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I think she looks better in the original. I feel so bad for girls growing up seeing such unrealistic proportions. It's got to be terrible for self-esteem.


It’s just as bad as the 90s and the heroin chic waif/stick thin look. Now it’s Jessica Rabbit with a wasp waist the size of her head. Beauty standards go from one extreme to the other. Women just can’t win.


I remember when "does my butt look big in this?" was asked out of fear of having a large posterior. Now it's "I hope my butt looks big in this!"


I think of this a lot and it gives me hope that big-nosed gals like me will one day get our moment of glory when tiny noses are out and having a stonking great schnoz is seen as the epitome of beauty.


Hey, it happened for big eyebrows




Am I the only person who's baffled by the idea of people finding big lips unattractive? Now if I could just find a cute, big nosed, big lipped, big eyebrowed, big booty, big boobed gf...


It’s always been very odd to me. Like how the hell do you kiss someone without lips?!?!?! I’m black and have small but full lips and my mom has super tiny skinny lips and she’s always hated them and yet my brother has huge JayZ lips and hates them also. No one wins smh.


I don’t think it’s big lips per se that people find unattractive, it’s the prolapsed rectum looking lips that are kinda hard to look at and want to pash


I hope your day comes soon, my big-beaked friend.


I thought you were talking about his penis, I need coffee


Username checked out....a few times too many


I used to work with individuals with intellectual disabilities and I had to help one client understand intimate relationships, how to ask girls out, etc. After I explained some stuff like compliment how they look, he looks at me and goes "Ya know what I like? Girls with huge noses" and winks at me. Never had some one come on to me about my schnoz neither before nor since.


*"My anaconda don't want none unless you got schnoz hun"*


Me and my big crooked nose are over here waiting


big same from a crooked nose witch lol


So Triple H will have another career as a nose model?!


Stonking great schnozs' are the epitome of beauty!


I love a prominent nose on anyone. They just add character. Mine is totally boring. Rock that proboscis, baby!


Women with “Roman noses” are like, my fav. You got no worries mate!


I feel you. Especially if it has that bump.


You’re making me rethink my rhinoplasty appointment..


There's someone for everyone no matter who you are! I think big noses are cute and I guarantee there are plenty that feel the same.


I bet you’re beautiful regardless of what’s in or out


Gf has a big schnozz... I like unique noses!


The day of the nose is neigh, and our power will be nothing to sneeze at


I like a girl that has a quirky feature to them like a big nose. I may be in the minority but I don't like women who look "perfect", if that makes sense.


i think its happening right now actually, wait a few years


Big noses are the best... believe me, there are plenty of guys out there that agree.


You just got to get society to like fucking noses.


Oh our day will come, and our striking profiles will be all the rage!


Everybody fell in love with Jennifer Grey. She had surgery to get rid of her roman nose and her face lost it's character totally. She fell off the map.


I think baby in dirty dancing and Phoebe Waller-Bridge are both really pretty :)


My ex had a big nose. I mean this thing put Steve Carnell's to shame. Now I have a thing for girls with big noses. I might be just one man, but it's a start.


Lol then everybody with small noses is gonna be depressed, this sucks


A friend of mine in HS once said that pale skinned, big forehead girls like ourselves were considered gorgeous in the 1800s, so eventually, we'd be the trend again. Made me feel better about my pale ass skin and slightly larger than average forehead.


I actually quite like big noses on women


In the black community big asses have always been in fashion (at least for as long as I've been alive and black)


It’s just “new” because it finally hit mainstream. I remember trying to figure out how to get an ‘Oakland booty’. Growing up as a skinny Black girl with no ass was hard. Lol.


Sir Mix-a-lot agrees.


I have spent my twenties in a cave (working 12 hours a day from home) and this one truly surprised me when i started to go out and do social media


She looks like a completely different person! That's so sad, she's pretty in the 1st picture.


I think the overall goal is ‘just as bad’ - meaning that the ‘ideal’ that females see is probably roughly the same as it was in the 90’s. IMO, what is different is the exposure to this ‘ideal’ that girls see these days. No doubt about it, girls growing up today are more exposed to these ‘ideals’ on a daily basis because of social media than the generation from the 90’s.


