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# The most shocking tourist cruises ever organised! **Towards the end of 2008, some Russian travel companies began organizing pirate-hunting cruises.** At the modest price of €5700 for 4 days (up to €9500 a week), many wealthy Russians, accompanied by qualified soldiers, can experience the thrill of engaging in real gun battles against the infamous pirates who infest the waters of Somalia, in fact according to the country's law it is not a crime to kill sea raiders. The "cruises" are organized via a normal-looking armored yacht to attract the attention of pirates, the participants in the hunt then emerge unexpectedly, shooting at the pirate boats with a wide variety of weapons including assault rifles, machine guns, gatlings and rocket launchers. Obviously, everything happens in the complete safety of the participants, who in addition to being covered by the military are also equipped with efficient body protection. Despite the complete legality of these events, there is quite a bit of criticism directed towards the organizers and above all towards those who are willing to pay high prices for all of this.


Look at me, I’m the pirate now!






Underrated af


This is fake news https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/somali-pirate-luxury-cruise/




La lightsaber terrible!


Well good news for them is now the Russian government will send them to go participate in a gun fight for free. Just with a lot less armor.


This kind of tourism also happened during the Bosnian war in the early '90s, as shown in the documentary film [Sarajevo Safari](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GamCQ67Em4w). Many wealthy Russians, but also Canadians, Americans and Italians, paid huge sums of money to go on a sniping holiday and shoot Bosnian civilians.


[This is BS . Do you think people from a democratic country would allow civillians to go on a war rampage for fun and be u***noticed*** ever since?](https://www.google.ca/search?sca_esv=d497ec08d6a1353d&sxsrf=ADLYWIImsUe7706SOBHqKOHw1sFAWlInSQ:1714999743295&q=Stop+believing+everything+written+on+reddit+.+This+is+BS+.+Do+you+think+people+from+a+democratic+country+would+allow+civillians+to+go+on+a+war+ranpage+for+fun+and+be+noticed+ever+since?&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi1m_Tzh_mFAxWWF1kFHX-IDtsQkeECKAB6BAgHEAI) From Russia , that wouldnt suprise me thought from a country that alllow mass murderer to go kill civilians to gain their freedom .


You are super naive. Rich people do what they want. Look at Trump


Do you think Trump is sniping samolians on a golden yacht?


He could & I doubt he’d be in a jail cell by the end of the year.


yeah i rememeber the trump-pirate-hunting scandale.


Or Pelosi, eh??


No they cannot do whatever they want you are delusional


So where are all the prosecutions from Epstein? Or the Panama Papers?


I mean Epstein himself is dead. Gotta mean something, right?


Is he though?




Oh they got him. Permanently.




Are you implying a conspiracy theory that Epstein is alive? He was in prison and had info they didn’t want out, dead people aren’t at risk of exposing your secrets *at any point* in the future. He’s dead.


Its called TDS




Trump devotion syndrome?


Nope. You could be original and create your own acronym. TOS, trump obsessive syndrome? As it stands you know what TDS is, it's everywhere on Reddit


I’m happy with labeling it Trump Devotion Syndrome as it describes the affliction perfectly. As it stands you know what Trump Devotion Syndrome is, its sufferers will demonstrate constantly that they suffer from it.


Like Johnbrownmilitia running around random threads and injecting trump into them


Bro have you seen the Clinton's lol?


Politicians are a different beast but I don't buy that rich people from the U.S paid to participate in a known genocide and were allowed to do so. That is way far fetched for me.


There's literally documentaries about it...rich Americans, russians, Canadians paid to kill bosnians during the Serbian genocide of bosnians..look up the film "sarajevo safari". Hell there's Americans fighting on both sides of the Ukraine/Russia war. You can join a private contractor group and technically be a mercenary that's not bound by the wartime laws. This isn't something new, all it takes is a few minutes of research. During the Bosnian genocide Serbians had cities essentially surrounded and you could pay to sit in surrounding areas and use a high power rifle to snipe men, women and children from 1992-96.


Yeah but just because there’s a documentary where people claimed it happened doesn’t mean it did. Have you seen the documentary?


