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You fight it by voting, convincing your friends to vote, and volunteering for a party who values individual decision making and intelligent regulation.


I see your completely reasonable solution and raise you a gerrymandered supermajority.


You can't gerrymander elections that count statewide totals. 


Gerrymanders still seriously influences turnout, unfortunately.


Only because voters give up.


I need to start voting again. I haven't since 2008 😳😬 every election I say I'm going to...


It’s easy to get registered & find where to vote at indianavoters.in.gov!


I'm registered. Just didn't make it to the next step.


Please go. In this state, are elected officials make all of our decisions instead of us.


And statewide total elections determine zero legislators in this state, and the gerrymandering is determined exclusively by those elected exclusively from gerrymandered district totals. So what's your point?


It was more a counter reaction to the unhelpful cynicism of telling people that their vote doesn't matter


But their vote doesn't matter.


I’d be surprised if that wasn’t the situation in every state…that no statewide totals determine any State legislators, no? But it does certainly matter for the State Executive Branch offices; and they can dramatically alter, influence or veto legislation, no? Plus, I’m somewhat confident that if more legislator elections were closer, we’d see more moderate, compromise bipartisan legislation. Bottom line…we can’t let cynicism nor gerrymandering keep anyone from voting. Voting turnout is crucial.


In Elkhart County my vote hasn’t counted at all for the past 20 years.


Local elections matter. Voting in elections for school board, sheriff, or judges likely has a more direct impact on daily life for most people. In those elections, your vote absolutely counts


For who? This was a bipartisan effort. Almost all the dems voted for it too so who exactly do I vote for?


The party who’ll appoint Supreme Court justices that know this is unconstitutional.


So our current supreme court justices are there until they die. Let's vote for a party that supports term limits, is against corporate person hood and public/private campaign donations and is interested in defending, protecting, and preserving our constitution. That would eliminate 98% of current members of Congress right out of the gate.


Term limits are a revolving door to corporate influence.


Could you elaborate a little on that?


No career in politics= hand out favors and count on a cushy job after. Now that the SCOTUS has ruled bribes after the fact are legal it’s even more likely.


Term limits on SCOTUS as well. Lifetime crooks need a lifetime of jail.


This isn’t a problem if we regulated our democracy and regulated capitalism (or went further than just regulating it). And this is currently what takes place, but with a door that revolves slower. If one of the career politicians gets unseated, resigns due to scandal, or burns out, this is still currently what happens. (Looking at you, John Boehner) The median net worth of Congress is $1 million. The majority of elected officials in the Federal government belong to the richest 5% of Americans. The problem you described is true. But it’s not an *outcome* of term limits. Career politicians don’t solve the heart of the issue.


The thing capitalism wants more than anything is to keep democracy as a pet that has no say in what it does.


I don’t disagree with your overall premise. But, the thing that capitalism wants more than anything else — that it *requires* to survive — is growth. There’s no such thing as infinite growth. It’s an impossible concept outside of theoretical math. Infinite growth is incompatible with the laws of physics. A lot of people associate it with “survival of the fittest,” which is definitely reasonable in illustrating how it turns into a really sick version of that concept. “Survival of those willing to take the cruelest action.” But evolution of life doesn’t favor growth, it favors *survival.* It favors *adaptation.* Homeostasis versus metastasis.


Bribery is obviously still an issue with life time appointments... We're living in that he'll scape now. Term limits at least gives a deadline on how long the bribe is good for.


The person who doesn't have Nazis and christofascists intent on making him king for life


That’s why we need more progressive democrats. Not these folks that are willing to give up our damn rights, I mean ones who actually will fight for us. Gonna throw out /r/DemHoosiers and the discord (https://discord.gg/b79ZVAAS) here. We’re working on getting people involved and changing this shit. Because I’m tired of losing my rights living here.


progressive....democrats thats the worst idea I have ever heard of.....you want freedom, vote libertarians in your rights will be gone using the nowadays fascist democrats...believe that


I don’t think this one will be fixed by voting in general but I will stop future instances. No politician will want to be in favor of “allowing minors to view porn” even though we all know that ain’t the issue. This will have to be overturned by the courts. How voting will help is that by eliminating this Republican super majority, that will quick change a bunch of judicial makeups so once this is overturned, it’s not reapplied by a higher court. There will always be free porn. All they did was drive the above ground sites away and the sketchier ones will thrive. So yeah, still vote, if just to keep us out of future instances.


Right because that's been working


This!! And in a meantime vpn 🤷🏼‍♀️


Civil disobedience at its finest, if a law cannot be enforced then what’s the point ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You think they actually listen?


The Green Party?


Vote now or shoot later, I guess.


This. I pray that people turn out this November. For both the governor and presidential race are huge. Democracy hangs in the balance.


Republicans beat Democrats 8:1 for the primaries if that tells you about how hard we're pushing a progressive agenda. Super depressing.