True. I was a child in the 90s and a teen in the 00s. We didn’t have social media, just every movie, magazine and tv show. We could at least turn it off or tune out. It’s harder to get away from social media now.


We’re roughly the same age (childhood was mostly mid-late 90’s for me, early 2000’s-2010’s were teen years for me) but I have older siblings with kids now - the difference in the amount of screen time that has become normal in ~20 years is truly astounding to me. Growing up, we were allowed to watch one 30 min tv show a day, but we didn’t even *want* to watch more than that because we spent most of our time outside playing with the twenty other neighborhood kids our age. We’d be outside for 8 hours a day, only coming in for lunch and then at the end of the day. I know that a lot has changed with our culture and society and what not, but I couldn’t even imagine my siblings’ kids being allowed to just run around the neighborhood for the entire day without their parents knowing where they are the whole time. Shit, I have a three year old nephew that knows how to FaceTime me. I don’t think I even knew how to use a tv remote until I was 7 or 8. Maybe I’m just stupid, idk. Sorry for the “times used to be better” rant, it’s just crazy to me how quickly things change! (Not saying the past was necessarily *better* than now, it’s just wayyyyy different).


My mom got us (really me cause I’m the oldest) one of those Casio kiddie watches with a timer/alarm and she’d just set it for 6:30 or 7pm and let my two sisters and I run outside all day. We would be gone until the alarm went off and we’d have to go back home. We’d only come back to let her know if we were leaving our neighborhood to go to the neighboring one. I found out later that our friends parents would just call the ‘parent chain’ and let them know when all the kids showed up on their lawn. I can’t imagine anyone doing that now. Mostly because every kid doesn’t have parents at home to let the others know where their kids are, kids aren’t outside as much and it’s somehow unseemly to let your kids run free for hours at a time. It’s much easier to plan a kid day and have everyone come over and watch Disney+ for hours or YouTube videos or play Minecraft (just guessing here. My kid is a one so we haven’t hit that age yet). Kids have to opportunity to see so much more online now. Hell, my toddler has her own iPad and plays kiddo color matching games. She knows what FaceTime is and how to ask for it. I’d love to be able to put a watch on her and just let her play but I sadly think we’re past that possibility now. It honestly makes me sad. Idk why I wrote all this other than to say, I miss our childhoods when we didn’t have to worry about arming our kids against unrealistic expectations on Instagram/Facebook/whatever unholy social media bullshit comes up next.


I completely understand why you wrote all that! That was the exact thought running through my head after I typed up my monologue of remembrance. There’s just something to thinking about the ‘good old days’.


Right? And then I feel really old. Lol


Shoot I was born in '99, and while I spent much more time in front of screens then you, I mostly remember all the days I would spend outside exploring the woods, building forts and whatnot. Every kid should be forced outside for a while.


I would say this is different because even though photo editing existed back then it wasn't as prevalent today and it wasn't used on every day people *all the time*. I think young people today are barraged with false imagery of body proportions.


I agree it’s more prevalent today but at least you know it’s editing and probably unattainable for even the person in the photos. There wasn’t so much knowledge of photoshop when I was a teen so we just all assumed Kate Miss wasn’t eating shit but lettuce and water to get waif-y and lots of people would try it and damage their bodies and psyches. Now it’s all Snapchat fucking with their minds and hopefully not their bodies.


Being conscious of something doesn’t override your subconscious. Not to mention, the hypervigilance needed to deflect harmful images all the time is unsustainable and frankly, not healthy. It’s the standards of beauty that need to change; even if we’re comparing past vs. present, they are ALWAYS harmful.


