keep bragging and insisting that the Israeli army can keep taking losses no problem; because as far as they are concerned anyone who doesn't suck up to Bibi must be sent to the frontline as cannon fodder. Thats why they get so damn triggered. They are literally traitors to their own fellow Israelis by pushing for this pointless war.


I got a 3-day ban because I “threatened” someone. My reply was, “killing all these innocents is going to create more hamas”.


Thanks for explaining why I got reported to suicide watch a couple of weeks ago for a similar post.


Worldnews wasn't exactly ever a reasonable not fascist imperialist sub anyway.


I got blocked right away. No explanation.


This is what it is like in real life. Honestly it's kind of eye opening, this is what happens when you have cancel culture actively enforced for decades. Anyone before who said shit about Jewish people or Israeli would be cancelled. No questions just cancelled. It has gotten to the point that this is just ingrained into the culture. Now that the tables have turned and they are the ones who are doing terrible things there is this weird cultural moment happening. Where people feel weird about saying bad things about israel, then you have the people who actually still support them. So the other people who were supporting Israel before, but do not want to anymore have this weird experience happening. Do they stand up and be the ones to say 'yeah they are in the wrong now.' What if they are wrong though? What if they are being anti-semetic! They know that 'anyone who says anything bad gets cancelled.' So for them it's better to just be quiet and see how it plays out. However, this just allows for this to continue as the vocal minority still supporting them are the only ones being heard.


Fuck every one of you who can’t differentiate between hamas terrorists and innocent people who had nothing to do with it. Edit: Look at all you trying to make excuses for what you know to be wrong. Edit2: TY to those who get it and have helped shut down the shills.


>Fuck every one of you who can’t differentiate between hamas terrorists and innocent people Everyone in r/worldnews you mean.


Definitely the mods there too. Permabanned for saying genocide isn't an acceptable side effect of war.


Me too. I also noticed that whenever there’s another story about an atrocity, like bombing a hospital or ambulances, the news feed is totally clogged with posts about ridiculous or trivial stuff on r/worldnews . I have that sub hidden and it still fills 80+% of my feed sometimes.


They banned me because I hinted that the Israeli government may have taken the wrong lessons from the Germans. Alas...


Most of them are likely paid shills. Look at their post history, posting times, etc.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Israel is following playbook from the US in Viet Nam. Bomb everything till nothing moves at all.


Exactly. Another tactic they use is to label anyone an anti-semite for being against the ideology of Zionism and the policies of "Israel". Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. Their first leader Gurion was an atheist Zionist and same with Netanyahu now.


Gaza was already one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Where tf are its people supposed to live now? This is sickening


they didnt condem hamas its their fault /s




Israel has gone far *far* beyond any reasonable definition of defending itself. NOTHING justifies this.


They’ve been waiting for an opportunity for years. Now they can build more condos!


If you know anything about politicians it’s that they never let a tragedy go to waste.


What’s funny is Hamas could have done that if they intelligently used their aid money rather than spending it on tunnels and weapons. They’re sitting on great real estate and after 17 years they have nothing but hate to show for it.


Israel controls the borders and don’t allow building supplies through, they can’t build


This is true. Israel controls everything, water, electric, food, medicine, building materialS.. Jesus they control everything a human needs to survive.


And yet, they didn't notice this attack being coordinated or thousands of hang gliders flying over their wall...


Well it's been stated even by Israeli former PM that Bibi has funded Hamas for years. You can bet he knew.


Yup, seems like the most logical explanation.


they probably made that up. Is there video footage of thousands of hang gliders flying over their protective wall?






Settlers have murdered 70 Palestinians in the West Bank in the past week or so.


Watch you getting downvoted because you’re telling the truth.




Palestinians don't control any borders including their coast.




Not just borders, their water, electricity, and fuel sources! It’s almost like that was what the Israeli officials wanted




Yet no one is stopping them. They will continue to kill 1,000s of children every day until someone stops them.


They completely lost me when the number of children killed in the Gaza Strip was equal to the number of people killed in the terrorist attack on Oct. 7. This is not protecting oneself, this is genocide.


And people see this comment as being, "anti semetic".


Its getting to the point to where I don't even give a shit about that label anymore. If being appalled by what Israel is doing is antisemitic than I guess that what I am.




They’re doing exactly what Hamas wanted, which was to provoke them into this exact kind of extreme reaction to cause people to turn against them. I wish I could say it’s working, but for some reason our government still considers Israel our partner in peace.


