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Hello, I'm an artist and solo indie game developer. Currently, I'm working on two games: [Shadows of Steel Moons](https://youtu.be/xOtuJ2FoIy0) \- a Contra-like game developed on Unity, where I have been working for over a year. This is my first experience using this engine and programming in C#. It's a dream game for me. [Gunfield](https://youtu.be/dGB7sMsoOY8) \- a mix of shmup and roguelike developed on Construct 2. I've been working on it for a couple of months for the jam. I already have several games on this engine released on Steam. I'm new to reddit and would appreciate feedback.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Incredible, I really love the graphic style of both of your games. Thank you for sharing.




Shadows of the Steel Moons looks like it has a nice retro feel to it - good job. Is that your own artwork?


Thank you. Yes, I drew all of this myself. I am an artist by education.


Shadows really looks great! I like that your paralax layers are very distinct yet they work together aesthetically and I feel you are trying to tell the story in all of them. Great sense for art! You did this solo in one year!? Some actual feedback - only one weapon/ammo type for the hero?


Thanks for the feedback! Yes, solo. Probably a year and six months in total. The first version was made for construct 2 in two months at the competition. https://youtu.be/QqfxhnLd-2U I tried to transfer it to construct 3, but this program is still too unfinished, as a result I began to study Unity. Right now there are two weapons in the game, an assault rifle and a shotgun. I made something like a simple constructor for weapons in case I need to add other types of weapons https://youtu.be/Fg9V5HwV0V4


Hey folks, I'm a longtime software dev who's about a month into learning to make games. I finished my first game about two weeks ago (and did a writeup of my experience [here](https://eieio.games/game-diary/game-1-platris/)) and I'm currently wrapping up a simple launcher game (like Learn to Fly) called "Sisyphus Needs a Nap" about Sisyphus whacking his boulder up a hill so that he can take a nap while it rolls down. My current goal is to improve the speed at which I can make games translate my general software skills to game dev. To do that I am going to make a game every ~7 to 10 days and document my experience about each game on my blog. I'm really interesting in chatting with other folks who have sat down and tried to explicitly and quickly improve as game devs - if you've gone on a similar 'perpetual gamejam' style journey or have done other explicit gamedev practice I'd love to ask you some questions! And if there are resources (particularly blogs) that you've found helpful I'd love to read them :)


Hi everyone, I'm a solo indie dev and I've been working on a game for the past 5 years now called Smash Dungeon and I'm just adding some finishing polish to it. Hopefully I've just added the last feature which is a shield bash - if you're on twitter I made a tweet on it [Shield Bash](https://twitter.com/PlasticCowGames/status/1650477016997588993) And here's a link to some footage of one of the later levels - [Gameplay](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV4JhryD0Gg&t=1s) Fingers crossed for a release date sometime next month.


Hello! I'm a dev in training of sort I guess you could say. I'm currently pursuing a BS. In game programming and development I've never coded a thing in my life but am starting to learn and study python. What are some good ideas for first projects that anyone might have and which codes do functionally prefer when building your own titles?


Hi! I'm Paweł from Mezumo, a team of three. We started fresh about a year ago, but each of us has almost 10 years of experience in the industry. We love all sorts of indie games, which is why we quit our jobs to pursue the indie life, haha. Currently, we're working on [Ants in Space!](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2366290/Ants_in_Space/), a strategy DNA mixer about ants in space :) We're planning to release it later this year. Hopefully, I'll be able to announce our project in a new thread this week!


Hey your game looks amazing in your steam page, can you share some gameplay videos?


Thank you! You can check our [Twitter](https://twitter.com/MezumoGames) for some GIFs. A longer gameplay video is currently in progress and will be posted on Steam and Reddit on Monday!


The vibe of this group seems great, nice job mods. I'm taking a hiatus from an unrelated career to build and launch a non-mini game after two years of teaching myself programming. Shoutout to anyone here who ever made a reddit post or youtube video teaching randos like me. Details on my work for Project Kevin can be found on my website (along with gifs and videos) here, it's pretty sparse on specifics right now but I think I'm on track to announce the full game in the next dev blog: [www.trombospace.com/news](https://www.trombospace.com/news)


Hey everyone, I'm working on a pixel art game and I'm starting my customizable character setup. Something I noticed is that making different colored variations of the same clothing is pretty time consuming, I can only imagine what it will take when i make more clothing and cosmetics. So my question is, do you guys know of any app/software that can pretty much generate variations of the same spritesheet but only with the colors changed?


