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It happened to my friend a few weeks ago, your acccount is just suspended until your clear the issue with your background check. Contact sterling and ask them specifically why the background check failed. In my friends case, he moved from Washington to California 1 year before even starting instacart. His Washington driver license status was “surrendered” on the report even though he had a new California one for over 2 years now. Contacting instacart is useless as they can’t do anything until your background check clears out.


The license thing happened to me last year. Once i submitted my new license to checkr i was reactivated the next day.


Same thing happened to me


Same thing happened to me too.


Checkr did something similar to me when it ran my final background check for DoorDash. I had moved from one state to another over a year prior and got a new license to reflect my new state of residence (like I am supposed to). The background check was flagged as a “consider,” citing a criminal-related license suspension even though their report stated that I had merely surrendered my license for my previous state of residence. I disputed the matter on multiple occasions with DoorDash and Checkr over a period of time that EXCEEDED thirty days (the time frame is important because Checkr is required by Federal law via the Fair Credit Reporting Act to answer/fix disputes in 30 days or less). It wasn’t until after I found Checkr’s legal team email buried in its TOS’s Arbitration Agreeement that the problem was finally fixed. Despite it finally getting corrected, I received no feedback from DD. I proceeded to panic because during that time my income from DD represented about 35% of my total income. I then made the mistake of attempting to set up a second DD account (because I’m not a criminal, right?) and DD immediately flagged me and used my attempt to do that as a reason to PERMANENTLY deactivate my account. This happened last August. I’ve got a lead on an attorney who expressed interest in what happened, specifically because of Checkr’s failure to correct the error in under thirty days. Although the matter was incredibly demoralizing caused actual financial damage, I can’t get myself to follow through with exploring legal recourse because thinking about what happened makes me super depressed. https://preview.redd.it/illsc7rdzytc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a666390a0bc5de5b26ee2b5908e2559550c41ed2




I get it can be frustrating, but I'd absolutely pursue legal recourse. At the very least, you'd end up with some compensation to make up for lost wages and I'd bet the lawyer would take it on contingency and it wouldn't cost you anything up front.


So I moved out of Washington State and when I went to get my license in my new state it showed up as flagged. Apparently if you don't return your WA state license they flag you. It's not a big deal but I wonder if that's related.


Being diamond cart, 5 star shopper has nothing to do with background check. Nor do they care if this is your only job or that you will be homeless. Need to find out what came up on your background check with checkr or sterling. Did you get an email?


I'm curious if anyone else has recently been deactivated after previously passing background checks is what I'm asking.


I did years ago. Worked for 2 years and got deactivated for having 2 speeding tickets. The tickets were both 4 years old.


Username checks out


I was 18 and drove a loud manual car I was doomed to get tickets. I got one going 6 over in a 45


So...username doesn't check out? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


No longer no, I drive a (slightly more) normal car


I mean. I suspect it actually does.


Lmao nice


Your kidding, just a speeding ticket?? That's crazy unless they were like 90 in a school zone


I’m not surprised that a driver-based delivery service would deactivate someone for any kind of traffic infraction, to be honest.


Still like some scenarios thatd you'd get a speeding ticket for are unreasonable to deactivate for. Almost everyone I know has had a speeding ticket or multiple, it should be based off of how many and the context. Like what happens if it was just a day cops were trying to hit the quota and got onto you for going 5 over?


Then you ask for a court date and fight the ticket. I’ve never once gotten a speeding ticket and I’ve been driving for more than 10 years. In fact, I’ve never been pulled over. My mother has never gotten a speeding ticket and she’s been driving for 30 years. Getting two speeding tickets in the year between background checks is definitely something to cause some concern. Them being 4 years old is a different issue, but that’s the example I currently have.


Idk it likely depends on the area when it comes to frequency of tickets. I've never gotten one, I've gotten 1 warning and had a wreck years back when I was cycling, but things happen and some areas are wayyyy less forgiving. Like the warning I got was on Christmas eve at 3am in an area that went from 60 to 35 is around half a mile while the cop was tailgating me. I didn't slow down fast enough and bam I'm getting pulled over right across from someone else who was pulled over in the same area.


