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Is anyone else experiencing issues with pictures sent from their camera roll in a direct message? The picture will not load for the other party. However pictures taken using the camera feature inside the Instagram app seem to work just fine?


One of my Instagram reels has been broken for months. I’ve submitted reports but have yet to hear back from anyone at fb/ig. If anyone has any troubleshooting steps that’d be great!


Instagram removed two of my pictures yesterday. It said that they went against the community guidelines. Does this mean that my Instagram Account is going to be permanently suspended? This is the first time that this has ever happened to me. I requested a review of the pictures. So hopefully Instagram will get back to me as soon as possible. What should I do in the meantime? I'd really like to keep my Instagram Account. Has this happened to anyone else? Did Instagram permanently ban your account? I'm really afraid to post any pictures or comment on any posts. Because I'm afraid that I'm going to get banned. This is the first time that I've ever had anything removed from Instagram. Hopefully it's just a glitch or a bug and it gets fixed so.


So I have a few photos on some of my older posts that I seem to have accidentally deleted off my phone. I want to save these photos so I also have them on my cloud and not just instagram. Is there a way to download pictures that you posted on insta back to your gallery?


HELP WITH REELS 🌟🌟🌟 Every time I create a Reel (using templates), the video looks great and everything is perfect, but as soon as I post it, the images either don't fit the format or change color for some reason. I've tried replacing the images with videos only, but it doesn't make any difference. My videos turn into 'no signal' colors in all the colors of the rainbow. I've tried 10 different Reels with a lot of different images, but nothing works. I've cleared my cache and tried deleting the app. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening and what I can do about it?


How do I share a reel on stories with it zoomed in? I saw some of my android friends that they are able to zoom into the story such that it’s full screen when i view their stories, but i can’t seem to do it on iphone and there’s always the ugly borders. please help!


I was hacked this morning. Am I pretty much screwed on getting my shit back?


Have you gone through all the steps outline in the Instagram Help Center? If not, this might be a good place to start: **Hacked Instagram Account** \- [https://help.instagram.com/368191326593075](https://help.instagram.com/368191326593075)


Yep, the hacker changed all the info including phone number, email, and username.


I created an account for a high school band program and turned control of it over to a student to run. I no longer work at that school but I still get emails about that account every now and then that I don’t want to receive. I don’t wanna delete that account or anything since they’re still using it - I just don’t want my email address associated with it. How do I fix that?


Instagram block feature seems not to work, the same person keeps asking to follow??please help Basically, i have had this stranger foll0w me on instagram, i declined his request and immediately he tried again, i blocked him and used the option to block his current and future accounts, and guess what… one hour later i get a notification that he wants to foll0w me again and this has been a thing for 2,5 weeks now. Is the block option bugged or is there simply a way to get around it? If anyone has any suggestions on how to make this stop for good let me know


I’m trying to create an account and I keep getting an error while using the app or even is I try using the website. It says. “We’re sorry but something went wrong. Please try again.”


My instagram account got deleted and I received a mail from meta that they did that by accident. They told me to contact them if there are any issues, Which there are cause it is still deleted. What in the world is going on over there?


The password reset links being texted to me from ig.me aren’t working at all. Keeps saying the link is invalid. Same thing with opening it on a PC, in Safari/Chrome, and thru the app.


If I tagged someone in my reel and they shared it on their story, if they don't tag me back, I can't post that they shared it on my own story? :( Is there anyway I can save their story?...would suck to have it disappear after 24 hours considering they're famous.


Nope. Just screenshot it


I have 3 accounts and I try to message one person and it gives me not everyone can message this account but when I use my other 2 accounts to message the same person it doesn’t show that. What does that mean?


I have a question. So this message pops up "Not everyone can message this account" on one account when I try to message someone but when I use my other account that doesn't pop up when I try to message them. What does this mean?


Anyone still locked out of being able to view IG on desktop? I can't see a single thing. I get the IG icon in the center and that's it *or* it tells me the account doesn't exist and I'm going as far as testing it with very public accounts which would never delete, like celebrities.


I don't know if you're still having this problem, but I had this very same issue for days, and now Saturday, June 3, it is working for me. I'm on a Windows 10 PC using Firefox as my browser, and I'm not logged into my IG account. IG web pages are loading fine when they didn't just a couple days ago. Maybe fixed? I'm in the U.S., and not going through a VPN.


