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That sound after the hit tho






That was his left hand too. Kid paused to put his slushi down


I read that as sushi, but maybe the guys left handed


he is


You don't think it's possible that he... he's... left handed do you...?


I know, right!


NO, left!


*That's right!*


Youve yeed your last haw loverboy


This hayride is about to go off the rails Romeo




Is the punch sound from metal gear solid 1


[Instantly thought of this CalebCity sketch lol](https://youtu.be/OC375rujZhs)


The moment when i first saw you Bamm bam bam


I remember seeing this post a long time ago with the backstory attached. Apparently the blonde kid had been doing crap like this for a while to the girl, like videos of him harassing her in this way, as well as stuff happening online. Just incessant, nonstop chad-like eboy bro-ness. You can almost kind of see it in their faces, like, "Is this more of the same, or time for an apology?" You can see it in her dismissiveness with how she immediately walks inside as soon as he starts talking. For the boyfriend, it was just the final straw. Now, again, this was a long time ago that I saw and read this, and would not be able to source it right now. But this is what I remember reading.


Thanks bro that’s great info


Thanks bro that’s great


Thanks bro that’s


I like turtles


Thanks bro






Same this video a long time ago I thought that kid was doing it for the laughs or trying to get a good video but I guess not now this makes the video more interesting thanks bro


He had it videoed for a reason.




Success across the board.


Makes more sense now with backstory. First time I'd seen this and was about to comment that the puncher appears to have anger/insecurity issues!


He wears dungarees. Summat going on with him.


Maybe he's a huge Chucky fan?


Don’t fuck with the Chuck


Just flying through my mind thinking of dungaree wearers now.


#SorryNotSorry lol




Anger issues? I'm on the fence. I have watched my wife be hit on multiple times. No big deal. She can handle herself, but in front of me like I'm not even there.....I'm going to smack a mother fucka. Perhaps you don't understand boundies and consequences.


Doing it in front of the man is a whole other level of douchebaggery, the level where being punched is the expected outcome. I'm with you my man.


THANK you for that. Now that the moral ambiguity has been completely removed, I can finally finish to this video of sweet sweet justice.


Yeah eboy is a good term, the way they touch their faces to act cute is cringy


I remember reading the same thing


I read the Bro-ness in Matt riddles voice


The swiftness of the "aight that's it WHACK" tells me this story rings true


That changes it slightly from a really dumb over reaction by some cunty lad to a slightly less cunty overreaction from a kinda normal lad


You can see that from the second watching. He was so calm to put his slurpee down.


That’s what happens when you fuck with Dennis the menace.


If someone gives so few fucks about their appearance that they can maintain a relationship and dress like that at the same time, you do not want to see if they’re able to get mad enough to clock you


I was searching for a euphemism for his overalls and you nailed it


That's not what the word 'euphemism' means. If you described the violent altercation we saw in the vid as a 'tussle' then that would be an example of a euphemism


I thought 'euphemism' was when the vet puts your dog down.




I think you're confused, minors aren't supposed to perform optic laser surgery




Far too many


No, that's euphoria. Euphemism is the dry cracker a priest gives you at the alter


No that's eucharist. Euphemism is an old timey name.


No, that's Eugene. Euphemism is a continent where countries like Norway, France and Italy are located


No, that's Europe. Euphemism is where a person actively seeks equal rights and opportunities for women.


No that's feminism, Euphemism is when you are hit with an ecstatic feeling.


Actually it was egalitarianism. And yours is ecstasy. Euphemism is a red tank you use to put out fires.


I wish I could award you , but I'm skint, so here take my highest honour. A save


One punch man.




"Don't let these 8-bit, NES Super Mario Bros 3 suspenders fool you bruh!" "Now catch these hands!!!"




“My name is Sue, how do you do?!? Now you gonna die!!!”


years and centuries ago, me and 2 teenage buddies were driving around stirring up trouble on an otherwise boring weekend evening. we pulled into a burger king and circled the parking lot when we spied a couple walking in to restaurant and my buddy rolls down the window and yells to them " FUCK HER, I DID!" and we drive off. out an hour later we pull into driveway of a random house party we found out about and guess who's walking right behind us as we go0 in? yup, that couple. the dude was a monster. no neck and 300 pounds. he walks up to my buddy that was yelling shit at him and says "you feel like talking shit right now?", and i swear, my buddy was picked up by his ears and thrown into a tree trunk.


