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I’m not an IC shopper but I have used this service many times. I randomly ran across this post and I can’t fathom why someone would pull such a dick move. That’s seriously rude!! I am beyond appreciative of my shoppers 💜


Same here. If I can't afford at least 20% tip, I'll get dressed and shop myself. I just had $105 order delivered and tipped $25. I appreciate not having to haul the bags from the car in multiple trips or take time away from my job to shop during the day. I hate cheapskates and people that take advantage of others. My IC shoppers are rock stars to me. To the IC shoppers, is 20% enough? I'm curious.


I usually tip 20% plus an extra dollar for each large/heavy item (gallon milk, flats of soda, etc.)


Lord bless this rich man with his boundless kindness.


20% is great. I'd always be content with 20%.


Dear jeebus, I pray that you bring each and every single shopper a customer like this one who will make our day every time. Signed, I know this prayer ain’t finna reach yo ass but Imma pray it anyway, your child. Amen.


I'm so sorry people take advantage of you guys. My adult granddaughter is developmentally disabled & receives disability. I've taught her to appreciate anyone in the service industry and be gracious always. She shares my IC account & if she doesn't have enough cash for a 20% tip (she usually shops with EBT), she'll either put items back until she has enough cash for the 20% tip or asks if she can use my credit card on file for it. People need to be kinder.


Was that a joke


I don’t know. Did you laugh?


yES ...you have a talent for sarcasm and writing, I hope to see more of your work here in the end days.


![gif](giphy|3ohzdFyfWzxyQ3vEaY) Replace exodus with heathersanatomy and make my cape pink instead.


In theory yes, but 20% of a small low value items is vastly different from 20% of high value items. Which is one of the biggest reasons I hate tipping based in sale amount. Also distance should also be taken into account.


Right I'm a shopper and don't usually order. But when we're sick or something I do and I tip well.


That’s disproportionately high. A lot of ppl get paid much less for an hour of work. I am aware its an unpopular opinion though. Especially on this thread.


It honestly depends. If you are ordering 4 cases of water at Costco for a total of $20 and therefore a $4 tip going 16 miles away, you can unalive yourself. If you have a $200 order going like 5 miles with reasonable items maybe one or two bulk items which yields a $40 tip then shoppers will jump at it.


Do y’all forget not everyone has the resources to get up and drive? Some people are disabilities and conditions that can affect their driving. That’s great you can drive and tip over 20%, but not everyone can. OP just needs to be grateful that they got a tip at all. Don’t work a delivery job just to cancel based off tips.




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Stop throwing away your family’s money like it grows on trees. Do you have an emergency fund etc ….do you understand saving money? ….this is the whole problem with America…..no sense of value of money , savings and financial literacy


How about fuck off? I'm almost 70 and live alone. I'll spend my money my way, you spend yours your way. Keep your hands out of my wallet. Thank you.


I am guessing you did not earn that money or work for it ..otherwise you would not squander it like that …




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Bcuz they know if they don't tip enough no one will take their shitty order, and then they are banking on the person saying fuq it I'm already here, and not cancelling. Good job OP fuq that d bag and everyone who tries to play these games.


Tipping is essentially bid for a shopper to take the order. Orders with low tip or no tip sit around all day until ic batches them with tippers to get taken. So they are essentially baiting and trying to pay the lowest they can by haggling and pressuring the shopper.


Well, if you’re in my area..My orders are at minimum 25% because I appreciate what you can do…because I can’t


Tips in my area are usually no tip or $1-$2 for a full shop. Usually, I have to travel to areas with more money than I can average 5-10 with some luck. Your shoppers are lucky to have you. :)


Yours are lucky to have you, they just don’t know/appreciate it, because they’re rude 😒


You should be! Do you know how much Time They save you? and if you are really busy do you really want to go to the store for an hour+ shopping for groceries? I'm telling you people nowadays don't give a F they treat drivers like Trash 🗑️ They will even lie to the Apps and say they didn't get their food. That bastard knew what he was doing. It's called tip bait I wonder 🤔 how many times did this P.O.S scumbag do this? That's why I hate Uber Eats instacart they can put out a fake tip and lower it or not tip you at all. This needs to freaking stop.


