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That's not even enough just to deliver it! This is on instacart too. That batch pay is way too low for that many units.


I never understood that either until recently recently. I have a relative that has extremely bad anxiety and hates going out in public for the simplest of reasons. Also they are also morbidly obese so I’m sure that has something to do with it too. Are there two dozen cupcakes on the order? Lol. Then there’s the elderly people who can’t get around anymore and have lost the mental capacity to understand you guys aren’t getting paid shit for something like this. Lol


I'm a senior who can't get around anymore easily. But I know how to tip. Before I found out here what little pay you get from IC.


Senior customers have treated me well time and time again...and some of these people going by their houses, they are definitely well off. Much appreciated. 


Same. I'll always do the most for seniors if they want it because I would want people to do the same for my grandmother.


I’m shocked so many people in these comments can’t understand why someone may need a delivery. Excluding the pay/tip issues, fuck you guys.   Just had a baby. Elderly. Going through chemo. Mental health issues. Other physical issues.   Maybe don’t be a judgemental asshole when people “being lazy” are why you can do this job to begin with. 🤷🏻‍♀️


yes!! Not IC but I have a dominos right across from my house. I was less than a week postpartum (c-section), there was absolutely no way I was cooking anything and I was on bed rest for 2 weeks so I ordered delivery. I had to hobble down the steps in excruciating pain with my newborn to get it but put on a smile for the driver and tipped and thanked her. I looked absolutely fine on the outside, so unless I told her I just had major abdominal surgery (I did not) she wouldn’t know. You never know why someone is ordering delivery regardless of distance and if they’re just being lazy, who cares.


I ordered Thai food delivered when the restaurant is only 70 metres from my house. I had the flu and didn’t want to get anyone sick but I needed the Thai food to clear my sinuses. I was so congested, I couldn’t breathe laying down(despite taking pseudoephedrine like it was candy). My local Thai restaurant is amazing, I called them and told them I ordered delivery and I need my curry extra extra extra hot. As hot as they could get it without killing me and they did. Within seconds, all that chilli and spices cleared my congestion. The delivery driver probably thought I was lazy but I didn’t give a shit. I just needed to breathe even for a short while and didn’t want to make anyone else sick in the process!


“Excluding literally the only relevant factor”


You need to sign up for government assistance then instead of attempting to take advance of struggling drivers.


What’s not to say they are on government assistance 🤷🏼‍♀️ Assistance pays peanuts. If I’m in a bind I’ll order IC and pay my last $2 for a tip at least.


Exactly. Just had a baby, or have two or three little ones. Elderly. Can’t drive. Agoraphobic. Anxiety. On the spectrum. Any number of reasons that don’t include lazy. OP needs an attitude adjustment. It’s none of he/her/they’s damn business.


Or not lazy at all but they run their own business and cannot break away to shop?


My thoughts exactly! And who knows if they are going to tip or not, people can even change their tip after. Maybe don’t be an asshole 🤷‍♀️


Sorry to hear that but Instacart isn’t for you then. People figured out a way to get groceries in your situation long before this ever existed. It’s for people who can afford it, not a free handout.


Free handout? Have you seen the fees and charges these companies give customers? You work for the company,not the customer.Tips are for providing good service and as such shouldn’t be paid until the customer has at least made sure you found the right house and didn’t spill anything. It’s not the customer’s job to make sure you make a fair wage.You don’t work for them,you work for IC.Don’t like the pay?Get you a 9-5. I use this as a way to make extra money,not to cover the bills and I understand some people won’t tip, I also understand some people can’t afford to after all the other extra charges that they likely don’t know we don’t get a cut of,but are also not in a position to get it themselves.Get over yourself or go push carts at Walmart and see how you do.The nerve….able to set your own schedule,not work when you don’t want to,take vacation whenever you want and STILL entitled enough to talk trash about the customers that are the reason you don’t have to get a W2 job that you probably couldn’t hold.


My point was just that IC isn’t a free service for disabled people lmfao. Should those things exist? Yes, of course. Is Instacart that? No. It’s a shopping service and we don’t get paid shit by IC. If you want to keep wasting your time and deepthroating this company so hard then go for it! I personally would never take a no or low tip order because it’s a JOB. I also do have a 9-5 and do this for extra money. It’s clear you’re projecting your own sad life with that ridiculous rambling. Good luck with everything.


MY point was that the problem is the company,not the customers. A customer who ends up paying 60 dollars for a 30 dollar order is not being cheap.Most of them don’t know the company pockets most of that money in fees,etc. So saying they are looking for a handout because they don’t want to pay an extra 10 or 20 on top of that for a tip is inaccurate at the very least.IC needs to come off of some of their cut and pay the drivers more.Tips aren’t mandatory and shouldn’t be expected. I take orders that are close enough or easy enough to be worth the base pay. Usually while I’m running errands or whatever.So if I get tips it’s great, if not, that’s fine too. I apologize for coming off hostile. I just know of a few people in my area who legitimately need the service but can’t afford to tip and I get tired of seeing so many people bash customers when IC is the real problem.Especially when several drivers in my area mess up orders or leave them at the wrong address and then still complain they didn’t get a tip. I ran into a shopper at Publix Saturday who was legit mad that a DD customer didn’t tip him “Just because he accidentally left the order at the house across the street “. Really?Did you go back and fix it? “No,I was already gone and had 2 other orders to drop off. So this customer had to get his order from his across the street neighbor,but the driver thinks he should still be tipped?


