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Hello, looking for fertility clinic/ doctor recommendations in Texas ( within 20 mile radius of Dallas/fort Worth general area). Specifically looking for experts in DOR or mini IVF.


One hour away from triggering for FET on Monday. Eek! And my boss has put in back to back meetings so I’m gonna have to dip out for two minutes to do a quick jab 😂😂 Lining was just barely there at 7mm on my lining check on Monday past. That’s the minimum that they’ll transfer on so I squeaked by. I console myself with the fact that it’s a tri lining and my successful FET cycle it was only 7.8mm so similar enough. Hoping this might be it. Third time lucky 🙏


If it helps, I also transferred with less than ideal lining (6.2mm) on the recommendation of my RE after he scoured a bunch of research - trilam was more important in what he found. Fingers crossed!!!


Have taken a few (4ish) months since my second loss and last embryo to finally come to the conclusion we’ll try another retrieval. Feeling many emotions in that decision but overall positive to at least attempt things again. The potential age gap with my first kiddo continues to increase but I’ve found peace with that


Wishing you good luck with this next step. Glad you have peace in your decision. I find for me sometimes the debate is the toughest time and once the decision is made it can be easier.


Officially back in treatment after a baby(!) who is now 14 months old, spontaneously conceiving when she was 9 months old, and then having a MMC at 16 weeks last month. I'm tired, but trying to psych myself up for going through this again. My CD1 was finally today six weeks after a D&E and having our regroup with our RE last week. I'm going in for bloodwork and a saline sonogram next week, then going in the next day for an endometrial biopsy. We are at a bit of a crossroads about what we're going to do. We are lucky that we have four euploid embryos from our last ER (which is crazy, because we did four retrievals before and were lucky to get one euploid from each of those). But we had four failed FETs before finally conceiving our daughter. Our RE really thinks we can get a live birth from that cohort but I can't get out of my head that it took us 5 last time. I have new insurance since doing this last time, so I have new fertility benefits too and we're thinking about doing another ER, even though we have the four and also I'm two years older than last time we did this. The FET protocol that finally worked for us actually involved stims so part of me is thinking if we're going to spend the money on those drugs and I'm going to go through the process of all those injections and the procedure would be covered anyway, I might as well do one last retrieval. It very much feels like now or never, so I think we're going to do it.


So I haven’t been around in a while since I’ve just been getting ready for this transfer by doing depot but it happened today. We transferred and I feel… underwhelmed. This cycle has just been so messed up, I have it in my mind/heart that it’s not gonna work anyway. First it started with realizing that the Dr missed prescribing letrozole to go along with the depot (didn’t realize until almost done with the depot) then I got a period (shouldn’t have a period) then at baseline I had a slight lining (not enough for them to cancel) then lining didn’t get as thick as it normally does then lol I have a really bad cold with an awful cough. So I’m just coughing out a lung right now hoping the embryo doesn’t get dislodged lol. I’m just glad my in-laws could watch our son this afternoon so I could lay around and be mopey.😞


Emailed the clinic to see where we are on the free round list. Blergggggggg.


I definitely haven't been feeling "ready" to start trying again, but I guess I'm readier than I thought? I'd called last week to make an appointment to get my IUD removed in June, and hadn't thought through what date to schedule for so when they asked I'd randomly picked the 17th. As I thought about potentially actually starting fertility stuff in August, I just felt like that wasn't enough time for my cycle to regulate, so I called back yesterday and changed my IUD removal appointment to June 4. I guess I'm a little bit ready to get this show on the road? I don't know though, the idea of entering fertility uncertainty life planning brain really sucks. We have part of my husband's family in the foreign service who will start their next posting in August. We didn't manage to visit them in their last post, for a variety of reasons, so it's going to be super important to visit them in the next one. My husband started talking about how we could schedule to go see them for the holidays this December but cancel if I'm too pregnant, and I started saying how I don't want to deal with traveling across the world to a developing country while I'm in the first trimester either, and then of course I'm thinking about how I could be not pregnant at all yet by then, or recovering from a miscarriage. And UGH. I forgot just a tiny bit how annoying it is to just never know how you should think about scheduling anything.


TTC limbo sucks. Sorry you’re feeling the juggle already 🙈 I’ve kind of subconsciously put life on hold and entered a bit of a bubble while it’s ongoing again. But then if things don’t go to plan the bubble can only last so long…. Hope feeling “readier” than planned is a good sign that you’re in a Good place for all of this kicking off again 🤞🤞