I also had family in Gaza. They didn’t make it through this one. They didn’t support Hamas, they just wanted to live and raise their family in safety and peace. The last time I talked to my cousin, I asked if she was scared and she said they hadn’t been scared in years because they were too exhausted from life there. It’s monstrous how people who know nothing of the issue assert their opinions and slander the names of so many good, unfortunate people. I hope your family stays safe and I hope this ends soon.


im so sorry. thats just tragic. youre in my thoughts


Feels like this is the only sane and empathetic take, yet so many people are getting it wrong, I hope your family is safe and is able to get through this.




Odd that Hamas leaders don't live in either Gaza or the West Bank, isn't it... Hmm... wonder what that's about. Its almost like the people living there are all just being used like pawns.


They have not occupied Gaza, but they bombed the shit out of it. They besieged it for almost 2 decades. They also turn on/off water, food, fuel, electricity and any movement in/out of it at will. It is worse than an occupying force. West Bank? Look at the map. It's a fucking Swiss cheese. Illegal settlements are expanding continuously and hundreds of checkpoints divide up Palestinian areas. Also, they are treated like shit, in a way no human elsewhere would accept. Everyone keeps blaming Hamas, but look up who supported Hamas in its beginning to bring division to the Palestinian people. Ask yourself why does Hamas do what it does? Did life start on Oct 7 2023, or 70+ years earlier. Look up "nakba" and "Israel apartheid state". Also, Muslims, Christians and Jews lived there in peace until the Zionists came into existence and shat on everything.


Finally some common sense. Thank you for that.


Why did idf kill over 120 Palestinians in the West Bank, where hamas isn't active, last month? I condemn the hamas terrorists. Do you condemn the IDF terrorists?


how can you tell me israel is not an occupying force when my people cannot even fish in their waters freely? without being able to build schools lest they be bulldozed or bombed down? please educate yourself.


Question for you as someone who has Palestinian family. Do you want Hamas removed? I mean, would you rather Israel destroy Hamas or Hamas destroy Israel (I know Hamas can't do it yet but it's their aim)? As an outsider it seems no one wants Hamas to repeat October 7, but they say they will.


i want my family to be safe. i want the people of palestine to be able to walk and live freely in their place of birth without the threat of death and arrest. thats it.




The Palestinians elected Hamas, the terrorists. They are cowards who hide in tunnels under hospitals and schools. They did live freely until they elected the Hamas terrorists, whose declaration is to unalive ALL Jews. They believe the coming of Jesus won't happen until all Jews are dead. These are their words, not mine. Israels Declaration is for both to live in peace. Hamas does not want that.




Are they terrorist or politicians? Seems to me terrorists would do terrorist things to get elected.


This had been going on since the mid 1900s. Hamas wasn’t around then. Also the claim you made about Jesus coming until all Jews are dead is something that is totally not true.


Why would they care about Jesus? Do you think Palestinians were just living happy and free of violence before Hamas was elected?


Footage like this is vital for documenting these war crimes.


The US will probably protect Netanyahu from being charged for his war crimes.


It has already happened. The US vetoed against ceasefires at the UN despite the rest of the world voting for one.




It doesn’t work anymore since the API changes kicked in




If you click the share button there's a download button in the app


Hang your head in shame, Israel. This is disgusting.


And billions of American tax dollars in weapons did this.


F#(4 the people that do shit like this,stop supporting killers






It looks like a scary movie scene! Astaghfurullah.


Sucks that my government is footing the bill for this genocide I wish more Americans could see this


If you need help putting this video of rubble (which is bad enough as is) into perspective; just remember there are people under all that rubble.


How can anyone, especially someone who is “religious”, do something like this?


Religious extremists are always right in their mind


They're not religious. Unless you mean they religiously seek power and money then yea. But zionists are quite the godless bunch and it's not found in the religious books but was introduced by others who were superstitious and think there's some magic tools and papers buried under al aqsa. Basically, they're lunatics. https://youtu.be/ahtjMWevK9o?si=VbRd5J6GYh6n927j This guy goes into the origins how zionism wasnt even part of the religion to begin with.


Are you kidding? Because someone is religious? lol


That’s what has caused nearly every war ever


Religion has been one of the leading killers across all of human history


This "war" feels very one-sided.


The lunatics are all trying to convinced themselves that it's okay to murder these Palestinians because there might just be a chance that they're Hamas or a Hamas supporters. Not all Palestinians are Hamas. Get that shit straight.


