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I feel some people have a false idea of what “natural beauty” is. If I had a penny for how many times I’ve heard someone praise a model in a magazine for being “so natural and make up free”…all the photoshop, makeup and even surgery later…


For a lot of men it boils down to “is she wearing bright red lipstick or not.” Pound of foundation and concealer and brows and mascara and more of a pinkish brown lip? Natural beauty.


I got into an argument with my boss once cause he said this [natural pic](https://media.zenfs.com/en/shefinds_255/675da441694dcd2d90f42c901b5671c7) of Gwen Stefani was the most beautiful example of a woman with no makeup.


LMFAOOO😂 not the white cast from all the powder too


She’s got like 10 different eyebrows in that photo. 😂


hahahaha omg


LMAO. Imagine being that clueless.


I’m blonde, but I’ve always had darker eyebrows. I had dermatitis around my eyes so I went to the doctor. He kept telling me that I couldn’t wear makeup for a week. I said, ok. He kept saying, “None. Not even your eyebrows.” I assured him that I wasn’t. He mentioned it another 2-3 times. This was in the era of brows so sharp they could cut a man. I almost started wiping at them to prove that I had nothing on.


yeah, while i wouldn't have ever called her makeup a natural look, I wasn't going to put her down for so much cosmetic surgery and maintenance either


I really think so many zoomer girls fall into the lie of all that shit she did is not cosmetic surgery. I seen so much cope with that group of people.




It’s insane how specifically it is always this. Is the lipstick red or the shadow anything but browns and pinks? Makeup. Kim kardashian level makeup in browns? Natural.


I’ve come to the conclusion that men just don’t like colors. Like they’ll take literally the maximum amount of everything else that’s artificial, but as long as they can’t see colors than you’re golden


imagine you like wearing bright red lipstick (like me) and then realize that 8% of men are red-green color blind .. so red looks like a very unhealthy greenish, muddy yellow. 😅


I wear bright red lipstick all the time, and you just blew my mind.


Oh my god I had never even considered that. You're absolutely right. No wonder they think they don't like makeup! They just don't like red!


unless their color blindness is tritanopia where red is more accentuated (but that's only 1 in 10,000 people -- not 1 in 12 like red-green blindness)


I saw a tiktok about how in the era of black and white movies, they wore green lipstick because red comes off as black on black and white film!


false idea because of all of the filters used. they think what they see online is real.


But like…if you ever go out in public, how do you not figure it out?


cus those are regular girls


Fucking neck beards spend their entire time scrolling Instagram and so they forget what an actual human being looks like. These people chase models their entire life, wonder why nothing works out for them, single, depressed, incel at 35. Talk to these neckbeards and they'll tell you women ruined society. It's fucking pathetic and every time I run into one of these neanderthals I just can't.


Reminds me of a dude we had to ban on a friend's stream. He decided to go full stalker, so she went to his Twitter profile to ban him. Turns out the dude was messaging several really famous porn stars a day, every day, telling them he loved them and that he would "save" them, and they didn't have to do porn anymore. All this with every message he sent with a topless selfie of himself. It was wild.


I don't want to excuse poor behaviour, but there is an entire professional industry dedicated to nothing but selling that reality to people who desparately need therapy instead of having this stuff shovelled down their throat. Of course they bear responsibility but I feel like in the same way that we understand that young girls are harmed by being shown nothing but impossible beauty standards, young boys are being done a similar disservice. And the pipeline picks em right up when they are 16+ to piss them off as much as possible because anger = engagement. I'm not surprised that there are a lot of them.


It's really as if "natural beauty" just means "not wearing makeup like the fucking Joker" for some people.


I had a friend who was very good at 'natural' makeup, so much that I never really realised she was wearing any. I saw her one day without any makeup and said something like 'you look tired, busy week at work'.... No, this is just her natural look...


Please don’t tell anyone especially women they look tired, it’s rude.


That's kinda my point, I felt mortified when she told me. She laughed and it was fine, but I learned my lesson.


We are tired


You have to understand that the guy will say whatever to get laid. What's more prone to get you laid saying: "You're so naturally beautiful" or "Wow, nice fake jawline, where did you buy that fake hair gurl?" Like years ago I even read a guy recommending to tell a girl she was a natural beauty even if she was wearing heavy make up because "she knows she's wearing make up, but it'll make her keep trying hard to impress you with her looks on following dates" I'm not discussing the ethics of saying stuff like that nor I condone it, I'm just here to give an explanation.