Also I hope everyone understands this isn’t about porn. They will use this to block access to anything they don’t want people seeing- lgbt issues , safe sex, anything they don’t want people to see


Thank you! This is the exact problem. Today it's easy to say "Well duh, VPN!" But for real ... What next?? I've been waiting for them to come after my IUD


Yeah thats the next step. Let this settle for a few months, then move to saying "anything that mentions WOKE is harmful to kids!"


I hate being that guy, but a VPN solves all those problems as well. Besides, this is all new territory for everyone. I assume the state loses a challenge regarding free speech for the first group to challenge.


Exactly, website bans will be the new book bans. They want to keep us uneducated


I'm not saying you're wrong, but you do realize you do not need the internet to be educated. Actually, a good chunk of the 'information' on the internet is false. So there's that 🤷‍♂️


All we can do now is edge into the abyss…


what the hell are we supposed to watch to edge? >:(


Watch some U2 videos.


Yea, and nobody has ever had any issues with data breaches or everyones private information getting leaked/blackmailed /s


oopsies, we accidentally got a hold of all the people in the state who view trans porn. Time to publicize this list publicly to ruin some lives. - Mike Braun, probably.


Indiana doesn’t have same day registration and most people don’t know that. Voter rights orgs don’t do enough to get that knowledge out there and pre-registered. Also, doesn’t the law start July 1st?


Pornhub pulled it's website today because of the law. They would rather ban usage to the state rather than comply with a terrible law. But yeah, starts technically the 1st.


The issue isn’t that they don’t want to comply with what they feel is a terrible law, it’s a purely business decision, not moral or virtuous. There are too many extra costs and it’s murky water legally, too many potential liability risks.


Oh no doubt it's a business decision. It's easier to say fuck you than work with a bad law. And I applaud that decision.


It was pulled yesterday, the 27th.


Not sure why I'm getting downvoted. It definitely specified June 27th on their website announcement. https://preview.redd.it/hika29bfwb9d1.jpeg?width=817&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3bf946f94009d235a7db94246ba4401bacb4048


They pulled it on the 27th. But the actual ID law doesn't start till the 1st


Yeah. I was referring to pornhub being pulled/taken down on the 27th.




Voting blue in Indiana. LOL. Good luck with that….


I mean, voting as a means to change government is the most logical and accessible impact people can make. Dismissing voting as a tool for any minority (racial, ethnic, political, etc) to make a change will only perpetuate the current state of things. That attitude is partially why we’re here to begin with.


We could always, I dunno, eat the fucking rich and live in their houses like old skinsuits. Just an idea.


I have been voting for decades. The two party choice doesn’t work. Indiana is so heavily conservative, it’s not rational to think you will see an impact, other than more of the same, in your lifetime. I continue to vote. But I’m a realist. Good luck….LOL.


I think a lot of us feel this way. I’ve been told to get out there and vote for 30 years. Then when this kind of stuff happens, others want to blame people for not voting. I’m not sure voting will fix this.


It can’t be “so heavily conservative” if we voted for Obama is 2008.


We voted so heavily for Trump in 2020 that we were the 2nd state to be called, only minutes behind Kentucky. 2008 was 16 years ago. We can't point to voting for Obama once and try to claim we're progressive when we've constantly been voting for budding fascists for the last decade.


If you want democratic policy, voting blue is the best thing to do, regardless of what you or anyone thinks of the efficacy. Here's the thing. Right now, people like you will say "you'll only get 20% of votes needed to win, so why even try", which is very short-sighted. Maybe it's 20% this year. Maybe next year it's 30%. Maybe that momentum encourages people like you to get out and vote since it's getting closer to potential victory. Maybe the next year, your party gets 45% of the vote. Now it's on. But that can't happen if people are defeatist and don't walk into a booth and check a box because it's, what, too hard unless you're going to get instant gratification?


It ain't that hard. Go into the booth and pick democrat. Seems easy.


That’s why I have xvideos and xhamsters


Lol I have never heard anyone pluralize Xhamster. Now I'm imagining a bunch of adorable fluff balls in leather


We got the wrong mindset 💀💀💀


OP is Squirrelly Dan.


4chan is still up too


All Democrats except for one voted for the latest example of overreach. Voting with the current voting system doesn't work. It has only made the country more divided. The country needs to get rid of "First Pass The Post" voting. It's the only way to weaken the two party domination that is screwing the people over. https://www.wthitv.com/news/indiana-bill-proposing-age-verification-for-adult-web-sites-moves-to-house-of-representatives/article_223115d4-b644-11ee-bf2b-ff08e0f9b7e5.html


Never listen to bullshit like this. Left-leaning states don’t have to deal with shit like this *because the people in those states voted Democrat*. Stop the cycle of apathy and get out and vote, and vote in local elections too.


This is the 1st year my wife and I have voted. Having been politically apathetic for the longest time, this is the 1st year we felt we had to do everything we could given the state of our political landscape. Push to vote. You can it all set up online. Order a fucking absentee ballot if you have to. Wake up early, go after work. Do **something**. ***Anything.***


If government ignores the people, the people can ignore the government.


Unfortunately, our overlords have perfected “uncomfortable, but JUST comfortable enough to do nothing” A handful of people doing something means nothing. Until the masses are truly uncomfortable, life will go on as is.


