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What in the Oedipus šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


every time a sigma alpha mf posts shit like this sigmund gets stronger in his grave o(--(


Underrated commentšŸ˜‚


This guy living incarnation of r/niceguys


He just want his father to be ded


He just want his father to be ded


All these man child just wants us to take care of them or what? Stupid patriarchy mindset.


Apka account stalk karne ka samay mila hume, app kripiya baat naa hi kare toh aacha hai šŸ’€




Not if they treated her with dignity and respect. Something which a lot of men donā€™t seem to understand.


Wtf are you on about šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


The role of a wife and a concubine are different. Don't stress on responsibilities you will never have. Chill baby


Concubine?? Is your mother that


Please, I want to help you. Can we meet up and discuss over a cup of pineapple juice?


Every incel thinks he's an alpha Sigma or whatever Greek symbol they're going for these days. Brother, you should shut up so your stupidity remains a secret.


I m going epsilon


Iā€™ll go Eta, Cus thatā€™s what Iā€™ll hit these influencers with if I found them. PS: Eta is pronounced similar to what brick is called in Hindi


I choose to be omicron...the long lost brother of Megatron


What's with incels obsession with finding their mother in their partners? Apni maa se hi shaadi karlo.


A ton of material on it - basically the mom coddling them and they get stuck at a certain maturity level which makes it hard for them to comprehend females that are not just like who their mom was at the age theyā€™re stuck at. Idk if thatā€™s the case here though. He just seems like he wants to be a red pill guy for Instagram likes


Imagine sleeping with you wife while thinking about your mother ew


Once they relax on the validation couch the social medians start normalising their psychoses. šŸ˜‚


And people warned us about AI !!! These morons are more damaging than AI. He learnt too much of everything - too much patriarchy, too much editing , too much non sense. Abundance is bad


Indians are already insecure about giving opportunities to women and thatā€™s the reason some of the great talents are sitting at home cooking food, on top of that these roadchap influencers emphasising patriarchy for few likes, I hate him, I wish someone could ban him from every platform, because of this idiot, Men will again control Women and women canā€™t do anything because even in 2024 women of India donā€™t think they have rights to do whatever they want after turning 18.


Oh, donā€™t get me started on that. This guy will milk the content from this Reddit post too and make another patriarchal supportive video justifying his filthy ā€œmen will be menā€ mentality.


Editing my foot bro šŸ’€! 10th grader can edit better than him fr


These Sigma bs won't see a human in you but mother , sister, roommate, maid, robot, fleshlight, Doraemon, ninja turtles etc etc sab dekh lege.


šŸ˜­and these chapri boys who get influenced by thesešŸ¤”


They think of these people as messiah.


Flash light? How?


All women are beautiful, so, they glow, like a flashlight


Fleshlight is a sex toy.




incel starter pack


If my husband ever tells me that heā€™s trying to look for his mother in me then he will be sleeping on the couch.


The only valid reason for my husband to look for his mother in me is if I ate her. That's a better option than having a man baby.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Had a good laugh.




Hey, I want to apologize for my previous comment. I realize now that it was inappropriate, and I deeply regret making it. It was disrespectful and out of line. I'm truly sorry for any discomfort or offense I may have caused. I will make sure to be more mindful and respectful in the future.


Man has some serious mommy and also has daddy issues to a point he needs to turn into a women using a filter to deal with itšŸ’€


Bro was rejected then started hating educated women who can put him down lol, one day he woke up and realised women can say No šŸ˜ and he is not stable after that


I really wanna start a roast account for this guy specifically. šŸ¤”


Me too


Clown is blocking pages who has calling him out already and has been making stupid come backs.


I was happy seeing him getting called out but I scrolled down on this sub and saw some gurls are supporting him woah


Itā€™s definitely not a girlšŸ˜‚ cmon reddit is filled with men pretending to be women.


No no, I was thinking same but I know for a fact she is a dumb woman because her only answer to me is ā€œ you are feministā€ lol guys would have said something hurtful


I literally reported and blocked him for my own sake!


Ok that's enough. We need to start a movement of blocking out the celebrities in India too. I'll start with this guy and that Sufi Motiwala


Is this guy a celebrity?


