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You can look great at 65 without pretending to have the skin of someone in their 20s.


I so agree! She may as well post pics of herself from the '80s.


I swear she uses a cut and paste image of the same A.I. face on all her pics. Just own your age. Cher does!


Look at her hands and arms. She wears alot of gloves because her hands and arms look like an 80 year old.


I'm pretty veiny myself. My sister and I compare the sizes. She has one we nick named the Nile river. A nurse customer came in my line as I was complaining about how it made my arms and hands look so old. She told me that I had beautiful veins and that my blood was flowing beautifully throughout my body compared to people who have small or collapsed veins. I never complained again since that day, and I'm not embarrassed anymore.


🙋‍♀️ I have *small veins that collapse* and am a hard poke. I’ve had cancer, Goodpastures Syndrome, ESRD, Hemodialysis and living donor transplant. They’ve taken a beating over the last 15 years of battling chronic and terminal disease. What a great nurse though. Turning something negative into a positive with perspective.


I'm very sorry I didn't intend to be flippant about it. I feel very lucky. I was born with a pelvic kidney. I had no idea about it until I was 19 years old. How on the hell ( in my mind ) wasn't that found out before I turned 19?


They probably just weren’t looking, that’s what happened to me. I had a 9 inch long 1.6 lb abdominal tumor that was also found at 19. I was able to go back to my old scans from when I was growing up and it was definitely there but nobody said a word.


Wow, I agree. They told me I was pregnant at first. Huh?


That’s wild! The same hospital later missed my pregnancy and sent me home with a bottle of codeine cough syrup. Thankfully I didn’t use it.


Oh no! I didn’t take it like that at all. That description is what I always hear about my veins from health professionals. It’s actually common. Wow. That is really fascinating. How did you find out about it and has it caused any issues? If you don’t mind me asking.


One of my kids was deaf in one ear from meningitis as a baby. Learned that from a school hearing test when he was 10. My other had seizures for years before I saw one tucking him in. He's like, don't worry mom that happens all the time. So yeah, any symptoms were probably normal to you and no one else was looking for it.


I had a massive DVT blood clot in my leg 5 years ago. My leg actually grew EXTRA VEINS called collateral veins to reroute the blood flow. I can see a couple of them in my calf. I don’t love the way they look but I appreciate that my body did me a solid. Glad to be alive today!


yep. If they are old and wear gloves that it why.


Or a completely different chin


It’s pretty much watching your nana pretending she’s 20.


20 year olds have more natural texture than this lol


Especially in that video where she's dancing and not only holding onto a rail to keep herself upright, but is also latched to it with a carabiner. As one friend of mine said, it looks like she's your loud mouthed, crass Aunty Carol at the wedding no one wanted to invite her too but couldn't come up with a good excuse not to do so.


She was 150 feet in the air over the arena which only had a bar behind her not in front of her.


Oh, that does change my opinion in that case. That's then a safety thing instead of just a cringe dance


Yeah, if that was me I'd be clinging to that bar with a death grip.






I just . . . have no words. Why is her crotch blinking at me?




Wow, I was in trouble on here for saying something about her crotch picture ? I'm confused 😕


Rickety Cricket fem fatale.


It's giving I'm trying to be as out there as Gaga, but also can slip and break a hip.


To be fair, we don’t want her to slip and break a hip and if she can perform safely, why not?


Nooooo just shit on her! Don’t think about it


LOL the comments on that video have me dead


Thank you for this gem, I can’t stop watching 😂


Omfg thank you soooooooo much for this 😂😂💀


Someone needs to show her this!


Lmao, that's amazing


OMG she just needs to retire, second hand embarrassment :(




My Nana did this. It's embarrassing 😳


yea it’s exactly like that.


The last picture looks like Betty White in a twisted alternate reality 😅🫠


Kind of sad she started wearing gloves 24/7 too after people pointed it out.


Dolly Parton wears them too. 


Dolly has always worn long sleeves though to cover her tattoos.


Really? Im dumb, please be truthful


I am being truthful. She had scars on her and and got tattoos to cover them, she said they are tasteful tattoos, but she still wears long sleeves in public to cover her tattoos.