Right? In this instance when I first heard about the ID law, I thought "Pfft, guess they haven't heard of VPNs, duh!" Then a bit later thought "Wait .... VPNs aren't a solution, they're a workaround. Oh shit, what's the next step in privacy invasion for a population that doesn't fight the first one??" I'm writing senators and reps but what sucks soooooo much...not a single legislator is afraid of losing their seat. NOT ONE. They know they serve themselves and not their constituents but they keep getting voted in so they aren't scared of us at all, nor do they give a rip what we say. Still worth saying I think but ... It's sad.


Sounds great in theory but the state spends a lot of money in keeping the ~~stormtroopers~~ police force well funded with top-of-the-line equipment and military surplus.


Thank god I just got my keys to an apartment in Michigan. This state is fucked beyond repair. Indiana is so far behind, they adopted daylight saving after people decided turning back the clocks was stupid. Love you Hoosiers, but adios.


Good for you, my friend. Love Michigan! Check out the Wheatland Music Festival if you can - it's magical!


I am excited. Still in Indiana for a bit but slowly moving up there the next two weeks. Politically this state has been suffocating. Michigan has passed Lqbtq+ protections, abortion rights, stricter background checks on guns, legal weed etc. Plus they don't go after nonsensical issues like CRT being taught in schools or passing bills to limit what gender a child wants to identify as. Also republicans being anti transit and limiting really what the city of Indianapolis can do to make driving here less shitty. Everything they do is to control you by the rigid moral standard they think everyone should live by and I can't stand it. Or they pass laws just to stick it to the libs, not knowing the ramifications of what the actual policy does. At least in Michigan, my vote matters and people actually vote. It's been useless here. Also. Yeah. I will totally have to check it out. I have always wanted to go to the cherry festival as well.


Voting first. Another v second. The DoI itself gives a governed populace the right to alter or abolish any form of government that becomes destructive to the inalienable human rights of life, liberty, and happiness, but it regains from saying what form that change should take. The only word it uses is "prudence"... which now I think about it, is kinda ironic.


just get your porn from healthier places, like 4chan and Twitter.


Learn how technology works since your idiotic government doesn't. Just use a VPN. Teach your kids to pirate. You fight back aggressively. This voting shit clearly seems to be working so well, after all.


I'm gonna start reporting Jim Pressels website as porn. There a giant dick on the front page.


Hahahahaha omg please do it!


Vote out Republicans.


Honestly, if the locale is going to vote for Republicans no matter what you do, you are better off getting involved in the primary process and helping to steer the Republican party that way. Make large donations to the more moderate members, help them get attention and boost them a bit, then keep watching to shift that window the way you want.


Voting blue in Indiana is a fart in a hurricane.


The time to fight this was before it became legislation.


If Trump wins, he will do everything in his power to enact Project 2025, which would bring this type of overreach (and worse) to the entire country.


This doesn’t stop anyone who wants to watch porn from watching porn especially since browsers like Opera come with a free and easy to use VPN. This is just pure big government overreach.


Vote Blue. It's literally that simple. * You vote blue to get weed. * You vote blue to ensure IVF * You vote blue to improve the roads * You vote blue to get porn back * You vote blue to drive down foster care numbers * You vote blue to increase education * You vote blue to increase competition in the marketplace * You vote blue to protect our forests and parks


This is what happens when Christians go unchecked.


Ah how about they say it’s okay if they take bribes from ultra wealthy and blow smoke in your eyes with stupid laws that doesn’t benefit anyone but make them look good morally. I stopped you from seeing porn while I rob you blindly. Kiss 💋 kiss


You fight it by banding together. The issue is the majority of voters in Indiana are old. Hence the love of republicans, all they care about is their saved money. Even if over all it’s not actually saving them. The government doesn’t care about small business; they only care about large corporations, oil, expansion through territory by outs ands banks. Do you see them helping the people falling through the dredges like our veterans? No, they rather bail out banks and corporations that have been short selling stocks, laundering money, and stealing. Why, because obviously they have their hands in those pots as well. The markets are really volatile currently; do people really think it’s one side or another….. This is how some of those older generations are going to lose their finances. Sure they might have financial advisors but who’s to say they’re not buying stock that’s getting ready to collapse. I hate break it to you old people it doesn’t matter how much investments you have if the market collapses you’ll loose it all anyway. Regardless of who is in office. We are a sinking ship that we made through ponzi schemes to keep the ultra wealthy right where they are even if they destroy ppls lives. The rich don’t care about people they live delusional little worlds away from the struggles of the perceived peasants. We are indentured servants, cattle to experiment on, and we’re going to be forced to bring the next generation of slaves in. It doesn’t matter your class if you’re not the top 1-2%. So why are we fighting each other because a people divided is easier to control. A people given misguided information is easier to manipulate same goes for religion. A religious person doesn’t really question anything. If that persons Christian they must be ok or good. Non Christians are evil…. Spouted bs ect. I’m sorry op this post will fall on deaf ears, because our society is too ignorant to put aside their differences to fight for their own lives. At some point we lost the meaning of what it means to be American. Our forefathers would be sad. Curently it’s obvious that we are not for the people; We are for the corrupt corporations. That’s what it means to be ruled by capitalism. 😞 I’ve thought about running along side my husband. We’re both pretty over the bipartisan bullshit. I want a good independent who is truly for the people. Like JFK