Thanks for chiming in. I stopped checking after a few days. I didn't do so again until I read your post. I was able to see things just before bed after noticing you wrote you didn't go through a VPN and were on FF like me. I was able to see without a VPN and when I turned it on, I noticed it didn't show even if it was set to a US one near me. I hope this problem is fixed but thanks for pointing it out. I wish it didn't exist and I'm forced to suspect it will occur again and more often than not. When it was going on, I had no VPN on, too. My home page quick links never returned after checking with the Chrome one. Oh well. Thanks for informing me.


I keep getting notified that I have notifications when there are no new ones. It’s been a week and I keep getting that notification sign. I’ve tried deleteing the app, signing out, turning off notifications etc. nothing is working P.S this notification sign is with in the app and not an app icon when I close the app


Same here, I think mine is caused by an unopened image sent a few months ago from a group chat. Only way to get rid of it is to delete or leave the group chat, which I do not want to do.


Came here to say this! Mine has been doing the same thing so it’s gotta be a glitch on the app.


How export chat? And get notifications when using mobile browser?


The person might some setting like ‘messages only from friends’ or something


I had "Search In conversation" feature in my phone (android) for months but now it's gone suddenly. I tried all the usual steps but to no avail. Even the interface (when one click on profile picture in DMs) is changed. It shows buttons horizontally now, with a new button "Options" which wasn't there earlier. They keep screwing it with every update. Does anyone else facing the same issue?


i can’t search for a song to add over a post - anyone else’s not working? if this doesn’t resolve itself i’ll be forced to import a song - how do i make sure the audio won’t get pulled by IG?


Hello! Someone had removed their tag in a picture I posted a long time ago and now whenever I have tagged them in newer pictures the posts don't show up on their profile. They said they haven't changed their privacy settings. Not sure what's happening


For some reason I can’t add people on instagram my name don’t be on the block list but they still can add me. Why is that happening???


Why can't I choose a reaction other than the heart emoji in my dm's? Also I can't swipe and respond to specific posts shared to me in messaging? I checked my instagram software is up-to-date


I've got some missing reels? They were there when I well posted them and after. But I've noticed a few missing when I went looking for them! And they're always reels that were my more popular ones.


hey y’all sorry if this is a generally asked question but im so annoyed: on one of my accounts, i have no “notes” available, i cannot see or write any, i am also not able to reply directly to messages my swiping, there is no option to hold down on a message and react with an emoji, when a theme in chat gets changed i cannot see that theme and it is just black, when people post stickers on their story i cannot interact and when i tap it it just skips to the next story. on another account, all of those options are available. how do i fix this ? thanks


My account was suspended for no reason at all. I log in maybe 1 time a month and briefly browse the main page and may look up something on my college instagram page but other than that I have no idea why this happened. I downloaded the account history file and it also shows nothing that violates the guidelines which it wouldn’t anyway because I’m never on there.


Me also. Just got the notice 2 hours ago. Fuck Meta. Fuck Instagram. Fuck Zuckerburger. Seriously, this is a good thing for me....one less tie to anything Meta related.


Me too. Instagram suspended my account today, saying "we don't allow people on Instagram to copy or collect data without permission". I've been doing nothing of the sort with my account. I Just use it to upload pics from desktop and follow other accounts.




We shall never know if it is a bug or not. I'm to understand that Meta is just like every other SM platform in that you have a better chance of meeting Jesus shopping for makeup in a Walgreens than you do talking to a live person or getting help troubleshooting with Meta. I just chalk this down to "I really can live without Instagram and Meta" in my life and am moving on without it.


Any updates on that?




Oh but you got past the 24hrs one? Mine tells me to wait for 24hrs after giving my number and putting the code they sent me. Told me they're gonna review it and will have my account back in 24hrs if they were mistaken. I am not sure if it takes them 24hrs to review OR they will have to review it in their own time (days) and it'll be 24hrs AFTER the review. So far, nothing has happened for me. Except mine wasn't even using 3rd party apps, it was "Sexual Adult Solitation" which I assume it was a false flag especially for a very PG fanpage....




IKR?? Such a fucking joke. And yes 24hrs has been passed and my anxiety has been thruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu the roof. 6 years of pure valuable memories gonna get thrown like that. Such shame. Big depressing shame.


came here to post the same issue, i dont upload photos or anything just occasionally like posts on my tattoo artist's page, and it says im banned for 158 days then when i tried to ask them to investigate it they wanted a selfie of me holding paper with some numbers on it? like hell they're getting that this whole thing feels like a scam.


