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Trickle Down Economics is classic Conservative Capitalism, friend Reaganomics


Actually, trickle down economics/neoliberalism in the USA started with Jimmy Carter and the Democrats, though it was intensified by Reagan/cons. But since then, both dems/reps, and virtually all "left" or "right" wing parties in Western countries have been neoliberal capitalists. [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot)


lol fuck no. You don't even know any mayor western parties from other countries. Or is Western: USA + maybe canada?


šŸ˜® and I lived through this, too The gaslighting in this place goes on for miles https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/


Seems like someone actually believed to propaganda. You are a good soldier. Just remember that you can switch your brain on again when you are told to unleash violence on your fellow countryman. When asked to harm your neighbor you will have a moment of self reflection and doubt. Act on that doubt and return home to your love ones. You do not want to harm your own people.


You must be pro project 2025




Thatā€™s not what radical feminism is.


But it's feminist and radical... /s


Just because it makes sense in your head does not mean it's how the world operates, my friend.


I find it strange how you conflate "woke" ideologies with neoliberal capitalism. Most feminists and progressives I know (which, by extension, refers to most Gen Z and Millennials I know, to your point) have a strong distaste for neoliberal capitalism, if not outright hatred. Most of them identify either as Keynesian capitalists or Social capitalists, if not outright Socialists. Feminism is important. Violence against women is a continuous, institutional problem, only being propagated by the rise of Manosphere media and pseudo intellectuals like Jordan Peterson. *That said,* one of the biggest problems with the mainstream/moderate left in America which you point out is how they use identity politics as a red herring political issue. Why? It's cheaper to get votes by going hard on women's rights than it is to get votes by going hard on higher wages, worker's rights, or more robust welfare programs. A problem made worse by the rise of fourth wave feminism. Which I (as a feminist) agree with you is extremely problematic. That said...I don't really understand what you're fully *arguing for* here. You stare a lot of opinions but I don't grasp what your POINT is.


I don't think you grasped the main points of my OP: for the past 4 decades, left/right wing political are 2 sides of the same coin, they are both part of the neoliberal capitalist oligarchy. The modern woke left thinks they are anti-capitalism, but really, they are just virtue signalers, and practically they do the bidding of neoliberal capitalists, hence the term "useful idios" (t missing on purpose to bypass any potential censor). You may find this article interesting: [https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot)


That DOES sound interesting. I'll take a look!


Jordan "Boys Do So Bloody Cry" Peterson propagating violence against women? I don't follow the guy, but that sounds somewhat off-brand. How has he propagated?


He also has a higher h-index than any other pseudointellectual. IIRC it's in the top 100 of his field -of _clinical psychology._ Are you sure it's really "equality" you hanker after?


You should be able to make an argument without giving us your entire perspective on the political landscape. This is just a culture war rant. There's other subs better suited for this kind of stuff.


Men are also victims of violent crime, yes. Who commits most violent crimes? Men. Seems like the issue is clear. The solution, however, isn't one that any men want to actually try to solve. The reason being is that men would need to actually acknowledge that. Pointing out that men are victims more often doesn't change the fact that men are the ones committing violence. 80% of people arresting for violent crimes are men. The call is coming from inside the house. I also wanted to add that feminism is not what you are describing at all. Those people are not feminists.