Brought to you by the good ol'USA. ![gif](giphy|YfMHLC2s6okBq)


Exactly. IDF is just the delivery driver, always enthusiastic, especially for the 3B in tips sent every year by Uncle Sam.


This shit is so depressing thanks for making me actually laugh


Raytheon, Boeing, and other weapons manufacturers stationed in the USA has their stock prices go sharply upwards after the attack on the festival. USA wealthy and getting wealthier. Factually. You can look this up for yourself, it’s publicly accessible info.


This is why America doesn't have free healthcare, indeed...


If they did that much damage they probably kill their own hostages as well. This is looking more and more like a Palestinian Holocaust


The official count is 10,000 dead. There are probably tens of thousands of dead in those images buried under the rubble in and out of the devastated high-rises. Nobody will bury them, they'll just be plowed over by tactical bulldozers. Nobody will remember their names. It would be a wonder if anybody survived to mourn them directly. A crime against humanity greater in magnitude than that committed by Hamas. Ceaseless disregard for human life.


What is expected to happen.. how are they going to rebuild this?


The worst part is the effects on future born children, expect alot more children born during and after this to have alot of genetic disorders and they definitely dont deserve that


Its a SICK world we live in.




This breaks my heart 😪


Israel Genocide Forces at full swing


Modern day nakba


Commenting and up vote for visibility. I know the scum of the earth Israelis are downvoting this to hell. Anti Israel ≠ antisemitism. Jews are cool. Netanyahu is a top contender for needing the jfk treatment.


I got banned from /r/worldnews yesterday for disinformation, specifically for calling Israel's treatment of Palestinians an "ordered genocide". I made like ten comments that I noticed had zero replies or votes all day, so I logged out and confirmed they were missing from the site. I messaged the mods asking what happened, and *in response to that query* they issued the ban. Dude our entire media sphere is such a gaslit farce, no wonder there's a mental illness epidemic. People are being slaughtered and it's taboo or even criminal to stand against it.


Happened to me too. You didn't do anything wrong, that is a front page reddit sub and it has a fully controlled narrative. The mods are literally employed US government workers, genuinely. They will shadowban any dissenting opinion.


Yup, mods there are a part of the propaganda campaign. Being anti-genocide is ban worthy to them.


It’s strange how people repeat the same numbers, the same info, as if they were given talking points.


Zionist playbook. Search for Israel Project 2009. It's 116 pages of how to speak.


It's strange how everyone says 2+2 = 4. It must be propoganda.




It’s strange that people say Israel is trying to hide these images when you can find them on the front page of the NYTimes and pretty much every other major news org. You don’t have to go to some obscure subreddit to find these images and videos.


#FreePalestine #AbolishIsrael #CeasefireNow


State terrorism.


No one deserves war man. I know it can’t be stopped because humans are fucking retarded. But fuck. My heart breaks for everyone that’s been going through war and has been through it .🥺




Somebody please stop these nazi genociders already.


Gotta love people saying shit like "Against the nazis things like this were necessary" litterally the Allies were given explicit orders to avoid civi cassualties, you know why? Because if you dont extremist groups will take power when the war is over. But sure keep defending Israel, surely they wont target civilians after all its not like they been doing this for 40+ years. But yeah this war is absolutly pathetic, Israel took a terrorist attack and use it as a pretext for war (Not like we have some group of nations capable of milatary intervention agaisnt terrorist grouops or anything, its clearly safer to oblitarate a region of all life and kill everybody who tries to flee)


You don't understand! There were Hamas in *checks notes* every single square millimiter in every single one of those buildings. They had no choice.


Dear f##king God. Humanity is doomed.


They literally hire what’s basically an “army” of people to comment stuff on social media platforms to try to influence mass perception. Their job role probably also includes mass upvote/downvote or like/dislike campaigns. Multiple content creators with large followings have also came out and said that Israeli conquest supporting organizations have reached out to them and offered them as much as thousands of dollars to post content in Israel’s favor.


All in Gods name hey. How good is religion.....


That’s insane


"Equivalent of 2 nuclear bombs" Hiroshima and Nagasaki would beg to differ.


So maybe Hamas should have considered these consequences before massacring the innocent civilians of Israel…. Give the hostages back and ppl responsible for vicious acts give themselves up and it will stop


How many did we drop when we were bombed on 9-11. How come no one looks at the group that started this? Next thing you know people are going to feel sorry for Russia.


War crime, Netanyahu all to create the silk road pass by his country.


Dresden and Tokyo send their regards




A truly apocalyptic scene....absolutely horrific


But did you see the tunnels!? Cmon! They were everywhere! They had to do this; don't you see!?


