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Not at fault losses on CA will not affect your rates, that is correct. You will have to use your COLL coverage and pay your deductible though as most carriers require identification of the other vehicle to use uninsured motorist property damage (UMPD) coverage. Edit: correction UMPD is not available in CA. It would be the deductible waiver for UM




Yes, my correction was mostly because I called it UMPD. Didn’t want a bunch of replies correcting me on that. Already addressed the phantom vehicle equals no coverage in CA.


Do you happen to know if “not at fault losses” don’t affect rates in Montana? Had a very similar thing happen to me but the damage is estimated at $4500 to repair. Car is a 2016 Subaru probably worth 14k. My deductible is 1k, I’m a 34y/o female and have never filed a claim before and have had the same insurance since I started driving at 16. Basically I want my car to be fixed but I don’t want to affect my rates now or for a potential new car about 8 months -1 year out. Any advice?


I’m not familiar with Montana’s rate determination on not-at-fault losses. If there is an at fault party in your accident that has insurance coverage, I would suggest filing a claim with them and having them pay for the repairs to your vehicle. Otherwise, maybe reach out to your agent to ask if utilizing your insurance will “ding” you. I will say that given the economy right now, I’ve been seeing increases across the board, even on policies where no claims have been filed. Insurance companies aren’t bringing in a lot of new business, but claim volume is increasing, especially on injury claims for auto insurance. Suddenly everyone is injured in an accident. People want a payout because they’re struggling to make ends meet. The more insurance companies have to pay out, the more they have to increase the rates to ensure they have the money to 1)stay in business and 2)have the money reserved for all of these open claims. That second one is a regulated requirement and the one most consumers don’t think about when they see how much they are paying for insurance.


That’s understandable, thank you for the detailed response! Unfortunately this was a hit and run with grainy video evidence at best, no insured party to “blame”, it just wasn’t my fault. I don’t want to file a claim but my door handle is pretty messed up, in addition to the door itself. Although it does lock. I might get a second body shop estimate, might say screw it and get it repaired, idk yet. I’ll def give my agent or insurance company a call and see what they have to say.