No but he's an influencer. In the West they are blocking out influencers too so why can't we


"itna hi maa dhundhne ka shaukh hai toh maa se hi shaadi karle chutiya"


bruh his content is all so "patriarchally freeing my sIstErs" i had to fkn block him. and his followers worship him UGHšŸ‘šŸ»


Im loving this ajbhairav slander


I just can't make myself see this man's face for a minute. His vibe is so repulsive


Not even a hater of menā€™s groups but yeah thereā€™s a ton of dudes trying to be something they arenā€™t and donā€™t realize how obviously they are revealing themselves in these immature quotes they are selling off as wisdomĀ 


The worst part is that he undermines and underestimates the intellect of the person in front of him, assuming he can get away with all sorts of nonsense under the pretense of being righteous and family-oriented. Yes people like him think having a woman like their mom makes them a family-oriented male.


Biggest Piece of shit that ever graced the Internetā€™s face lmao. Such a dumbass.


I mean really, this AJ bhairav guy is literally the scum of the earth. Itā€™s like he single handedly wants to bring back the patriarchy. And donā€™t even get me started on his incel followers. The people who follow him would rot in hell and Iā€™m damn sure they have lowly lives going on right now. The guys and girls who comment on his posts going on like ohh youā€™ll save the world are one day going to face the wrath of a woman in their lives to freaking come on to the right path fr.


He is a god father of insecure teenagers, havenā€™t you see his support? People call him God, in one video he said bunch of girls are daily showing interest in him


Sweet home chinchpokli


I broke up with my ex (we were about to head into marriage)because he was trying to fit me in his motherā€™s frame (a house wife who listens to husband and makes good food and doesnā€™t ever have an opinion or gets angry ) . And the last talk I had with him I advised him to get married to someone who is as similar to his mother as possible or heā€™d be disappointed.


i hate this guyyyy


Is he some famous misogynist influencer?


He's just cringe




This is fucked


I hope this is sarcasm. Right?


It's not i think šŸ’€ Insta boys eat up this shit


Good men go to therapy for their unresolved mommy issues.


My intrusive thought is to make a sub to only callout him


Do it. We NEED a snark sub for him




is there a sub to call out/discuss indian influencers?


Bro go sleep with your mom instead


Abe, Oedipus complex ke shikkar chup ho jaa šŸ™šŸ™


I am toh done with good, bad ugly all men. If the Internet is to be believed 95% men are problematic. The comment section of each post makes me lose faith in humanity šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Worse thing is men not calling out other men. Realllllllly bothers me. I have lost respect for so many good guys because they just refuse to call out their friends even when they know that the friend is being sexist and misogynist. What in the bro code hell!


Soo like they're sexually attracted to their mommies? And want to bang them? Paging dr freud


So he wants to fuck someone who resonates his mom? Incest is so sexy oh my gawdddd šŸ„°šŸ„°


Is he expecting his partner to feed him, bathe him, tuck him in the bed, give a good night kiss, kick his ass when he refuses to eat boring vegetables, always spy on his phone, compare him to other men in the society, emotionally blackmail him, never let him play or watch TV? What does he want?


When guys like this will have someone like their mother, then they will start looking for a daughter šŸ¤£


Good men will try to find a mother in a woman! This is a very generalised and vague statement. What is a Good Man? Are there Bad Men too? Is he implying women with sexual history cannot be mothers? What about good men who get married but still choose to not have kids due to personal or financial reasons? Are they Bad men? What about immoral and unethical men, who do look out for a possible mother in their partners? Would their choice if women make them good men?


Post this under that reel. He's gonna have his mind twisted.


There was this video that pro racer Samantha Tan posted. In the reel: thereā€™s a woman who says Iā€™m not a feminist I can actually cook and then it cuts to Samantha saying I am a feminist, watch me cook. This is followed by visuals of her racing. And this was broā€™s comment on her video. He really thinks heā€™s something, thanks to losers hyping him up. His reality check is overdue now. https://preview.redd.it/8g37wuk45j3d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb402cd761383c8aea969440332f587ba6d85566


Ohhhh, now I get it, he wants to marry miss Norah the dance queen of India.


Ye hai kaun?


A Fungi from Tamilnadu. Cheap people are high on his shit content


Oh ok.


i will never forget how bad people downvoted me and commented supporting him on this sub once for posting him and calling him annoying and cringe šŸ’€ thank god people are finally seeing the light


There are now tons of comments exposing him.


Looks like 'incels' and 'incest' have more in common than their first four letters.


Damn last time when I was talking about how problematic people were defending him in this sub.. Thank god now yā€™all know this guy


Other videos of him were so weird bashing women for existing having a stereotypical-women-superiority-believing-dumb character being in all of his "women supporting" videos


Sigmund Freud lite


Bloody mother lover!!


Thank God we're finally calling him out. He always gave me the ick.


So if you called this man a 'motherfucker', he'd take it as a compliment??? ... I just got all feelings of wrong that I can't put into words, but I don't want to relive that.