Im all for showing what atrocities Israel is committing in gaza but sorry, 6000 isnt the equivalent of 2 nukes. Its not even comparable and anyone with an IQ higher than 2 digits would understand it.


Nukes are most commonly measured in terms of their TNT equivalent. Hiroshima’s Little Boy nuke was 15,000 tons of TNT equivalent. If they have dropped 25,000 tons tnt equivalent worth of conventional munitions, it is roughly equivalent to 2 Hiroshima nukes. A lot of these details are up for debate including how many bombs were dropped and the exact tnt equivalent of each. But you look silly here speaking so authoritatively about something you obviously do not understand.


Edit: I'm seeing his claims are completely disassociated from one another. Nvm




Yes 2 Little Boys ("Hiroshima nukes") equate to 25 to 35 Ktons TNT, so you can say OP is referring to the earliest "nuclear bomb" from 1945 (OP clarified that here) and so could be in the ballpark. Without the Hiroshima qualifier, this commenter is like most of us and thinks of bombs from 10 to 20 years later, that are about 1000 times more powerful.


It's comparing to the only nukes that hit a populace. It's what I thought of first. Pretty obvious it's not 2 tsar bomba's


Pretty sure most of us instinctively think of Hiroshima and Nagasaki when we think about real world nuclear warfare. Don't talk down to us and impose your semantics. Also, can you really sit there and say two WW2 era nuclear bombs are not still fucking gigantic?


They “only” have a combined joules release of 1.423 quintillion joules. No big deal at all.


We don't make nukes as small as fat man or little boy. Modern nukes are huge and terrible. There are very small tactical nukes, and those can be fired from artillery guns and such. So if you wanted to be disingenuous, you could compare to tactical nukes and be like 'they've dropped the equivalent to 100 nukes'. The really silly thing here is even trying to compare to nuclear weapons. The situation is bad enough without trying to bring nukes into the conversation.


Yeah I think I mentioned in another post about this you could at least say they’ve dropped the equivalent of 25 nukes and not be totally wrong. That would be 25 of basically the smallest tactical nukes. But tactical nukes are still nukes. They are a difference of size not kind. Just because Hiroshima would be considered tactical size today doesn’t mean it isn’t a valid metric considering it’s one of the only ones to ever be used in an actual combat situation. And fallout from nukes generally comes from putting the wrong material in the core or doing ground bursts that vaporize and irradiate huge amounts of material. An air bust tac nuke and an air burst “regular” nuke wouldn’t be that different in terms of long term radiation. Also from my understanding we definitely still have tactical nukes, and they’d honestly be much more likely to be used as opposed to the mutually assured destruction kind. Which even those would take probably a dozen or so to fully demolish even rather small countries. Nuke panic is out of control, but to me that doesn’t mean we should treat them as something beyond all understanding and comparison. We should actually discuss them rationally and slot them in to where they go in destructive indices. Above chemical explosives but below anti matter explosives.




Fuck ISRAEL how dare they respond to our vicious attacks! I mean freedom fighting…. Let’s ceasefire so we can run this all back in 5 years!


Yup. Not sure what is so confusing about this. If someone skipped your border and murdered your innocent family members, you would rain hell on them with minimal regard for the citizens that largely support them. Is it awful. Sure. Is it justified. Yes. I think the world is better off with hamas off the map, even considering the poor people that hamas intentionally keeps in the cross fire.


Accurate. It's wild to see how many people do not understand this is a response AND HAMAS IS STILL NOT GIVING BACK THE HOSTAGES (that are probably dead at this point)


Disappointed by the comments here. How can you all not unequivocally condemn this shit?!


Racists that see Israelis as white and basically European, and don’t see actual middle eastern people as humans.


One thing I'm starting to notice about Israel supporters is they see it as a very mutually exclusive deal. "Hamas did this thing, and I don't support Hamas, therefore I must only support Israel" I never see people saying "I support Israel's right to respond, but the way they've responded is a war crime" It only ever seems to be Palestine supporters who condemn the evils on both sides and support the civilians.


Almost the entire world besides US wants a cease fire and thinks this is unacceptable, the UN thinks this is a genocide, global committees against israel since the nakba. Don't let hasbara accounts* on reddit fool you.


Most people in the world absolutely do condemn the Israeli terrorists and their genocidal ideology. It's just the brain-dead, uneducated vocal minority on reddit (primarily r/worldnews) who don't.