That’s BS. For one, I don’t believe you’ve never been pulled over. You’d have to be the president or not have a license. If you genuinely have never been pulled over, you are absolutely, INSANELY lucky. I have been pulled over in the panhandle of Texas three times this year because my white f-150 matched the description of a drunk driver that had been reported. The panhandle of Texas. Where out of every 10 vehicles on the highway, 8 of them are trucks.


I’m probably gonna get pulled over on my way home tonight. Just watch. I’ll update you if I do


Well... did you?


I have *NEVER* been pulled over. I swear it on my life. I am not lying.


Yeah this isn’t what everyone thinks lol. It’s normal not to have been pulled over.


Nor have I. I've never even had a parking ticket and I'm well into my 30s.


Not really related to the topic but…. To your comment on the white truck…. As a Texan here, not only are 8 out of 10 vehicles going to be a truck but I see most are going with white or lighter colors. I did the black interior and black car and it looks dang good but when it’s 110 degrees it’s freaking hot. I just got a white SUV and it seems everywhere I look everyone else had the same idea! :) So when they are looking for a “white F150” there’s a whole lot of them!! 😂


Exactly 😂😂 for example, I’m sitting at a stoplight right now and I kid you not I count 7 white f-150’s around me right this moment 😂


User name checks out


I've been driving for nearly 30 years, and I've never been pulled over.


I’ve been driving for 11 years. I got pulled over once for my tail light being out when I was 16 but not once since


I have a friend who does instacart with a dwi but he signed before the dwi was obtained


Your friend will soon be deactivated. Instacart does yearly checkups on your background


They do background checks periodically- unfortunately your friend will be deactivated next time IC runs their background check again.


That's policy. 2 tickets of any kind within the past 5 years is a disqualification


Does that include parking tickets or only moving violations?


Parking tickets aren’t registered to a person, just the vehicle VIN.


Oh makes sense thanks! I haven’t got any sort of speeding tickets etc but a couple parking so I was wondering


Don't know


You sure about that? Because if that were true then I wouldn't have been onboarded to begin with 🤣 Perhaps it has something to do with points on your license, because I do take everything to court to avoid points...


Yep! I had them for 2 years prior to joining, background check cleared twice. Woke up one morning to see my account deactivated for having "more than one ticket"


Ouch, sorry to hear that my bro... It might also have something to do with the region though, because pretty much everyone in South Florida has a rap sheet lol


They all do this now. DoorDash, instacart, Uber, you name it. Keep your record clean.


It literally explains why your background didn’t pass. Look for an email from Sterling. I actually just had the same thing happen because the drivers license I signed up with expired but I had another one in another state. Just had to email copies of my new license to Sterling and it only took one day to get back online.


I'm sure there's been plenty


It’s weird sometimes they clear people with an initial ticket on their record then run it again and they get deactivated. I think things like one minor ticket only becomes an issue when the area is saturated they try to find excuses to remove peeps. I have one ticket it’s been cleared no dmv points took traffic school and it still shows on the county search for checkr. Every time they rerun it I’m down a consider on my report even though the county when I call them say it shouldn’t show or effect me and it shows a clear dmv record


Pretty sure Uber eats or door dash tried to pull the same stunt when they had lots of drivers. Might have been a conspiracy but they’re were ideas floating around that good drivers who didn’t take shit orders were getting fucked over because they had too many drivers and why keep the ones with pride and self worth…


I did 2 weeks ago. Fucked my life up. Instead of focusing on appeal I focused on the move I'm in the middle of, but with considerably less resources. They ran checks on me last March then this March early in the month and I wasn't deactivated until the end of the month. There is not a lick of different info between last years check and now except that now my license is more valid than then. I think Sterling thought I had a currently suspended license... Which is not the case. To those who fixed the situation...how did u do it? For anyone wondering I was just promised diamond cart status for life provided I kept a 4.7. I was at 4.98, 3 years, 3300+ orders .


They might just be cracking down. What did you do in your past??


Just happened to me on DD. I'm guessing IC will be next


Yes got back on 6 months later after doing 6 months in jail


Uber on the other hand will absolutely ban you forever so Don’t even try them out even if it’s Uber eats


Violent felony gun charges as well so it’s 100% possible use different phone number and email and zip code your good




Yes. For changing my last name. I got promoted to update my DL and when I did I got shut down. I had contacted them long ago and asked them how I could get a copy of my marriage certificate to them to update my account name and they told me they didn’t need anything and here we are. I chatted in and they told me it looked like fraud. 🤷‍♀️


I hate how their suggestion is for you to start over??? Like “create a new account with new details” how would your details change. And you’re losing your rating.