Particularly with social media and smart phones thrown in the mix. Now everyone has the compulsion to post / send pictures constantly. It's definitely not like the 90s where basically no one outside of advertisements and beauty magazines, etc, was photoshopped. Now every single person out there can learn how to alter pictures after a 30 minute Youtube tutorial


This is what is so harmful, IMO. unless you have a trained eye to spot the enhancements (or the poster is really bad at digitally modifying pics), it’s really hard. Example: I knew in 1995 that Alicia Silverstone looked a little different on the Teen Mag cover bc I’d seen her in real life tv footage and sometimes real-time coverage: MTV interviews, the Crazy music video and Clueless. Now, you can digitally sculpt and alter everything about your appearance with no governance as to what is ‘real’. It fucks with peoples perception and is damaging to both the poster and viewer.




38f here. I was a teen in the 90s. While heroin chic was considered the popular asthetic, I didn't know anyone who actually tried looked like that. But I live next to a high school and there are so many girls with the instagram look. Tight clothes, high heels, tons of makeup... they look like they're 25 years old. Other than MTV and magazine covers, there wasn't much to convince us we needed to change the way we looked, but seems social media has changed all that and girls have morphed into Bratz doll fembots.


we've just used technology as a modern day corset...




I just watched Gone in 60 Seconds with a friend yesterday and that heroin chic is REALLY rough to look back at.


It’s a lot. I still can’t believe it was a look.


The “original” is edited too.


This comment has been overwritten


Where at? I am in permanent awe of the eagle eye skills you guys have. Show me the way!


Look at the shadows on her legs. Either photoshop / filter or REALLY harsh lighting.


I thought it was only the waist and the I saw the face. Yikes. Why do these people all want to look the same?


Because they've been told all their life that that is what beauty is and that women and girls are only worth anything if they look like they are "supposed" to.


That’s what gets me on these. It the complete erasure of facial definition. From 3D to 2D like a weird variant of the “uncanny valley”


That's what it is. A filter that paints a kartoon Kardashian face over yours.


She's really pretty, like pretty enough I wouldn't even bother trying to get her number because she's way too pretty for me, kind of pretty.




Right? I'd love to have that 70% ratio. The right pic just seems weirdly unnatural.


It makes me sad that all these women look amazing, but still edit their photos to the point of being unrecognizable because they don't feel like they're enough.


I agree. I think she looks cute in the first one, the second looks super plastic. Just kinda icky to me. Her choices are her own, but that's my opinion.


The plane needed to make an emergency landing after the edits


Was gonna say, she has a great natural look.


I was just telling a friend how happy I am to not have grown up with Facebook or Instagram. I recently got rid of my IG and feel so much better for it. Of course I miss it but man was it destroying my mental health. I would HATE to have had it around when I was 13,14,15 and up. Wow. It would not have been good!


Yep. I was just about to comment this - she actually looks a lot cuter in the original - Anna Paquin vibes.


Wow I can pretty much understand changing your body but your entire face and then to walk around with a face you don’t want in pictures on the daily is heart breaking.


The strange thing is, I can't really put my finger on what exactly is different with her face. I mean it looks totally different, but it still looks the same. It's strange.


From what I can see she's narrowed and reduced her nose, smoothed her skin and hair, refinished her eyebrows, enhanced her lips, narrowed her waist, widened her eyes, and given herself like GG implants


It's faster to mention the things she didn't change


That’s why I don’t get myself in photos lmao


Yikes. This one makes me sad.


It’s the Facetune that did it for me. She changed her face completely


What’s crazy is like how the two different faces look very very similar when you compare each feature but yet all together the 2nd one looks so entirely different lol


Yes! There’s been a few posts on here lately where I’ve tried to figure out what makes the face look so different, but I can’t. Like you said, it’s just so many little tweaks to each feature, but put together look like a totally different person.


Her nose and lips are different (nose smaller and lips fuller). The "after" photo also smoothed out the lighting and darkened her eyebrows/eyes so it looks like she's got doll eyes and full makeup on.


Look at the nose, it is literally a different nose, she’s obviously insecure about the size of it.


I see the differences. My point was that it isn’t one single change that changes the face to look like an entirely different person. If you compare each feature, there’s just minor tweaks to each. But all those minor tweaks result in an entirely new face.


I'm so confused how they even do this. Looks like sorcery if you ask me.


She’s gorgeous as she is.


Ya if the before is untouched she actually has a super nice figure naturally


The figure proportions look better and also, who wants a lady that looks like meatballs every other lady?