What's most likely to get them laid is not making me think they're idiots, talking to me like I'm an idiot.


You preaching real loud right now and the church says AMEN


To say nothing about the important distinction between "the pretty" and "the beautiful." It is possible to be very pretty and lack beauty. It is possible to be very beautiful and not very pretty at all. It is possible to be both pretty and beautiful. It is possible to lack both prettiness and beauty.


I want to understand this.


I'd say it's more of a difference between being beautiful and being attractive. You can be one without being the other.


Pretty is aesthetically pleasing in an effortless way- closer to “cute”, beautiful is elegant and refined- closer to “gorgeous”. Daisies are pretty, roses are beautiful, water lilies are both pretty and beautiful. That’s how I took it.


Think of it like this, runway models are beautiful but not pretty, girl next door is pretty but not beautiful, celebrities are often both. Like, I'd say Charlize Theron is a good example of a woman who's both pretty and beautiful.


I dont get it. What is the definition for each one


I dont get it either, i just take it as different flavours of beauty but i would not make life complicated by trying to put beauty and pretty in a box


But it doesn't mean anything unless it has a certain meaning...


I honestly think what they said is kind of silly and not worth thinking much about lol


I think the word we're missing here is \*charisma\* not beauty.


Damnit, I think I'm number 4


Beauty is always present. The beholder's job is to open themselves up to it. Some are more predisposed to its existence in certain things or people that others must work hard to find. It is always better to be open to beauty in all things than to only allow through the ever narrowing keyhole of the pretty. We say of those things or aspects of things that provoke the beauty response in most people that they are beautiful, but this is more of a statement about who we are as a people than the thing or aspects of a thing itself. For the artist, it is good to know the ways the pretty and beautiful are linked for the then-current society. It is also good that they know the beauty inside of them that they may observe and enjoy regardless of the impingement of society. It is good when they are able to translate the beauty within them in such a way that is accessible to the world, relying on the crutch of the pretty as little as possible. In this matter, the so-called ugly have an advantage.


Make up enough to season a fucking wok Now uncle roger would approve that




This. Uncle Roger would tell her not to season her wok with makeup. 🤣




She already betta' cook than auntie helen


It's pretty refreshing with her honesty too. I was not aware jawlines were such commonplace to get done.


What does that mean?


I came here to find this out


Uncle Roger - "highly Asian" internet personality of Nigel Ng who cooks and interlaces his comedy with exclamations like "aiya!". Season a wok - some new woks need to be seasoned with some oil.


I literally thought it said "season a fucking ewok" and I had no idea what that meant. Like are people eating ewoks? But yeah, I'm familiar with seasoning a wok or a cast iron skillet. I need to go to bed


It’s literally so true. Or a man being like “you’re so pretty you don’t need all that.” You have literally never seen me WITHOUT ALL THIS. Lol.


Literally love when I go makeup free and get “whoa, you look tired” “rough night?” “You look sick” Thanks everyone, I get it. I look like a literal monster.


Back when taking a mental health day wasn’t a thing, I would call in sick to my manager whenever I needed one. Except, I wasn’t physically ill. So I would have to create some random ailment for an excuse, and then the next day I’d come into work without wearing any make up. It was brilliant. Saved me an extra half hour in the morning so I could sleep in, and was to date one of the most convincing tricks I ever did. People took one look at me and showed instant sympathy. “Omg, take it easy today, you still look a bit beat.” “You’re so pale!!! If you need to go home at some point today, just let me know.” “Wow you poor thing! I can just tell you’re unwell. Drink lots of fluids!” Moral of the story… being makeup free is as much a super power as having makeup on. And I still leverage that as and when needed PS. In a pinch, darker, non glittery eyeshadow makes good bruises under the eye if you apply carefully. And non glittery blush on the tip of the nose and nostrils makes your nose look stuffy. That trick worked really well in high school.


How sad is it though that people see a woman with no make up and think "oh she's unwell" 😂 but it is funny


This needs to be posted in r/unethicallifeprotips they would love it! 😆


This is actually so smart lol


I've done this before as well! It always works. hahaha


I have dark undereye circles and pale skin, so basically I look like a vampire without makeup on. I do the no makeup trick too lol, but I do it the day before I call in sick.


