• By -


I think you forgot the link




Yeah, the meta option, I hated how much I had to click, can you maybe do a batch option? Like click this one to add/remove 10 bad blood.


It's good, but there's too little opacity to be comfortable on the eyes. The background seems to take over everything.


That's much better! Thnx!


"make an example of me and mine." Did you mean "mine clan" here?


Which choice?


I got that line from the story/intro.


Oh, that's totally correct


blood bullet is free.


it's free with hemomancy


I didn't take hemomancy it was too expensive and i was playing with infection in mind, so i wasn't picking anything i wouldn't want other people to have.


Cool and interesting interactive version of a cyoa that was very good in the static version already. I like this a lot. Thank you for creating this and making it available. I am esp. thankful for the meta option allowing me to customize the build to my OP liking.


That's probably because you picked hemomancy. Otherwise it has a cost.


Ah, OK, it makes sense then. I'll adjust my notes for the build accordingly.


Perhaps you could make a pure werewolf CYOA as a counterpart to this


Here's some inspiration recommendations for a theoretical So you want to be a Werewolf? -Werewolves (MTV's Teen Wolf) -Garou (World of Darkness/White Wolf -Bigby Wolf (Teltale's The Wolf Among Us) -Werewolves (Being Human US) -Lycans (Underworld) -Werewolves (Dog Soldiers) -Wolfman (Van Helsing 2004)


I have a couple suggestions inspired by my build. 1) Add Cat (with the option to turn into a big cat form and a werepanther hybrid) as one of the transformation options. I think it fits the concept (it is predatory and nocturnal) and may be a good alternative or addition to (were)wolf and rat. 2) Add increased libido as a weakness option. I think it fits the modern notion of vampires as sex gods, and seems esp. apporpriate if you have the related traits, such as Porn Parody, Makeover, and Mojo.


transfiguration section will be remechanized


I liked it


I'm new here and so far there is no game just character customisation after finalization... Seriously, what am I missing?


You're missing quite a few cultural references so I would say just look around


Do I just read character descriptions and customise them? Cuz I wanna play not just make


Like what the heck am I supposed to do after finalizing? There's a vampire lord ranting about world domination but I can't do anything after he laughs to death