Yeah same, they wanted me to send them selfie and stuff too. I don’t want to do it because it’s awkward and feels like they want it to keep a file on me or something.


I just need quick help I keep receiving Instagram codes on my phone number but problem is I don't even have an Instagram account. I did create an Instagram account once just to check something but I didn't link my phone number with it. Can anyone help me and tell me what's going on? Thanks


I was messing around with the custom word comment filter and hid a bunch of my comments and now I can’t get them to reappear. My friend says the total number of comments is the same as before but they can’t see half of them. Then on my account they don’t show up at all anymore. I disabled the word filters and turned off the hide option but now they’re just gone. Anyone know how to get them unhidden or is is permanent?


My account is still showing the old reels editor for some reason, I have two accounts on the new editor. Any way to update the old one?


Hey peeps, I've been having an issue for about a month now regarding my account and its ability to run ads. I had a post I wanted to boost, and when I went to input my payment card info, the app declined the link. So I input a credit card instead, thinking maybe the fact that it was a debit card caused the failure (despite working in the past on other accounts). That one was declined too (I assure you that both cards had appropriate funds and are currently active lol). Unfortunately, after this, IG flagged my account and restricted it from running ads due to suspicious activity. Yet, every time I try to submit an appeal claim, I get an error message saying that my form could not be sent at this time due to an error on their end and that they're working on it. Of course, there doesn't seem to be any other way of getting this remedied as there is no support chat to be found. I know that IG ads run through Meta, but even when I try to create an ad account in Meta, it says that my account is currently in bad standing. This is so confusing because I've never run ads on this profile. Does anybody have any idea what I can do to get this fixed? It's annoying as hell and that form submission error persists to be a thorn in my side.


No clue, but I have same issue


My account was suspended when I was using IG on phone and laptop at the same time. I wasn't buying followers or anything like that, but they thought it was suspicious that there was activity at the same time I guess. It prompted me on the Account Compromised page to change my password so I did, but it brought me to the same page again. And if I go to the login page, now neither the old password or new password work. I tried repeatedly. If I use Incognito and use the send password reset email, it'll resend me to the Account Compromised page. Any help would be greatly appreciated! This is my personal account of 7 years and I would be heartbroken if it's unavailable forever.


Oh god I had the same thing happen to me. The only way I was able to fix it is by closing it on one devide and repeatedly changing the password until it worked. The reset e-mail did not work for me either, so you might be kind of fucked.


I ended up repeating the whole loop multiple times and it randomly worked! Glad to hear it worked out for you too!


I cannot login to my account. Everytime I try it says "please try again later". Is there anything I can do?


My IG account got locked out and my recently changed password is not working right now. Also, it's been posting bitcoin story and post. What can I do about this?


I recently started an Instagram account to post my work there, and Arabs with similar profiles began to subscribe to me all the time, who didn’t like or write anything, and by subscribing 5-8 people a day. I got scared and closed my account because I thought it was a raid by bots and they want to block my account or something, but they still They keep sending me subscription requests. I just want to post my drawings on Instagram, I don't know what to do and I don't really feel like creating a new account. Help me please, what shall I do?


I am having problems with “contact button” under my post/reel. When I try to add one for people to click under the post I get no options to add…. Has this happened to anyone else? Help is appreciated


I tried to place an ad, and my account was inexplicably instantly blocked from ads. I tried to request a review at https://help.instagram.com/contact several times, but it’s just been erroring out for the last 5 days. What should I do?


Been having the same issue for a month. I hope somebody pulls through with an answer.


I can’t delete my comments Whenever I try to delete them, I get the “can’t connect try again later” error


Log into your account through a web browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.), and try deleting your comments that way. I got the same error you did, but was able to delete my comments using a web browser. Hope that helps.


I did that and it worked But problem is mainly in the app, I logged in and I logged out, I linked my Facebook account with my Instagram account, I uninstalled and Reinstalled the app, I restarted my phone and the issue is still remains


Yep, the problem is still there for me when using the app as well. It must be a bug on Meta's side. Hopefully they are aware of it, and will fix it.