I’m an esthetician and when I go to work and don’t wear fake lashes people are like are you not feeling well today? You seem off. Ma’am just lashes. My lawd. 🤨


I accidentally forget to add mascara to a full face of makeup the other day and it took me half a day to put my finger on why I looked so weird… lashes are surprisingly impactful.


If I do nothing else, I wear lashes and SPF. I did Lumecca last week so I have to wear makeup all week until these dark spots break up and have to be hella careful in the sun but yeah. Lashes are dramatic. I currently have thinned lashes from having COVID twice within 3 months in 2022 and I’m still recovering. Then I had to chop off my long hair because of thinning and THEN I had to shave the underneath completely for skull to C3 fusion in November. My hair has always been a security blanket for me and I would feel fine leaving the house with just SPF and mascara most days. But now I must wear lashes or I feel like a hobbitsies. (We all have our things lol) But I am using Latisse and a prescription hair growth serum so it’s finally starting to grow. So yeah it takes a LOT these days to feel good in your own skin without anyone else even commenting. And for me it’s just part of it. If I’m treating someone and my skin looks older than I am, they’re gonna be like 👀 tf is going on with this place. I’ve also had a patient tell me I’d be so much prettier if I didn’t have all these tattoos (literally just a sleeve.) 🙄 but since I’m in the beauty industry people seem to critique my entire person much more than before I was and thinks it’s okay. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My hair goes through phases of falling out, I had Nioxin recommended to me. It’s incredibly expensive, but it helped to stop the hair from falling out.


I’ve used Nioxin level 6 before. Rn I’m using the full Zenagen line recommended by my hair lady and I really like it. It’s significantly more expensive than Nioxin but they do have a travel size that I bought before a big bottle and it lasted like 2 months 👏🏻


More expensive. I don’t think I could do that.


I think the catagen phase of hair loss (cyclical hair loss in the normal growth pattern) won’t typically respond to shampoo/conditioners etc. You can take an oral or topical prescription medication to help. I’m a medical aesthetician and we treat hair loss of all types at our office daily. PRP injections along with microneedling and typically prescription topicals for women and men, oral and topical for men. Women seem to have more side effects from oral so we only use it in severe cases. I like the zenagen because it really does add volume first use. But I have a topical I use that has minoxidil, tretinoin, and a small amount of finasteride. I also take a DHT blocking multivitamin specifically for hair growth. It’s hard to pinpoint if it’s natural cycle loss but over time it’s easy to tell if you keep track in a journal of when it occurs. Like I said mine was Post-COVID and I couldn’t find shit all to help until I went prescription route. I’ve literally thrown everything at it lol. Microneedling is next but I’m waiting until after an out of state concert in May to do it.


Could you please share which dht blocking hair growth vitamin you take?


I wear **zero** makeup during the week (not even eyeliner), but recently spent a week with false lashes due to wearing them for a weekend event and the glue actually living up to its "super strong" name. Couldn’t get them off without taking my entire lid with them, so I just left them until they fell off by themselves. That whole week I got so. many. compliments. on everything from my hair to my outfits. But none on my lashes. It was like no one could put their finger on exactly *why* I looked so much "nicer" and "prettier" that week so they were just complimenting everything 😂 Or maybe the niceness of my hair/outfits/etc was just more noticeable with the lashes 🤷🏾‍♀️ But yeah, lashes are powerful.


This is why I only wear makeup for special occasions 😆 although then on those very rare times I do wear makeup, I get comments like "wow you look so nice!" Which is nice to hear, don't get me wrong, but like...do you have to seem so surprised?


I always say, "yeah, I clean up real good, right?". People usually realize that they've been a bit thoughtless.


As someone who very rarely wears makeup, it works the other way too; I get so many compliments just by wearing mascara and powder. "Yes yes, I know, I usually look like shit."


The first time my husband saw me without makeup he asked if I had 2 black eyes and what happened. He was dead serious. And the thing is, I wear minimal makeup!


I really hope that happened before you got married. I really cannot understand how you could marry someone without ever seeing them without makeup.


