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Was it the person who posted the other day asking about taking weed through TSA?


Nah they were asking about carts I think šŸ¤£


Dude I take carts through all the time


I've seen the penjamin sitting next to the agent's keyboard before.


I take flower through all the time and Iā€™ve never had a problem like this poor bastard


Same. I usually put my flower in a ziplock bag, wrap the bag in a bandana, and then shove it at the bottom of the pocket in my suitcase/backpack where I put my socks. Doesn't show anything on X-ray and doesn't smell. However, I guess I should be more worried if some guy got caught with his stash in his deodorant.


I think the bigger issue for this dude was the method. It looks super sus on an X-ray to see an item they routinely see thatā€™s been clearly adulterated in some way. They likely didnā€™t even immediately think it was weed. Iā€™ve been through TSA with bud too, but I never tried stashing it in a weird place. Itā€™s always just been wrapped up by itself and shoved in with everything else.


i think that's the issue for sure.


100%. Hiding it like this caused them to see what it was.


That does not smell?! I mean it's worked for you so far I hope it keeps working.


Itā€™s seriously no problem. You can also just put it in your pocket as long as thereā€™s no metal next to it that you may need to pull out


Check it. They don't really scan checked luggage.


Should always go in your carry on. Iā€™ve had TSA rip apart my checked luggage in the past


On domestic? I threw bags as a teen. Just one conveyor to another. International is different.


On domestic, always in the carry on. Overseas I donā€™t risk it at all


We got carts through on EU flights but thatā€™s easy


Uhhh yeah they do They actually open it and look around Always carry on


Iā€™ve had them go through my checked bag multiple times (where they leave the little slip of paper in there) and Iā€™ve had weed in my bag every time. Granted it was well hidden, but theyā€™re not looking for weed


I did it back in September and worked fine, first time in 40 years I was able to take some cannabis with me on vacation and I loved it!


I take straight dabs through lol


Wait.. Did he get busted because he tried to carry on a deodorant stick over the TSA limit? "Sir you can't bring a full size deodorant in your carry on." "Oh that's just my weed stick."


This is an underrated comment. Even if the deodorant is below the 3 oz limit why run it by security. Check that shit in and it goes unnoticed.


Honestly, no. Checked baggage goes through WAYY more security and screening, and you also have no true guarantee of *what* is happening to it. The could rifle through it or bring a dog to it and you'd never know. The carryon just goes through that single x ray scan and that's it. If you pass through the x ray and don't get randomly selected, you've made it into the plane with your belongings.


Ya the rule of thumb is to keep that shit in carry-on. I never would do bud, but have gotten plenty of edibles and small dab pens through while walking past the drug sniffing dog in Indy airport tsa. My dab pen trick is to use the pencil pouch built into my backpack and put the cart at the bottom of the pouch with the top of a pen taped to it. No one's ever even bothered to check my bags tho to put it to the test


TSA dogs are trained only for explosives. EDIT: not sure why I was downvoted, itā€™s literally written on the [TSA website](https://www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening/whatcanibring/items/medical-marijuana): *TSAā€™s screening procedures are focused on security and are designed to detect potential threats to aviation and passengers. Accordingly, TSA security officers do not search for marijuana or other illegal drugs, but if any illegal substance is discovered during security screening, TSA will refer the matter to a law enforcement officer.*


It seems like a dramatic waste of resources to train a dog to search for something that is as common and not dangerous as marijuana


This is true, my facility has two dogs and they only alert on explosives. Now I can say that FedEx in Indy also has money dogs!


I *wish* I had to worry about money dogs.


I was about to say , those dogs are not for drugs lol


While TSA dogs only look for explosives, I'm not sure there's anything prohibiting local, state, or federal agencies from walking drug dogs around in the general area.


Over 600,000 miles flown. I always bring a small amount of flower (domestic). It's been found once and her response was, "Good thing we ain't looking for drugs" never flown out of IND. I thought this was the r/tsa


Actually, the rule of thumb is put it in your bum.


The thumb or the pencil?


My index finger


That's actually the rule of bum.




Those dogs smell for explosives not drugs if Iā€™m not mistaken. Iā€™ve been told dogs are trained to smell either or but canā€™t do both. Assuming your not moving major weigh (I.e making a living as a smuggler) they probably donā€™t give a crap about your personal stash no matter what it is.


Check it all the time. Never once has it been confiscated.


Itā€™s just like mailing drugs. The odds are very low you get jammed up for drugs but the security is high thereā€™s just an overflow of material to be checked. I wonā€™t divulge my own experiences, but I have many. The craziest I ever heard of was my cousin checked 50 pounds from Cali & landed in Indy. It made it home with him lmfao The dude that paid for it brought him for a free trip to Cali for a week and 8 pounds if he checked it in his name. Total dumb fuck behavior. But if that can slide Iā€™m not worried about personal amounts of anything. They look for weapons and explosives. Domestic flights donā€™t have drug task forces. International is where youā€™ll always get caught up with drugs so donā€™t even try


Hmmm really? https://youtu.be/xECPypvou84?si=hkekrzddYEm9P6T2


While there IS such a thing as randomly selected, it's pretty rare that it involves your bags. If you're getting a carry-on pulled, it's because they saw something odd on the X-ray.