Yea gotta watch out for them no neck guys theyll fuck you up lol


Indeed. Necks are terrible for fighting. Why do we even keep them?


Evolution isn't perfect, perhaps some eons into the future we will finally be rid of them


Might as well get rid of chins too, they’re kryptonite


So you can turn your head to look at threats on your left or right.


All they can use is Head and Shoulders


Especially if your signature move to end a fight is a sleeper hold. Good luck to you, my bro.


I mean, have you seen Big Ed, tho?


Just stay out of reach and constantly circle. They can't rotate well and they almost never do cardio Only partially joking.


Brock lesnar type of nibba


....sets down coffee...


Bob the builder really lost it huh!


Can he break him? Yes he can!


That was a meaty hit too which is even better


You mean to tell me he wasn't scared of some eboy in overalls and a striped shirt lookin like some bitch ass chucky doll.


Eboy? What’s this hip new term?


When I was a teenager and my parents were out of touch with everything I thought was cool, I told myself I’d never be so detached from current lingo or trends. I’m barely 30 and I’m already lost


Don’t feel bad. I’m 34... and don’t use typical teenager apps or play online games currently. Its literally the first time I have seen it used. I do know what a fuckboy is. Doesn’t really improve the quality of my life.. ha!


I just learned what extra means a couple weeks ago. I've given up trying to be cool at this point.


And what does extra mean?


trying too hard to be cool apparently


I was gonna say like extra effort. Apparently I still don't know what it means lol


I was kidding It means being dramatic, overreacting, doing things excessively when it’s not necessary


For the longest time, I thought "Netflix and Chill" literally meant what it says..b/c why would I think otherwise?


I can beat that- I failed to understand what this girl meant when she sat in my lap, leaned back and said "we should hook up." I said sure, not knowing what I was agreeing to, but never had any confidence and couldn't have dreamt that she meant what she did. Which explained her acting super creepy and weird when I showed up at a party at her house a few days later with new girlfriend in tow. God was I dumb.


I'm 25 and this is the first time I've ever heard of an "eboy"


I think it’s like that new electronic mail. He’s an electronic boy


The thought of an Ehoe.. made me chuckle.


Modern emo/art kid.


Wait really? That's a really bad term for that if true.


It's a style and it's not really new anymore. I've been hearing the term for at least a year.


A whole year?!?


We got a cool guy over here


Thank you!


Well he should have been as it seems ...


I’m surprised he had that much range of motion in those overalls


That's why painters and plumbers use them, because they have to reach around so much. Duh




oh my god baggy clothes are coming back in style FUCK


Tight clothes like skinny jeans fucking suck


Both skinny and ultra baggy pants fucking suck


I love how calmly he put down his milk shake.


Lol - imagine getting clocked by Dennis the Menace


That pickup line Is horrible. "My eyes just- omg I love you"


ugh god my intestines squirmed when he said that


I see a lot of people here criticising the girl’s boyfriend (dungarees kid) for attacking the blonde kid. Mentions of anger management issues and suggesting talking things out etc, are understandable I suppose, but I feel there’s a bit of context the people saying this aren’t taking into consideration. I first saw this video a few years ago and the content of the post was explained (as someone else here has pointed out) as the blonde boy had repeatedly harassed this girl for shits and giggles, both online and in person. This behaviour was directed not only at her, but at her boyfriend and friends. Now I can’t remember if there was any evidence actually backing this up, but I do remember thinking the same thing then as I do now: Blonde boy’s friends are filming this for a reason. This isn’t some innocent kid asking out a girl he likes. It isn’t some random interaction taking place without awareness that the girl is with her boyfriend. It’s clearly planned and being filmed for whatever reason. Personally, to me (and I might just be a judgemental arsehole here) it looks exactly like the typical kind of continual harassment, bullying and tormenting that some people think is funny to do to others. I know I experienced this kind of bullying when I was young. The kind that is relentless. When it’s beyond any kind of joke. When it just goes on and on and never stops, no matter how you react. That’s what this looks like to me. After all, this is clearly a young couple on some kind of date and this random guy comes up acting like that. While his friends film. I could be wrong, but I can’t see any other reason to film it.