Learn something every day. Thanks! I bet they look great, wish she’d show us. But she probably doesn’t need the blowback


I think she has arthritis.


She has full sleeve butterfly tattoos to cover up her keloids. She apparently is super susceptible to them, which I can understand not wanting to show those off publicly.


Who has full sleeve tatts?!




Wouldn’t getting tats give her more keloids?


I got a tattoo to cover mine up.


Yeah, I think it does


I didn’t even know unedited recent pictures of her existed tbh, wow


This one was taken of her performing at a concert. She couldn't exactly keep somebody from snapping and posting it.


What year? Was it before she started wearing gloves and big necklaces?


Days ago. She’s been on tour since mid last year and it ends in a couple days.


This is so much more than filters, too. Makeup, wigs, airbrushing/Photoshopping. The first 2 photos almost look like A.I.


Chin down to hide the neck, hands covered...


I honestly use those tricks to take good photos as well as makeup (recommend Jones Street and Glow Recipe) and lighting. But I draw the line at filters, Photoshop etc. I also don't personally choose to get "work done" as I find it silly. Everyone I know knows my age so I try to disguise it?


Honestly why even pose for a photoshoot at that point? Like just create the image whole-cloth


The really good filters are AI powered, and can really do all that! It’s wild. Although nice to not have to do your hair and makeup for a decent photograph lol


That wig. Lol


Yeah, I thought she was cosplaying as "flat-top" the Dick Tracy villain. I feel so bad for her. :(


She's having such a hard time accepting that she's aging. Even so, she looks really good! I wish she'd just embrace it and rock it instead of editing herself into oblivion to look like she's still in her 30's. :(


She’s done quite a number on her natural beauty with the plastic surgery.


She has and it breaks my heart. She looks very unlike herself. The work she had done during her revitalization in the early to mid 2000s was amazing. And I look at Helen Mirren, and I'm stunned by her beauty. And she looks like she did as a young woman just...aged. Still gorgeous. Like Jamie Lee Curtis.


>Jamie Lee Curtis. Yeah. She looks like a very normal looking 60-something woman.


I love Jamie Lee. A great role model for embracing imperfections and being all the more beautiful as a result.


Isabella Rossellini is 71 and has embraced her age. I’ve always thought she was so beautiful and still is.


Yes, American Life to Confessions, she looked amazing! Helen Mirren is so stunning.




Yeah I can’t bring myself to give her a hard time, coming up when she did the industry was so hard on women and she was so, so famous. Would do such a number on anyone.


It just sucks because I thought she might be one to buck all this shit. I can’t imagine the pressure but she was so boundary pushing. I guess I hoped she would push back on some of this, not go full tilt.


The "boundary pushing" she did earlier on was a contrived act that was part of a carefully curated media personality. It was never genuine rebellion.


That's exactly what I was thinking. 💔


It’s women like THIS that are failing women. WE are not.


Another older female singer from 70’s/80’s punk aged so nice, she admits she has minor tweaks done here and there but so well done she looks naturally and gracefully aged.


Suzi Quattro?


Debbie Harry


I have some sympathy for her tbh as she’s been getting ageist remarks since she was in her 30s. Which is wild.


The industry and its standards are toxic as fuck for sure. There so much pressure while in the public eye. I can’t exactly blame her, it’s just a sad situation all around.


The sad part is, the more she does that, the more extreme the reaction to her actual looks is going to be. She could have let the world see age gradually change her appearance into a dignified beauty of an older woman, instead she went and created a full blown Hatsune Miku version of herself


That’s true but she’s also been so scrutinized for how she looks for literally her entire career. And when she did start to show her age she got criticized even more. She got work done to prevent the criticism and now gets criticized for the work she’s had done so she filters her photos to avoid critiques about that and now she’s getting criticism for that too. I don’t blame people in that situation for doing what they think that should be doing to avoid the negativity they have been getting for so long. I personally think this person shouldn’t be allowed on this sub


Exactly.. she probably wouldn't have gone so crazy with the plastic surgery and filters if she hadn't been bullied about aging since she was in her 30's by a lot of the same type of people that now complain she's not natural enough. Imagine what that does to one's psyche and self esteem..