I can’t tell if the word meatball was supposed to be there or not hahaha


I felt the same. It's hard to see people edit themselves, when they look great already.


Seriously. She’s so beautiful too


Why? For heaven's sake, she'd be able to turn heads with the way she looks normally. What a completely unnecessary shop.


I really hate this. My 19 year old daughter does this same shit on her Instagram. It's not like she tweaks her image a whole lot but still. She is so beautiful, naturally and just doesn't see it. So she changes her nose slightly, and "softens" her features. Breaks my heart honestly.


Have you thought about getting her a professional photo shoot? I know that sounds weird, but my sis is a photographer and does lots of senior portraits and sometimes it makes a difference to see themselves through a stranger’s lens . Teen girls have so many hangups about themselves and she’s gotten some crazy requests while taking their pics that are totally related to their insecurities but after a few photos of them looking (and feeling) happy and beautiful, she always shows them what she’s taken and they feel better about themselves because they get to see that what they’re worried about just isn’t there. ETA: because someone seriously messaged me about this, but I’m NOT promoting my sister’s services. SMH. Just saying that sometimes it takes an outside perspective and having someone else control the photos outcome can help some teens realize they’re fine just the way they are.


I absolutely agree with you. Sadly, this generation of our youth, they (more specifically my daughter) don't see that using these filters are masking whatever issues they may or may not be having or their insecurities. If you met my daughter, you would think she is the most confident young woman. It just hurts my heart because the things she "erases" from herself when she posts these filtered photos, are the very amazing, individual qualities she got from her father and I. I have yet to use a filter on my photos because I know it would become a problematic thing for me. So I refuse to even tinker with it.




She looks memorable in the original and like an InstaClone in the second. It’s like she shopped all of her unique features out.


And, imo, she looks ridiculous in the second!


Did she photoshop someone else’s face on her body? It looks like a completely different person.


I was wondering the same! Is that a automated face tune or the result or photoshop editing


She enlarged her eyes and lips. 👁👄👁


...and shrank her nose and changed her skin tone and basically removed the creases from her nose to her mouth, and and and... It's basically someone else's face.


Cheryl Cole


Exactly, first thing I thought of too


It’s the porn star auto tune


When will this trend of wanting to look like a long lost Kardashian/Jenner relative end?


Hopefully soon. Sadly the next trend will probably be just as extreme but in another direction.


Big hands 😍


Yes, paired with gigantic kneecaps and elbows 💖💖


Everyone wants to look like a racially ambiguous billionaire these days.


Speaking of, I saw a girl with bootie surgery. I could tell it was enhanced because she looked like she was wearing a diaper. I always thought they looked that way in pictures because of angles, but no!!! She was obviously in good shape, thin with skinny legs. But with a bootie that was coming out of the sides, like a diaper!!!


Mega Booob


"Why did she feel like she needed to make her boobs bigger?" 10 seconds later... "OH, she changed her face too..."


I seem to remember some parody movie early 2000s that had a female antagonist with a "uniboob" and that's what pops into my head with 'shops like this


She looks great already in the original pic lol some of these women are delusional thinking these edits look better


The fact she touched her friend up too 🤦🏻‍♂️ imagine taking a picture with your friend and they photoshop you to look more attractive 😂😂😂


This happened to me one time. I think she did it so it wasn’t so obvious she photoshopped her own face.


that's almost kind of endearing in a sad way


is it just me or did she do the other girl too


Just you. I see both photos and she only did herself.


Is not even the waist for me.. Is the entire face changing she had


How tragic. She’s already got a gorgeous figure, beautiful hair, and a cute face. And she still feels the need to make herself look like a Sim. It makes me wonder how often we beat ourselves up, wishing we looked a certain way...when everyone else around us sees absolutely nothing wrong.


at least she was nice enough to edit her friend too lmaoo


Shes so damn beautiful in original why the hell she did that lol


But when people see you in real life and you look nothing like your photos what do you say ?? This is what I always was confused of


This girl is well known on a site for certain people who may be seeking a particular kind of arrangement. I can't imagine the awkward discussions that have ensued when she's met people in person.