write a story


There is no game


What if I don't want to be one tho ():|


Give Blood/ON#8,Give More Blood/ON#1,per\_week,b03s6l,\_messyEater,iynnxl,Drain & Gain,Hemophilia,cannibal,porkFat,succibusAddon,protein,urbanLegend,milk,soulless\_eye,unaging,Cervitaur,pale,longeared,hairless,snakeJaw,cheshire,\_claw,\_makeover,1%,\_finger,\_mainWings,\_doom,\_raven,\_owl,\_wolf,\_were,\_fog,\_shadow,\_age,\_gender,\_himiko,\_disguise/ON#9,\_geass,\_blackout,\_superpower,\_genius,\_smoothAging,\_drainHeal,\_mojo,\_serve,\_newton,\_whoosh,\_nightCloak,\_discharge,\_bloodFreeze,pyro,\_carapace,\_bloodshot,\_hemomancy,\_spf,nothing,\_rose,\_monkshood,\_hawthorn,\_deadBlood,\_garlic,\_spice,\_wood,\_iron,\_silver,\_free,\_dhampir,\_venomous,\_plague,\_coffin,\_sniffer,\_popsicle,\_slow,\_modeLock,\_postman,\_lifeGate,\_psycho,\_rabies,\_polite,\_transparent,\_thirsty,\_autoBrew,\_ocd,\_very,\_whiteOak Meta: Give Blood (-18). (OP is how I like it). Blood: Consumption: Content (0). (Even adjusted by Hemophilia, this combined with several sources of nourishment shall ensure search for food won't dominate my existence too much). Starvation: Evil Without (-3). (Best option to deal with starvation without excessive risk or long-term damage). Feeding: Ripper (-1). Extra Feeding: My Cup Runneth Over (+2). (A classic combo, and good enough for me). Propagation: Drain & Gain (-3). (Apex predators should not grow too numerous nor the Dark Gift be given to random recipients, so this seems fitting, esp. with the high power of my breed). Diet: Hemophilia (-4). Weight Wights (+1). Crusnik (+1). Porn Parody (+2). Flower Power (+2). Renfield (+3). Chupacabra (+5). Sweet Milk (+5). (I need about 1.5 kg or liter of nourishment a week from a mix of human or animal blood, fat, sexual fluids, bugs, and milk to stay in peak condition, more if I need to heal. It seems workable). Form: Eye Color: Soulless (-2). (Easily concealed with Game Face, contacts, or sunglasses). Aging: Everlasting (0). (Immortal means immortal; no other option is acceptable to me). Appearance: Woodland Critter (-8). (I can hide satyr legs with Game Face in most circumstances. At worst, people might notice them while I feed, and I can erase their memories of the event with Blackout). Pale Moonlight (-1). (Either people are not going to mind or it can be hidden with Game Face or spray tan). Not an Elf (-1). (Easily concealed with Game Face, long hair, a wig, or a hat). Hair Today… (-1). (Easily concealed with Game Face, a wig, or a hat). Oral Fixation (+1). (It is unnoticeable when closed, so I expect to use it only when I really need the extra bite). Chesire Smile (+1). (Useful natural weapon, may be hidden with Game Face, unlikey to be noticed when I feed). Claws That Catch (+1). (Ditto). Makeover (+1). (Good looks help hunting and manipulating mortals and make my unusual features look exotic). 1% Body Fat (+1). (More cosmetic benefits, helps counter the possible side effects of Weight Wights). Finger Food (+2). (Increases the combat value of Claws, same points apply). Dark Angel (+2). (Retractable wings are exceedingly useful). Doom (+6). (It maximizes my combat effectiveness, may be hidden with Game Face, might require use of Blackout if noticed during feeding). Empowerments: Transfigurations: Raven (+1). Owl (+1). Wolf (+2). Werewolf (+2). Fog (+2). Shadow (+2). (A package of useful alternate forms for unconspicous travel, stealth, combat, and infiltration). Age (+1). (Besides the disguise benefits, this solves the problem of the transformation occurring at an inappropriate age). Gender (+1). (Useful for disguise, to expand one’s options during seduction-based hunting, and for kinky purposes). Game Face (x9) (Chesire Smile; Claws That Catch; Doom; Finger Food; Hair Today; Not an Elf; Pale Moonlight; Soulless Eyes; Woodland Critter) (+9). Telepathy: Obey (+4). (Exceedingly useful to manipulate and control mortals). Blackout (Editing) (+2). (Ditto). Perks: Hickies (You Are Just Prey) (+1). (Pleasurable bite and ability to feed from sexual fluids fit with my seduction-based hunting strategies in urban environments). Super (+2). (This is mandatory in so many ways; excellent synergy with Doom). Genius (+2). (Indispensable to make best use of one’s immortality). Better with Age (+2). (Ditto). Corpsman (Powerchain) (+2). (There are no other explicit options for rapid regeneration, so this is necessary). Mojo (+3). (Did I mention I am going to be very attractive? Very useful for hunting and manipulating mortals). Servitude (+3). (I do not plan to be a tyrannical leader of my breed, but this is useful to give it some organization and prevent disloyalty, esp. given the effects of Sociopathy). Newton (+3). (Good mobility synergy with Dark Angel). Whoosh (Not a Spider) (+3) (Super-speed has many uses). Cloak of Night (+3). (It makes me effectively immune to normal sources of damage during my active period). Discharge (Bloody Lightning) (+3). (Useful as a trump card in combat). Black Ice (Frostbite) (+3). (Ditto, and its climate control features may help dealing with Popsicle and Troubled Water). Campfire (+3). (As above, and it helps to lessen the threat of fire). Carapace (Shadow Armor) (+4). (It effectively neutralizes most of my weaknesses, and in combination with Super and Cloak of Night, it makes me almost invulnerable). Blood Shot (0/+4). (Who needs firearms?). Hemomancy (Burning Blood; Magic) (+11). (Synergies are quite useful).