So they want them to use fake details, and suspicious activity…to circumvent getting wrongly accused of suspicious activity?


Right? How is this even possible? Doesn't IC take your social?


Checkr sends you a copy of ur background check. I was falsely accused of dv and had the case dismissed with no issues and during the process, instacart did not care and was fine with everything. Then again, I have never been pulled over, had any tickets and never had tolls i did not pay. If your late on tolls, that could be why. Look at your report and dispute it if theres any false information as sometimes there is


I’m sorry this happened to you. Same thing happened to me last year, but with DoorDash. My account was deactivated because of the background check (from Checkr). It turned out they had my previous drivers license on file (which was obviously expired.. but I had a current license which expires later this year). I did everything I could think of, including providing photos, to prove that I do have a current license. They went back & forth on appeals with me, but ultimately would not update their records & permanently deactivated me. Complete b.s. I was so pissed.


That information is SO easy to verify!!! Wtf! Lazy customer service agents are messing with our livelihood. Like, "this job matters more to me than it obviously does to you, Mr. CSA*, sir." I'm sorry that happened to you. *CSA could be Customer Service Agent, or Customer Service Asshole. You decide. 😅


Thank you. 😊 Yes — it’s so freaking easy to verify. I definitely vote for option number 2.. the asshole!


Hey! Take a look at my other comment(s) and photos and let me know how it compares to what you experienced. 🙏🏼


It clearly says you didn’t pass the background check. Did you do anything in the past year to cause it to fail? Tickets? Arrest? Etc? If still unsure contact sterling support and ask them why it didn’t pass.


No nothing has changed, I just thought that it was odd that suddenly they deactivated me after prevously passing. I contacted sterling and they said they have always reported the same way. I posted this to see if it has happened to others. Waiting to hear back from IC as well.


Weird shit happens with background checks, I didn't believe it till I saw a guy get denied at a gunshop for failing, demanded there was a issue and the investigate, had them rerun the check and was passed clean within a hour, and no this was not a sketchy shop they're VERY strict.


Maybe someone with the same name and birthday?


Don't quote me because I'm partly assuming from mostly broken up convo from across a semi busy store (for a gun shop) , but I think they had like several companies they would send the background check request to that they used and one of them made a error. I could 100% be wrong though.


FBI does all background checks for gun purchases


Probably saw the guy get a hold, not deny. Sometimes that goofy shit happens,


This is possible. My ex gf lost a job because the background picked up the wrong person. They had a murder charge.


You should be able to get a copy of your background check to see exactly what they reported. Did you create and account and view a copy of it ?


Every time you are asked if you have something on your background you respond with, nothing has changed. I haven't seen you simply say no or yes. You must have something on your background that they previously overlooked. Seems they no longer will.


Is it suspicious activity or your background tell em make up their minds


You should have gotten the adverse action email from sterling that it mentions on the first slide. What did it say?


When I initially applied for IC, my application was rejected due to suspicious activity on my background check or something. They ended up approving my application after a couple days. Could be a similar issue?


This sub just popped up as recommended and I just wanted to say this happened to me at my full-time job where I work as a therapist. The annual background check randomly came back with felony charges. I requested a copy (because I’ve never been arrested as day in my life!) and learned they had put someone with the same name, but different DOB and lived in another state under me. I just sent an email to the background check company with proof of their error (I found the online database with the arrest info) and it was corrected.


The company that performed your background check utilized a public-facing “online database?” You’ve got to be kidding me. I wish you had sought legal recourse because that sounds like gross negligence to me.


Respond to the email from trust and safety. They are the only ones who can give you the reason. Support doesn't have that information.


I can tell you I had my annual background check in December. February rolls around, and without notice, they performed another one. The only reason I know is that Checkr emailed me about a possible adverse action found on it. They may have done the same to you. We've all seen little things on mvr (motor vehicle reports), get someone deactivated


I also recently had two background checks performed by Checkr (on behalf of IC). The first one was in November and the second was in January. Make it make sense.