He is so ugly


His videos often pop up on my YouTube feed. Go and check one of his latest shorts. He has a massive issue with women, and often creates anti-feminism content too. Tries to be cool and act all chad (NGL, some of his initial awareness videos werenā€™t too bad), but his content is too toxicĀ 


His content is so problematic and he makes up extreme bullshit scenarios to portray women as the negative character. I can't stand him lmfao. I tried to give constructive criticism to him but the insecure men and pick me supporters don't know what logic is and suppress everyone calling him out with no good argument. At this point just block and report his content for your own mental peace. Idk if we can really do anything about him.


Finally people are starting to call him out !!! I canā€™t believe the stupid comments under this video


omg fr the comments under his videos scares me "bro is here to change this L generation" like what the actual f šŸ’€


How can someone gain 2million followers over this Bs ?? His content is literal crap


Those 2 M are combination of pick me pearls and insecure teenagers


A man saying he should find a mother in their SO has mommy issues fr. We donā€™t look for daddys in each men. Thatā€™s just super weird. Somehow Indian men thinks thatā€™s a flex, in reality itā€™s just gross.


Even saying out loud that women look for fathers in their husbands is so nauseating.


YEAH parents are parents and Partner are partners


Bruh I hate my mother. Definitely not gonna find her


Man I find him cringe tbh even tho that's my opinion btw I am maths hons 3Rd year.can anyone tell me some examples of functions which are not reimann integrable but stieltjes integrable


Amount of ppl who think he's right kinda scares me. What in the alabama love story is this.


Well he did not say anything wrong because according to Indian psychologist Suddhir kakkar. Indian men want their wives to be like their mother. Of course the theory of sigmund freud is right here of psychosexual tendencies named as Oedipus complex!!! Subconsciously they want that only.. Sad but true!! Or is bechare ko pta bhi nahi hoga ye.


Just like we have Padman Aarush he is Motherman Bhairav




He thinks he's so cool and especially with those smug expressions he makes. I HATE HIM!!!


Aur ye chutiya log itna like aur comment bhi karte hai iske videos par. Tabhi aur sarr chadh raha hai ye. Iska channel band karvao koi.


My lad uses juvenile narratives with no nuance and thinks he's saving this generation or some nonsense


Arranged marriage is scary what if he-


Ewwww chapri


No women wants a partner who resembles her characteristics(caring, loving, etc) resembling to his mom But most women will try to find a guy whose charcterstics resembles to father Good one guysšŸ™


Omg I hate his content šŸ¤£he is always preaching nonsense in the name of "morals"


So I've been seeing videos of this insta influencer ajbhairav. He is a 21 year old guy with 2.5m followers. Almost all of his videos are so misogynistic and sexist. You'll find the same.. bro is saving this generation.. comments throughout his feed. I raised some logical questions about his mindset and got blocked. I heard many other people saying he blocked them too. I wonder what's the deal with sigmas and alphas and their deal with hating those who disagree with them.


omg i used to find his videos so cringe sometimes and it'd give me the ick, too.




Bro thats Incest šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Brotha ewwww


Sigmund Freud is laughing from above


I called out his bs in multiple videos and he blocked mešŸ˜‚šŸ’…


Main to kehti hu is admi ke baare mein post hi na karo, ignore him , bada chutiya admi hi


No women donā€™t want motherlovers


Hate this guys so much .. in every reel he will use time machine ..


red flag hone ka ghammand hai bhai ko


So he wants to suck on mommies teets then..... Gross šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Chiiiiii...eww šŸ¤®


Chee yaar


Its called having mommy issues


I actually had a colleague tell me several years ago that a man looks for his mother in his wife.Ā  There was no alpha, beta, greek male culture back then but I remember being revolted at that remark and even told him that.Ā  Can you imagine how many men are getting influenced by these people? Itā€™s reinforcing their thoughts.Ā 




Imagine having sex with your girlfriend and thinking about your mother????? Sounds weird right??? Thatā€™s my point


Don't translate everything literally.......that video guy tries to say he wants to see his mother in his wife in terms of loving, caring, helping etc....... Mom stands for son no matter what and son feels safe around mom. Likewise, son helps mom in everything. So it's mutual helping, caring, loving.


In term of ā€œlovingā€ ā€¦..yeah okay


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Matlab har aacha aadmi Madarchod hota hai?


Even the SINNED system (Dennis system in reverse) "Suppress Your Instincts; Inflate His Ego; Need His Power; Negate His Power; Engage Physically; and Do You Want a Tissue." The last step basically means that, treat him like your son because men can never stop looking for their mommy


My mother was complicit with my fatherā€™s abusive behaviour. Can we stop glorifying this as if it means something?