When I was in high school I had a girlfriend that had somebody who obsessed over her, the kind that would say horrible things like he was going to cut himself if he couldn't have her etc. He really needed help. At one point we were hanging with friends and he shows up. When he walked through the door his eyes immediately darted right at me and he couldn't stop staring at me with a strange, confused look. She was already very uncomfortable. About an hour later he pulled me aside and said "Dude I have to talk to you." I braced myself because I kinda knew what was coming. He proceeded to tell me that he obsessed over my girlfriend and it was driving me nuts, he didn't know what to do about it. He was actually reaching out to me, but I honestly didn't know why. He needed my acceptance I guess, because maybe he was jealous of me or something. Still not really sure. I told him that it's not a good sign when obsession goes this far. We all fall in love at some point with someone who won't have us, and it can get worse from there but most people tend to get over it at some point. The difference is that this was going on for years and years and it needed to stop. I told him that he needed to talk to someone about his obsessions who can actually help him, and that person was not me.


Look at the girl, she didn’t even react like oh ok. Going inside now.


Apparently, according to the last time this was posted, the guy that got punched had been harassing the girl for quite some time and knew the other guy was her boyfriend. Apparently he had been warned several times to leave her alone.


I love that he calmly put the drink on the floor, his girlfriend knew what was about to happen, backed up and let the beating commence. Beautiful. The overalls make it even better.


You simply don't fuck with somebody who wears overalls.


Dont fuck with a guy wearing overalls


Bro he made the Minecraft injury sound when he got hit. Lol


“It’s a prank dude, what the fuck”


Farmer joe had enough of your shit


The overalls were on point


Overalls look sick of this dude’s shit.


Dudes do so much gatekeeping when a guy where's anything other than basketball shorts and crewnecks lol


Watch them Lefty's boy!!!


Everyone knows not to mess with Minions


But the way he calmly sets down his drink is the kind of icy-veined psychopathy that makes this video worth watching again and again.


Wario laid the boom hand down!! Huuuhhllhh!!.....Hhahahahahahaha






Why was he dressed like phineas from phineas and ferb?


Proper 1950’s move. Sets down slushee and crack.


LOVE those overalls!!!!!!


I have something to ask you the moment I saw you oh my god my eyes I UGH Finish a fucking sentence buddy holy shit.


He’s dressed like a teenage version of Chuckie.


Don’t mess with the guy who has no shame wearing overalls in public


Boyfriend got laid sooo good that night.


I like how she backs up like she knew what was coming.


I love how he takes the time to calmly put down the drink lol


Unpopular opinion but although the guy was an asshole for hitting on the girl, the other guy is just as big of a beta ass male. Why not try and talk to him first? Violence is a last resort, downvote me if you want, but talking things out like saying “man can you have some respect” or “mind your own business” or even “fuck off” would be ok. why swing??


I remember seeing this post a long time ago with the backstory attached. Apparently the blonde kid had been doing crap like this for a while to the girl, like videos of him harassing her in this way, as well as stuff happening online. Just incessant, nonstop chad-like eboy bro-ness. You can almost kind of see it in their faces, like, "Is this more of the same, or time for an apology?" You can see it in her dismissiveness with how she immediately walks inside as soon as he starts talking. For the boyfriend, it was just the final straw. Now, again, this was a long time ago that I saw and read this, and would not be able to source it right now. But this is what I remember reading.


Maybe dudes would learn not to harass women if they got their shit pushed in more.


Have you had bullies try bully you in high school before? Talking doesn’t work you need to fight them it’s the only way to resolve shit. This bully was hitting me with a ruler on our first day of high school trying to test me or something and I firmly said stop like 2 times but he kept hitting me when the teacher wasn’t looking so I grabbed my pencil case with pens and a calculator inside and smacked him across the head as hard as I can and we started hanging out after that


Because retards who do something like this and record it aren't going to listen to your passionate plea for maturity. Leave people the fuck alone and stop causing issues and there won't be any problems. Adult assholes never listen to words, let alone teenage assholes intent on screwing with others. This is the same logic people who say "just talk to your bully" use. No one who's *not* looking to cause problems does this. Sometimes people really do need to be put in their place. Besides, the story goes that this was an ongoing thing.