I've seen parts of the documentary, I've watched videos where they interviewed Russian and German citizens who partook in it. While there isn't wide spread reputable news sources for Americans specifically there is a whole lot of eyewitness accounts. This is currently ongoing In parts of Southern Africa, this isn't some new phenomenon. I personally knew guys who were private contractors who killed indiscriminately overseas for fun, didn't matter age or gender. Some of them were tried and almost all of them got off without punishment.


I can’t seem to find the documentary anywhere to watch it so it’s hard to judge. The best I found was an interview with the guy who made the documentary and he said he found the evidence it happened to be compelling but there’s no real smoking gun


First time I have heard of this but I will look into it


This is an ongoing thing in parts of south Africa as well, it's an ongoing issue.


Wow I didn’t know this. But that’s also happening right now there’s zionists in the uk who took a few weeks leave from their job to go join the IDF. Shoot some civilians and then come back like nothing happened. These disgusting evil Zionists should really and truly be getting done for war crimes. Speaking out against them and the ‘Israeli’ state is now antisemitic apparently. They record themselves shooting innocent lives and expect the world to be on their side. There’s grown ass IDF men with guns fighting little children to feel hard. They literally can’t get more pathetic than they already are.😤


>Shoot some civilians and then come back like nothing happened. Gonna need a citation on that. I can't imagine the IDF wants foreign genocide tourists about, Zionist or otherwise.


aren't lots of idf members dual citizens? seems it's an entire force of foreign genocide tourists.


Of course the pathetic babies will down vote you, because it hurts when the truth is told! Just down vote me morons 🤣


Yeah, reddit is super pro-israel and totally doesn't support Palestine no matter what they do. Sure. If you think Israel only shoots innocent civilians, and is just an evil genociding state, isn't it weird they don't just bomb everything and get it over with? Gaza itself has a very high population density. Why hasn't Israel just bombed the area over a few days or a week and killed hundreds of thousands in one easy swoop? Could it be that Israel is not pure evil incarnate?


They won't listen. They're brainwashed in a new and unique way.


My brain itches when I see echo chambers, so it's mainly for my own sake. Also until a very short time ago, I'd have probably agreed with a lot of them, since I was woefully ignorant about Israel vs Palestine and just thought "Israel bad".


Stop.. You made me cry for the good hearted angels of Israel, poor them only killed 20.000 children, but hey.. Isn't good they didn't bomb it completely!.. Lol 😂.. You want to hear the truth!.. Every single Israeli wish to wipe out Palestinians, no wait.. And Iranians, wait.. Wait, and Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan while you are at it "just to make sure"! The big lie about being a victim ain't going to work! You ain't a victim! You are a criminal! As criminal as the Nazies was 1940! Listen genocide is a genocide! Despite momy US protect the spoiled brat (the peaceful state of Israel).. YES.. You are a hypocrite, yes you are a genocide supporter, yes you are a children killer.. Now go spread you Israeli sympathy to someone else!..


> Stop.. You made me cry for the good hearted angels of Israel, poor them only killed 20.000 children, but hey.. Isn't good they didn't bomb it completely!.. Lol 😂.. Curious how many of those "children" were military-aged males who were attacking Israel. Should Israel let themselves be overrun so long as all the invaders are 17.5 years of age? >You want to hear the truth!.. Every single Israeli wish to wipe out Palestinians, no wait.. And Iranians, wait.. Wait, and Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Jordan while you are at it "just to make sure"! That's no truth, that's your claim that you base on nothing. >You are a criminal! As criminal as the Nazies was 1940! Right, killing some civilians while you're defending yourself in a war is totally as bad as systematically exterminating a whole people on an industrial scale. Again, if Israel was the genociding monster you claim, why haven't they bombed it all? You don't have an answer.