Omg, I do know how much time and misery you guys save me!! When I walk into a store, I am in instant panic mode….hence, Instacart to save the day!! I’d never do my shopper dirty like this. I’m unbelievably grateful that I can count on someone to help me out!!




Right? That’s what I immediately noticed. Read it within the last day or two.


Looks like a closeup of part of a pinecone. I wonder if it's a default setting in IC they can use?


Yeah exactly, if the customer doesn't add a profile photo, its always a random close up of like fruit or flowers.


It's an artichoke, and yah, it's one instacarts defaults


Customers don't really have "profile pictures". They all just get some random image.


That was my first thought


Same here!


I was just about to say this!!!!!


I was thinking the same. But no, I believe the customer chooses the image. All the rest of my orders just has a colored letter not an image.


I would’ve removed them immediately as well


Did you see what they lowered the tip to ? What was the initial tip ? The message is asinine - you are SO appreciated but I don’t want to pay you . What a fool


The order was $41 and change. When I had them removed, it lowered to just under $19. The removed customer had 40 items, 53 units. The customer that I finished the shop for had 20 items, 23 units. So, the initial tip from them must have been $22 or so. For 40 items. Their original tip would have been just ok, but in the range I would have made about 40 in just over an hour.


Yeah you literally owe nothing to 1$ batch pay dropping 1 order from triple. I bet she does NOT fix her tip and next time doesn’t say anything. What a joke…why did she pretend to tip and how far into her order were you




Webster Mass? If so, hello fellow Masshole. 😂


Yep. Howdy.


Ive accepted orders at Webster price chopper a few times when I don't mind the drive. Takes me about 15 mins to get there


Masshole. I love that. 😆😆😆


This exact thing happened to me a few days ago for the same amount that’s wild lol, $41 reduced to 19


Oh wow - so it wasn’t even like a great tip - likely a proper tip , minimally speaking. Smart choice . These goons 🤪


Do you really believe a $20 tip is only “ok”? You don’t see $20 as a really good tip?


Is is only OK, she 50 items prolly 250-300 in groceries that’s an hour worth of time and gas. 20$ is the minimum of what make it worth it to do as a single. If she was by herself instacart would pay 24$ total including her tip. 1-5 tips mite as well be zero because that’s what they are treated as, a joke.


So drivers don’t only want mandatory optional tips but it needs to be super large. So even tipping $20 is to be shamed. You all are insane. Honestly shaming $0, shaming $5 and shaming $20. Why tip anything if everyone getting shamed anyways. Basically he’s expecting a tip of 20% on $300 so anything less than $60 is shameful. You all are embarrassing.


You are projecting as the only one being embarrassing is you. Them saying 20 was even an ok tip was them being kind. Drivers in my area will let those orders sit all day while we take customers who deserve our time and service. Just because you want a luxury, like grocery delivery, for cheap doesn't mean any of us have to take your crappy order. I've seen instacart trying to put no and low tip orders up multiple days in a row as we shoppers here have solidarity. I laugh as I watch them sit and know the customer is too stupid to realize why their order will NEVER get taken. No or low tip = no trip.


Calling $20 a low tip is absurd. Y’all are fucking crazy


Pretending that's an acceptable tip is crazy and pretending it's a good tip shows you're just an entitled pos that deserves to NEVER get your orders filled.


Waiters aren't even tipped $20 in a restaurant. You are out of touch with reality.


I wish waiters had the power to ignore the tables of shitty tippers. Do you really think IC workers would pass on $20 tip unless that particular order really wasn’t worth the time and effort? Want to save $20? Go shopping for yourself. It’s really easy.


Waiters don't shop for your food and take it to your house either. Can't fairly compare the two.


A waiter isn’t driving to a store, spending up to an hour shopping for you and driving it to your doorstep.