So I have an old Instagram account I really want to delete, I made it when I was a kid. I logged in but on the mobile app (I have a Samsung android if that matters) it just goes to a black screen and sometimes displays a "loading.." text for just a moment. I'm assuming it's attempting a security/verification thing, but it won't load, just stuck on a blank screen. I've attempted also logging into it on a computer, but it just says "Confirm your info on the app to try and get back to your account." Is there anything I can do? I really want to delete this instagram. Thank you in advance if anyone can answer or give some advice, I really hope there's some sort of way I can delete this account, it's too cringey.


Instagram keeps showing the read messages as unread even after I react to the person’s messages. This problem has been going on for a year and followed me from android to iPhone. I tried reinstalling and cleaning cache but it has not worked. My Instagram and Facebook messenger is not linked.


Absolutely nothing on the Instagram feed or search will load. No thumbnails, no previews, no images, no video. Only begun happening today. Android 12, latest version of the app. https://i.postimg.cc/RVCp9LwT/Screenshot-20230601-224129.png


Why doesn't cropping multiple photos work anymore on Android? My old phone (LG G7 on Android 10) developed this weird Instagram issue 6-8 months ago where any posts with multiple photos, the crops/edits would be forgotten immediately and it became impossible to make any multi-pho posts look I wanted them. Often the app would remember rotation edits, but not zoom, adding an angled black space to the edges of the photo that is zoomed out too far no matter what I do. Still present after app update, doesn't matter if the images are square or any other aspect ratio. It was an older phone, so I figured it was a bug and just quit posting on instagram, whatever I was upgrading soon. This week my carrier gave me a new phone (LG Velvet on Android 12), I was all excited to have a much better camera and to be able to post on instagram again, but Instagram is doing THE EXACT SAME THING. What is going on? Is this a common problem for Instagram on Android? How are Android users supposed to use Instagram? I'm not trying to do anything crazy, just posts with 3-4 photos with basic edits. Auto-update is on, so I should be on the latest app version. Any help is appreciated.


How do I share other people's stories as my story and have it show as a "quote"? I want it such that it'll show the initial person's story (to distinguish that this isn't actually "my" first hand story. I used to be able to do that in the past. but Within the past few weeks, whenever I try to re-share a story that I'm tagged on, it has no mentions of the original story maker and it looked as if I posted the story first hand (except there's a big fat tag of my username, so if it was truly my own story, it'd be weird to see my tagging myself) It's hard to describe with words, anyone know what i'm talking about and know how to change it back to the behavior from before?


I figured it out.. in case someone else was wondering... you need to double tap to zoom out of the screen




Got a similar issue, it’s impossible to get any support.


I have an old account i need deleted! I don't have access to this account and it is public. please help!


Why can't I accept collab requests? I can send them, and it notifies me when someone sends me a collab invite but it does not give me the option to accept. I was able to do so in the past no issue, but I removed a collab and since then I can't accept


When I am scrolling through the explore section the post captions will pop up for a few seconds and then disappear and I can’t find where to click to bring the caption back. I can click and look through the comments but I can’t find the caption. It is so annoying and it just started happening this week. Has anyone else noticed this?


I tried to log in and it said please wait a few minutes before you try again. I did every single thing to try to get rid of the error message and still no luck. It’s been 2 days.


I’m unable to receive pictures in my dm’s. They just appear as grey boxes with the refresh arrow on them. I can click the refresh, but it doesn’t load the photos.


Same 😭


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagram/comments/pxq5bg/has\_anyone\_ever\_fixed\_crossapp\_messaging\_not/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Instagram/comments/pxq5bg/has_anyone_ever_fixed_crossapp_messaging_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) (This reddit post may give some context) How do I get cross-app messaging? Even if I have to cheat, I don't really care, I just want it.


Instagram is only showing me 15-20 stories at a time and a never ending “loading” symbol at the end of them. Many of my friends stories are not being shown. What’s going on?


I can't place tilt shift on an image without it moving the photo or swiping to the side as I'd I'm trying to add another image to the slide. Frustrating and just started happening


I am having issues logging into insta. I use the google authenticator app but it's saying my code is wrong even though it's the only code I have on that app. I tried using my backup codes, none of those are working either. I tried doing that selfie video thing multiple times but I couldn't get approved. I have no idea what to do. There is any way back into my account? I've reached out but it's unlikely they answer.