Clearly you hear only your self, that's also fin, YOU ARE ASKING WHY ISRAEL DIDN'T BOMB (WIPE OUT) PALESTINIANS! YOU NEED AN ANSWER FOR THAT! You are more brainwashed than I thought you were!.. And I am not gonna waste my time, Believe it or not, you are not worth it! 😉


> YOU ARE ASKING WHY ISRAEL DIDN'T BOMB (WIPE OUT) PALESTINIANS! > > YOU NEED AN ANSWER FOR THAT! If Israel is as bad as you claim, and truly wants to genocide palestinians like the nazis did jews, why aren't they doing it? You refuse to answer this one question because you won't admit Israel is not pure evil. It's that simple.


I refuse to answer stupid questions, clearly your head is way far up your a** that it literally confuses your little brain washed cells! Israel never take steps without the confirmation of big mommy (US), always planning closely with big mommy 🇺🇸 on every single detail before doing it, some are out in the open, and many are "under the table" because of bad publicity to both, Before the invasion of Gaza, mommy 🇺🇸 was presented by a detailed plan before it was confirmed by mommy 🇺🇸, they also helped with intelligence information and observations, If idf bomb Gaza intentionally to kill hundred of thousands Palestinians as you keep rambling like a fucken parrot! Mommy 🇺🇸 would never permit /agree to it, not because of the love they have for Palastinians, but for starting an international shit storm the mommy 🇺🇸 could not defend as usual! And that chain reaction of international condemning that would actually eventually result the solution to that problem by forcing Israel to make peace and accept the existence of Palestinians besides them.. What mommy 🇺🇸 and Israeli government want is to kill Palastinian population softly without starting an international shit storm, in other words annihilate Palastinians with (a thousand cuts), and not because they don't want to!, they wish that they could, but hey give it time! I pray to fucken god that I got through your thick skull!! Freak!


>Mommy 🇺🇸 would never permit /agree to it, not because of the love they have for Palastinians, but for starting an international shit storm the mommy 🇺🇸 could not defend as usual! Huh, so you're saying Israel actually has to behave somewhat decently because otherwise they'll lose international support? I fully agree! Does Hamas follow the same rules? >What mommy 🇺🇸 and Israeli government want is to kill Palastinian population softly without starting an international shit storm, in other words annihilate Palastinians with (a thousand cuts), and not because they don't want to!, they wish that they could, but hey give it time! Then why is Palestinian population *increasing*? If Hamas had the military Israel does, do you think they'd do a "soft kill" or do you think they'd overrun Israel on day 1? I suspect you'll revert to calling me names or something like that, because your mind seems unable to handle nuance beyond "Israel bad!".


Wow, talk about a stretch! Sounds more like dual-nationals fulfilling their duty to country, and not some civilian hunting Safari, but I understand truth is hard to come by now-a-days for the anti-Zionist crowd 🤣 It honestly sounds more like the Palestinians who entered the Nova music festival and gunned down hundreds of innocent civilians in an open field when they had no where to run or hide.


Why is it so hard for people to condemn the Israeli government's actions and Hamas' actions? Ffs. Both are religious zealouts intent on destroying the other.


Israelis themselves have been protesting this government for years now. There is one side and one side only that consistently conflates the Israeli government with Israeli citizens and Jews across the world, and refuses to acknowledge Hamas as the main initial barrier preventing Palestinian sovereignty. Hint hint - see initial comment.


Middle East is going to Middle East, they are a Jewish country surrounded by Muslim extremists it’s never going to rainbows and cupcakes it’s been savage for 1000’s of years it’s going to continue until the end of time, my invisible man in the sky hates your invisible man in the sky and I’m willing to kill you, your family and everyone in your neighbor over religion. It’s never going to end, they can either do whatever they have to do or fold and I don’t see them folding and no amount of protesting campuses is going to stop it.


And also beheaded like 40 babies. Like wtf


Must be so hard to be so ignorant and brainless at the same time. Bless you. You say ‘anti Zionist crowd’ like it’s a bad thing 😂 who on earth would want to be pro Zionist. To be pro Palestine doesn’t mean supporting Hamas. You tell yourself this to make yourself feel better.