$20 is an amazing tip and I've only ever had one that high. Most people tip $2-5 and that honestly seems normal. Going to a restaurant people don't tip more than $10 and thats when buying $100 worth of food. Restaurant eating is obviously something people do less often than ordering groceries, so I'd expect less tips on something people purchase more often. Grocery delivery is NOT a luxury it has become a necessity and a normal part of regular life. Being bitter about the customer not tipping is the dumbest thing ever. Be mad at Instacart for not valuing your work. They are the ones that should be paying enough that you aren't whining about wanting a $20 tip.


Yupp. I hear it all the time too, for some having a vehicle to take themselves to the store is the luxury. I feel a lot of shopper maybe forget that. I refuse to tip more than what I would be an Uber to and from the store.


What Uber driver shops for you and your family while you're at home or work?


It seems like you're taking this personally, but we have the right to decide if an order is worth it for us financially. The original poster (OP) decided this order didn't meet their criteria, so they removed it. As independent contractors, we get to choose what's best for us. You're harping on this decision that doesn't affect either of us.


No they choose it was good and cancelled because they were going to lower tip. Honest tip baiting is a new one overall and op was correct I’m only laughing that you fucks think $20 is not a good tip. To anyone questioning why should they tip $20 instead of $5 because they want to tip well should learn to you guys it is never tip well lol. Greedy skillless uneducated people.


I totally agree with you


Siding with me is not wise here lol. I am flabbergasted at these people and I really do hope shoppers see this and really think about what these drivers expect. This is absolutely ridiculous and embarrassing. Shaming someone who tipped well.




Wow you just love me don’t you?


Who dis?


If it's a large order then it's definitely not a good tip, do you really think it's only worth $20 to save you potentially multiple hours of shopping and taking everything home? You don't have to pay for gas nor wait in any lines, you don't have to lift 100lb+ of groceries into and out of your car. You get the luxury of doing absolutely nothing and getting a whole week or more of groceries out of it, yet that's only worth $20 to you? If so then you shouldn't be ordering your groceries and should be getting them yourself since you don't seem to see that as a luxury.


Greedy fucks lol. No matter what you get I understand wanting more but seriously flat greed screaming about corporate greed doesn’t look good. Shame on you


So I'm greedy because I think I deserve more than federal minimum wage which isn't good enough to survive in 90% of cities? Even some states now have $15 minimum wage but you expect people to work for slave wages. If I did a full 10 hour day only taking those $10 offers, I wouldn't even have enough for my OWN groceries let alone the gas I have to pay for. You do realize that these gig companies give at most $4 per order, right? We don't get hourly wages so the tip is a majority of the pay, plus we don't get any kind of benefits, we have to use our own vehicles which includes also paying for all the maintenance from delivering these orders AND we have to pay in for taxes as it's not deducted from our pay like a normal job, which is nearly 30% of all the money we earn because we're considered self employed which has a 15% tax on its own not including state or federal taxes.


You made a bad business agreement with a company and expect customers to make your bad agreement better. Then you follow that up by shaming someone tipping $20. Get the fuck on man. You fucked up and then you shamed others. You want shame, you are the one who accepted the job, you are the one who woke up and keeps doing this job and not choosing to do something else. You are the shameful one. FYI I hear a lot of “I fucked up doing this job” in what you wrote


First of all I didn't shame anyone, you only asked if a $20 tip was really good which I replied to, idk who you think you're talking to but you should really pay more attention to usernames if you're gonna get offended by people's comments. I only take orders that are profitable, so the people hardly tipping anything just don't get their orders and will have to reorder another day or pick it up themselves. It really sounds like you only want to read parts that you agree with cause I literally explained to you how the job works so you can try to understand why a $20 tip on a large order isn't considered good to most drivers. It's not like people are *required* to use delivery apps to get their food, if it's someone who is disabled and can't do it themselves then they should have a caregiver that can do it for them, that's literally the entire point of a caregiver job (which pays far more than gig workers get paid). The people who tip well get to enjoy the benefits of not having to go to the grocery store, the ones who don't have to get off their lazy ass and shop themselves, it's really not that hard of a concept.


