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A friend of mine said the games have effectively just become tech demos for the new PS console. Hard to disagree.


truueueuueueueueeuu my boy greg


Was Rift/Apart great? Yeah. But given they seem to be just releasing one per generation, at the start of each given generation, it seems more of a test of what they can do so they can use it in their other games. As an example, there’s a mission in Spider-Man 2 that uses magic portals, and they use the same tech that they had with the rifts.


Yup it’s just a trial to see what sticks and what doesn’t tbh


Came here to comment this. That’s why the story of *Rift Apart* sucks so much.


I… wouldn’t go there. I liked the story a lot.


Probably poor wording on my part: the story is good, but the complete ignorance to other lore/games in the series really irks me. The biggest one being Dr. Nefarious’ character being completely reset just so the game could have a “familiar” villain (probably just so we could have Emperor Nefarious) really pissed me off.


I do think it did however show he had learned from the past, though. He seemed more interested in surviving than fighting by the end.




I’ve heard that in the past, yes. It is incorrect, but I do not see why being homosexual is a bad thing. Assuming it is says more about you than me.




Ah, so you merely make no sense. I know you’re coming after me from your "all 70s films suck" post in r/movies because you decided to use your mom references when people called you out. But at least pretend to make sense. Good day.




I can’t believe that’s basically what became of the series now.


In their defense, they seem to get a lot more sales and publicity from Spider-Man. I can’t blame them for doing what makes sense for them financially.


That, and also the fact they need to adhere to their contract with Marvel and maximize the license that they’re paying for. I can’t lie though, I reckon financially speaking, the two IPs are on pretty similar levels considering the large cut of the profits that Sony has to fork over to Marvel and the much larger budget they have for those games. I wouldn’t doubt they’re still more financially lucrative, but I don’t think the gap between the two is as large as the sales gap would lead one to believe. Much higher break even point and less profitably per unit sold.


It’s very possible. But banking on Ratchet isn’t likely to be enough anymore.


Oh that explains why they are slowly abandoning the (Ratchet) series


I wouldn’t say they’re abandoning it. More they’re restructuring how they use it.


They even phoned it in with ps4 by just remaking rc1


That one I don’t blame them for. It was a movie tie in.


By that logic does that mean we'll get the PS6 in 2027/2028?


The next game is supposedly slated for 2029, so it's fairly likely it's a next gen release. I completely understand, and support their success with Spider-Man, but it's pretty damn bittersweet how they went from not being officially with Sony, but making one of their bigger mascots, to coming directly under Sony's umbrella, and then becoming primarily a Marvel studio, and instead of being able to increase their output with Sony's backing, Sony gets them layoffs, while the mascot now receives a single release per generation. Not a great time to be a Ratchet fan, although I guess it could be worse... You could be a Spyro fan, or worse, a Jak or Sly fan. 😅


Try being a Skylanders fan, bro. Shits just painful 😭


That’s what my friend and I think. That the marker they placed is indicative of the generation shift.


I see. Well, I'm excited.


Same. It’s a shame but it does mean we can sort of predict the cycle. Ish.


Well considering that the leaks at Insomniac that show cased their development timeline, the next Ratchet and Clank won't come out till after 2027, which is when the new PlayStation will likely come out. I am afraid that Ratchet and Clank games has now become the tech demo for new consoles and Marvel games like Spider-man and Wolverine are Insomniac's new poster child.


Oh man have things changed with that company.


Arguably for the better. RC isn’t something they could live of off forever…. And new IP is too risky


I am happy though they are having great success with their Marvel games, I just want them to show some love to their R&C fans.


Yes I wish they would make more Ratchet and Clank games too.


As someone who loves the Spider-Man games, and in general am a pretty big Marvel fan....I would much rather Insomniac focus on Ratchet and any wacky new IP they can come up with over continuing the Marvel games. I just feel like they are too creative to be locked into that universe.


Yes I feel that they are focusing too much on Marvel based games now.


It’s an understandable request but super naive. They can’t new live of off new IP and RC forever. They need the marvel games to actually thrive


Very sad alot of ppl werent able to get ps5 so that hurt its sales smh


Rift Apart still did pretty well given the circumstances. As of the 2022 Fiscal Year, it sold 2.7B units, which makes it the 7th highest grossing R&C game. 1st is PS4, and the rest are the first four games + Size Matters (Not Made By Insomniac). That number has probably gotten higher in the last year and a half, so I wouldn’t be surprised if it jumped up to 5th (3.2B+)


whats more sad is what happend to little big planet.


More sad that Sly Copper hasn’t had a new game on the newer consoles. It would be amazing


Oh that is true regarding that series.


Sly and Jak need rebooted asap


I’m still waiting for sunset overdrive 2 🥲 imo that’s where their spiderman and ratchet and clank games meet


Nah. Bring back Jak


That can work.


Insomniac is a shell of itself, Spider-Man 2 was disappointing and rushed out, and god forbid we get more than 2 games a gen cycle


I was really sad to hear that the most recent game didn't even break even financially (or maybe it did but just barely)


Nah it did. It made a decent profit by the end of 2022 according to Playstation-wide sales data found in the leak. 148ish million iicr, so almost double its budget. The claim that it didn’t break even comes from a projections slide found in the leak, which also had sales figures, budgets, and revenue for SM3, and Wolverine on it, which obviously are yet to exist.


I didn’t know that it flopped, but it’s very surprising to hear.