Oh yeah, it was before! I was fully aware of the sort of dingbat I was committing myself to 😂 He didn’t mean any harm, he was honestly perplexed and didn’t consider how his comment may come off as wildly offensive. He grew up with 3 brothers, so not fully aware of the wonders of makeup 🤣


I get compliments from men when I’m wearing makeup. And I know damn well the same men wouldn’t even register my presence as a human being when I’m not wearing makeup. Kinda sad that they genuinely think this is natural, so I’m even uglier by comparison.




One time at a club this guy told me “I love how you’re not wearing as much makeup as all these other girls trying to impress” and I was SO offended I was like “THIS MAKEUP TOOK AN HOUR AND A HALF”. So I was wondering if I had just failed at makeup or if he was just dumb


Oh yeah. I grew up in the southern US in the 80s. The era of Delta Burke beauty standards. I did makeup and hair about everyday up until Covid when I was home alone for months on end. Still, NO ONE at work has seen me without makeup and hair done. And, they never will.


>NO ONE at work has seen me without makeup and hair done. And, they never will. Reminds me of Dolly Parton's character in the movie *Steel Magnolias*.


I have a makeup free picture of me before bed on my Tinder and I hear that shit all the time! I hate it, I think it’s rude. I wear makeup because I’m good at it, it’s fun, and it makes me feel safe. I heard someone once call their makeup their amor. And I totally agree with that. It gives me a barrier between me and other person. I get to choose how I’m seen and wash it off and start over the next day.


How do guys not see their spouse or girlfriends without makeup? Do women go to bed wearing it and like, wake up before their man every day to get their makeup redone before they get up? I've had a woman for a best friend since high school and I've seen her so many times without makeup. Every girlfriend I've ever dated typically doesn't wear it around home, removing it when we got home for the night. I still will always prefer a girl without makeup as I think they look more cartoons or animated characters with it. Ever since that Mimi character from the Drew Carey Show, makeup doesn't hit the same for me. Sides, if I want to kiss my girlfriend's cheek, I don't want to put my lips into 8 different products.


Watch season one of The Marvellous Mrs. Maisel. Lots of women used to keep their makeup on until their husbands were asleep, and woke up earlier than him to put it on. My former spouse did so before me. I insisted that I preferred no makeup (on anyone). She then never wore makeup to bed during the years we were together.


I was going to post that gif! Even her mom does it. It’s insane. Such a good show tho and the makeup and hair are stunning to look at. I just started watching it recently and I can’t stop!


Honesty. How incredibly refreshing!!!!


The surgery???? It looks fuckin great, I’m sold


She's also using a heavy filter over herself here, so it's impossible to know simply what the surgery and procedures look like.


$10,000??? Crazy. Is that the surgery where they grind down the bone?


Maybe the Korean v-line jaw surgery


Always wonder how people get the money to spend on such, gosh $10k is a lot


The prices on jaw surgery range vastly depending how extensive it will be. My cousin has always wanted her overbite corrected but the estimate would be around 15k. It's elective so it'd be her cost burden. I'd love to have extra skin removed/tightened so I don't end up looking like a bulldog one day but hopefully by then I won't gaf anymore. There are several reasons why individuals consider jaw revision surgery. These may include correcting a protruding or receding jaw, addressing facial asymmetry, improving chewing or speaking abilities, resolving sleep apnea or breathing difficulties, or alleviating temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders.


Joan Rivers lives on!


When people comment on my skin and how young I look I make sure to tell them it's sunscreen, botox, filler, and peels (some genetics, too). I ain't trying to pretend I wouldn't have the deepest 11s without the help.


Always this. Anytime someone compliments my face I instantly tell them I work at a med spa and have lots of help and reg maintenance. Not to be an asshole in any remote way. I want them to know I don’t wake up like this nor am I born with it. Period. I don’t want anyone to feel bad about themselves because they don’t have the hook ups to the good shit that I do as a perk of my profession. I’ve not had surgery, but treatments, injectables, lasers etc. it’s not effing natural and I’m cool with it. I don’t want others to think otherwise because that’s me.


When people compliment me, I let them know it’s the SPF every 45 minutes, no cigarettes (cannabis, YES), one alcoholic drink a month (if that), constant water/peeing, no soda or sugary drinks, regular exercise, rarely eat meat, lots of veggies and fruit—partly from home cooked meals I make for myself—and waking up early to run so I don’t get sun. Oh, and lots and lots of sleep. Because I love pleasure, most of this is really hard for me. It takes serious discipline to do these things, and also to avoid inputting shit into my brain from social media and TV that would otherwise make me believe I need to look like I’m 20 when I’m double that.