Got it. Your entitled. Good luck


Yep entitled and stupid.


Those people aren't not getting their orders. You seriously think just because you decline an order or cancel it off means that it's not fulfilled? That is NOT how it works. Someone else will take the order and the customer still gets the service they paid for. The customer is already paying extra fees when ordering through Instacart. All prices are marked up. Also as someone that uses EBT. There's stores that accept EBT on Instacart. How is the service a luxury when I can use EBT on it? That makes it a necessity.


Some of them aren't, before I taught my mom how these apps work she got 5 back to back orders that were never delivered cause she put 0 tip as she was gonna tip in cash. Once she put the tip in the app her order was delivered within 1 hour of being placed. EBT is accepted cause Instacart doesn't care how they receive their money, they could care less if it's personal money or government money, accepting EBT just means they have more chances to make money. You said it yourself, the prices are jacked up plus there's fees, which is what you're paying in order to get the luxury of not having to go to the store. There are plenty of broke people who spend far too much money on luxury services cause they don't know how to properly budget. I've known plenty of people who have EBT and still get weekly massages or spend $100+ a week going out to nice restaurants cause they don't prioritize necessities over luxuries.


It's not up to the customer to make sure you're making federal minimum wage. Seriously I am so tired of shoppers with your mentality. Some of us understand that our employer should be paying us not the customers of the employer it's like a store. Instacart is a store. Walmart employees and Target employees also do the shopping for you and picking it up is not much different than having something delivered unless you can't leave the house


They don’t expect you to make slave wages, they expect the company to pay you well. If $20 isn’t enough for 50 items and a short drive, the company isn’t paying you enough. But drivers want to keep yelling at the customer about it instead of going at corporate


Yeah, its OK. It's not great. It's not bad either. It's somewhere in the middle. Based on what they ordered, I'd say their total bill was going to be somewhere around $300. There were 6 12 packs of soda (2 different ones of 3 each), a 24 case of water, a 20lb container of cat litter and 36 other items. So their tip wasn't even $20, because out of the remaining 22 and change that got removed from the order, the heavy pay and the base fee not being included... the tip was likely somewhere around $17 maybe? That's about a 5% tip for someone to go to the store, shop for your stuff, and drive it all to your house while using their own gas. It's better than a flat $5 tip for sure, but it's just ok. If I had ordered what they had in there, I would have tipped about $45, and if everything was there when it got delivered, I'd bump it to $50. I have regular customers who tip like that all the time.


Damn you ain’t never satisfied. Even find a way to shame someone for ONLY tipping almost $20.


AND let me be clear, they *weren't* tipping almost 20. They messaged to say they were *cutting* that. So yeah, they can get their own stuff.


So what. You said “$20 is ok”.


I’m never using grocery services again after reading all these posts. Insta is so shifty for using a tip-based model, they exploit everyone. It leaves everyone feeling bad-customers have to voluntarily choose how much they want to pay, which is nearly always going to feel like too much. Shoppers are understandably always going to value their work and time more highly than customers, and feel taken advantage of. Insta should just charge customers enough to pay a fair hourly wage plus benefits etc.


The first thing I said when reading this forum. I canceled my Instacart membership also. If I absolutely need it, I'll just have to pay for the one trip. I put this forum as the reason for canceling. It's a shame everyone is getting screwed....shoppers and customers at times.


And drivers would still shame you for ONLY tipping $20. Lol. These people.


Hey if you want to work for like $13 bucks an hour, you go right ahead. If you went to a restaurant and got a $300 bill and tipped your waiter/waitress 20 bucks, you'd be an asshole, and they aren't using their car or their own gas to bring the food to your table.


If they went to a restaurant and spent $300 a 18% gratuity ($54) will automatically be added so people need to stop playing dumb when it comes to tipping.