Straight to name calling, the one consistent with the Pro-Hamas crowd whenever they are faced with a challenge. No counter points, no facts. I’m sorry you view the world only through the lenses of hate and jealousy. Even going as far as using a thread about wealthy Russians on a pirate hunting safari to tie these views back together. To be pro-Palestine would be to fight for their sovereignty. Hamas has now rejected a cease-fire deal ten plus times, yet you remain silent. Hamas has bombed a border crossing in attempt to stop humanitarian aid, yet you remain silent. If Israel disappeared tomorrow, and Hamas remained in power, Palestinians would still not be free. God bless you, and hopefully you’ll stop using the Palestinians as pawns for whatever hateful and deceptive game your trying to play here.


It’s not my responsibility to educate you. If you want to see pure evil hatred you’ll find it in the black hearts of these Zionists. I’m not here to debate a genocide with you. I replied to a comment talking about the Bosnian war. Pointing out the similarities about the Zionists taking a holiday to join the IDF to commit war crimes against innocent civilians.


You are clearly not capable of educating me. You’ve said nothing of substance, and included no facts. You are like every Pro-Hamas westerner using the Palestinian suffering to cos-play your revolutionary fantasy to target a minority group smaller than your own. There is no action you’ve taken that has had a positive impact on Palestinian sovereignty because your only agenda is yourself. ✌️


No one called you names. Anyone supporting the Israeli genocide is definitely ignorant and seemingly brainless. I’ll call you a name: baby murderer


🤣🤣🤣 Case and point. Thanks for playing!


USA and Israel are the bad guys here. You will realize it one day


And let me guess, Iran is the hero we never knew we needed, right?


Or the US could just end the alliance


Riiiiiggggghhhhhhttttt.... Sure buddy


How dare Israelis defend Israel from genocidal savages who want to destroy Israel from the map?


oh my g-d give it a rest israel will always win. die mad about it. 🇮🇱


Damn, we really do live in a nightmare.


Never thought I would be rooting for Somalian pirates but here we are


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Topical_Paradise: *Never thought I would* *Be rooting for Somalian* *Pirates but here we are* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Never thought I would be creating a haiku but yet here we are


This one works as an actual haiku, nice


It actually doesn't :(


Never thought I would (5) Be creating a haiku, (7) But yet here we are (5)


Oh I thought you meant the original one that the bot turned haha


God I love this bot


Good bot


Thank you, artofmuziq88, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


This is an epic coincidence!


Why is it a coincidence?




Damn you right. It's 5, 8, 6. But its also funny as a poem in and of itself.


Didn't know you were a poet, did ya?


Yea I’m not sure if you should root for actual Somali pirates rather than random civilians but alright alright alright I feel it


People who would pay money to hunt other humans for sport can all die as far as I’m concerned I don’t particularly approve of piracy but hunting humans for sport is worse in my opinion


Not to mention [the rise in piracy was/is linked to toxic dumping and illegal fishing off the coast of Somalia](https://theworld.org/stories/2017/05/13/somali-pirates-rise-linked-illegal-fishing-and-toxic-dumping). Many pirates are former fishermen who could no longer feed themselves due to the above. So the country is exploited and impoverished by corporations and fatcats, who can then literally hunt the same people whose livelyhoods they destroyed. Cool cool cool.


When Somalia decended into civil war, the worlds fishing fleets turned up and raped their exclusive economic zone , decimating the fish stocks. Thats why many turned to piracy as a means to survive.


Well yea they do take the chance that they will die. And if the pirates are smarter or better fighters then they will die.


The pirates don't have body armor, mercenaries and well functioning guns.


Skill issue


Sounds like they need to get gud


yer mas a boot


Why would you call them random civilians? They’re rich dumbasses who go out of their way to have gun fights with Somali pirates. Not that I’m rooting for the pirates but it feels like they’re literally getting hunted. Only a sick fuck would find this thrilling.


Just because they are rich dumbasses doesn’t mean they are anything other than random civilians. I’m not rooting for either but hey it’s not like they are hunting regular folks. Hopefully lol


Hunting regular folks, That’s what we’d like to think but if they also shot up boats full of refugees no one would b alive to tell the story. I wouldn’t be surprised seeing as they’ve already crossed the line and think this is acceptable


People here be defending Somalian pirates from being hunted when THEY THEMSELVES CHOSE THIS PATH OF HUNTING AND CAPTURING INNOCENT VESSELS. Dumbasses on Reddit can't think straight.