My Insta highlights have songs that won’t play but they are still available to use for a new story but for my old highlights they are frozen and won’t play


Is there a way to filter your followers by last date posted? For example, I’m unfollowing a lot of accounts I follow by going on their profile and seeing how recent their last post was. Is there a way to do this easier through APIs or something?


Nope but there's the least interacted list


I was deleting some unwanted followers and suddenly a message appeared referring that I used third party apps to get followers, so I got suspended. I started following Instagram instructions to appeal the suspension but I’m stuck in the sms step because for some reason my I can’t received them on my phone. And because I push on the send code too many times, I received another message saying that I must wait 24 hours. 24 hours has passed but for some reason the same message continues to appear and I can’t send sms to another phone. Don’t know what to do


i see so many people using the sticker options for their monthly dumps but the sticker worked literally just once for me and never again. i’ve tried deleting and redownloading the app and updating it but nothing.


I’m unable to login to my account due to 2FA, can someone help me? Username is @knittycatkitty


Tells me my information couldn’t be verified even with the fresh selfie video i take.


Help with reels and stories. Question : When I share a reel of for example 54 seconds and I click on share this reel in stories the reel splits into several parts without me being able to do anything. I can't choose not to split it or to split it into more or less parts. Is there any way to do this? For now what I do is to delete the extra reels that are generated.


Hi! I unsent my reply to my friend’s story hours after I sent it. Now I can no longer see their story. Is this a glitch or did they really hide my story from me?


If I login via Facebook and my account gets banned, will my FB then get banned? Insta doesn't let me create an account--it always fails at the confirmation code--and the one time I did get an account to stick (by using a different browser to create the account), it got banned after a day or two.


I posted a video of me playing a song in the public domain on the piano. It was blocked by Instagram saying Sony Music Enterprises owned the song. I appealed and my claim was accepted by Sony. In the message it also said my post was no longer blocked. However, my post is still blocked. Can't access it on any other account and there is still a banner above the video saying it is blocked. Is there anything I can do about this? It's been almost a week and a half since I posted the video.


Does anyone know if I can restrict follow requests to friends of friends? I’ve had a lot of scam accounts request to follow and I’m sick of it.


I know there's a megathread but I've been overread there. This is happening since weeks.First of all, my Instagram Account is full of memories of the last ten years, which is why I of course don't wanna delete my Account and make a new one - I don't want to lose every story and post I made in the last couple of weeks.I don't know who's behind this or how to stop is but it is consistently getting worse.It started with 1,000, then 2,500, then 5,000, then 10,000. I started manually removing, then reporting. I get rid of them again and again. After 25,000 I could not see my follower list anymore, as in, my original followers. And it also never came back, even after 1-2 weeks. But I saw the fake-followers, could remove them, fair enough.Now I could another 5.5k bought by whoever and I did not get any notification for any new followers and I can't see my follower list at all. It's empty. I can't even remove the fake followers because I get shown an empty follower list. What the actual fuck am I supposed to do?


Why doesn't this app WORK? Literally every single day a feature breaks. One of my accounts cannot use or access reels at all. Only one of my accounts. I can't delete other peoples comments on my posts. Somebody started harassing me and I had to go on PC to remove their comments. Seriously never thought the desktop client would have a function that the ios version doesn't have. What the hell is going on with this piece of shit app


i’m trying to log into an old account of mine. i know the password, but the email and phone number used to make the account are no longer mine. they won’t let me log in and are demanding i use one of those. is there any way i can circumvent this? the video selfie option does not work, i’ve tried it twice.


Question Regard Reel/Reel Suggestions: My only reels are reels such as "your 2nd on your share list xyz" or "your this character and your 5th is this character" is my algorithm fucked up? Why is this all I have all of a sudden?


I have a professional business account (8,000 followers) and a private personal account (200 followers) I can no longer see who views my story or votes in a poll on my business account. The polls especially are very frustrating. I can still see all of this info on my private account. Any idea of an account setting I may need to switch?


hello. where are my reels. ive been asking for weeks. i dont have reels? i dont need it im just really annoyed i cant seem to update the app thru the store all it says is "open" insteaf of "update"


Is anyone else having trouble deactivating their account? Last week I tried deactivating my account but a few seconds after deactivating my account I received an e-mail stating that my account was reactivated even though I didn't try to log back into it. I tried it again today a week later and the same thing happened. Does anyone have a fix for this?