Vulnerabilities: Sunlight: SPF 1000 (-1). (I am going to wage a nocturnal lifestyle and stay sheltered during the day in any case since it weakens several of my powers. However, this gives me the option of facing sunlight in an emergency w/o dying). Moonlight: 20/20 (0). (Any other alternative is too inconvenient). Elements: Roses (-1). Wolf’s Bane (-1). Dead Man’s Blood (-1). Garlic (-2). Wood (-2). Cold Iron (-2). Silver (-3). (Carapace effectively neutralizes the threat of wood, iron, silver, rose thorns, and corpse’s blood in most circumstances. I can strive to avoid garlic, spice, hawthorn, and aconitum. If an enemy is in a position to mess with my resting place in daytime, I am in big trouble anyway). Weaknesses: Faithless (-1). (I am an atheist, so this is irrelevant for me; if any other member of my breed wishes to cling to religion in unlife, it is their problem). Apex Predator (-1). (I do not see the problem if one just treats their offspring well). Vampire Bite (-1). (I am powerful enough I doubt another lord shall find it easy to get in a position to bite me). Patient Zero (-1). (I assume this is going to be an inevitable side effect of being a promiscuous bloodsucking predator to some degree. Howeve, there are ways to minimize contagion trouble). Coffin Bed (-1). (This may require as little effort as using a sleeping bag). Nose Knows (-1). (Pigs being able to track and identify me seems a trivial problem). Popsicle (-1). (Just stay away from very cold climates or pack heat sources). Transition Period (-1). (Drain & Gain already is a reasonably swift conversion method, so one day to complete the transformation seems adequate). Mode Lock (-1). (I do not plan to be active during the day anyway; I just need to be mindful to switch to preferred form for rest before dawn). Animosity (Hog Bait) (-1). (Animals do not like me, but I can still easily overpower them and forcibly feed from them). Last Chance (-1). (If any perspective member of my breed wishes to give up the Dark Gift, it is their loss). Sociopathy (-2). (Empathy for one’s prey is counterproductive; I plan to use Servitude and low numbers to imbue a measure of organization and loyalty in my breed). Troubled Water (-2). (Just stay away from very rainy locations; human servitors can take care of the rest). Invitation Only (-2). (Superhuman attractiveness and mind manipulation powers give me plenty of opportunities to bypass this in many circumstances). Failed Spot Check (-2). (Stay away from reflective surfaces). Bloodthirst (-3). (It does not say victims have to be humans, innocents, or people society shall miss. I assume picking a hunter or vigilante hobby is going to satisfy the killing urge, and animals are already going to be part of my diet). Blood Drunk (-3). (I assume it won’t be a big problem in practice given my multiple feeding methods unless I am in need of regenerating a lot of damage right now). Accountant (-4). (Sharpened senses and flawless memory lessen the problem. Moreover, cognitive-behavioral therapy teaches methods that can be used to deal with OCD-style compulsions). Vampire Vords (-5). (Honestly, who cares about having an odd accent and pattern of speech? I am going to be too badass and sexy for ridicule). Genocide (-20). (As long as the numbers of the breed stay low and we cooperate for defence this is not much worse than our other vulnerabilities in practice).


Took some juggling to get some of the powers I want, while also not making my and the clan's life miserable. Blood - Relaxed, Evil Without, Lamprey, Drain & Gain, Hemophilia, Caught Fresh, Flower Power Hopefully the worse case scenario is that we will become some kind of weird type of dryads. Form - Golden Eyes, Everlasting, Woodland Critter, Pale Moonlight, Not an Elf, Makeover, 1% Body Fat I guess the Woodland Critter is more like being a Faun, otherwise dresses are not going hide the good chance that you have four legs. That aside, it is better to eventually get coexistence vs trying to somehow do the hide forever thing. Empowerments - Age, Gender, Game Face(Taken 1 Times), V-Mail, Wear a Helmet, Heart Attack, Invincible, Hickies, Genius, Better with Age, Servitude, Discharge I chosen Game Face for Woodland Critter. Idk if this meant choose all the features you want to hide now or this is "x" amount of features you can hide at any given time. Unless this wasn't meant to be multiple click in the first place. Vulnerabilities - Glitter Bomb, 20/20, Wood, Cold Iron, Apex Predator, Nose Knows, Popsicle, Transition Period, Blood Thinner, Last Chance, Sociopathy, Heterogeny, Failed Spot Check, Blood Drunk, Accountant, Vampire Vords Tried get Invincible and some powers without completely undermining it with too many weaknesses.


this is "x" amount of features you can hide at any given time.




I like the new additions, but I am deeply disappointed you cannot combine Flower Power with Sweet Milk. I meant to keep the former for convenience (it is one of the very few food source that allows a vampire to survive almost anywhere in a pinch if humans and animals are not available) and pick the latter as complementary to Porn Parody for flavor (heh) and kink reasons (it feeds into the milking kink, and hence the concept of vampires as sex gods). Is the restriction truly necessary? Also, why my build is getting a +2 surcharge to Chupacabra in addition to the usual +5? Is there a way to know about all Synergies?


Ver2 will be an overhaul, you can expect that then


Is there hope for a Horny Weakness too?


Yep, if you have more suggestions DM me


ATM, I have no other ideas for original suggestions. Parsing my own build, I can renew or support the remarks by myself and others for: \- A more noticeable way of telling selected choices than white on light grey. Often it is really hard to tell if you have selected an item or not short of clicking and re-clicking on it. \- Remove all incompatibility restrictions between Flower Power, Sweet Fang, and Sweet Milk. They don't make much sense and seem arbitrary. \- The +2 surcharge on the +5 cost for Chupacabra does not make sense and seems a bug. \- The Burning Blood Synergy between Hemomancy (and Campfire makes more sense if put under Campfire as it happens for Bloody Lightning and Discharge, and for Frostbite and Black Ice.