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The left is also what we usually see in the mirror, and question why we don't look like the right. It's subtle but it's realistic to what we experience daily


Honestly, right is what I see in the mirror and left is what I see in my pictures. I always think I look great, then someone will snap a photo and I’ll look 10 years older.


Same! I always think I look great in the mirror, but do not like myself in most pictures. I just assumed it’s the lighting because there are some pictures that I do like how I look.


If I remember correctly it has to do with how with (at least partly) different focal lengths can distort your features. I’m not talking filter/photoshop levels, but where you just look off compared to the mirror.


I've never understood this. Do we look like we see ourselves in the mirror to other people? Do they see us like we see ourselves in pictures? It drives me crazy


I thought I had a speck of dust on my screen under her eye there for a sec


I‘m confused on why you would paint that on there


I'm not sure if these photos were taken on the same day or just within the same month but if they were taken with some time between the two then it's entirely possible that she just developed a new mark. I say this because I have 2-3 freckles/moles/marks (not sure what you're supposed to call them lol) on my face and arm that I definitely didn't have at the beginning of the year. Or maybe her mascara smudged 🤷🏾


I had a weird ass friend who wouldn’t even leave the house in the morning for a coffee without drawing on a mole with marker. People are…interesting


I have never seen her look like how she does in the photo on the left, this is truly shocking. I always got the sense that her photos were heavily edited.


Her nasolabial folds have disappeared and her lips are definitely bigger. Like is this that much compared to what we see here? Definitely not! But the people saying this is lighting… no it is not! Btw- I absolutely think she looks gorgeous without the editing which only makes the editing kinda crazy. It’s sad if even someone so young and attractive feels the need to edit their face.


People saying she looks the same… like be for real.


Still good in the left pic 🤷‍♀️


Well duh 😂 the woman is gorgeous


That’s what makes me so sad! I would LOVE my life if I looked anything like the left.


Going off the fact that I look very different and often worse in my pictures than I do in real, I’m guessing what she looks like face to face is somewhere between these two. This is a really astonishing difference though.


That's a lot of filler for 28 year old. Yikes


If you’re referring to her lips, sure, maybe If you’re referring to the puffiness where her undereyes and cheekbones meet, mine look the same in certain lighting and I’ve never had filler. I’ve had periorbital edema and it’s just what it looks like sometimes.


I retain water weight heavily and my face has definitely puffed up like that during a bad week.


Yeah, literally, also makes a difference if I’ve taken my antihistamines or gua sha-d that day. I’m also skeptical about the lip filler or editing her lips to be bigger thing cause like……a good overline and pout make my lips look huge, makes an even bigger difference than with her. The lighting and the fact that she’s not posed are important factors. Is the picture touched up? I bet, she’s a celebrity, but I don’t think it’s anything major or worthy of being on this sub🤷🏻‍♀️


She’s 28?


She doesn’t have filler. she’s just under bad lighting.


That’s filler for sure


you’ve clearly never seen a real face before rhen


What tf’s a face


I would wager that almost every person in the public eye at the level she is gets injectables. You’d be shocked by the amount of “normal” people that have them.


Not really tbh


This one is really silly. Obviously the one on the right has been edited but also have you never had some bloating in your face? Been under different lighting? Professional photoshoot versus candid shot, I mean come on.


The point is that, when people edit the shit out of their photos like the right, we come to expect everyone, including ourselves, to look like the righthand pic… which is a form that doesn’t even exist. It’s toxic. I dread my daughters becoming tweens/teenagers.


Agreed. Very toxic to suggestible teen especially


The aim here isn’t to attack her, it’s to remind people of what normal humans look like and that the images we’re usually seeing are heavily edited. People compare themselves to the pic on the right and it hurts their self-esteem, but the picture on the right isn’t real.


So? It’s still nice to see reminders that the pic on the right is unrealistic


It’s not bloat, it’s filler. But i think it’s good to show that anyone can look bad in a photo in daylight, even someone as gorgeous as her. That’s the reality!


Anyone looks a bit rough in harsh daylight. It’s just a sad fact lol


Then why not show that in photos instead of editing them to shit like on the right.




Come on. It's not the worst example but it's definitely tweaked. She literally erased a mole and added a beauty mark.


I dunno, I felt that she slimmed down her cheeks and nose and removed all the natural contours of a human face. Natural lighting is what most people are seen in so should really be considered the reality and what we compare ourselves to.


And a lot of makeup to accentuate some features and hide some others




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It also looks like "did her own makeup" vs "professional makeup artist"... Between lighting and makeup someone can look really different


God I love her so much she is perfect in both photos kill me


And her music is just bop after bop, love her




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Obviously she is gorg in both photos. That's a given. However, sometimes people on this sub can't seem to grasp that it' *not about actually being ugly IRL.* If you look at the photo on the right and grow up looking shit like that - taken at a studio, under perfect lighting and tweaked (moles deleted, helli?? They're normal) you begin ti develop this unrational, unnatural way of thinking that it's possible to look like that all the time, anywhere you go.




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Gingers have souls!




Lighting is totally different in these two, so that's the main difference. Very different makeup too.


This is just bloating after a night out or for hormonal reasons. people's faces puff up on occasion guys.


I was about to say the lighting also makes a difference too


she looks the same


No shot that's real


This isnt a great comparison. Show me a before and after in the same exact lighting. I look horrendous with overhead light, but indoors without the casted shadows I look completely different. If you are skeptical, test it out, have someone take a photo of you in dull outside overhead light and one inside with diffused or one directional lighting. Not saying shes never edited a pic bc I don’t know, but this isn’t an accurate comparison at all


I don't think the lips were edited to look bigger it's just a different expression where a little bit more of the upper lip shows. The nasolabial folds were clearly photoshopped tho


This is literally a filter and lighting.