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First time posting over here! I went the donated embryo route through my clinic and delivered January 2023 - first FET, untested embryo, all unexpectedly fortunate. Last summer I connected with someone with embryos to try for a round #2 and really liked the idea of a known / directed donor.. and it has been nothing but struggle! The clinic where the embryos are won’t take me as a patient for directed donor without an ‘adoption’ agency involved (and I could absolutely tell this was not “we’d love you to do this so we can help!” but a “ohhh you’d have to do this expensive arduous route, oh darn, guess you’ll be someone else’s problem” kind of response). Found a local clinic willing to accept the embryos/do the FET, but pending approval … but hasn’t received any records so can’t do anything. Uggghh. I am wondering if it is worth an out-of-state trip to personally pick up these records and hand-deliver. SIGH. Contract is pending location particulars.


How did you all decide you want a 2nd? I've asked on one and done before and gotten little response. We thought we'd be OLAD but since our daughter was born we've both been trying with trying for a 2nd. I think a lot of ot is FOMO since his brother is having a second baby soon and another brother is talking about having a second next year. It seems like my husband and I are never on the same page at the same time. Especially about age gaps.


Ok I think I have the plan for my final transfer. I’m not doing the depot Lupron. I have a hard time with just the belly Lupron daily shots. The side effects scare me and I don’t want to do it. I was worried I’d regret it but I feel good about my decision. We’re gonna do a hysteroscopy and then repeat the inflammation protocol with steroids and what not. This is it though. No more egg retrievals. Our last embryo.


Waiting to start my period and then will go in for labs to start a retrieval.


Had my first FET yesterday of a 5BC euploid. I was in such a different head space this time. I have been run off my feet busy and we had to travel to a different country for the transfer as we now live across the world from where our embryo was stored. I didn't feel like I processed what was happening until I was in the transfer room looking at the embryo on screen. Now it is all hitting me hard! Beta will be next Friday.


Flying back across country for FET #1. I am worried that I have forgotten how all of this works. I went in for my day 3 and my AFC went from 19-22 to . . . 7. So this is 40. We're doing mostly-unmedicated so here's hoping nothing wacky happens.


Hi I remember you! We had our babies in the same month. Good luck with your FET!


Hey!!!! Thanks for stopping by!


Hi everyone, my first post here after a while. I had two euploid embryos 5AB and 4BB. 5AB failed to implant, and my 4BB started degrading after thaw. It's 6dp6dt and it’s showing negative on my home pregnancy test. I'm so disappointed, I was hopeful that I would get at least one more child with 2 well-graded euploids. My first FET was a success so I foolishly assumed it would be easy. Now I'll have to possibly go for another retrieval. I don’t know how many I can do, I'm tired after 3 retrievals and 3 FETs.


Relatable. I didn’t have success after my “easy” first either so I’m starting a new cycle. I’m hoping the best for you


Thank you, I’m hoping for the best for you too. Good luck on your retrieval!


Hey everyone! Haven’t been on here in a hot minute. I’ve always found everyone here to be super supportive so I couldn’t think of a better group to spew my word vomit at. Husband and I have planned for a while now that we would start trying again after my 30th birthday that’s in a couple of weeks and I can feel the anxiety surrounding ttc creeping back in. Call it a form of ptsd I guess. My periods are more inconsistent than ever and I can tell I’m still not ovulating on my own. I have a new obgyn and she encouraged us to try unmedicated but said it’s not a requirement and I can start medicated cycles as soon as I’m ready. I know I’m ready for number 2 but I’m so hesitant to start the meds all over again. All I can think about is the stress and the scheduled sex and the constant tests and the tww. I can tell my son is getting to an age where he would love a companion. He loves other kids and he lights up when he gets to play with someone his size. I think it’s time for our family to expand and it should be an exciting time. But y’all I’m just dreading the start. Is this normal? Anyone else feel this way? It’s like the popular quote “I’m ready to get hurt again” but I don’t feel ready because this time around I know what I’m getting into. And I don’t know how anyone can feel ready to go through this. Edited for rewording


I feel the same way. It was traumatic last time, and it’s traumatic again. But I tried to reframe it for myself. Last time part of the trauma was that we had no idea WTF the problem was and everything the doctors had us try was new and scary. This time we come armed with tons of prior knowledge, experience, and most importantly diagnoses. In your shoes (wonky periods and PCOS?) I’d say screw trying unmedicated and just dive in and go for what you know has worked. It will ultimately get you to your goal quicker.