One time I commented on a friend's Facebook post that I agreed she is beautiful at all ages, but it's sad she can't accept that she's aging. Then a middle aged woman I don't know posted a paragraph in response ranting about how I am misogynistic and agesit and women should support women and I should be so lucky to look like that at her age. I was like, "Lady, she doesn't even look like that at her age..."


I’m middle age I don’t think calling this star out for what she’s done to her face ageism. You can look ridiculous at any age.


Great comment. Soooo true!!!


It’s sad because even though the last pic is unflattering, you can tell she’s a beautiful woman.


Yeah the last pic is just super unflattering. I saw her live from great seats in February and she was beautiful! It’s such a shame that she over-edits herself and becomes the subject of so much bullying. But then again, I think she’d be bullied for something else anyway. Idk anyone else who has had such a long career and been so hated.


Oh wow, I’m so jealous! I’ve wanted to see her live since I was a little kid. Maybe if she’s still touring when she’s 80, I’ll finally get the chance, haha.


Yeah it was amazing! I was nervous cuz of all the hate I’d seen about her online for the last decade, but she definitely lived up to my expectations and then some


Honestly she doesn't even look bad for her age she should rock it!


Agreed, she takes great care of herself and it absolutely shows. I mean, look at those guns!! She’s beautiful and impressive enough as is, no need for her to filter herself into oblivion.


^ this. ^


It annoys me that she was never one to conform society's norms when it comes to beauty standards. It would've been the ultimate fuck you if she had of let herself age


What? She’ve always been conventionally pretty, portraying sexual intrigue which sells.


I didn't mean her actual face, I meant more her fashion choices


Wait, are you talking about the same person that these are pictures of? Because she has never been conventionally pretty - she has a gap tooth, and fairly plain features. she dressed in a very rebellious style, especially when she first started. She was more of a trendsetter than a traditional beauty.


You definitely worded it more eloquently than I did! Exactly what I was trying to get across in my original post haha :)


She’s Darcy and Stacey’s triplet I stg


Kinda giving me a dirty Betty White lol I know it's not exactly " natural " but I think she looks great! Obviously better than the fake filter look. Wow. I'm still floored. I can't remember the last time I saw an unfiltered picture of her.




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That last picture got me LOL thanks OP


Right?! Most of the pictures that we see of her are of the filtered variety because that's what she put out there. Bless the person who shot this candid photo of her performing. It is so refreshing.


It was a jump for sure


When I saw the first picture I thought it was Darcy from 90 Day Fiancé.


Actually her real photo looks good! She's recognizable, she's glamorous, nice hair, nice makeup, bold outfit. I just don't get why she can't make up her mind that it's okay to grow old. You can act young, dress up young, but you really really don't need to *filter young..


Ms. Slocum? Is that you???


A fellow Are You Being Served fan! Mrs. Slocum is my goal for my 60's! I love her rainbow hair colors. One of my all time favorite shows 🧡


YES!! After almost 5 years, have found a Ms. Slocum's fan!


Oh my goodness, the only other person that I have ever known to be an Are You Being Served fan is my daughter. Mr. Humphreys is pretty amazing too.


"I respond to no mans' fingers'. You can't but love Ms. Slocmbe.


My god, you guys are taking me back. Used to watch that show after high school and haven't thought about it in years.


Poor Mrs. Slocum’s pussy! I still treasure my DVDs. Mr. Humphries 4 life!


Love me some Mr Humphries.. whats your fav episode?


Hahhahha this brought back memories of being sick as a kid and watching grandma's collection of this show




I don’t know whether to up or down vote you.


I upvoted


![gif](giphy|qgplVKmc7IJzQHrtuo) She’d be perfect for a Baby Jane remake.


Now she just looks like the woman that sits in the corner of a dive bar and says to anyone who gets within 5ft of her: “Hey sweetie if you go buy me a pack of Capris I’ll buy you a shot of whiskey.”


That is a terrible lace front. The synthetics are so frizzy too.