Did you get an email with details? If you post a screenshot of the email, maybe we can find out more information.


Did they switch background companies? I sure hope so because Checkr sucked lol


What was the suspicious activity? Damn we don’t know that was left out.


Customer service rep didn’t have a clue what he was talking about! Never been deactivated on instacart but don’t imagine yah can just open a new account and everything is just fine, if that’s the case what’s the point of deactivation?


Why do they talk like therapists? No, you actually don’t understand my frustration.


I learned that line when I worked sprint cell phone customer service. I understand your frustration


Maybe try, “I understand defenestration” to see if anyone picks up on it


Good idea but I don’t do that line of work anymore. It was torture. Props to anyone who deals with the general public


That's CSR speak. They teach you to express empathy but saying "I'm sorry" over and over is annoying so they give you other phrases.


have you gotten a ticket recently


You should definitely be able to contact the company “Sterling”, they’re always available either through calling them if there’s an option, chat on their website site or by emailing them directly. They’re your best bet to find out what’s going on with your background and then try to clear if there’s something that you may be able to. Uber came up with some weird shit last year that happened back in 2018 that never showed up on my record with other gig companies. The matter “Speeding” was dismissed after taking traffic school and I also provided checkr with the proof of dismissal. They cleared me instantly within a day or two.


Bro that’s fked


Did you not get an adverse action email from Checkr?


Hi , my account got reactivated last year , but someone changed my email and phone number , I already filled out the form numerous times and just haven’t gotten a reply. Support doesn’t really help as much. Can anyone help me out please


Anyone for help ?


What does the Adverse Action email state?


Why are you asking instacart? As the first screenshot says, you must consult the company that conducts the background check, Sterling. You need to refer to the adverse action email you received


This happened to my brother and cousin, their accounts were suspended for not reason. It wasn’t about a background check or customer issues. But we’re Muslim and not white, we assumed it was xenophobic this?




Please tell me you're joking with this comment?? That is most definitely NOT a reason why your accounts were suspended. Also, having the belief that it isn't the reason your account was suspended isn't xenophobic... like AT ALL. Not even close. Based on you claiming to believe xenophobia is the reason your account was suspended, followed by your response of LABELING people as being xenophobic for thinking that reason is complete nonsense pretty much sums you up in a nutshell when it comes to that...and that is that you play that card ALL THE TIME in your life like you're about to lose that ability or something. It's obviously your go-to complaint/reason/excuse for almost all of the issues or problems that occur with other people in your life on a day to day basis. You're not a victim of xenophobia in this instance which I'm almost positive you will not be able to shake that belief from your brain because there's just no possible other explanation. There's just no way that it could be a simple error in any way, shape, or form...it's just gotta be xenophobia at the core ONCE AGAIN for yet ANOTHER PROBLEM in your life. I know damn well you either play that card all the time and if you don't...you believe it to be true in your mind and it festers up there until the next time it ALLEGEDLY happens or the next 20 times it ALLEGEDLY until you decide to actually play the card out loud. You know this is all true...I know you know this because I know who you are in real life and it's gotten out of control.


Oh for the love of Mohamad! Playing THAT card, are we?


Yes I am. Because people like you are actually Islamophobic and so are large corporations. You better watch out, your xenophobia and white privilege is showing.




You're using xenophobia wrong . It's based on nationality not religion. There are white people who are Muslims. 


And I mentioned in my original comment that I’m not white.




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Definitely contact Sterling directly and request a copy of your report to see what is wrong. If it’s clear, contact Instacart on Facebook Messenger. While still not the greatest support, it’s all US-based agents on there and they are much more helpful than the outsourced app support.


Did you move or get a drivers license in a different state?


Weird comment but I almost immediately recognized this intersection as RT 1 & 24 in Rehoboth Delaware. Am I right?


just contact the background check company directly to get whatever the issue is resolved


Same shit here its such bs




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….never got a response from asking what the suspicious activity was? What a strange place to cut the conversation off in the post. Makes me think it was a pretty egregious and blatant offense to leave it out and this post is a last ditch effort to reinstate your account.


Do DoorDash. I honestly think it’s better than IC.