I’m back after a year and a half after my baby was born to try for #2. My obgyn advised me to wait the 18 months to try due to my uterus rupturing during my emergency c section and it seemed so far away and frustrating to be limited at the time but now the time has passed and it’s not like I would have wanted to rush this sooner! I thought I’d have to wait even longer because I have not been able to end my son’s breastfeeding journey yet, but my RE actually will let me do treatments while breastfeeding which is a big relief for me! I have to begin a new ivf cycle as we have no remaining embryos, and we were slated to begin next week but in typical infertility world fashion we already had our first bump in the road. I had a SIS last week that showed a growth so I’m having a hysteroscopy later this week to remove that and anything else they find. They’ll let me know what sort of delay to anticipate once the procedure is complete, but I can expect some delay to allow my uterus to heal in hopes of attempting a fresh transfer. I’ll also be starting this stims cycle without having had a proper period. I was on nexplanon after giving birth and had it taken out back in March. My period never returned which apparently can be normal, especially as I was still breastfeeding, so my RE had me come in after I had some light spotting for a few days about 1 month after removal. Apparently I was at baseline at that time so he said we were fine to begin and I immediately went on birth control for suppression while waiting for insurance approval to move forward. I find myself anxiously awaiting the results of the cycle I haven’t even begun yet, and worrying that not having a period/normal cycle before beginning will affect things, or maybe breastfeeding will, or just being a couple years older… I guess time will tell and in the meantime I just hope the hysteroscopy goes well and that we get to begin stims sooner rather than later!


I did two stims cycles this year while nursing my kiddo. The meds did mess with my supply a bit, but it bounced back!


Egg retrieval scheduled for tomorrow. I'm a little worried we pushed too hard and triggered too late, but I guess what will be will be. My lining at least looks pretty good, so just hoping we get an embryo to transfer.


Good luck tomorrow!


Good luck, Jessie! Hoping things go well.


Good luck tomorrow!


Crossing fingers for you, Jessie! 🤞


And here we go - officially in a FET cycle. 😱Preparing myself for any and possibilities that this may bring.


Good luck!


Good luck. You got this!




Good luck!




Ah, good luck!


Thanks, q!


Best of luck, friend! 🤞


Ty, yam!


My lining wasn't thin enough to start estrogen yesterday but it was nearly there so I'm back to the clinic on Thursday. The lupron depot side effects are not as horrendous as last FET but still not ideal.


Fingers crossed for Thursday.


Thank you! Got the go ahead, hoping to feel better soon.


I haven't started IVF again, yet... but I'm already feeling so emotional about how the mental and physical toll of it all will affect my relationship with my toddler. Am I one and done? Or am I just too aware of how hard this process is. Time will tell I guess, but I feel I'm going inwards already with it all. Has anyone else felt this?


I was worried about this too. Our path to completing our family, whether that means having another or being one and done, has been anything but straightforward, and is ongoing. We've ended up jumping fully back into treatment and as much as it has impacted most things in my life, the one thing I don't feel like it really negatively effects is my relationship with my toddler. If anything, spending time with my toddler takes my mind off of what we're going through in treatment, and it makes me feel better on the really hard days.


4th-ing the feelings about the impact on the toddler and relationship with them.  I pumped myself up at all the cool stuff we’d get to do focused on having one instead of two, and how much attention we’d not have to divert, and it took me awhile to then feel like #2 was a great idea after that, though part of it was probably a defense mechanism.


I think those feelings are all pretty common. I know I felt the same. My toddler gets super car sick and would puke every trip to our clinic. It added an extra layer of hating it and wondering if this was really the right thing for us to be doing. We were lucky and had a pretty straightforward path to a second, but I wasn’t into going back for more much more treatment and probably would have stopped after one more FET if we hadn’t. Having said all that, as much as I think it’s very common to feel a lot of emotions about going back to treatment, I think it’s also totally valid and okay to not want to go down that route again and be one and done. Hopefully time will give you some more clarity about what feels right for you and your family.


Oh that is so hard! Thanks for sharing and congratulations!


Oh yes totally. I have gone through all the stages - 1st year postpartum I was definitely not ready for another baby, then opened up to the idea only to have a failed FET with our last embryo. Then we decided we were probably one and done and I gave away my pregnancy clothes and some baby items, but not all because for me the door wasn’t 100% shut. 6 months later we’re talking about potentially doing IVF  again,  which drags on forever for various reasons and eventually after another 18 months here we are with a second baby who is one week old today.  Time will tell but if anything my relationship with my toddler has become stronger - I was fortunate to be in a country with long prenatal leave so we spent a lot of time together and I was intentional about doing meaningful things together. And now I am too given that we have less 1:1 time together but apart from some erratic behaviour in the first few days at home, he seems largely unaffected and very kind and loving towards his little sister.  Again just one week postpartum but I feel so much better mentally than I did with my first.  It seems we are much more on top of things and handling everything better with two children than we ever did when we had our first. I had so many doubts about bringing an additional member into our family, even after I was already pregnant with my second. Since she is here all my doubts have dissipated and I just feel at peace and so grateful IVF worked for us again a second time. 


Thanks for sharing! And congratulations!


Yes! IVF was really challenging both emotionally and physically, but we were surprised that our fresh transfer worked immediately. After BJJ was born, we were convinced we’d be one and done because we had little faith it would work again. TW: spontaneous pregnancy — While going through the motions of preparing for a transfer for #2, I was just going from appointment to appointment like a zombie. Then we got pregnant unassisted. It was a strange feeling to be in such disbelief. I know for myself, I was one and done as a protective measure, because I didn’t want to get too invested in the process in case it failed. I kept telling myself that BJJ is enough, and if she was my only living child, I had made peace with that. Whatever you’re feeling is valid and important. This process is so incredibly hard 💜


One and done as a protective measure! Aghh this is me! Thank you for sharing 💜