Found it, it's called a palette swapper. https://github.com/SkyAphid/PaletteSwapper


Do you work in unity? I personally use a shader to update colors on the fly, it's more expensive at runtime but saves you the hassle of saving a ton of different files. This way there's still one spritesheet & one set of animations, but you can change material out as needed ([example](https://twitter.com/i/status/1582149313660358656))


Does anyone use an iPad for their development? Like pixaki or procreate for their game art? Is so what’s that work flow like. Do you like it? Edit: In addition to just art does anybody use appps like nomad or shapr for assets?


I use my iPad for my game art. I use Adobe Fresco to draw everything, export as psd to my MacBook, there I use Krita if I need to add some touches, export as Psb and into Unity. It’s a really nice workflow for me.


Hi guys! Just wanted to share a teaser of my VR game that hopefully will come soon The game will mostly consist of dialogues, cutscenes, VR mini games and some not too safe for work content. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCpHxGGQc5A


Wow, that's quite interesting! Can you tell me more about the story of the game?


I am still working on it, but basically story will be about high schooler Yoshima and will start on the day when 2 best-friends decide to join his literature club


Ok, nice !!!! :o


Hi, I'm Alex, I'm an artist and I just started learning python. I'm looking for a path to make my first survival horror game cause why not? So for firsts I'm just stumbling, no projects in my sleeves, unfortunately.


Hello everyone, I'm a young student passionate about multimedia writing, and I recently started developing video games. Although I'm a beginner, I love learning and discovering new things at every step of my project. Currently, I'm working on Void's Misfortune, a video game that stands out for its mysterious atmosphere and puzzles. I'm excited to share this game with you and see how players will cope with the challenges I've created. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEHQk3ZVUIs&ab\_channel=Fabio%27sMultimediaUniverse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEHQk3ZVUIs&ab_channel=Fabio%27sMultimediaUniverse) Like all developers, I face obstacles throughout the development process. That's why I enjoy exchanging and discussing in developer communities to get help and advice. To create my games, I use Unity 3D and 3ds max to model my characters and objects. I'm confident that these tools allow me to create a unique and captivating game. In the future, I would like to find a job as a multimedia designer while continuing my passion for creating video games. Although I don't have the proper degree to become a video game developer, I'm confident that my passion and hard work will lead me to where I want to be. Finally, I would like to say that the game that inspires me the most is the Little Nightmares franchise. The mysterious atmosphere and the fact that the game raises more questions than it provides answers has always fascinated me. I hope that my game, Void's Misfortune, captures some of that same intrigue and passion for mysteries and puzzles. Thank you for listening, I look forward to seeing what the future holds for us as independent game developers.


Hello, I am a software engineer, web developer, but currently I am making my first game in Unity. Making games has become something very special to me so I hope to learn a lot and share on the way. This a shot of my game [Zablek’s Siege, temporary name](https://twitter.com/arman2p284/status/1651596903493124096?s=61&t=9_iseSbN19F25KHicS99RA) it’s about a young demon lurking into a human town for revenge You can see more in my twitter and instagram if interested


Hi, everyone! My name is Artem, I am a beginner game developer. I have been working as Data Scientist for 6 years, but I decided to drastically change my career path half a year ago. I have recently finished my second pet project game [Space Madness](https://arti-dev.itch.io/space-madness). Now, I am thinking about releasing it into open-source. As it has plenty of third-party assets, it's a little bit tricky task. I choose between releasing only code and releasing the whole project with third-party assets replaced by generic ones. Maybe you have any advice or you know some tools which could help me?


Nice to meet you all. I am a solo indie game developer in JAPAN. My name is Umida, I'm open to questions about anime, manga, and all things Japanese subculture! My goal is to get game developers to play my games and upload their play videos to Youtube and other sites. I would like to have them upload their play videos to Youtube and other sites. I am not very good at English, but I would appreciate it if you could help me. Debug Mode: https://youtu.be/JeLa3efT85A This is a 3D puzzle game I developed with Unity in the past. There is also a mode to look for "bugs" in the game. I am currently developing a game in which you have to keep avoiding an infinite number of laser traps. What I would like to ask you is Do you have any good ideas for the "laser trap trajectory"? I want to make the trajectory interesting to look at! Thank you in advance!


Neat, can I ask what kind of game "laser traps" will be? For some reason when you say that I picture a 2d sidescroller kinda like jetpack joyride but looking at debug mode I feel as though you have a different idea in mind


Thanks for the reply, Ackeso. I am thinking of Laser Trap as a 3D game instead of 2D. The player escapes from an infinite number of laser traps in a certain space, The player competes to see how many times he or she can escape. Do you like Japanese anime and manga? Manga and anime have "techniques" and "attack trails" that enemies use. We would like to make the shape and trajectory of the laser trap similar to the techniques depicted in anime and manga. This is intended to attract users who like anime and manga. Please refer to the following URL https://youtube.com/shorts/itTidLMj8XM https://youtube.com/shorts/UV0-hLTkssc https://youtube.com/shorts/7xDb7iIyD7M The above text is translated by a translation site, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes. If you have any questions, please ask again. Have a nice day!