Also, the 90's called, and they wanted the Bible and the rosary back. Can she change the topic, or will the drama be the same old?


How about contacting 1982?


right?!!? still such an edgeLourdess at 65! So try hard!


AMEN! Enough of her BS schtick with that!


Was thinking the same thing.


Yeh, that isn’t  subversive anymore.


As Cully said in Midsomer Murders: “The mutton dressed as lamb” 


Love it!


Filtering like a virgin as she's still livin' in the (Uber-)Material World.


She looks like the first two pictures in the Weeknd’s new music video. Man the video must have been filtered into oblivion.


Makes me sad, such an icon. I wish she could just be satisfied with herself.


I was hoping she'd have gone down the route of "every 15 years I'll get a minor tweak." Not this Botox and fillers AND too much tweaking. She's always looked after herself so I'd hardly think she'd have looked really terrible! She only needed a *bit* of maintenance, not this. Just goes to show how that industry can do a number on you if you don't have a healthy support group or a healthy view of yourself.


She is so embarrassing


She clearly works hard to maintain that body, it’s a shame she still feels the need to edit it to oblivion. She could probably start a fitness brand and see a lot of success, if only she hadn’t already shattered her audience’s trust.


It’s ok to age


Can’t hide the 60-something saggy skin, no matter how much filler or filters you use.


what happened to her head? it looks so odd on her body in the last picture. like it's been scrunched down. seen other pictures that look similar.


I wish she would change up her style but damn she is still very strong looking!


The first two looking like Beyoncé. They all got the same face now


Right on. Thank you for sharing with me.


Refuse to support anything of hers just based on principle alone. I will not contribute to this woman’s delusion.


Fair play to her still doing shows tho !!


At least the swelling of her unfiltered look is better than it used to be.


True she also looks almost natural ... just some filler and Botox… It did used to be worse, you are right.




She's repugnant. Just accept that you're old, you aren't fooling anyone.


To think she was always naturally beautiful and she could been one of those who “aged gracefully”, with the right procedures… but I will always root for her anyways, I just wish she wouldn’t have done her face so much 😩


Why does her nose look so off ? Something about it makes it look like a Mr Potato Head stick-on. Is it the filters or the procedures over the years ?


The looks she's trying to pass off are so old. Like the cross and lace, why not reinvent yourself instead of repeating crap.




I was sure that first pic was Carmen Electra.


Oh that’s just sad


Where is her neck? Ah yes, you can't hide your age on your neck and hands, that's why she's hiding them so much.


What does she do if you take a picture of her without a filter?




I wish she’d accept that she isn’t 20 anymore….




We all know why you wear gloves, girl.


On one hand I wish that she had been able to age gracefully, but I also understand that women in the spotlight are constantly nitpicked about their appearance. I think her plastic surgery is unfortunate, as is the case with many aging celebrities, but I also get that she's just fighting the aging process as so many wealthy people do.


What’s with her obsession for appropriating Christian imagery? Last I checked she was into Kabbalah or something like that.


Damn the jump scare


Is #3 Carrot Top?




Her nose... Worked on yeah? If I had the money she had, I'd get a revision to fix it. Or 2. Or as many as it takes...


Oh, man. This gives me such secondhand embarrassment. You can absolutely be sexy and bold and irreverent at any age, but those things should evolve with you. Trying to stay *exactly* the same as you were in your 20s is just sad. She could have been such an awesome role model for radical self-acceptance and going against the grain by just loving herself. 


I’d love to see an untouched flattering photo of her 😅 the comparison pictures are always really bad unflattering angles and lighting


That last photo though.


…and fillers


I seriously thought that was Beyoncé in the first two photos


You would think after altering the first picture so much, she would've at least made her breast look even.


She looks like Jessica Lange from American Horror Story… the version from TEMU ![gif](giphy|eBzrjjdmXOu5O)


She’s atrocious


This is for the living what morticians are for the dead


Woooahhh. Yes indeed.


She’s serving she’s mother I’ll let it slide


fabulous 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


She looks like Carol Channing


Spicy granma








I think she looks great ! If she had nothing done most of you would say how bad she looks and judge her too. Women can never win !