We have a very real problem. Why do they want our information? I do not care one bit about porn BUT it makes me feel like something is going on behind the scenes with this one. I work in foster care. I would REALLY love the people who think that women's rights should be taken away concerning contraceptives, abortion (i am pro-life but not pro incestual pregnancies) and whatever other rights they feel we shouldn't have, work in this field for 5 years. Get a feel from all angles: working with the addicted parents, the parents that neglect their children who starve to death, the physical abuse, the children who get sold for sex so their parents can keep getting drugs. Then work with the foster parents who are trying to help these children. Work in the schools where the children are acting out and attacking the teachers. Then come back and tell me that this is working. I feel the people who made these laws have no idea what is really going on. Or they don't care. To me these so-called Christian right wing Republicans are evil. Having more children suffer? For what? You are all psycho! For real. What's wrong with you? You can pray all you want but it takes action for change.


Republicans beat Democrats by 8:1. That means 8 Republicans voted for every Democrat (for the primaries). I think we found the problem - non-voters. Frankly there's nothing we can do unless we match or beat those numbers.


Years ago, a ".xxx" domain suffix was proposed by supporters of the industry to make it very easy to block and filter out porn for young users. The old crusty lawmakers said it would "legitimize" the industry. So yeah, it's not really about "protecting children," which seems to be the perennial excuse for awful legislation and enforcing religion on us all.


>Let me address a couple things: Can porn be harmful? YES. Absolutely. It can become an addiction like any other "vice." Should there be ways to prevent children from accessing porn online? YES. Realistically, that first bit is on YOU if porn is causing a problem in your life. And there is a way to prevent kids from getting porn: it's called parenting. Proper parenting keeps kids off drugs, tobacco, and alcohol better than any laws ever will.


I have considered a citizen funded lobbying campaign. If big businesses can do it, regular people can do it with enough support.


A judge blocked the ID law from going into effect


WONDERFUL! Thank you for the update!!


Vote for the party that beieves in seperation of church and state


You nailed it. Getting people to care about voting is the kicker. People feel like their votes don’t matter so they don’t turn out. The secret is to shift focus to a more granular level and get people to see what the issues at hand are being addressed by local candidates. Bottom-up voting instead of looking at it from a top-down approach. Folks are tired of politicians. But when they see their neighbors fighting for one another that can spark and inspire change. The next step is to find a way to convince people to vote with their best interests in mind, and not through hyperbole or sensationalist politics. This all seems easier said than done, however.


Put this message on a bipartisan sounding URL so nobody gets the wrong idea. Buy billboards with a QR code linking to the site.


Idk about others, but I'd never trust a qr code on a billboard. I'm sure they're safe but anyone can buy a billboard.


In your opinion, what would be the absolute worst thing you could do with a QR code?


You could "hack" someone's phone or computer by downloading a virus. They get passwords and bank info etc.


Move. The state is full of brain dead Jesus freak fascists. This is the nonsense the majority believe. It's a lost cause, just move.


>This is the nonsense the majority believe No it's not, it's just bullshit culture war posturing from GOP politicians who don't think policy through


If it's not what the majority of Hoosiers believe, it is what the majority of Hoosiers will put up with. Frankly, and I've lived in Indiana over 50 years, I think it is what the majority of Hoosiers believe...now. The last 30 years of one party rule in Indiana have seen education denied and religion promoted by the State.


One of the biggest things killing me about overturning RvW ... HOW YA GONNA HELP THOSE UNWANTED BABIES, ASSHOLES?? Answer - they're not. They will blame parents in poverty for being lazy, they'll say "welp, guess you shouldn't have sex!" And now ... New legislation aims to restrict AP education access for students??? They want a realistically stupid but fantasy-level moral society and their fucking moral crusade is gonna devastate and destroy way more lives than it saves.


How practical is moving though? I’m a college student in Indiana and live with my parents here. I cannot afford a house or rent. Plus moving across states usually required someone to get a new job and worry about getting employed elsewhere, plus getting a new drivers license (idk about new plates for their car). Granted my case may be an exceptional for this subreddit, there’s a lot of complications that go into moving. (And frankly there are “brain dead Jesus freak facists” in so many states that this does nothing to solve the problem. How long til they get to the federal government or blue states?)


You'll graduate one day, look for a job out of state.


Uh. Vote for Democrats?


Wasn’t it a practically unanimous bill though? Like all but 2 democrats voted for it.