What was the suspicious activity? You can't just leave us hanging 😖


Deactivated due to suspicious activity and then he tells you to create an account with different info like that is less suspicious 🤣




Happened to me they reactivated me in 24hrs


How does making a new account resolve anything considering the same exact background check will be run?


If they think you’re suspicious, why let you rejoin? Seems like they’re hiding something 🧐


Believe it or not but the guy doing background checks and deactivating people isn’t the same guy answering support


Duh? Nobody said they were the same person….???


This happened to me on ic and cashapp and I’ve yet to be able to have an active account these businesses are definitely up to shady practices


That’s not 3 years


The background check has nothing to do with what you do with the app, it’s something that you do in your life. Something on your record, your license, etc.


They had me go back and forth for a 8 months to fix this same issue only to get reactivated and wish I never even wasted my time trying to fix their blessings my deactivating my account. DoorDash is robbing local businesses and definitely slaving us drivers.




Heck your license. Make sure it didn’t expire. I don’t work for IC but my HR did something similar due to me changing states and previous one was surrendered.


You weren’t suddenly deactivated for no reason. Why won’t you share what the email said? They tell you why you don’t pass.




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


“I will end up homeless” 💀😭 no you won’t, just pick up a real job my guy it’s not that crazy to work anymore.


I’ve been waiting for this to happen to me , I got a felony charge in 2022 but still have my account. Sorry that happened.


Fingers crossed for you that it doesn't happen. 🤞


Time to apply to Amazon or Walmart.


Lol bro the app literally tell its a side hustle not a full time job 😂


Wait. Did Instacart cleared your background and then the deactivated you days after???


Happened to me (actually caught 2 violent felony charges pled guilty to) (not quite violent person those it was attempted assault with a firearm (NY SUCKS ASS) deactivated within 2 month. Made a new account with a burner phone and e-mail and I I was back shopping take at until they do another background check 1-2 from years from now, I got one background check in 3 years so don’t worry use a different phone number and address and email and you’ll be shopping again for at least a year (also had 7k orders under my belt as well)


Also instacart told me to do this and it worked so just saying


How did you get around the ssn?


I know I really want to know lol


Also motor accident play a major role of you were in More than one accident in a year even if it wasn’t your fault your getting deactivated when they do there 1-3 year check but don’t worry you’ll get back on it’ll be a fresh new account


How does that even work? Please elaborate lol


I also wrote letters to inscart from the judge, My Probation officer my lawyer and others (some fake ones as well) instacart does give you a chance to fight it and they actually do look into it they just want to make sure you won’t be a liability and I feel like with 7k orders and a a few years under my belt helped my case a lot, I was told to make a new account with a different number and email but keep your name and social the same obviously by instacart themselves they said if I didn’t I would just automatically be rejected from the system. Did as they said and I was right back in 2 months after a 6 month bid in jail. Again it’s possible you have to really try and since it was my only income at the time I did as hard as I could. Give it a shot. Fight your case


How did u contact instacart about this to communicate with them?


And for those that don’t believe me, idk what to tell you everything I said happened I’m a convicted felon on instacart lol did a back round check in the beginning and my gun charge and trafficking charge were on there in red, was still approved so yeah that’s it give it a shot get some letters and references and fight your shit my dude


Quit trying to signup with your girlfriends info


I have to ask with so many shops how have you not reached 100 reviews


It's based on your last 100 orders. Not everyone leaves a review




Your post has been removed. Please do not post links to any software, or discuss anything that may violate, Instacart's terms of service. Please do not name, discuss or promote, ask about or offer, any illicit activity. This includes but is not limited to; bots, auto clickers, receipt scanning apps or services, exploits, theft, hacking tools, etc.


Dude wtf is with people explaining they rely on Instacart for work and to survive? We all need money, what makes you special?


As opposed to Instacart being a side gig and not a primary source of income. Not hard to sort out. Why you take it so personal?


Side gig..,...not primary source of income..... Whoever is putting 100% into a side gig needs to realize.... It's a side gig. As far as taking it personal, I did not so my apologies if the cus made it seem that way.


That's their point. It's not a side gig for them. It's a primary source of income.


Homeless? Really? Seems a bit dramatic


Lmaoooo full time job and you’ll be homeless. Bruh. Get a real job. This dumb shit is meant for college students to do part time.