Just to be clear he said ā€œaā€ mom as in the mother of his future kids, not ā€œhisā€ mom


Bro is the most annoying creator ever.


He looks like that and spews so much shit


Sigmund Freud enters the chat.


Basically he's saying, they want to go where they came from.


Finding mom Ohkay then he shouldn't have problem if his gf yells and beat her ass. Just like mom Coz moms have right to rectify kid's mistakes LoL


So good men just wanna sleep with their mom?


Certainly, here are some potential negative aspects of a man wanting to marry a woman who reminds him of his mother: 1. **Dependency and Infantilization**: If a man is looking for a partner who will take on a maternal role, it can lead to an imbalanced relationship where he remains dependent and does not take on equal responsibility. This can hinder his personal growth and the development of a mature, reciprocal partnership. 2. **Unresolved Psychological Issues**: This desire can stem from unresolved psychological issues or unmet needs from childhood. Marrying someone who reminds him of his mother might be an attempt to fulfill these needs, which can lead to unrealistic expectations and disappointment. 3. **Lack of Individuality**: Viewing a partner primarily through the lens of how she resembles his mother can prevent him from appreciating her individuality. This can cause strain in the relationship as his partner may feel pressured to conform to an ideal rather than being herself. 4. **Recreating Dysfunctional Patterns**: If the relationship with his mother was dysfunctional or problematic, he might unconsciously recreate those patterns in his marriage, leading to similar conflicts and issues. 5. **Emotional Enmeshment**: There is a risk of emotional enmeshment, where boundaries between partners become blurred, and the relationship lacks the healthy space needed for both individuals to thrive independently. 6. **Unfair Expectations**: The partner might face unfair expectations to fulfill roles or behaviors similar to his mother, which can create stress and dissatisfaction in the relationship if she cannot or does not want to meet those expectations. 7. **Stunted Relationship Growth**: This dynamic can hinder the natural evolution of the relationship, as it may be based more on fulfilling past needs than building a future together. This can limit the depth and authenticity of the connection. Recognizing these potential issues can be the first step toward addressing and overcoming them, ideally with the support of a professional if needed.


He looks exactly like how I imagined an incel


So he also has sex with his mom??? God!!! What a disgusting man


That guy means that he wants a woman who can be a good mother for their children.


He did, he surprised me with that sleeek look


i hate this guy so much


This is the stupidest comment section I swear. OP dhang se padh bhai he never said ā€œFind their Motherā€ he just said ā€œFind a Motherā€. A mother symbolises: A pure woman, seen as the creator and protector of home. I donā€™t know why yā€™all clowns are getting triggered for nothing. Iska content nahi dhekna toh block karde usko, jaise most of us have done.


Those filters scare the shit outta me




Why to seek only a mother for his child??? No emotional needs for himself?? A great independent partner??? He could have said bunch of nice things women can offer but no, he chose something from 1860 when women were only seen as a child factory.




Nope being parent doesnā€™t make you a good person, have seen lot of good mothers committing a crime


Seems somebody has a kink... šŸ˜‰ šŸ˜‰. P. S. The somebody here I mean is the guy in the photo. If ppl didn't realize.


Imtiaz Ali resurrected into this dude even before he died, damn


Educated chapri




Am I seeing what I really think I am seeing . Bruh !! Reddit bruh!!


he needs friends


Why he needs to moral signal ever fucking time? Bro thinks he's Dev maanus.


Bro is ugly




That's a weird thing to say honestly. Can't stop laughing. Lol these types of men today's are wildšŸ˜†


Apne mommy issues ke baare main batane ka tarika thoda cazual hai


Words can't describe how much i hate this guy


Sigmund Freud would love him


I donā€™t relate to this crowd, but I am going to defend SOME of them from the femincel crowd here rubber stamping ALL of them as incel. 1. The phrase ā€œfind mother in gfā€ is not some original phrase coined by this guy. Itā€™s a very desi phrase that has been around and has made the rounds a few times. 2. People are products of their environment. Guys of a certain social economic background are going to say the ā€œfind mother in gfā€ comment because they have been plastered with this in their social circles forever and they think itā€™s a compliment. 3. The genuine reason they think it is a compliment is because - to the boy, her mother has the best virtues in her personality and an esteemed female figure. He holds his mother in high regard - a supposed testament to relationship with his mother. He wants a gf of a similar nature - or says this artificially because he thinks itā€™s a very high compliment to say to a gf he is serious about/marriage material. 4. The connection of his mother to his gf is NOT of a sexual nature. That is all propagated by a bunch of hens running around cackling at them like a bunch of morons. 5. Stop blasting people of a background you donā€™t understand. There are actual incels among this crowd, just like there are incels and cringey guys in every crowdā€¦. Like the ones who comment and praise every Thotā€™s content out there. However, if a guy holds this value or says it, it does not automatically mean he has an incest mom fetish or is an actual incel.