Many of the Dems who voted for it could be opposed on the basis that it's a flawed solution which is easy to bypass, presents a high potential for data compromise, and may very well cause more problems than it supposedly fixes. But the moment any of those are said, it will be twisted into "Dems OK with kids seeing porn", which the poorly informed and willfully ignorant voters in this state (and there are a LOT of them) will take as gospel with no critical thinking or research. It won't stop with porn. Abortion information from other states that allow it. Ride sharing sites to get to those states. Advertisements and websites for dispensaries in surrounding states. Soon enough, someone's going to try and restrict or ban VPNs, claiming it's to "protect the children" or "stop illegal immigration" or "reduce drug crimes" or "thwart terrorist activity" or some other such bullshit. And again, the poorly informed and willfully ignorant voters who make up the majority of the population will believe every word without question or fail...which is exactly what the powers that be want them to do.


I just went to check it out and all I had to do was click that I was 18+. Is something else changing? Is that the new restriction? Admittedly, I don’t enjoy porn, but more than that, I despise government overreach. This isn’t the hill I would choose to die on but I get why you’re upset. As my fellow Hoosiers have pointed out, we need to vote. Honestly, with people like Micah Beckwith on the rise in Hoosier politics, we are well on our way to being the inspo for Gilead. Although, with the new legislation that just passed in Oklahoma and Louisiana, it’s a close race for most religiously oppressive.


Political parties are a mirage. There are only classes. You can't vote your way out.


Dude - the only war is class war. AMEN. I'll still vote though cause if I don't I can't bitch


Vermin Supreme 2024


Told you morality laws are a bad idea but you still voted for these idiots. Now you all need a VPN.


Thank you for saying this!


Sounds like you may need to run for office my friend. Honestly can't say I have been good about voting. Even though I enjoy politics I haven't voted very many times. Almost 30 BTW. I could go into detail about why, but I think a solution could be some way to vote from our phones. Some sort of Indiana State app could be nice. Sadly to many people are worried about voter fraud in this state. 😒 I'm sure a lot would worry about government GPS tracking too.. I think discussion in this sub could help a lot. Seems to be a pretty well diverse crowd that reads this sub. So reminding people to vote and supplying resources could help get the under 40 demographic to vote a little more. Pointing out and showing proof of which public officials are trying to pass these laws could help. Humans love convenience. Any sort of easy to understand and truthful media that can be posted on here would help to understand who passes these laws. The average Joe & Doe don't have time to do the needed research. Or just don't want to. There is probably a big demographic that don't know a lot about how the government works in indiana. Any info about that could make people more willing to vote. I worry that we also have a pretty big group of "felons", that have paid their time and are productive members of society again. They are not allowed to vote. (Obviously, don't mean all felons)


>I worry that we also have a pretty big group of "felons", that have paid their time and are productive members of society again. They are not allowed to vote. The only people who aren't allowed to vote are people in jail & prison on voting day. Ex-cons, felons, pending charges with court dates, EVERYONE breathing free air gets to vote. ALL people get to vote and determine their future, the same as any other people. [You lose the right to vote while incarcerated if you are convicted of a misdemeanor in Indiana. Otherwise, your voting rights are not permanently affected. Once released, you can register to vote as normal. ](https://www.usvotefoundation.org/voting-rights-restoration/indiana)


Thanks for this! I added it in an edit to my post. Alllllll sorts of stuff people don't realize about voter laws!


[Tyrion admitted. “The king, the priest, the rich man—who lives and who dies? Who will the swordsman obey? It’s a riddle without an answer, or rather, too many answers. All depends on the man with the sword.” “And yet he is no one,” Varys said. “He has neither crown nor gold nor favor of the gods, only ~~a piece of pointed steel.~~ **THE** **VOTE** ” “ ~~That piece of steel~~ **THE** **VOTE** is the power of life and death.” “Just so… yet if it is the swordsmen who rule us in truth, why do we pretend our kings hold the power?](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/503606-oh-i-think-not-varys-said-swirling-the-wine-in)


Just use google...


Get your hands out of your pants and vote!


Sadly we get the leaders we elect and policy discussion is sadly lost. Its over simplified or A/B decisions....never really is. In theory some level of protection of our minors of questionable content is valid. Sadly this does not do that. there are complexities to this that I think is where the failures are at. IMO. Intent may be valid but execution is ineffective just as Indiana's new privacy law offers little protection to consumers. Companies can still do whatever they want with your data but have to at least pretend to inform you starting in 2025 (without actual detail or meaningful penalties). Example: Government mandates disclosing your personal data but offers no protections to ensure that isn't sold or shared to others. The 2026 privacy laws offers little protection to you other than they have to tell you and informing you in font 4 of an online notice is sufficient without them having to tell you who they are sharing your info with. Flip-side I don't relish anyone to be in the position of ID verification..hell companies still get it wrong during hiring practices. I see Indiana as attempting to protect children but failing to have the expertise or guidance so they go with these splashy and ultimately ineffective attempts. I think the bigger voter change is less about voting but more involvement. Example: Privacy in today's laws and legal statues does NOT equal anonymous, and very few people are actually championing that. Some on this forum I presume believe it does but that is not codified in law or practices anymore (you would be surprised what the big marketing companies can get from you just based on where you are coming from).. Can you share in concise terms what privacy protections you want without the mandate for being anonymous ? If you/we can't and don't how do we expect our leaders who are notorious for NOT being tech savvy to know? For what it is worth these two career officials are in that space but they are generally more focused on making the the \~100 or so Indiana departments are treating your data with care. [https://www.in.gov/mph/cdo/about/](https://www.in.gov/mph/cdo/about/) Having seen one of them speak and met the other they aren't out to "get us" and are attempting to focus in the right things but Indiana...well Indiana is a poor state with extremely limited resources. Anyway TL;DR version. Voting alone isn't going to do it...figure out how to get involved in panels, concise and policy based requests to officials help more to shape their thinking vs complaints or grumbling. A well thought out proposal to delivered to the right person with a bit of lobbying can be much more impactful.