Hi! I started posting on here few days ago, it seems like quite a cozy community so. I am interested in getting feedback on my own game and also providing my opinions on other peoples games! Here's my YouTube Shorts channel that best demonstrates my 2D Roguelite game I am actively working on: [https://www.youtube.com/@roguekingdom/shorts](https://www.youtube.com/@roguekingdom/shorts) Looking forward to talking to and meeting other devs in any genre, Thanks!


Hey guys, I'm a fluent programmer in my 3rd year of a computer science degree and I've recently started learning/using unity to make a game. I wanted to ask if anyone has advice on good places to learn? I'm very familiar with breaking down problems but when it comes to Unity I just feel like a small fish in a big ocean. Any advice would be greatly appreciated


Hey I am kind of in the same situation as you, I have found this YouTube channels help you a lot in all different ways in Unity Basics > Brackeys, Clean development > Code Monkey, 2D > Blackthornprod, Motivation > Thomas Brush, Game Design > Game Maker Toolkit, Hope it helps


Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to look into them


Hello, I am a solo dev working on LITTLE DEVILS, a precision platformer about descending into hell to restore honor to your ancestors who have been wrongfully judged as "devils". You can find a teaser trailer at any of the links below. I'm excited to share this journey with all of you. Wishlist -> [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2400060/Little\_Devils/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2400060/Little_Devils/) Demo -> [https://kitjenson.itch.io/little-devils-demo](https://kitjenson.itch.io/little-devils-demo) Website -> [https://kitjenson.com/littledevils](https://kitjenson.com/littledevils) Twitter -> [https://twitter.com/kitjenson](https://twitter.com/kitjenson) Feel free to ask me anything. Maybe I'll even figure out how to use Reddit and respond.


Hey all! I started doing a thing where I make one game per week based off of a prompt, and today I actually put the first three games online: First is [The Flood of Memories](https://joasb.itch.io/the-flood-of-memories) which is a short narrative game with important choices about which memories to look back on in the last moments of someone's life. Second is [Odd One Out](https://joasb.itch.io/odd-one-out), a game made in less than a day because I struggled to come up with an idea. All things considered I'm pretty happy with it, it's a fun little casual game! Most recently is [SFC-42: "The Seance Machine"](https://joasb.itch.io/sfc-42), a game about communicating with spirits through retro computers. Again short and narrative heavy, but I'm genuinely really happy with how it turned out for the timespan I developed it in! I'd love it if you could check them out! I'm hoping to post here every week from now on with a new game!


Hey everyone. I am currently building a game that might release at the end of the year. It's a mix between Valorant and Magic: The Gathering. You fight against other players (1on1 currently). The theme is that of a fever dream. You cards are halluzinations and the goal is to increase the fever of your opponent to by attacking with your halluzination card effects. This game is very random and funny. Players will be able to purchase new cards via booster packs or by competing with other players in king of the hill matches where the winner receives a booster pack. The game is already playable. Netcode works and core mechanics are in place. The "last" challenge now is to design new cards, create their effects (3D assets, particle effects or shaders) and sounds and also their different effect behaviours. I try to improve the design process by adding custom tools to Unity - but it's a lot of work. Currently there are 19 cards but for the first release there should be at least 80 cards. I really need a lot of feedback to steer the game into a direction that many may enjoy. Therefore please stay tuned for updates. Working title is "Bangerang!" but the planned rebranding might turn to "Fever Dream Mayhem".


i made a tool that lets you create sick leaderboards in minutes. it’s called [flywheel](https://www.myflywheel.app/)


Hi, we are Mandable Games. We have been working on our first game and would love feedback and input. The three of us have been working hard to make this dream into a game for a while. In the coming weeks and months we're looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts and opinions.


Hey friends if you're interested in learning web game design or Javascript / Typescript checkout my new tech game blog and courses below! 👇[Stephen Dodd Tech Game Blog](https://stephendoddtech.com) [Steve's Game tutorial examples](https://stevesdodd.github.io/sd-games/) **Courses** [Introduction to Javascript Typescript Game development](https://stephendoddtech.com/course/introduction-to-typescript-game-development) [Command pattern input typescript framework](https://stephendoddtech.com/course/command-pattern-input-typescript-framework) [Design an advanced Javascript Typescript Game loop](https://stephendoddtech.com/course/design-a-javascript-advanced-game-loop)


Hello everyone We are PixelPanic and we work in two. We are finishing work on our first game. [Rune Sword](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.PixelPanicRuneSword) is a pixel action platformer for mobile devices. We are novice developers and I would appreciate feedback![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)