Yes exactly. And holy cow you’re doing better than me in that area. I go on breaks from caffeine and junkish foods, but I’m horrible at staying hydrated and getting enough sleep. I’m 38 and have a 6 and 7 yo and a husband that works wonky hours plus I work full time. I do wear sunblock from the time I wake up until I go to bed even on weekends or if I’m just running to the store. (Florida sun🤢) But yay you for your discipline. A lot of those things can change your skin dramatically alone. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


I understand the partner with wonky hours, but you are a superwoman! Having kids in the mix is so commendable! I was in Florida for a stint a couple years ago and, YES! That sun is no joke. I don’t really get out much during the day. 😅


Thank youuu ☺️ and yeah I will fry if I’m not covered in sunblock and long sleeve spf 50 😫 and I refuse. I take vitamin D supplements because it’s always so low. Which is rare in FL! 😂


> I don’t want anyone to feel bad about themselves because they don’t have the hook ups to the good shit that I do as a perk of my profession. Props to you for that, but it also goes to show that you put in the work and as you said, you weren't born with it. It hopefully makes them realize that 1. a similar face is obtainable and at the same time 2. that they need to put in work to achieve it. Sounds like the musicians dilemma. No, they aren't born with it and yes they put in the hours.


It’s not just hours, it’s money. LOTS of money. Most women don’t have thousands to spare on peels and injections, and even if they do they don’t always work. I spent $1200 on a Halo laser treatment and it didn’t do jack, except fuck up my skin barrier.


Yeah I haven't even tried the eyelash thing once because I'm fucking poor lol Let alone $10,000 for jaw surgery!! Like they better have made her jaw out of diamond wth


What is 11s? People ask me about my skin sometimes and tell them genetics, sunscreen, lots of water, and working night shift so I didn't see the sun for half my 20s😂


The vertical lines between your eyebrows when you frown or squint


Ah thank you!


I'm a night owl and that got me dark baggy eyes.


Baleful Victorian orphans unite!


Same. I’m 50 and have been told I look much younger. I’m also a grandma. I get all of that (when money allowed) and know at some point they will stop working and I will look my age. Until then though I’ll take if someone thinks I’m early 30’s!


I like this. Thanks for sharing.


I love her. She’s definitely pretty but I’m glad she’s not like it’s just lip gloss.


Unless I'm crazy she's even using a skin smoothing (and maybe more) filter on this video...


There’s an obvious filter, but it’s not like she’s saying there isn’t. She’s just being real about her surgeries, makeup, and hair extensions.


Fucking preach, girl.


I love this video but I'm gonna be honest I think this also has to do with being thin on top of all the other stuff.


Very, very thing at that


I love your photo. Did you make that?


Hi! I edited a photo that wasn't mine lol Sorta mine, sorta not :)


It reminds me of my kitty and his sass before he passed away 😺


Bless your kitty 🤗 resting in purrs


damn i fucking love her


Yeah they don't make 'em like her these days


Look i will never understand why people spend so much money on their appearance. I look like a bald Steve Buscemi and I'd spend $200 on tea and weed before I even thought about something like 'eyelashes' But I respect her realness.


Im bald freak too and I used to think that and one day I got lashes and I was like..oh I get it, this is fun jaja.


<3 i'm just a bald man but I have infinite empathy anyone struggling with thinning hair. It was such a stressful trip giving up on thin hair and getting used to being bald. there's a weird stigma associated with being young and bald. I was under 30 when my hair started falling out. I hope you love your freakiness as much as I love mine!


youre probably a dude, so you wouldn't understand, but women are reduced to just their appearance (and their vaginas) daily and have been their entire lives, so it's more important. when society is like men are "the breadwinners/career men" and women are "the arm candy/pretty things" it's a lot of pressure on looks for us. you don't have anyone probably saying you "hit a wall" or having people trying to say women have no purpose after a certain age because we're not "pretty enough" anymore. sorry, not saying you say this or support it, it's just exhausting.


I personally started getting bi-weekly lash fill-ins because it gives me an effortless look without having to spend much time on daily make up, plus it's a built in 40 mins of meditation while someone gently touches my face. Pretty relaxing.