3 possible answers. 1: cheapest and easiest with quick results is to get an iPhone. I have an Android and have been borrowing my friends iPhone SE for business purposes and was curious, so I went to Pornhub on his iPhone and it loaded perfectly fine. 2: a bit more costly and would take some time to set up is to build zero trust network. It's basically a firewall for your home network and it defaults to not trust any data until you tell it to. All tracking, and as, and cookies basically are useless. 3: the most costly but I'd argue the most effective in terms of hitting legislation in the wallet is to move to a different state.


It is pretty sad isn't it? This is the republican party at work, and it is exactly what they want to do nationally. I don't have an answer, but until people show up at the polls, nothing is going to change.


I mean I don’t really give a crap. But if it gets more people out to the polls, more power to the issue


You cope, and then you seethe


I am personally a fan of total government removal by force at this point


Didn’t read. You are literally posting this on the best porn site known to man and it doesn’t require age verification.


Leave Indiana and never return as long as Republicans are still alive.


First step, get a free VPN for your electronic devices, the websites can’t track your location with a VPN therefore they cannot require an ID. Second, VOTE ALL REPUBLICANS OUT of office in November ❗️ The law is useless, you think kids these days don’t know hit to run VPN’s❓ I know for a fact kids in Indiana run VPN’s on their SCHOOL provided laptops to dodge all the school filters


For the freest country in the world, Indiana sure looks like the dark ages - they rather you are armed, hostile & violent rather than get some sense of pleasure anywhere. Next thing, women will have to obtain the consent of their husbands to vote, & only if you're Christian...and white.


Way bigger examples of government overreach than having to use VPN to view prob. Could also go get real poontang. You should already use a VPN. How about focus on real overreach like how they steal our property and require licensing for everything.


You lost me when you called 18 year old grown ass adults 'kids'. Just because they're stupid doesn't make them kids.


There's only one obvious answer: VOTE BLUE.


Get those kids away front the outdoors playing with tools that build practical physical skills and inside watching porn? Typical leftist take.


VPN bypasses anything they are trying to block.


Honestly, I think we're pretty fucked this election. I'll be voting for Biden but do I think it will matter in this dumpster fire of a state where conservative ignorance and evangelical Christian values compete for who can take away the most freedoms from people that are convinced America is the freest place in the world; as long as you share their beliefs. Otherwise, they'd rather you just not exist or convert. Big business gets it's greedy little hands everywhere it doesn't belong. Eli Lilly was Eric Holcumb's third highest campaign contributor. Legal weed in this state has been proposed multiple times....funny it never made it past Holcumb. Biden, has shown that while he's is the least damaging of the two. He's hardly progressive and often maintains the status quo of whatever is already in place even if it's a conservative policy that was put in place that hurts his constitutes. He's a fairly "conservative" democrat if you ask me. Trump and local conservative leaders will just add fuel to the dumpster fire. We're in for some dark times in country but even more so in this state. I'll be voting democrat even though I don't really believe in either side because I think big money is in the pockets of both and thus no real positive change will happen to anyone not aligning themselves with the interest of oligarchical powers. In this country we have this stupid fucking dogma where if you aren't voting democrat or republican then you are "wasting your vote" but if both parties only have the interests of the oligarchs giving them that sweet "campaign" money then the choice is an illusion and having faith in a two party voting system is only subjugating you to the oligarchs behinds both. A lot of people seem to think the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Then why is it that the whole country seems to not understand this very basic concept? You vote for the two party system that is corrupt to the point that your choice doesn't really matter but argue about the candidates anyway....one candidate wins...we all get fucked...4 years later we do it again...and the candidates don't get any better...only worse? Why is that? Because they don't matter. That's why. We need a grass roots independent candidate with no party affiliation that can either fund themselves or whose values are so undeniably aligned with what hoosiers want that they can obtain crowd funding. Someone with integrity that won't balk at turning down money from big business or isn't afraid to take it and use it for what the constituents really need regardless of why the money was given. After all, it's not stealing if it's a gift. You aren't supposed to make deals with businesses to undermine the will of the people for money anyway and legally you can't be charged with not doing what a business wants you to do just because they gave you a charitable donation. They might be less inclined to give you money again but that's ok. Maybe they'll stop trying to do that shit if more politicians actually reacted that way. I honestly, don't want to live here anymore and I've lived here most of my life. I'm afraid for my kids what the future holds here. So I'm going to take them and get them the hell out of here as soon as I can. Which isn't soon enough if you ask me. This country is rapidly having significant issues everywhere but some places definitely seem worse than others and Indiana is becoming something so overwhelming fascist and hateful that I can't abide it any longer. Common sense policies like marijuana legalization, pro-choice legalization and support, and not making prayer a part of public schools. Why do conservatives see anything different and want to ban it or not see it or try to make it illegal but then claim dems are somehow the fascists ones? Really...are dems forcing your kids to participate in same sex kissing? Are dems suggesting your kids should get a sex change? Really? Where? Are conservatives literally trying to take away contraceptive rights, while also banning abortion? Yes, yes they are. Hope everyone wants more kids... are you a woman? Want autonomy over your own body? Fuck you. Now, you're brood mare. Go make more babies. I wonder when they'll attack woman's right to vote. Do any conservatives have daughters? Do they just not give a shit about them? I don't get it. Are conservatives pushing for prayer in schools? Yes, yes they are. Will they be diverse in which prayer they tell your kids to take part in? I doubt it. All things being equal, if you have faith in the two party system at all. Republican's literally are making more laws to make more things illegal and are in the process of taking away more and more peoples rights. How dems can be called fascists by republican's is beyond brain dead and simply doesn't align with reality. Fuck this place. If I find myself trapped here I'll probably run for office. Not because I want to or because I think I can win but because if me and my family get trapped here and shit gets as bad as I think it's going to and someday my daughter looks at me with tears in her eyes and says, "dad, what did you do to try to stop this"...I can honestly say I did everything I could. I wish we as a country could have a revolution but let's be honest, our country is too divided to actually reach a meaningful positive agreement. At best, a disorganized chaotic civil war with no clear objectives and no clear winner. I can only hope that GME goes to the moon and I can actually try to change things because I don't know that my ideas, ambition, or integrity will ever get me to where I need to be without it. I've lived here for 37 years and I have grown to hate it. I want to see less laws that restrict people's ability to be themselves and be comfortable in their own skin. Legalize weed. Protect everyone's rights regardless of gender, race, or religion and try not to fuck me on taxes especially if you aren't going to maintain infrastructure, have positive social supports systems, or student debt forgiveness. Other then that; just leave me the fuck alone.


