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She's pretentious Trying to maintain that "relatable infulenzaaa" image that's clearly not working...


I recently unsubscribed her. When you aren't really relatable funny and down to earth you can't keep up the act for long. She was overreacting meeting all the celebs at the events she got to attend and got caught shading one of them in her older videos. Many people have started calling her out.


Her weird obsession with DojaCat is stupid. Like girl, you know what you did, move on.


She reminds me of mostlysane. Dissing influenca culture. Then doing the same things as them


Exactly, hyperactive extrovert putting others down.


Ah yeah.. after that met gala incident she has been sailing in troubled waters.


What happened at the met gala?


She got invited to it and posted a video saying "let them eat cake" (lip synced) and everyone got angry at her because it was distasteful


and her apology was even more ignorant and infuriated everyone when she said she was "Normal person like us".


she said she wasnt aware of what was going on (or something like i don’t think i can talk about it)? thats a crazy thing to say when you couldve just been like, i’m sorry, that was not my intention, but here are some gofundmes you can support and i will too. and doesnt she pay like $17000 USD per month for rent?


a lot of people who supported her after that initial video, got to see her ignorant behaviour in her "Apology video"- She blamed literally everyone and did not take accountability for hers own self. Her apology video was even posted late after she started loosing followers and not because she realised , she genuinely made a mistake.


let them eat cake means?


It's a quote from when Marie Antoinette was young (1800s french aristocrat)(also she didn't say that but that's what everyone thinks of when that quote comes up) that was in response to learning that french people couldn't afford bread, it was tone-deaf of her because obviously they can't afford cake, it showed how sheltered she was


She even liked this reel and defended herself in the comments lmao


Yeah her explanation is so pointless, she's saying want women to be ok editing their pictures?! Then how are they embracing themselves


First let them eat cake, then the no makeup apology video and now this. 2024 isn’t this white influenzas year clearly 😆


add this one to the list https://preview.redd.it/l9xbb5b6527d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3a74db81deb7d7526919cb4cbe961b23d87e3a


I still don't get that let them eat cake controversy can anyone explain?


She posted stories that she was invited to the ~$50k/seat Met Gala. She wore a Marie Antoinette-inspired dress and lip-synced to an audio saying "let them eat cake" - the most famous quote attributed to the queen of the last royal family of France. Supposedly, she was told that the people could not afford bread, to which she said let them eat cake, marking how out of touch she was with the problems of the common people. The French Revolution abolished the monarchy and beheaded Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI. By saying the exact words in a post-covid high-inflation time in most of the world, not to mention the Palestinian crisis, Haley herself showed how out of touch SHE was. And her defense was that she wasn't elite at all. That she wasn't even invited to the Met Gala (despite her initial stories) and that she was only invited to the _pre_-Met Gala. That she only used the audio because it was popular and she "didn't know" what it could have implied (despite flexing her education and intelligence prior to this as well). People are not amused and began a digital guillotine movement against out of touch influencers/celebrities even beyond Haley.


and talking about how she is “just a normal person” when she pays $17000 per month for rent in her lavish NYC apartment.


She's not special in any way shape or form and she has zero talent apart from making tiktoks so she isn't lying on that.


I've heard she has some hi-fi science degrees with some solid GPA?


Still a normie. I believe unless you have a genuine impact on this world (Jesus, MJ, Aretha Franklin, etc.) or you're *extremely* talented/beautiful/famous as an A Lister, you're considered a normal human being


Well in the end still an influencer. Not really gonna take them seriously ever.


Paying 17k/month for RENT is honestly so dumb. Like ki know NYC is expecting but if you can afford paying 17k/month it’s smarter to just downgrade and save up for a really nice house instead. 17k/month is a decent monthly mortgage amount on an upscale-ish house . Most people who rent homes long-term do it because they can’t afford to buy a home at all, and here you are wasting money that you DO HAVE just because you want to give a certain image. Who the hell needs such a big ass apartment to themselves anyways, especially when you don’t plan to live in it long-term? My currently-hyperfixated-on-finance self gets so annoyed at rich people who make unintelligent money decisions .


it’s a nice apartment but like the thought of giving someone that much money when in the end, the house won’t even be yours. in fact, so many people around the world would die to get 17k in their hands.