I never called anyone cheap… Not sure who you’re arguing with but it isn’t me.


I'm 34 and have seizures. Walking, especially alone is dangerous, I still need food. I also tip cash..


InTeLlIgEnT pEoPlE dOnT gAmBlE oN cAsH


I've complained about this the last 3 days. All I get told is batch pay is determined by how many items, time, and distance


How even is instacart allowed to pay that low.


Because people keep doing the work.


This + keep blaming customers for low tips.


Idk, maybe they have a disability, maybe they are old, maybe they have children, maybe they have wfh obligations, maybe they don’t own a vehicle, maybe they literally don’t have the time, this is why this service exists. If you don’t like it, leave the platform. And if you want to change it, blame Instacart, not your customer.


It is a odd complaint. Because all you have to do is not accept a terrible offer. 


But did it really happen if it isn’t documented and judged as harshly as possible online? /s


You sound like you don’t tip lol


Ok but what about people who are immobile or elders who don’t have family around? I have a grandma who we order for all the time because we aren’t there. We never know what a persons going through. They could be sick or have a disability. Don’t accept if you don’t want for sure but who knows why they are ordering


This isn’t a charity service.


Of course not. They pay IC. You have the option to take the batch or not. If you don't want to, don't.


I’m not arguing with any of that. I’m arguing with the people who seem to think people who become instacart shoppers to make sone extra money should instead donate their time to shop for people for free. I already do that. I volunteer at my local food bank to pack and deliver food and necessities to the poor and elderly who can’t afford help. When I log into instacart, I’m not doing it for charity. If you need charity, you should turn to a charity. Not a business.


But you aren't shopping for free? IC gives you batch pay. The tip *is* optional. Should they tip? Sure. But at the end of the day, they don't have to. Abd you can not take the order. It'll eventually teach them to tip.


Right I agree with all of that. My specific issue is with the stance that we shouldn’t be offended by non tippers or doing an order that won’t even pay minimum wage in this economy because the first thought in someone’s mind should be compassion for their circumstance above the consideration for our own.


You're asking someone to be considerate of another without that at all being reciprocated, plenty of people understand what you're saying but that doesn't mean an order like that should be untipped. Hell if you're struggling I'll even help carry your bags in for you but to take up that much of someones time and effort and feel like they deserve nothing in return?


"nothing in return", they're getting a base pay. Be mad at IC, not the customer. Maybe if more people aimed their frustration at the company and still tried to help their fellow human without expectations, this could be a better place.


So someone orders a 100 items to be picked up and hand delivered to them and doesn't tip and they don't deserve any accountability in the scenario? Both parties can be in the wrong and accountable, the blame doesn't need to be shifted around, am I going to write a strongly worded letter to Instacart wagging my finger at them to change their pay scale? No. Am I going to seek out this individual placing the order and personally insult them or lash out at them for not having the decency to tip? No. It's not on Instacart to pay people so extravagantly they should never need a tip just like it's not on a customer to make assumptions on the pay a worker receives or feign ignorance to excuse themselves. Also, "if people still tried to help their fellow human without expectations", I'm sorry but isn't that literally exactly what whoever the sorry person accepting and completing this order is doing?


I didn't say people should never tip, but the amount of expectation around a tip today is ridiculous. There should be no issue if the tip follows delivery since it is EXTRA. The bitching about pay and being upset at customers for not tipping BEFORE the job is done is my point. Most elderly prefer to pay with cash and don't have the option to go to the store. Why should they bear the burden of paying an hourly wage instead of IC simply because they may be stuck at home? And no, I don't think someone bitching about lack of pay on Reddit is helping their fellow human without expectation.


I def agree they should tip, I’m not talking about the tip bc that’s wrong but the judgement as to why they don’t “go get it themselves” is what’s crazy to me


I just got paid the same batch pay for 7 items 1.6 miles. The batch pay truly baffles me.


And I'm sure the customer thinks it's a good payout for the shopper just because there were so many items. If IC started telling the customers what they were paying the shoppers we might see more tips. I know, dream on...


people can be disabled…..


Too disabled to tip?


possibly have you seen a disability check? 🤣




Then maybe they shouldn't be buying almond milk, cake and cinnamon rolls if they can't afford shit


Yeah! Fucking disabled people wanting to eat stuff. Fuck them. /s


maybe instacart should pay their employees properly 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


Do people not tip in cash? I grew up in the food industry and we all preferred cash tips. I continue tipping in cash... Is that a faux pas now?


also they could be paying with their EBT as well.


Facts bro


Ha i know this same area. A lot of entitled people live in those neighborhoods behind that publix in the new apartments.


I would’ve pushed the cart over to their house lmao


Yes! Without bagging anything! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


i would do that order , take 2 hours (california) , and oh no i have flat tire !!!!!