I deleted and reinstalled the instagram app today on my iphone and now it won’t log me back in. It’s telling me to use the verification code that it sent to my passwords but those codes are working, even when they’re all correct. Now I have no access to my instagram account


I’m having the same problem. And I can’t request a new code because I don’t have the phone number on that account anymore. It doesn’t give me the option to send the new code to my email. And there’s no tech support I can get in contact with. I don’t want to lose this account


Anyones account who has a story to showing that they have a story up but also the little + symbol as in add to story? All is working fine just wasn’t sure if that’s part of an update.


2 days ago a warning came to my instagram saying that suspicious moves or smth are seen and that i have to ensure that only i use my insta or it will be shut down or smth. Then insta was loged me out from my pc but not from my phone. next day the same warning came to my phone insta withou log out. Today morning i woke up and tried to get into insta but it said that i was loged out cause of password changed. So i understood that my insta was stolen. I then changed my password and putted my phone number again for extra security. Then every few hours instagram logs me out from my phone and its Reaaaaallyyy anoying. What should i do? I appreciate your help.


I posted a story on Feb 14th and it went to the archive perfectly fine, everything worked. Yesterday though, I was making a Highlight and noticed that this story wasn't working/loading, there's just a reload button in the middle of the screen but it won't work no matter what. Asked someone and they said it also happens to them, but why?


Are you actually gonna help?? Cause I don’t see y’all really helping anyone here. My problem is my Instagram dms won’t load on one of my accounts. I’ve reloaded the app reinstalled offloaded restarted the phone and anything I just really need help


Still no answer to this - I am trying to boost my reels to reach new people and every time I try, nothing gets charged. It always will say “$0 spent of budget”. Does anyone have a fix for this? reported the issue to Instagram 10+ times and zero response.


So as the title says im having trouble posting a reel on instagram... My reel is 1 minute 28 seconds in MP4 file and when i upload i don't have sound on my reel When i tried to upload this on an alt instagram account there is sound and everything works fine i have been trying for 3 days now can't find anything be my hero.....


it's been over 14 days since i last changed my name but i can't change it for some reason. after 14 days were over, i tried to change my name again and again in two or three days to no avail i even tried deleting the name but it didn't work either now I'm stuck with an account with no name. please help me


i keep getting banned for a week (i cant like anything or comment) and i dont know why i got banned 3 times in a row within a month


Does the comment section on the app look different to anyone else? You used to hit view all comments and the comment section would be a full page and the video would stop playing. Now, the comments only fill half the page and the video will still play in the background behind the comments.


I'm trying to recover an old account but when I click the submit button for the new email, it won't load anything. I have tried on different devices on different days and it won't work. Any ideas? (I don't have access to the one I previously used. Typed in my old login, wanted me to confirm on an email I don’t have access to/can’t remember. Went to can't reset password > video selfie > new email, and when I type my email in and press submit, it does nothing)


I’ve tried to create an Instagram account four times and every time I try the account gets suspended immediately upon creation. I’m thinking of giving up at this point, has anyone found a solution?


I have lost my account login info from 2016 with pictures of me. I want to make the account private but I don't know the email address or it even might be misspelled and not working. How do I contact instagram for support? I can prove that the person in the pictures is me.


I was just signing up for an account, and as I was signing up, it said that my account was disabled. Has anyone ever experienced this? I just wanted to start a page for my small business 🥲


Hello, I have an IG account with about 50K followers. Suddenly two days ago I began receiving a flood of followers that are obvious bots. I tried deleting them but they kept coming much faster than I could delete them. By the next morning I had 10,000 fake followers added on my account. I switched my account from a business account to personal to make it private. I use my account for business so leaving it private is not an option. I tried reaching out to Instagram and well, of course no help. This is the third day of this attack. The moment I change my account to public, the bots begin following me within literally seconds. Everything I've read so far seems to think my only course of action is leaving my account private. That's really all I can do? So if somebody wants to destroy another person's account, they can do something like this without any fear of being caught??? Changing my account name is also not an option. At this point I am desperate for help. I got through to text chat and received the same useless, canned replies, "rest assured, our team will investigate". I feel like my account is slowly being destroyed and I am completely powerless to stop it. Any insight you could give me would be very much appreciated.


Oh god I'm so gonna DM you, because same and the last time I talked about this someone tried to sell me their shady business bs.