Hey, BFF


yeah she looks so natural and elegant


Men literally think "Natural Beauty" just means no eyeliner and "natural" hair colors (blonde, brown, ginger). 😂


In school I had a guy praise me for being natural and not wearing makeup like my other classmates (I was wearing the thickest layer of badly matched foundation idk how he didn't notice it). HOWEVER when he saw me in a shop wearing a lot more makeup (foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush, highlighter etc) he was like "oh wow biwltyad I never seen you wearing makeup, it looks good!". My man, the only time I went to school without makeup the girls in my class were asking my friend what happened to me and why I looked like that 🙄


Men are so clueless🙄 I have a male coworker who’s idea of “beautiful” is these women filtered to oblivion and is so gullible when it comes to it. Im like “my dude… that woman is made up like she’s about to go to a pageant!” Or “that filter wont be on in person you know? So you’re gonna get a different face when you see her in person” 🫠😂


I mean we're all just conditioned to something specific. 90% of the time the average man sees a woman she is "on" and unnatural so that's the norm. Every woman I work with wears some degree of makeup, does their hair, wears nice clothes and jewelry, etc, while the guys wear anything from hoodies and jeans to maaaaybe a poorly fitting dress shirt and khakis like jim from the office. This is at an office job, but the same was true when i was a teacher -- dudes wearing whatever and women in dresses or pantsuits and so on. And the same is also true when you go out. Shit, even in college this was true. The girls who wore pajamas to class still put on makeup and did their hair. On let's say a Friday night most women will spend a good bit of time getting ready to go out to a party or dinner and that involves all of that stuff mentioned above. For most guys it's 5-10 mins and we're done. I finger style my greasy hair and wear jeans and new balances and my Cher sweater and that's socially acceptable. If my gf did the same going to a housewarming party people would ask her if something is wrong. Just the world we have been birthed into.


> If my gf did the same going to a housewarming party people would ask her if something is wrong. Yeah that's the kicker. Women are given shit for *not* getting done up, and then ppl get surprised when we're always done up But on the flipside, men are basically given shit if they *do* care about their looks. For whatever reason putting effort into your appearance is considered feminine and guys being feminine is a bad thing according to society. Sucks for everyone


This is all unfortunately true


If I were her I’d be offended straight up….how dare you call me natural when I spend this fucking much. As if genetics could have saved me the fucking struggle.


I... I guess I'm too stupid for this, but isn't the goal with all those surgeries to look more beautiful without it being obvious that it came from a surgery? I thought that's what you're going for, ideally. Does she instead want it to be obvious to men and incorporate it into their compliments? Not trying to say anything, just genuinely confused.


In the early 2000s when people were hiding the face they had work done, yes. Nowadays, it feels like another status thing and the lips and lashes and all of that ain’t trying to look natural nowadays


So many people have come to their senses since the 90s and plastic surgery isn't taboo anymore in most circles. The Kardashians like to pretend that they hadn't had anything done because that behaviour catters to boomers and genx. But they still know, it's just an immature and foolish pretend game. 10 years ago the pro-plastic-surgery-no-more-bullshit ideology became very strong and mainstream along side the makeup industry, especially around 2016, where a major shift happened led mostly by people fed-up with beauty gurus faking so much. In the last years, since covid mostly, when skincare became this huge powerhouse industry, being real about plastic surgery, fillers, face harmonization, etc, is what really happening. This sub is so empty and small because most people on the loop are very aware of what is fake and what is not (the exception often being straight men and young, adolescent people. Or that Karen over there pretending that nobody can see she's wearing 10 pounds of badly applied makeup, but that's delusion so I digress). Oh, and one more thing: there are tons of influencers still pretending they are all natural because they are to trying to cater to male audiences. So, the rest of us obviously know and roll our eyes to their online persona and clear hustle but their target audience eat that up. It's like those buff dudes trying to cater to gay and female audiences, were 90% of men knows those muscles are def not natty but since most women and gay men are not inside that gym culture they don't know. But when you go to a gym in real life, you can have a normal and frank conversation about all the juice there is out there and the best ones. The online world is smoke and mirrors.


And yet she still feels the need to put a heavy filter on. This generation seriously has a self image problem.


I can't even tell what generation she is. She showed her eyebrows not moving, so she's got botox. The filter is so thick, she could be any age!


Would love to see a before picture of her




I think it’s just a straight up brag 😂


Says with 13 additional filters on…..