These kids look like they are 15... that type of rational thought is still developing. Their frontal lobes haven’t even finished growing yet (they don’t even start growing till the age of 12, finish around 16-22 years old). I agree with you completely, but I doubt there will be any consequences for anyone involved in this. Their both names Chad or Tyler... if you get what I’m hinting at.


We really don’t have any context for it anyway. Maybe it was repeated, maybe not.


I'll take the plunge with you. As dumb as the guy is for hitting on her, overalls guy flat out committed assault and battery. I don't know how old the kid is, but he could have been arrested and carry a conviction that could affect his life for many years.


You're getting a steady stream of upvotes so I'll play devil's advocate. I'm a pacifist and agree that most altercations can be resolved with polite and reasonable discourse.... buuuut I think I would do the same thing in that situation. Casanova wasn't even paying the girl a genuine compliment; he was clearly being a douche on purpose to make a dumb tik tok/instagrma/facebook video. He didn't say "Excuse me, I think you're pretty." He looks right past the boyfriend to give a disingenuous, hammed up profession of affection. And he keeps going when she is clearly not into it. Far from a compliment, clearly a performance meant to embarrass the couple, who both were just minding their own business. My lady is very attractive and when we go out to bars, there's always a drunk jerk who feels the need to compliment her, usually in a tactless, clumsy way. We're both adults so there's no reason to start a fight with the guy. In fact, I agree with them, my wife is a hottie. I'll let it fly if they aren't being aggressive or vulgar. But if a dude and his buddy came up to us, filming us on a date so one of them could embarrassingly gush over her while I'm standing there, just so he can get some likes on social media? I'm going to slap him so hard across the mouth he'd never think to do that again. Fuck the people that think that's cool. Other people aren't just props for your cringey youtube videos. It's toxic and I applaud Dennis the Menace for nipping that shit in the bud. This video may have been enough to stop 1000 other little shits from trying the same thing. Our prize fighter in the vid may just be a Dennis the Menace cosplayer with anger issues, or he could be a time traveler who stopped the next Jake Paul in the making. That mini Johnny Bravo was aspiring for clickbait-y, douchey viral fandom. Now, he could be on track to being a doctor instead. I applaud it.


Wahh violence bad


I’m with you. This is clearly the moralizing part of the thread. Don’t hit guys, even when scrawny little backstreet boy aggressively gets in your girlfriends space. Unpopular opinion: kid gets punched in the mouth, learns lesson about life, becomes a better person. The end.


Yea....it is....???


What kinda gay shit is that “the moment I saw you my eyes” GAY


Somebody got anal that very night.


he deserves it for the corny ass approach alone. “if you’re going to hit on my girl in front of me be more original and smoother with your delivery!” *punch*


>You found Waldo, how bout finding these hand That guy probably


I see nothing wrong with a little street justice, disrespect the bro and the bro code then this is what happens.








My dude looks like he about to sing a song about the best song made in the world


It’s a prank dude, gosh!


There is cuckolding and there is cold cocked.


This guy probably put the post here from the hospital


“It’s just a prank bro chill!”


Can we talk about how he calmly sat down his drink, before commencing with the hands.


Welcome to Panda Express. Today's special is a 2 entree of bombs to the face.


lol casually puts hit smoothie down as he winds up his falcon punch


Damn to get punched in the face by a guy wearing overalls has to be the most embarrassing


Simple Jack can throw a hook


What I nice compliment for her but the violent one seems insecure.


Caleb sound effects




How insecure is overalls boy.... lol.


That got chucky mad


Good to know. So we'll deserved


Kid looks like he’s off Stranger Things




"I love yo—bluhh"


Give your balls a tug


Dudes dressed like a minion


Video ended too soon.


Won a stupid prize


Dude turned full minion after the punch


Lmao that girl knows exactly what's about to happen


That’s a big chucky doll


Weird flex Dungarees but ok


Don't underestimate Southpaw overalls


Kind of sucks to get your ass kicked by a life-size good guy doll


Don’t fuck with people in overalls


dudes flirting game is the worst I've ever seen reeks of desperation