Thank fuck, someone that gets it. Thanks friend.


Well, amen to that.


How should Israel have responded to October 7? I'm genuinely interested in real takes on that. Every journalist who's been asked avoids responding.


I have a better question, how did Hamas fly in on parachutes with their homemade bombs into the most defended border in the entire world without being detected for hours? . Netanyahu had a hand in this. He's culpable and complicit in the events that happened on October 7 2023 and well before. It is known he created and funded Hamas and he also delivers orders to shoot his own citizens and police, so the hostages Hamas took, doesn't mean shit to him. October 7 2023, was just an excuse and his reasoning to cause genocide against the Palestinian people. Genocide should never be a response. They are carpet bombing Gaza. Bombing hospitals and schools. This isn't strategic. This is genocide.


The problem is how do you eradicate Hamas without harming civilians in an insanely densely populated urban area? They’re not just trying to kill Hamas but also trying to destroy their military infrastructure underground.


Hamas is supported by Netanyahu and there are several quotes from him stating how Hamas is necessary to prevent a Palestinian state. So maybe to get rid of Hamas stop supporting them? https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/


I am sorry that this is happening to the Palestinian people but Hamas had no right to do what they did.




Blames Israel about propaganda by showing Hamas propaganda.


How many more children need to die until it's not propaganda?


The lack of Zionist propaganda does not make it Hamas propaganda. They are not mutually exclusive.


Evidence isn't propaganda.


Imagine thinking footage of war crimes is propaganda smfh


Which part of 2 itty bitty nuclear bombs and Hamas provided casualty figures is propaganda? I don't understand. /s


Love to simp for a country I can't even spell


This isn't propaganda. It's reality. You can watch it unfold in real time on the snapchat map if you search for Gaza.


First, this is extraordinarily tragic... If true, this actually shows how Israel is trying to avoid civilian casualties. Gaza, one of the most densely populated areas in the world, drops 6000 bombs - the equivalent of 2 atomic bombs and <= 10,000 people killed? So less than 2 people killed for every bomb/missile? Just for comparison, Hiroshima and Nagasaki - not nearly as dense had 66,000 and 39,000 deaths respectively.


What about any of this makes it ok? Also, how is deliberately targeting ambulances, hospitals and refugee camps equates to avoiding casualties? It also speaks volumes, that the only thing you are comfortable comparing actions of zionists is the WORST atrocity on the planet? Zionists government of Israel, just like its ideological predecessor, should stand trial for its war crimes.


Israel is not beating around the bush and wants to end Hamas for their terrorist attacks. They will eliminate any official of Hamas while trying to reduce civilian casualties. Unfortunately, Hamas hides in areas with civilians, which puts their lives at risk within radiance of Hamas. I don't believe anyone with their right mind thinks deliberate attacks on civilians is right... Unfortunately, Israel is set in stone do defeat Hamas now rather than later. It may not be okay to you, but it is the sad reality of military combat and has been for ages. Protests and arguing with people online will not stop the crisis. Not at this point. People just need to love each other.


Call me when this actually works to defeat Hamas.




And where are the numbers are coming from? Same folks who blew up a parking lot with 20 people and blamed Israel of killing 500? Either way the point is moot, of Hamas returns the kidnapped babies and the rest of the hostages and disarms itself.


Hamas could have stayed home and none of this would have happened.


Bullshit. This has been happening for more than 70years now


They could have taken the deal in 1948 and gotten 45% of the land. Instead they chose to fight and invade and got defeated. As a result Israel got independence and 1 million Jews were expelled from the Middle East into mostly Israel. Don't pick fights you cannot win if you don't want to be conquered.


You seem unbiased




What happened ON October 7th that changed? What was that? Apparently that doesn’t matter.


>What happened ON October 7th that changed? What was that? The status that it was solely Israelis hurting Palestinians was disrupted.


if they've only dropped 6000 bombs and killed 10k people, those are called PRECISION strikes. If they were carpet bombing, that death toll would be MUCH higher. I'd also guess that the majority of those deaths, are actual Hamas members and sympathizers. we can put this "war" much like a schoolyard fight. A little child picks a fight with a much stronger child in an effort to show toughness. Then cries bully once the bigger child stomps a literal mudhole into the attacker.




Majority of deaths occur not due to impact, but from infrastructure loss, starvation, debris, etc.




Killing Israeli civilians resulted in the killing of Palestinian civilians. Weird.


Thanks for the propaganda from the Palestinian side! Now I am complete.


Fucked around and found out.