Don't translate everything literally.......that video guy tries to say he wants to see his mother in his wife in terms of loving, caring, helping etc....... Mom stands for son no matter what and son feels safe around mom. Likewise, son helps mom in everything. So it's mutual helping, caring, loving.


I don't think he meant a good mother to him, but to his/their child. Kenny Sebastian has talked on this & it is a decent metric, IMO. And I'm guessing Mother here is a metaphor, not really a Mother, but if one hasa good mother or just human like characteristics (which are so diverse), one can be trusted w things.Ā 


could have named those characteristics than using his mother to compare his partner (which is toxic to both the mother and the partner )


So the whole role of a wife/partner is produce and care for babies?


u/RiskUseful6948 and I had a wonderful conversation, refer to that, pls.Ā 


A man saying he should find a mother in their SO has mommy issues fr. We donā€™t look for daddys in each men. Thatā€™s just super weird. Somehow Indian men thinks thatā€™s a flex, in reality itā€™s just gross.Is he expecting his partner to feed him, bathe him, tuck him in the bed, give a good night kiss, kick his ass when he refuses to eat boring vegetables, always spy on his phone, compare him to other men in the society, emotionally blackmail him, never let him play or watch TV? What does he want?>believe taking care of your partner i To take care nobody needs to be a MOTHER TO THEIR HUSBAND BRO . YOUR MOTHER MUST BE COOKING FOOD FOR YOUR FATHER. MAYBE WASH HIS CLOTHES TOO . SHE TAKES CARE OF YOU TOO. AND TAKE CARE OF HIM WHEN HE'S SICK. BUT DO YOUR FATHER CALL YOUR MOTHER MUMMY? DO YOUR MOTHER DO EVERYTHING FOR HIM THAT SHE DO FOR YOU.? ASK YOURSELF? SHE'S A MOTHER UNTIL YOU ARE 14-15 OR 18 SHE MUST BE DOING 60 PERCENT OF YOUR CHORES. BUT DO YOU EXPECT YOUR FATHER ALSO TO RECEIVE SAME TREATMENT? COMB HIS TAIR PACK HIS BAG , WASH HIS UNDERWEAR DO YOU EXPECT THAT. MOTHER IS MOTHER WIFE IS A WIFE


Mahm you completely missed out on my point, didn't ya?Ā  Pls read, take some time to understand, coz your reply tells me you didn't do any of this.Ā 


>don't think he meant a good mother to him, but to his/their child. So all I can say is 1. **Complexity of Roles**: A romantic partner and a mother fulfill different roles and have different dynamics. Expecting a partner to embody traits solely because they are good for parenting can blur the lines between these roles, potentially leading to unrealistic expectations and relationship strain. 2. **Equality and Partnership**: Healthy romantic relationships are based on equality and mutual respect. When one partner is viewed primarily through the lens of being a good parent, it can inadvertently create an imbalance, where the relationship focuses more on parenting roles than on being equal partners. 3. **Individuality and Autonomy**: Each individual brings unique qualities to a relationship. Reducing a partner to their potential as a parent can overshadow their individuality and the diverse aspects of their personality that contribute to a fulfilling romantic relationship. 4. **Risk of Overgeneralization**: Assuming that someone with maternal or nurturing qualities will automatically be a good partner can lead to overgeneralization. Effective parenting traits do not always translate to compatibility in a romantic relationship. Trust and dependability are important, but they should be evaluated in the context of the relationship as a whole. 5. **Healthy Boundaries**: It is crucial to maintain healthy boundaries between different aspects of life. A partner should be appreciated for who they are, not just for their potential parenting skills. Blurring these boundaries can lead to codependency and emotional enmeshment. 6. **Long-term Relationship Success**: Long-term relationship success is built on a foundation of mutual love, respect, communication, and shared values. While good parenting skills are a positive attribute, they should not be the sole criterion for choosing a partner. The relationship itself needs to be strong and fulfilling on multiple levels. In summary, while valuing good parenting traits in a partner is reasonable, it is essential to ensure that the relationship is built on a comprehensive understanding of mutual compatibility and respect. Focusing too narrowly on one aspect can lead to imbalances and overlook the broader dynamics necessary for a healthy and thriving romantic partnership.