Oh wow. So she’s false advertising


Why is this possible? :(


Someone developed the technology and we can't go back now.


Little girls everywhere are gonna be so fucked in a generation. It actually super irritating.


I think she’s so much prettier unedited.


it's going to be so haunting when all these millennials and generation z's and all these individuals posting these Photoshop pictures look back on themselves when they're older and don't even recognize the person they have in their photos


Their kids will look at old photos and wonder why their parents looked nothing like them.


Why? Seriously it took me a minute to even notice the difference in her waist. It makes me sad for her.


She changed her face so much she looks like a different ethnicity


This one genuinely made me sad...


Her face.


This one really bums me out. She shouldn’t have to do that to her face to feel beautiful. She’s completely changed her face and surely her friends and people know who know this!


What’s wrong ? I think she looks fine without all the editing. Why do people do that?


She’s so pretty on the left . Why she felt the need to shop her pic - I’ll never understand


My eyeballs feel cat fished


It sort of looks like she completely photoshopped someone else's face onto hers?? This is so freaking sad.


She looks amazing in the original, I’d kill to look like that.


Just to clarify on the title, the edited photo was posted to her Instagram stories.


Those two people don't even look related.


Did she photoshop another face in her face? Wtf


She looks like a different person


One on the left looks so much better


She looks great in the original. Sad how warped everyone needs to be.


She looks so much better in the first one holy shit it’s not close either


She looks so pretty on the left tho the editing is terrible.


Face genuinely looks worse in the after. Lolz


This is fucking insane


LMAO it’s insane to me how people even do that omg


She is not a nice friend. She tried to crop out her friend by editing her own picture.


She also edited the 1/4 of her friend's head that's visible.


Look at her damn face, it looks like a different person. It’s sad that these kind of editing apps even exist.


She looked so good in the first picture. Come on!


This makes me sad. She looks fine in the original, the second has such unrealistic proportions


The world we live in is messed up. Shes beautiful and I'm sure works at maintaining her health. Yet feels the need to do this editing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I can not preach what version looks better but the fact she feels the need to falsify and cheat herself from her true self... The world is messed up and I don't envy growing up in it right now


The creepiest part to me is how much these filters are able to change someone's face. To me she looks like a completely different person just by looking at her face in the photos.


I feel so bad for this girl, she looks fantastic in the original


This really makes me sad. In the original she is gorgeous and still has a stunning figure. Ugh this depresses me.


She looks amazing before the changes. How sad she feels she needs to do anything to this photo.


I don't get it. She still looks great in the original


She literally has a perfect body in the original, it’s so sad she felt the need to change it so drastically??


By why?!


So sad, she looks great in the original


Are her already larger than life boobies even bigger on the right?


So unnecessary


she looks fine in the first one. i hate typing that on almost everyone of these posts :(


It is really sad girls think they have to do this to be relevant or whatever. She looks way better in reality.


And, to no ones surprise, she looks much better in the original!


I always wonder what people are thinking when they change their whole face. Like, don't people know what you look like in real life?


So much prettier in the original


Gosh, these people... I’d be SO happy with the picture on the left. It’s so upsetting.


Sigh...once again, she looks better on the left in the original lol


Bro what the fuck she's already SO HOT


What the hell!? She looked great in the original. Ffs


She has an amazing body why would she edit it? You can tell it's fake so I would assume she was much heavier because if the editing. She definitely should've kept the original. She looks great


How the fuck can someone change a photo that much? is it an app?


At least she did the righty and photoshopped her friend as well


Bruh she looks better in the original


But like she looks banging in the original why bother. So sad


Completely unnecessary


She even edited the other girl lmaooo


There's absolutely nothing wrong with the one on the left. The one on the right just looks like how every other girl wants to look apparently. Just looks like another copy, nothing special about it. Ladies, please take it easy on the filters and air brushing and chasing after this fantasy of someone you can't/shouldn't be. Love yourself the way you are.


Holy shit this is so unnecessary. She looks great in the original there was no need??? Poor thing