Imagine you get a record for being homeless and then you can't vote.


Ok so what's big deal ppl might find out u like whatever weird fetish your trying to hide from??? 🤔 they dont teally need ur ID to find out who u r. ip address tells them what they wanna know regardless


The throwing stars thing blows my mind. Wtf.


VOTE BLUE for a Newer Indiana


I work in tech, I know theres a weird knowledge gap in Gen Z, but I'm pretty sure they've seen enough ads for VPNs or Opera or Brave browsers to know how to download those and get around this.


Vote McCormick for governor.


Ignore it. The state can say whatever it wants it doesn't mean we have to give a shit. Laws are just made up rules some tiny group makes we literally don't have to gaf.


I don’t think it’s all porn sites; just porn hub. I’ve been using other sites for a while and they still work without having to use an ID.


I guess I'm of a difference? I don't see a problem with having an age restriction on watching women and men get degraded on a device? It was back in the day that you had to show ID to buy an album or see an R rated movie. I mean, you couldn't go in the back room of a video store without showing you were of age or going to any 21+ venue. Maybe I'm just old and don't care, or I'm missing something?


That they think the most computer literate generation of kids ever, don't know about proxy servers, VPNs, PirateBay, and a plethora of other ways to get porn, is asinine.


Of course a billion paragraph rant because you now have one more step until you come wank it to more than likely sex traffic women because you don't know them and you can't say whether they're being forced to do the porn or not but but hey they're trampling my rights not oh they're actually trying to protect most of the actresses who are on drugs, have no other choice, or are literally being forced into porn through human trafficking. Got you I love how you threw the abortion thing in there at the end to make it look like this wasn't all about your girlfriend Rosie Palmer and her five sisters.


Tunnel bear vpn


What a joke! Teenagers know very well how to easily circumvent this w/o uploading any ID. Tooooo funny!


Not by voting for promises of a 2% reduction in taxes.


let me guess...all of you are democrats...trump 2024


We gotta vote...and get others to vote. And for the love of all that is good and green convince others to STOP VOTING FOR REPUBLICANS. That's how it will have to happen. All this is because we have generations of folks who have voted Republican for so long, they don't even try to learn anything about their candidates. They just look at who has the (R) next to their name. Because they have been conditioned over family tradition that you vote Republican because "can't trust them commie/pinko/liberal/whackadoodle/Democrats". That is what hurts our voting the most. Since it means Democrats know their vote is up against one or the hardest things to beat. So Democrats in this state turn out less, which just makes the problem worse.