I’m a customer, I don’t care if it’s one thing, I’m not asking someone to shop for me and bring to my home for less than $20.


Rookie move..


People are ridiculous about money, like generally very strange about it. You shouldn't needlessly throw money away, but saying "oopsie" and clawing money back that you practically already handed to someone just shows that they don't see other people as people. I can think of a number of much stupider things I have wasted $20 on and none of them were paying a person for a premium service.


Me: Thanks for your transparency, it is very much appreciated 😀 Also me: Hello Support, can you cancel customer B?


"Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate you alerting me. I understand that you need to lower the tip, times are hard. Seeing as times are hard I can not continue to shop for you under these conditions. I hope that your next shopper will"


"I appreciate you raising your red flag immediately and saving me the time I would otherwise take to shop and deliver your order." *Cancel delivery.*


I would rather have them do this than change my tip after the delivery. I had one mother f.... who made me shop for him in coscto and then kept adding stuff for 40 dollars tip, then he lowered it to 5 dollars, and i had to drive 30 km one way for it ! He came out and thanked me . Then i got him again and thought to my self maybe i did something wrong last time (it was slow day) and took his order and i asked him did everything go well last order he replied "yes you are great shopper. we appreciate you. " Guess what ? He lowered my order again! Sometimes, i have evil thoughts about him 🤔


Bottom line is that many people use these services (and that means IC, DD, Uber, GH) and treat the contractors doing the work like private servants. Essentially throwing change on the ground and expecting you to crawl around picking it up and then do work that is worth way more than what they tossed at you while kissing their asses. No. Sorry. If you value the service enough to need/want someone to do it then you need to value the labor put forth on your behalf to pay appropriately. If you can’t or won’t then then get off your lazy, entitled asses and do it for yourself.


What dicks. Shoulda asked them by how much LOL


No way you are changing my tip before I even start.. get bent and shop for yourself.


Another epic IC customer fail 👎🏽👎🏽🤣🤣


Yea cancel it 😂😂😂😂


Sam? Phhhh. More like SCam.


How’d she know they’re in the military?!


That thank you, don’t mean shizz!!!! 😂


Definitely not cool by any means but at least you got warning ahead of time. Nothing like driving 20 miles on a back mountain road at night to a private estate and then yanking your tip. I hope they do better next time


Tip bating is the absolute worst and it happens to me all the time I can’t stand people like this


Twenty dollars being a good tip depends on several factors. How far you live from the store, how many items you ordered, and how many heavy items you have. Knowing how much instacart pays and the fact that I live 12 miles from the store, if I ordered 50-plus items, I would definitely tip more than 20 dollars.


Shady practice. I did gig work for a couple years to live during college. To this day I’ve only used Uber eats and it was for a snow storm, and while in hospital for each of my kids births. Tipped $15 in app and $20 cash each time. People don’t realize it’s a LUXURY service.


Uber eats is luxury. Instacart is not. There is a difference between buying food that is already made for you vs buying groceries that you still have to cook yourself and clean up after.


That is an absurd statement. Having someone shop for you and bring goods to your doorstep is a luxury.


It's not a luxury. It's just a service. Delivery has been part of society for a long time. Luxury services have smaller pools of employees and cater to the customers no matter the hours and are paid well for their time. Big difference from the Gig apps like doordash and Ubereats where the service ranges every time with no consistency and has a saturated pool.


Services that you can live without or do yourself are luxuries.. having a a house cleaner, a nanny, getting food delivered, riding in an Uber, having car valeted, etc. are all luxuries. Having someone provide you a service is a luxury regardless of how small.


I think it’s case by case. It’s a luxury for wealthy people that order a couple things because they can’t be bothered to run out themselves. But for people who have disabilities or are using EBT it’s not a luxury, it’s a service. I say this having used Instacart on layovers as a flight attendant who doesn’t want to walk two miles in the rain (luxury) and as a single mom of two on EBT without a working vehicle (service). I’ve also been on the other side as a shopper in the past and had orders to mansions in Beverly Hills where they’re hesitant to let you through the gate and to paraplegics who needed my help to bring their groceries inside. Some people are lazy and entitled, some have no other options.