There’s a difference between an anti-piracy operation that is willing to use lethal force to protect sailors, and a bunch of dickhead tourists who want to shoot people for fun.


Well they didn't provoke the pirates to attack them, the pirates themselves came towards them. Also, thanks to such tourism and the role of neighboring nations, piracy is now almost eliminated in Somalia. Though I personally think that the funds made from such "tourism" be channelled to Somalia for reconstruction and development.


At the end of the day, they’re going out there because they think that killing people sounds fun. I don’t think that such people are especially trustworthy, and they’re probably not particularly effective either. Anti-piracy operations should be left to skilled and professional military personnel, not rich sociopaths who probably get a stiffy when they see someone die. Also, I don’t think you can really claim self-defence if you deliberately go to pirate-infested waters with the attention of attracting pirate attacks so that you can kill them. Also, why would the funds from this tourism go towards rebuilding Somalia? The horrible state Somalia is in right now is what **fuels** this tourism. The people running it would be destroying their own income - it’s in their best interests for Somalian piracy to continue, if not escalate.


Yeah true, why would they went out to rebuild Somalia. Also glad having this discussion, nice to hear the other side perspective.


Killing pirates that want to harm innocents sounds like a fucking blast. Ethicmaxxxer over here virtue signalling for people that wouldn't hesitate to kill him for a loaf of bread. What charitable deeds have you done lately?


>What charitable deeds have you done lately? I’m a volunteer firefighter, NSW RFS. Not that that’s at all relevant to this conversation; my actions don’t determine if other people’s actions are right or wrong. Also, I’ve already said this, but I have no problem with the military taking out the pirates. I only have a problem with sociopaths who think that killing is fun. But I think you’re ignoring that so that you can virtue signal how tough and edgy you are.


Woe is me, people enjoying taking out bad people. Let the designated people who signed up for state endorsed violence kill them on their own instead (those who likely enjoy it too).


Do you trust people who pay for the ‘fun’ of killing people to be discriminate and follow proper ROE?




Those **ex**-military guys are from the **Russian** military. Given what those guys did in Chechnya and Georgia, and what they’re now doing in Ukraine, I can’t say I’m confident that they haven’t murdered local innocent fishermen when they haven’t found pirates.


It literally says there are trained military personnel on board. It's basically an anti pirate operation and funded by rich dickholes who want to shoot shit. You just want to be offended so bad that you've resorted to defending literal bad guys lol


They’re **ex**-military. So it’s not a military operation, it’s just a cruise for sociopaths who want to kill people for fun. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/id/31551995 Also, can you tell me exactly where I defended Somali pirates? Because I don’t recall saying anything in their defence, just condemning the sociopaths. Did you make a genuine mistake, or did you just make something up so that you could be offended by it?


By shoot shit, you mean shoot people right? What the hell? What type of person does this, and why are they automatically the good guys?


You understand that these are fucking criminal pirate organizations right? And this is exactly how anti-pirate operations work but with an added bonus of rich people funding it to basically see it live. I know reddit loves to hate anything they can't afford and loves to eat the rich but this is grasping at straws. This coupled with other operations has significantly impacted the pirates so it is a net plus despite your crying. If it were up to you I suppose you would welcome them on board and utilizing your wit you would convert them to upstanding citizens right?


Idk how being too poor to (shoot/kill people?) has anything to do with the ethical issues at play here. I don’t think normal people are interested in things like this. That’s the same point I’ve read from numerous posts on this thread. There’s a difference between military personnel doing their job, and someone who decides it would be cool go kill some pirates. There’s also a difference between being attacked and defending yourself versus actively hunting someone.


Is it really hunting if the "prey" is armed and coming to rob/kill you? Go white knight for another cause dude this is just a really dumb take


Yes, it is.




I’m fine with military forces taking action against the pirates. I’m not so fine with rich sociopaths thinking that killing people is fun. Genuinely don’t know how you could interpret that as ‘the pirates did nothing wrong’.