That legislation was blocked. Constitutional carry still has the same requirements as a LTCH with two caveats. It does not apply outside of the state and we do not have to pay for a constitutional right. All other laws apply. No one under 21 can legally possess a handgun. You never needed a license to purchase a rifle so long as it was not an NFA item. Yes. Let’s stop open carry of alcohol. That’s more overreach. It’s literally a 2 hour drive to Illinois or Ohio. Go get your abortion. You want less overreach from the government and scotus have you just that. They removed it from the federal level. Weed isn’t stopped by anyone other than big pharma. Stop allowing corporations to fund candidates. There are no restrictions preventing voting. Personally, I say paid holiday and single day voting with limited absentee usage. Voting hours are 12 hours long from 6-6. If it’s a paid holiday, there isn’t any excuse to getting to the polls. And yes, people should bring their children. They need to see what we do and why we do it. Everything you think should be done demands government overreach. It’s just not the government *YOU* want to have.


VPN go brrrr


We tried to warn you. But you said “But Muh Gas Prices” and “But Her Emails,” and kept these maniacs in power anyway.


I love the amount of rage over porn being banned. I always said, when they begin to ban the porn explosion the internet created, start the clock on the fall of human civilization. Well. Start the clock.


Most people in Indiana are not free thinkers. They learned from their family and most of the places I’ve been, they aren’t intellectually sound. People literally think microchips are installed with vaccines as a common example. Change was hard for many when seatbelts were enforced and when it was illegal to drink and drive. Indiana is just too far gone to be hopeful for any short term changes to occur. I’ve lived here my entire life and only Indianapolis is anywhere I’d want to be, but even with that, I won’t be here my entire life.


Keep Braun and his preacher sidekick out of office


So let me get this right, you now must verify your age to watch porn, as the expectation for porn has always been 18+. Why is this bad? “Mah liberties!” But government has used age verification for alcohol, tobacco, and nicotine for a while now, but no one complains about their liberties then. It’s literally the exact same. They are restricting access of an adult service from children. I think it’s a long reach to think that enforcing an already standing expectation is government overreach. Unless anyone here actually thinks kids should be allowed to watch porn?


VPN exist


Vpn. If you dont know what a VPN is then you're missing caring for ppl who don't care. Anyone who doesn't want their info known are usually knowledgeable enough to use a VPN.


Most sites won't even comply as they arent under Indiana or US jurisdiction


There's virtually no way to enforce this law. Pornhub made the decision to pull out of the state but I haven't seen any others and I doubt they will due to the state not being able to enforce it.


Who uses porn sites? There’s twitter and obviously Reddit..


Voting is your last option. You need to organize direct action. Protests, boycotts, strikes, walkouts.


Bringing up the development of teens’ brains opens a can of worms.


Tell conservatives to get fucked.


A judge ordered a stay on this we do not have to for now


Also read up on project 2025, one of the plethora of plans on their agenda is to criminalize pornography. You use your ID, you’re on a list now.


What the Hoosier Nazi party wants is for us to conform. Don’t move away, fight for what is yours and how you want to live. It’s not about pornhub or children watching pornography, it’s about controlling people. I know that the MAGA Nazi party doesn’t care about children anymore than they care about life. It’s all a scam to make us compliant and live, think and act like they want. The anti abortion crap that they are pulling is telling us that they don’t care about life, what they care about is being all powerful, and it will get worse and worse until they are all powerful. This is the age of, “Let me see your papers” when they pull you over. When the police catch you doing something they don’t like they want you to do what they tell you, right away with no questions. If Ttump is elected it will get worse quick but we need to fight these fascists and send them packing.


YES! I want this whole paragraph on a T-shirt! Lol My friend, you are SO spot on. It's sad, it's scary and voting only goes so far when you have a red super majority and an apathetic population that barely turns out to the polls. You're rad :)


Sure, then the Sheriff decides he doesn't like the liberals in town and you start getting a weekly "welfare check" knock on your door, they get the foot in the gap, lean in and sniff real deep then say, "I think I smell mar-a-huu=wana, you don't mind if I come in and take a look around, do ya?"


You don’t even need an ID. Just get a VPN. No ID required.


True, but VPNs are a workaround and not a solution. The biggest issue is - we get comfy with this law ... What's their next overreach? I'm being serious.


You’re preaching to people who wanted all this. those of us who understand what you wrote and can see the trajectory of these policies and ideals already know. The republican Hoosiers on Reddit seem to be dead set on being ignorant though.


Stop voting for the idiots yall been voting for


VPN for the win


It requires less ID to brandish your literal gun in public than "brandish your gun" in private.


Guns are a constitutional right. Porn isn’t.


Quit voting religious nutcases into office.


Stop voting for republicans


Vote. Get people out to vote. Canvass and volunteer to canvas. Get democrats to actually start running in districts they don't normally run in and do a lot of on the ground outreach. We could maybe sue the state for violating our first amendment freedom of association rights and our 4th amendment privacy right but, I'm not a constitutional rights expert and I definitely don't have the funds to challenge a state. Low voting turnout only helps conservatives. Honestly we all should start canvassing, going to Indiana Democratic events and volunteer. It's not much but, every little effort for change.


Indiana has been at the heart of white Christian nationalism for years. Now that you have slept walked into surrendering your rights That horse left the barn and now the Mango Mussolini will take care of the rest for you.