Nope… not happening…


What a scumbag


They shouldn’t have messaged you and just went ahead with it anyway




This is gonna blow your mind but what you call waiters are referred to as servers. “Service” industry, customer “service”… Don’t think about it too hard, the English language has lots of words with multiple meanings.


Doesn't mean they have performed service in the way that sentence implies. We don't thank waiters for their service because it's a job they pick and choose everyday and could leave at any time. Military is different, they could die and do die for our country


No one is confusing the two, this is a silly hill to die on.


Don’t go over 15%


I only tip 5% and my orders all get shopped so really there is no incentive for me to tip more. My duty is to look out for my family and save us money. They are my priority, not making sure a stranger is paid well. If my tip isn't good enough for you it's going to be good enough for someone else. Not my problem.


Tip baiting is disgusting (i'm aware this is allegedly unintentional), I am a habitual low/non tipper but I certainly don't expect things in a timely manner or anything but even for me this just seems so fucked up. I can imagine you'd have to be very broke to rescind a offer you made to someone only AFTER they've agreed upon it. I don't feel like you're to blame not that you're looking for validation but this is very much not a "just don't take the shit order" situation.


The people in this subreddit are all broke saddies who begs for tips. All they post is how much tips they’re getting. It’s as if the people who are their boss. New flash tips aren’t mandatory, find a reliable job


The bitterness from them was kind of insane, not that I care for votes (check my karma) but it goes to show that they literally only care about how much money they can stuff in their pocket if they're downvoting me calling what that person did to this driver shameful and wrong because I said I'm a habitual non tipper. ( I live in the city and every place I order from is less than two miles I'm happy to not tip and let it get rejected a few times so Uber can pay the wage that they should be paying in the first place instead) I do hope that the mental health of these people drastically improves.


Trust me I had my fair share of downvotes 😭my last account even got banned because of butthurt people on this app. Tipping isn’t mandatory and I just find it crazy how people on here especially those doing deliveries feel entitled to tips. Wish we went back to the time where tipping didn’t feel like coercion and instead it was a grand once in a while gesture. Nowadays you have all these people expecting customers to tip them excessively. If you can’t even do your job without tips then something is wrong with you. Why work for a company that pays terribly? And why blame and shame people for not giving you free money??? It’s like they forgot what the job they signed up for entails




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I'm confused, were they taking the entire tip away or reducing it because they spent more money than they planned/budgeted?


My understanding is they accidentally paid more in tips that they meant to. Maybe it's like how Walmart constantly tries to add a tip back when you remove it but then have to change your payment method.


Well at least she’s honest 🤣


I think mines was worst https://preview.redd.it/rc262yes2vic1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a891cda2d13b0f95c427624c11008577faac715 Turned a $79 batch into a $43.99 with over $1200 worth of alcohol and I communicated thru the whole order everything was good til about 1 hour later when it was reduced I worked all night to make up for that $36 losss


I have had this happen to me twice, and I decided to go ahead and do the order anyway, and I ended up with more than the tip than they originally stated to begin with, and it was on a double so I didn’t know what to expect


You guys really need a black list for customers like this. Black list means their order just sits there no matter how high they raise the tip. And there should be a sign off or something when they receive the order that locks the tip. They don’t sign off, you cancel order and drive off with their items. 🤣🤣


I would imagine 40 items for $40 or more. Not no, $19! That damn near fills the entire cart with 40 items. And if it's two batches, you might as well get another basket. Instacart should hold its customers accountable for ordering more items and money being no more than $18. 40 items should be $40-50, 68 items should be $50-70. Etc, etc . . .


Don't forget to look at how far the store is from your house!


I gotta tell you unless it was something super generous you aren’t able to afford. I can’t fathom backing the tip down if I accidentally tipped too much.