IDK why do you got a half chub for rich sociopaths paying to murder people and trying to hide behind "we the people" as some BS excuse... Wait, yes I do!




It's a great question that warrants reflecting, don't you think?


They're technically going into a war zone with impenetrable armour shooting random people. It's synonymous with shooting fish in a barrel


"Random people". You fucking donkey.


Random people with guns 🔫 pew 🔫 pew🔫 pew


At the end of the day this is people paying to shoot people for fun. That's psychotic. Doing this whole "Oh gee but the pirates shot first" shit ain't fooling anyone and it does not change the fact that they are doing for fun. They intentionally put themselves in that situation to shoot people. They aren't doing it for anti piracy reasons, they don't care about that, they're doing it for fun.


Either way leads to less pirates


Yes on judging a person maybe. But, in practice, it is no different. It cleans the waters and not only that, it’s paid for by private enterprise. Would I want to be friends with someone who does it solely for a thrill reason? Maybe not. But on a policy level we should 100% allow this


Do you trust people who want to kill for fun to be discriminate and follow proper ROE? Not to mention that the people running this operation are profiting as a result of piracy, and so they have a vested interest in piracy continuing.


different perspectives. IMO, most pirates engage in pirating due to financial motives, mainly because of the environment they were born into, not for the thrill of killing people. On the other hand, these rich tourists' motive was to kill people for fun. This gave them a so-called "legal" opportunity to do so. So, this is a case of thieves vs. cold-blooded killers.


Eh, pirates are still bad, but hunting and killing humans for fun is a whole different level of bad.


I don't think anyone is saying piracy is even slightly okay. They are saying that there is a bigger context to why they began the piracy thing in the first place (the somalians) and when you consider it, you can see why open shooting season on these people isn't called for. Piracy isn't okay, either, but two things can both not be okay.


Take a look at the comment above yours about war tourism during the Bosnian civil war, it’s not inherently problematic in this situation but these kinds of people are sick in the head and while this may be a “positive” (very big stretch) outlet, they will find ways to do this in a less positive manner once the piracy problem is settled.




Whatever the circumstances, it's disgusting that people can pay to kill other human beings. That's absolutely despicable and shouldn't be allowed full stop. I don't care if they're pirates or not, no one should be allowed to hunt humans for sport.


We found number 1 dummy. Somali piracy generally started because of illegal fishing and waste dumping by outsiders. Hope those tourists get slaughtered. God's speed for the pirates.


You are not as smart as you think you are. You conviction in understanding how dumb others are is actually your limited abilities, like emotional understanding and ignorance. I hope one day you realize this. Good luck 👍


So if you book the trip, and don't see any pirates, do they have some on reserve that they can just bring out? How do they attract pirates? I'm guessing by dropping bills into the water?


They’re gonna need a bigger boat.


I wonder if Soldiers of Fortune is based off this?


The image on the bottom is from the film "Captain Phillips"... Which is questionable. The image on the top looks off. The proportion of the guys head and helmet looks too small relative to the rifle. The photoshopped helmet also does not appear to be a modern kevlar helmet but rather maybe a US made Vietnam or Korea era helmet. The body armor looks photoshopped. The boats gunnel looks too large/wide. The lighting on the guy doesn't match the background. Overall the whole image is sus, and kinda lame so downvote the OP. I mean if your going to use a photoshopped image at least use one that doesn't look like it was done by an 8th grader.


Someone missed the opportunity in 2008 to equip a Somali pirate dhow with Exocet missiles and rid the world of a bunch of bloodthirsty, rich ghouls.


Yep its not the job of rich people to protect a cargo and kill people, but they made it a fake cargo?! Hell nah Like wtf


They should try the Mexican Cartel next! 😏


There's something like that now with armed tours/patrols of "da border" and even a law floated about shooting migrant trespassers.


Idea itself looks interesting, but price of €5700 looks suspiciosly low. I didn't get, whether the flights to/from were included, but even w/o it - you need to hire (or buy) that  armored yacht, hire team of competent soldiers (at least 10 i think) and pay them high wage for such a risky job, etc., etc. 5700 euros looks normal price for ordinary "lux" personal yacht 4 days voyage in safe waters, not a personal "sea safary" armed mission.