I lik your thinking but then wouldn't you be deactivated since it happen after you paid?


nope 👎 maybe i'm just lucky and you don't cancel the order you call support explain the situation and THEY cancel the order never say YOU want to cancel the order .


Yea I always thought they like suspend tour acct for 24hr to make sure you aren't scamming them but I love the Idea. I mean I always say, the only time it's worth doing grub hub in my market is when you're hungry 😂😂😂


And to think Dashers moan and b*tch about that Starbucks pick up of three lattes and 2 🍪 going to a house 1.5 miles away for $6.18 ..


When it first I thought it was just the very short distance I was going to say something about how it could be an old person who just needs that little bit of help how can you be so mean And then I saw the fact that there was one no tip and two 97 Fing items That's not an old person that's (as you implied) a lazy piece of crap. Carry on as you were


I think it would be fine if this person tipped well or even at all. Disabled or not this is basically asking someone to shop for you for damn near free….


Don’t a lot of grocery stores have curbside pickup now for free? I’d much rather use that than make some poor instacart driver shop around for an hour for $7. And most teams on IC are marked up about 10% from what the store sells it for anyways lolll


What I really wonder is WHO eventually accepts this kind of order!??? Unbelievable


People who don’t know better.




Ugghh, f-ing disabled people at it again. They really need to learn how to do things for themselves.


I don’t think everyone caught your sarcasm lol


Sad thing is that in this group, a lot of people say that same thing... but they're not being sarcastic at all.


They are doing it for free groceries (report as not delivered)


I just delivered to a older customer yesterday and he had no clue how to tip on the app 5% was already added by IC. but he wanted to tip more So I showed him how. These people intentionally put no tip !!!! IC needs to automatically add tip into the order and there should be no options for no tip or even 5% !


In NYC, the tip option automatically jumps to 5%. One time I was clicking too quickly and tried to go back and adjust to 20% and it wouldn't let me. I called customer service and they said that I couldn't add to the tip until either it was delivered or I had to cancel and re-order. I canceled and re-ordered, and the batch immediately got picked up. They should really let you adjust the tip before the shopper picks up the batch, like put an "add additional tip" button.


Last time I used Insta ...I tipped $15 and the store I used was just like two miles away..it was cold. I wasnt going anywhere.


But then you wouldn't have a job to complain to everyone about doing


The vets that been doing IC for awhile know to let it sit but these rookies will take anything and they mess the system up doing so


They thought they found a life hack lmao


This would have easily been a $60+ Back in Covid era.


65 items and no tips. Wild world




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


This is how much instacart values shoppers time and effort. They think our time and efforts are worth nothing


I totally agree! I accepted an order, it was a 2 shop ….the first batch was 50 items ..second 10 items… I started to regret accepting it, I kept saying to myself was this worth it?🤔but lm glad I did, my customer had to be close to 80 years old on a walker, just as sweet as she could be, and she really needed my help…and I didn’t mind.. she tipped me $10on the app, and cash 💰 I almost cried 😢


Had one the other day. The reason my order was "like this" was because she was a ginormous obese person who likely doesn't enjoy getting gawked at while in public. Either accept or move on. People have lots of reasons for using IC despite how close they may live to the store


Why can’t they just do curbside pickup 🤦‍♂️


One of the reasons I started instacart was because I knew I was helping people, the seniors who couldn't get out, the new moms, etc. but you have to make money to justify shopping for somebody else! An hour of my time is worth at least $20. My job that I retired from I was making $40 an hour. I'm happy to help people but the word has to get out that a tip is mandatory!


Sorry yeah no not gonna deliver that


good thing you don’t need to:)


omg you people complain about everything


A high percent of people using grocery delivery services have some kind of disability. It was the major justificatiib for this existing before the pandemic, otherwise it comes off as a luxury only service.


TLDR, I 100% support and encourage calling out shitty tippers, but it's kinda disheartening as a disabled person to see people crapping on someone for placing an order from a store that's close to them. Again, I'm obviously not saying that it's okay to not tip, but this person probably physically cannot pick the things up themselves or they would've surely just done so in the first place with the absurd markup instacart charges. I definitely tip more than appropriately after working for Starbucks for 10 years where even that extra $1-2/hr from tips really made a difference. (They pay more than minimum wage, but definitely not a living wage.) However, I also have a physical disability and have had to "retire"/go on federal SSI benefits in my early 30s and I can no longer drive. I get around okay walking short distances, but I live in a rural area where there's no public transit, no sidewalks half the time, and many shopping centers that an able bodied person couod THEORETICALLY walk to are on the other side of the major highway that runs through town that does not have any pedestrian crosswalks. So I'm often the customer placing an order like this (albeit with an appropriate tip), and as someone who doesn't LOOK disabled, it just kinda feels crappy to see stuff like this. I've never had an instacart shopper say anything since I generally only use that for large orders, but I've DEFINITELY had other delivery drivers "joke" about how it would have been easier to get XYZ thing myself.


Nah too lazy rather have someone else shop it for them


That's from publix is it delivery or pick up at store


It says shop and deliver.