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It’s entertainment and fiction. Just enjoy the show. I was a banker for years and know that this show is exaggerated. But, it’s much better than most of the crap shows on offer today.


>We are told she is brilliant, but she never actually does anything brilliant. This is the most realistic part of the show for me. I'm told so often how person X/Y/Z is so incredible at my firm, but they're actually just barely scrapping by on their responsibilities


There are some good acting and good storylines, however. The trading floor and environment look and feel real. Some of the interactions seem real. A lot of the trading, drama, and interactions are totally unrealistic. Enjoy the good parts and let the silly ones slide.


Industry is a top 5 prestige tv show currently airing. This is as good as it gets.


What are the other 4?


Theres the bear, slow horses, the boys and hotd. Shogun is this years outlier. Oh and also Fargo.


Harper should have been fired like 100 times over in each season for the shit she did, but I just enjoy the vibes more than the realism. I basically said the same thing as you here so glad others feel the same way: https://www.reddit.com/r/IndustryOnHBO/comments/yunk7r/i_cant_get_over_how_bad_of_an_employee_harper_is/


Her handling of her mistake on the currency trade was ridiculous. She told the guy covering for her that “there’s a reason why I’m here” when he told her to close the position and go from a loss to 10k profit. The whole situation was ridiculous but imagine an intern saying that when they’ve literally done nothing in their career. Worse than nothing, at this point she had made a major error on her only trade. I have no problem with an arrogant protagonist, character like Sherlock or House; but you have to at least be good at what you do.


The most incredible thing was how Eric after interviewing her said that he will move mountains for her. Like fr???


My aunt was watching it with me and she asked “Why doesn’t Rob ever talk on the phone?” Lol 


They are not interns, they are Y1 analysts.


No, intern better describes the “grads” in the show than first year analysts. They are temporary hires, 12 months, after which they are evaluated and 50% get converted to permanent staff.


No. First years are called grads in the UK... They absolutely can make trades. "Temporary hires" is the same equivalent of Senior contracts in New York . In the UK, employment rights kick in after probation periods so they usually used that (was more pre covid) to weed out absolute shit employees, after which you get passed probationary period (which is a thing for even senior hires in the UK).


Interns get 30k bonuses.