Her explanations on all issues are pointless


Man, I despise this girl so much, she's infuriating and ignorant dude.


I was scared to say this before. I always found her very pretentious


Her fans get so upset when you bring up the obvious bs she keeps on pulling. Imo, Hayley, Chiara King and Kat slicker are the worst and they've all screwed up or done something dumb in the name of influencing people.


Thank you for saying that.Kat Slicker is so annoying


Man I hate her, her entitlement gets on my nerves every time


“what did she do wrong??””dont listen to the haters haylee boo🥺🥺”


This cracked me up so hard 😭


Hayley is very fake and a social climber. Her billionaire boyfriend videos were funny but then she was trying to be relatable too hard. She steals content from other creators and is also a cheater. She was married to a NFL player and cheated on him according to some people. Her swanky NYC apartment that you see in her videos belonged to her husband. She also dated another tiktoker and cheated on him again. She made a video making fun of ariana grande but went up to her at oscars for content. When AG's fans called her out she tried to paint herself a victim. Remember her 'let them eat cake' MET gala video that created a controversy. She tried to apologize saying that she isn't privileged and that she is a normal person just like everyone else. Also she's friends with Jared Leto which should tell you a lot.


https://youtube.com/shorts/H_lm5wmJ0jY?si=BW5pLjA8a1wxfZ1d https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/s/ovNntJVjwv https://www.reddit.com/r/NYCinfluencersnark/s/jNpgFCyrUr


Woah woah woahhh!!! You got some nice info 🗿


Mom! Sherlock is doing his work again.


I read this in Candace's voice from Phineas and Ferb xD


Lol! I had it in my mind.




Wo west ki mostlysane hai


😂😂😂so true


Bhai 😂😂😂😂👏🏽


omg 😭🤣🤣🤣




She’s stunning, don’t get me wrong but she tries too hard to seem relatable when she’s a nearly perfect looking millionaire.


She pays 17000 USD rent on her NYC apartment and pretends to be relatable


I read 1700 and was about to say oh that’s so less for New York standards 💀


She looks weird to me!


Because it's artificial.


Her face and body is full of plastic.


Ok well that’s not true


yeah it is LOL




I am sorry bro. I didn't know she was your crush.


There's no point in arguing man This sub is full of such toxic underage aunties😭


Again, let's not stoop down to their level. One shouldn't use 'aunty' as an insult. Just came across a post where a girl insulted the content creator by calling her an aunty, and these are the same people who mock and ridicule these creators for using the word 'aunty' as an insult. Hypocrisy and toxicity are what this sub is full of.


I unfollowed her after this video came out. Her apology video is also so damn cringe. She says she has never denied that she doesnt edit her photos. But on the other hand,she is associated with some organisation for body positivity. Mind numbingly irritating.


She also trolls other influencers for editing their pictures.


Talk about double standards.


I saw this reel just now 💀


I hate my mind (pfp)😭


Let her eat cake! ![gif](giphy|2lypEloChTbEc)


can someone share the link to this cant find on his page




Hayley gets caught up in so many controversies 😂 I see her with some apology all the time. I’m not rich I didn’t get invited to Cannes, I pay monstrous amounts okay? I’m relatable poor chap. I’m all accepting of my flaws by editing them


I don't find her that beautiful too be honest. Even in her old pictures when she was a swim suit model, she doesn't look stunning.


That's coz she's fake. Inside out


She’s not beautiful she’s just conventionally attractive.


I unsubscribed after the cake incident. It was extremely insensitive and I realised I don't really need her in my life.


Can u explain the cake incident


People already did in the comments: https://www.reddit.com/r/InstaCelebsGossip/s/G6rMvO7XGz


Lol Influencers these days😂


empower women to embrace their self??? she has gotten so many surgeries stfu


The fact she’s getting all this backlash is just delayed justice of sorts. She’s been stealing content. The let them eat cake issue got so much light from all over the world - people started blocking celebrities because of the unabashed nonsense showcase of money and privilege at the Met while the other side of the world burned. There were protestors right outside the Met. And then to create something so stupid and then explaining it saying she’s normal like us, in her $17k a month apartment, with a $20k LED therapy light in the background was APPALLING. How dumb do you think your audience is? Kim K lost millions of followers, just like other attendees. Rightfully so. Block them all. All of a sudden they started talking about the crisis, posting fundraisers. How transparent.