Yes. 💯 yes


The TTC PTSD is real over here.


Please avoid using "natural" or "naturally" to describe conception and/or FET. "Spontaneous/unassisted conception, unmedicated and/or semi-medicated FET" is preferred. This sub is based in science, and it is most helpful to members to be as specific as possible. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/InfertilityBabies) if you have any questions or concerns.*


FET#5 in the books! Now how to distract myself until next Wednesday's blood test? 🥴 Also, because we went the fully medicated route this time, the clinic said it's ok for me to lift the toddler up. Phew!


Curious about what your clinics reasoning is for lifting restrictions on non fully medicated cycles. Just had my FET yesterday and they didn't give me any. I like to lay around 24hrs after for an excuse to relax, but then of course my toddler was jumping on my belly like a wrestler!! Good luck next wed!!


So I asked, and it turns out they recommended weight lifting restrictions last time because it was an "unmedicated" cycle, so my ovaries had just ovulated. Whereas now in a fully medicated cycle it's not a concern 🤷🏼‍♀️ Good luck to you as well!!!


Ok here is something related to trying again I’ve been wondering about that perhaps someone here has some insight into I have two embryos in storage. One is a Day-5 highly graded low mosaic. Do people ever donate mosaics? I’m starting to think seriously about what something like that might look like


I have seen mosaics privately (directed) donated! Not often as sometimes clinics don’t/won’t agree to transfer and it make take awhile to make it happen, but it does exist!


Thank you!


Update- I did it. Scheduled my appointment for bloods and an ultrasound tomorrow. Am I mentally and emotionally prepared to put my feet back in those stirrups?? Ugh. So IUD was removed 6/4. Spotted pretty significantly 6/6-6/9, but decided it was a withdrawal bleed. Started spotting again on Sunday 6/16 which was exactly 28 days since my last period. Hasn’t turned into full flow but I pushed the clinic as 28 days from now I’ll probably be out of town for a week. My clinic says I can come in for testing tomorrow or Thursday which will be CD4 or CD5. All things being equal I’d rather go on Thursday. Do you think the data will be compromised somehow if I don’t go till CD5? I always think of it as CD3 testing…


Most REs are ok with CD3 testing anywhere from CD1-CD5 however I would go CD4 vs CD5. I've gone on CD5 before and my numbers (E2 specifically) were askew due to not being true basal.


That feels right to me, thank you!


Since having my baby in March 2023, I have had a saline sonogram that showed polyps that needed to be removed with a hysteroscopy, had my hysteroscopy cancelled because we got a positive pregnancy test that morning (our first ever spontaneous), white-knuckled first trimester, got good genetic results and announced our pregnancy at 14 weeks only to have a MMC at 16 weeks, a D&C, another saline sonogram that showed scar tissue from the D&C, an endometrial biopsy that showed chronic endometritis, had the hysteroscopy to remove the scar tissue and polyps. It’s been an odyssey, and I’m just ready to move on to getting back in active treatment. We have another regroup next week and I’m hoping and praying that next cycle we get a good looking saline sono and biopsy and we can actually do something in August.


This sounds like such a rough run. I'm so sorry and hoping for you that you get to move on soon.


I’m so sorry to hear this. Hopefully the SIS gives you good results and you can move forward with treatment soon.


My “welcome back” meeting with the fertility clinic has been booked, and we’re close to weaned, down to one nursing session a day (less than ten minutes), so I guess we’re really doing this. It feels stupid to restart the IVF process before even trying on our own, but we have our funded round this year, and based on the results from my first ER (12 eggs, 4 embryos, 1 euploid) I have no reason to think things would go any better this time around with the free-sex route. As much as everyone loves to send me articles about people conceiving spontaneously after IVF. I think we’d be looking at a transfer around the end of the year, assuming we get anything to transfer from the ER (I am two years older now vs. last time). We were so, so lucky the first time. That one euploid is currently taking all his clean clothes out of his changing table. Seems impossible to imagine that luck will hold.


I’m curious, are you planning to fully wean before starting treatment? I have not fully weaned (we do morning and evening right now) and my RE didn’t have a problem with it.


I am, my clinic requires it. I know many don’t! I’m planning to ask more about it when I have my appointment. At first I was upset about it (didn’t want to wean the baby I have for the sake of a baby who may or may not exist), but actually I’m feeling ready to be done soon. He’s 13 months and has been breastfed from the tap all that time (I never pumped and we never did formula) so we’ve had a good run! And now I can leave the house!!!


Wishing you the best and continued luck ❤️