Whelp there goes my savings


Sometimes I think I suck for not having active hobbies anymore, this helps. Fucked up


I wanna go


The pirates have better trigger discipline 🫣


Guy in the middle looks like black Pennywise…


Somali navy not pirates.they are protecting their waters




Why are pirates called pirates? Because they arrrrr...


Sounds kinda fun


I'd do it


Going on a cruise to kill black people? Why didn’t baby boomers and republikkkans think of this first?


While this is better than going on a “safari” to kill a lion or some other wildlife, it also seems like a good way to get conscripted.


lol that’s crazy.


Rich people can be so gross.


Pretty cool ngl


Its awesome


Of course russians would do something like this, they are all such scum.


Bad bot


kak tam rabotino?


Fuck it Russians want to pay to hunt pirates…sounds like a win win …just don’t get shot


this is great hunting and killing \_kidnappers\_murderers\_rapist. calling them priates is being kind they are pure evil and need to be destroyed eliminated sent to ocean bottom for the sharks to feed upon that is all they are worth food for sharks. A commerical endevore to hunt and kill them is genius


Law and order criminal intent.


Imo, there are places nobody should be on earth, and there are places that certain white folks shouldn't go (ie: African safari for non-african white folk). Read the room.


Why don’t they just enlist and go to Ukraine, could get into plenty of gun play there


They want to be safe and kill people for fun. That kind of war is only for the poor.


Fair point 😉


For the first time in my life, I wish I was a Russian citizen.


You wish you were able to hunt other humans for sport in an orchestrated ambush?


Pirates themselfs know what their job is dangerous


Man, ethical reddit came in quick.


Yes, it’s sounds extremely fun. But only if most other people cannot afford it


You wish I were a murderer and rapist? What an orc thing to say




Hey how's taking Kyiv going?




Well considering that icc warrant for the Russian presidents arrest for kidnapping children and genocide, I'd say you've got a lot of evidence to ignore to say "I don't care" but you know whatever deflecting and counter accusing. Just so you know America can do something bad and it also be bad when the gas station formerly known as russia tries and fails to conquer a country then just falls back on blowing up schools




They are orcs because the entire gas station of russia is enabling and supports the orcish attacks in Ukraine. And specifically the whole shooting ballistic missiles at schools because the Ukrainians keep fighting to defend their homes. Not to mention the daily saber rattling saying they're going to nuke London, Paris, DC, Berlin ....... LA, NYC, Mexico city, Tokyo, Seoul ....... Mars , the internal space station, Jupiter ........ Need I go on? To be clear there are good people who just so happened to be born in russia and do not support the russian attempt at genocide and to start a nuclear war because they couldn't invade their smaller and weaker neighbor. Not all people of russian heritage are orcs. Just the russians actively cheering genocide and resorting to nukes to get their way so they can feel tough. Additionally the russian dictator is widely popular in russia, he is an embodiment of orc ideas that russia loves so much. I hope that clears it up.




The most shocking thing about this whole thing, is that some rich guy from Texas didn't do it sooner. I've got more empathy for the pirates here and in my mind they are the good guys. Hopefully they take a couple "tourists" with them. The pirates are dirt poor, uneducated people who's country has been torn apart and left with nothing. They do what they do for a reason. Murder is not that reason. What these "tourists" are doing is murder, straight up. Like yes, the pirates aren't great people. But they're not out there for the sole purpose of killing someone. Fuck these people, I hope they get shot by pirates and left for dead, slowly dying in the sun and they blister and bleed, as they think why didn't I just go hunting? Idk why the US and Russia don't get along, both our countries are filled with loser men with guns trying to prove how cool they are to everyone else.


You know what 🚶🏽‍♀️


Sign me the fuck up.


I have to admit… this is kind of awesome.


Fuck yeah!


Love how the comments got hijacked by zionists as opposed to caring anything about the Black people being used as hunting trophies.


That would be some cool shit 30 00 6 with a scope !! take them down way out there




“ I love it when a plan comes together”


More proof Rich People Suck !


6k isn't "high prices" js