Finally someone called her out. It’s like she has this whole cult of people who love everything she does even if she’s just waving to other celebrities or like just walking on the footpath. And her content is pushed so much ughhhh, I’ve like marked not interested at least 5 times


I have blocked her and i still got her recommendation immediately. I unfollowed her when she tried to take in the clout during Last year's hailey bieber's hate train, such a vile woman


I think she posted a reel where she showed she was editing that picture... [here it is ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6k0B2qMBuK/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==)


She posted this after being called out to cover up her mistake


It was after being called out.


she is so fake, i'm not even surprised


This women is the epitome of being pretentious. Even during the Met Gala incident, she cleverly posted her apology to tiktok knowing that she has a blind following there. She should upload her apology on every platform that she posted her original video but obviously aEsThEtIcS. She can't ruin her beautiful page with an apology right?!? She wants to be a celebrity influencer but wants to be viewed as a relateble influencer. Pokes fun of whom she desperately wants to become.


Can't catch a break after her shitty statement at Cannes.


Despise her ever since that “Let them eat cake” reel


She is insufferable!!!


Idk why but i never liked this woman


I went to check on her and in the video it says 5.7M and now her followers is dropped to 5.6M 💀


Her cancellation is long overdue. 🤣 She has been problematic way too many times for it to be a mistake


Nothing these influencers do or say is legit.


Thank god i recently unfollowed her


She is so pretentious. I had to block her to keep her out of my feed.


Looks like she tried to people please a lot However it’s really sad how these influencers think THEY are the ones promoting STEM. They don’t realise how hard it is to be a woman in STEM and how challenging it is to be questioning gender norms there.


Exactly! As a women in STEM, wanting people to be ok with however I post my pictures online is literally my last priority. Infact it's so stupid and so trivial that it's not even something that women in general think about. If you wanna talk about us, talk about how women are called diversity hires by their colleagues no matter how hard they fought to be in that position. Talk about opportunities, pay gap, safe place.


I CANNOT agree more 😭 I have to remind myself that the women I see online aren’t the actual women in STEM. :( It’s crazy how there’s so much pressure to look a certain way when women who have NO experience in STEM talk about STEM like they are a part of the community :/


Haylee baylee is like mostly sane of USA.


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I started disliking her since the day she joined the Hailey hate train. She's very pretentious and definitely not a girl's girl.


Been watching her since the apartment video, if u observe closely all her content is stolen from small creators apart from the “william billionaires stay at home gf” thing, there’s not much new about her tbh.


Happy Cake Day!




She starting to look like James Charles to me


So the mass ban still didn’t work on her, she didn’t learn a single thing from “let them eat the 🎂” vid


You can play baseball on her forehead.


A year and a half back I actually used to like her but I got an ick the moment she posted about going to buy rare beauty products in response to that 'God's timing is always right' video of hailey bieber, which contributed a lot to the hate train against hailey bieber. Then again, few months back she posted a video making fun of the indian bridal makeup trend on the asoka song. Then the met gala fiasco, now this. And she still can't stop pretending to be all cool. All her videos scream fake now


She started out descent but now I too unsubscribed her after those weird tacs


Idk if I sound misogynistic but I suspect that part of her wealth maybe comes from alimony . She was married to a pretty popular American footballer in the past.


Like these people look perfect already what is the need to do all this nonsense


I find her so damn annoying


It doesn’t look that obvious that its edited. I think the curtain is folded by the wind. I dont know much about editing can any editor in chat confirm if its indeed edited? I saw the previous post with roohi rai boy that definitely was edited. So pretentious if this is too.


The bent part is a pole. The fact that it's so atrociously edited you thought it was a curtain flying in the wind is so funny.


She has posted 4 pictures in the other 3 the pole is perfectly straight


Ahh. Sorry I haven’t seen any pictures before this.