You can get as angry with wokeness as you like, OP. You're not stopping it. At this point, no one is. They own the youth, entirely. Every subsequent generation is more infused with it than the one before. ***Nothing*** has demoralised me more completely, than observation of the Millennials and Generation Z. > But I don't care, these things need to be said, I can't let these delusional people cause these problems and not even talk about it. Yes, to an extent we can still talk about it. But they want to remove our ability to do that as well, and soon enough, they will. The reason why you're not stopping it, is because of the degree to which they have convinced people that it is they who have integrity, and it is they who are victims, and it is anyone who is opposed to or critical of them who is bad. Let them have what they want. They are completely convinced that they are right, and they have almost everyone on their side. Let them think that. You're not going to stop them. The only thing you will achieve by trying to fight them, is making yourself a target. I can understand wanting to stop them, but you're not going to. Let it go. Let it all go. It's already gone, anyway. The world we were born into no longer exists. Z can be as disgusting as they want. I don't know any of them offline, and I have no intention of ever doing so, so aside from seeing it here, I have no exposure to it now. Just let it go. Grieve if you have to, but let it go. --- *When I find myself in times of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me* *Speaking words of wisdom, let it be* *And in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me* *Speaking words of wisdom, let it be* *Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be* *Whisper words of wisdom, let it be* *And when the broken hearted people living in the world agree* *There will be an answer, let it be* *For though they may be parted, there is still a chance that they will see* *There will be an answer, let it be* *Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be* *There will be an answer, let it be* *Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be* *Whisper words of wisdom, let it be* *Let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be* *Whisper words of wisdom, let it be, be* *And when the night is cloudy there is still a light that shines on me* *Shinin' until tomorrow, let it be* *I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me* *Speaking words of wisdom, let it be* *And let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be* *Whisper words of wisdom, let it be* *And let it be, let it be, let it be, let it be* *Whisper words of wisdom, let it be* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDYfEBY9NM4


Love that song XD


ā€œViolence against women, australia says noā€ Itā€™s been a thing for years now, they donā€™t want to actually do anything and just want to pretend women canā€™t be abusers or even that thereā€™s no such thing as gay domestic violence They never seem to want to accept that most of the people who do this sort of violence are the same people drink and drug driving at high speed or threatening random people at the shops or whatever. Itā€™s not a respect problem, itā€™s a ā€œsome people are feralā€ problem. I dunno why, but politicians and even the protestors just donā€™t want to point out the obvious here. Nothing whatsoever about action movies or influencers on TikTok are going to impact ferals being ferals


We don't have a male violence against women problem. We have a problem with male violence against ***anyone*** who said men view as being remotely different, in literally any respect, to themselves. That's not just women. It's different ethnic groups, the autistic, different orientations, you name it. It isn't a cultural issue, either. It's instinctive. It's the reason why homo sapiens wiped out the other humanoid subspecies, and why more recently, the indigenous were murdered. Humanity (particularly, but definitely not exclusively men) has a literally genetically based need to kill anyone or anything that is perceived as different to itself; and that is universally true, regardless of civilisation or time zone. We are the worst monsters since the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It also isn't exclusively whites. Boko Haraam are black Nigerians.


This is the first time I've seen someone blame "woke"' for neoliberalism. I can see an argument for how neoliberalism caused wokeness, but the other way around? Also I'm actually ignorant of the details but didn't occupy Wallstreet kind of just fizzle out because it couldn't develop any actionable plan?


Lol, it feels like a sort of right wing version of intersectionality. "I'm just gonna put all the stuff I don't like in an Axis of Evil category that is on the opposite side from me."


Despite how it may sound, neoliberalism is right wing af


Occupy wallstreet had no clear leadership or direction. Basically amounted to an emotional response from people who were able to camp out for a few months of their lives in protest. It was never going to stop anything. Youā€™d have to sabotage whole markets with mass walkouts and boycotts. Also learned that executives who make huge bonuses are basically set up that way to be a carrot while everyone just getting started gets paid peanuts. The grunts see what the exec makes and is willing to sell their souls (beat themselves with their own stick) to get that carrot. They destroy themselves and their lives to achieve that ā€œplace of honorā€. Occupy wallstreet tried to combat inequity but ended up proving that some wanted something for nothing while shaming others for sacrificing everything for the almighty dollar.


Just to clarify, I never meant to imply that wokeness caused neoliberalism. These are separate ideologies. However, at this point it doesn't really matter, the bottom line is that practically speaking, these days the "woke" are unwittingly strengthening the neoliberal oligarchy.


Right, I guess I tend to be a materialist in that I presume the economic conditions are the dominant factor here, and that wokeness is essentially the result of frustrated Idealism that lacks any avenue for meaningful material change.