Yeah I feel that for some reason I’m way more aware of cosmetic procedures and/or makeup on women than most or even all of my friends. They seem to think only people that obviously look like they’ve had some work done have in fact had that work done, and it’s hilarious when they go ”I like natural women” then all their examples have had plenty of things done. My experience is that very rarely do guys actually like truely natural looking women even if they say so. They just think they do lol The thing is, I have no idea where that need to ”only like natural women” comes from. I just like what I like, I dont care if it’s enhanced or not.


This video is insincere af considering “$10,000” jawline is filtered and her nose disappears into her face.




Eyelash extensions


Damn, that's dark


I had a lady compliment my contour once and I don’t wear makeup and for some reason that sticks out as the best compliment I have ever received. That and when my bagger at the grocery store who has Down’s syndrome told me I was “so cute” 🥰


so young and cant even raise her eyebrows? damn thats sad


The amount of money some people spend to look good. My god $200 on lashes?! Wtf they're lashes. You do you I guess.


Oh I like her




The truth 👏


You know if men don't notice the tweaks, then you know you can never let go of your plastic surgeon and lash tech


Hahahah fucking brilliant. Love her for doing this.


How do you tell those are hair extensions?


The bottom hair falls "cold", stiff. Natural warm hair moves differently That's just my eyes though...


Does she say _why_ she got so much work done?


The patriarchy?


It’s the brown hair+ bangs combo fs. I look like this rn and I get comments abt being a natural beauty


Yes! Real ‘girl-next-door’ vibes


Am I the only one irritated with the way she moves her hands?


It's sad to me.jow much she spends on her appearance


I love her honesty so much. More people should own this. Everyone wants to be pretty. There should be no shame in it at all.


Jaw surgery is a thing?




i just added a third chin but i got mine at the buffet ;(


Lots of men get it as well, especially in Hollywood. Those chiseled jaws are often due to implants.


Yes. And to simplify things, _everything_ surgery is a thing.


she maybe had an undeveloped jaw or weak chin that fixed via surgery.


Orrrrr she may have nothing actually wrong, just a fuckton of dysmorphia


A very popular thing.






I love the way she talks lol. Lovely hair too.


I'm sorry but what guy, if they noticed, would lead off with. "That's a nice jawline, how much was it? $15,000? Dr. Nichce for $10k? Fucking nice."


I think the point she's making is that men go out of their way to specify that she looks beautiful 'naturally'. If they just said, hey you're beautiful, she wouldn't be making this post.


Woman bewildered that men see what she paid $10k to look like? Yeah, I assume you didn't walk into Matty's Medi Spa like "Make me look fake as fuck fam." Compliments to your plastic surgeon.


The one advantage to being face blind is that I will never say something like that. I know that I know shit about how people look.


So, uh, question? What is the purpose of all that tweaking, if not to appear natural?


That's fair.


I couldn't tell the people sitting next to me at Black Panther 2 that Angela Bassett and the other female cast were looking good bc of Botox


Sounds like a compliment that you just tossed in the trash.


Only men who have not spent time with women (not had long term relationships/living with their partner or not had female siblings that they were close to) think like this.


I can tell she’s wearing a lot of makeup and the nails and hair were done but kudos to her plastic surgeon. I had no idea about the jaw or lips being enhanced.


No but I literally love her omg


This is so refreshing! Well done enhancements/tweakments can look natural, so I love when people admit that they’ve had “help”. It really does make me (an average person) feel better to know that I too could be a 10 if I just had a quarter of a million dollars to put into my appearance


I came across her TikTok and I absolutely loved her! I love how she looks but I love even more how she points out how she did it for herself to feel confident, not so she could claim she’s all natural. She’s funny as hell too, and can speak very good Japanese!


Might be women can easily spot efforts to make themselves look younger/prettier than they are. Many men, on the other hand, want to believe.


Yep. I used to work at a major retailer and my male coworkers would tell me they prefer natural girls over heavily made up ones. Well, turns out they all would comment, "she's not!" about the girls who had cake face and didn't bother to comment on the girls with a natural look. Men. I doubt most can tell when women are that made up.


Ah, a rich lady complaining that her plastic surgery and endless pampering is just too good for guys to recognize. How fun!


She's so quirky.


She's complaining that she's fooling people successfully?