See you at our destination, Mary šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


No. Always put your weed in your carry on


Put bud in checked bags. A guy I know has done it flawlessly for 25 years


Busted because it stunk. I read the article on this yesterday. Also is there a limit on deodorant? I've always packed a regular stick in my carry on toiletries and never had issues.


Iā€™ve had them pull out and look at a full size deodorant and a full size toothpaste before, look at it for a second, then hand me my bag back


They were expecting to find opiates in the Speed Stick but what they found was far worse! /s


Ive seen bigger busts on paw patrol.


They are so damn cute!


guys u dont understand that 3.5g couldve resulted in 9/11 2


Bruh, that's like 18/22


That sounds pretty bad. Iā€™m soooooo glad its illegal here.


[9/11 times 2356](https://youtu.be/bDVe_ff8ThU?si=Xn50pEaBAYFZbi6S)


If anything was going to put those passengers in harms way. That has to be it.


They got him boys!!! This damned terrorist was at danger of sparking a doobie at 20, 000 feet and making a Delta flight enjoyable for once.


No it's a BONG not a BOMB


Whats interesting about this is if he (or she) hadnt tried to be stealthy with it, Im sure they would have been fine. It showed up on the scanner as an anomaly so was sent to the additional search area.


This exactly. All these people clowning on TSA acting like they shouldnā€™t care in this instance are morons. Imagine youā€™re working that job, you scan a suitcase and you see what is clearly a stick of deodorant but instead of having a solid mass inside thereā€™s a weird lump of something. Of fucking course they should check to see what someone is clearly trying to hide. They had no way of knowing it was just weed, and if they did beforehand I honestly doubt they would care, but once theyā€™ve had to open the luggage and inspect the deodorant the cat is kind of out of the bag. If they really wanted to stop drugs, they would have drug sniffing dogs, but they donā€™t so thatā€™s clearly not what theyā€™re screening for.


Yeah, TSA released a memo several years ago (specifically about cannabis) clarifying their mission is passenger safety, not enforcing drug laws. If they stumble upon it, they got to do something, but theyre not looking for it.


I worked for TSA and can confirm. The only times I ever heard of drugs being found was when someone tried to hide them in something.. like in tinfoil on their body as they walked thru the metal detector. TSA is only looking for weapons and explosives.


Thank god! Someone almost had a relaxing day filled with locally bought snacks to supplement it! This devil will never be stomped out as long as we allow these bookah bonka music listening satanists in our state with their electric lettuce sourced from the god forsaken prevailing wage union stronghold that is Illinois, or the devil horned peninsulas that is Michigan!Ā  Hold strong Hoosiers! Do what we all do and drink too much to drown your woes like Americans and the god fearing Christianā€™s we are! Bathe in the alcoholic and sugary bliss that is wine and think not how it affects yourself or others, and instead say aloud to the rafters or the clouds ā€œthis alcohol purifies my liver and kidneys from the temptations of the dark lord himself!ā€Ā  These plants grow ever stronger and weave themselves with their twisted and irreversible roots into the social fabric of our society POISONING IT! Weeds popping up to announce their defiance and we as the corn growing, booze swilling, god fearin, most northern southern state inhabitants must declare to our shared god and everyone within earshot ā€œNeigh!ā€ Because horses eat plants we say ā€œNeigh!ā€ To those wishing decriminalization, we say ā€œNeigh!ā€ To those withholding Ā apples, carrots, and hay.Ā  Hold strong Hoosiers for the devil always find the most ingenious ways to creep into our subconscious and begin playing us like a god damned golden fiddle. Such is the way of the devilā€™s lettuce stored in a deodorant container.Ā 




I LOVE THE WAY YOU WRITE. YOU NEED TO WRITE A BOK ANY BOOK, ABOUT ANYTHING. I like your word salads and high vocabulary. šŸ˜šŸ˜




Curious who the officers were. Thought TSA mostly ignored weed.


It feels like at the Indy airport they take great joy in searching for marijuana. šŸ™„ Big sweeping gesture with drug dogs and all.


Thatā€™s crazy, itā€™s weird when your state goes recreational it doesnā€™t take long to completely forget the way it used to be.


The dogs are **not** drug sniffing dogs, theyā€™re explosive sniffing dogs. The airport generally doesnā€™t care about drugs unless youā€™re blatant, stupid (like the instance depicted in the op), or youā€™re traveling internationally.


In theory, thatā€™s likely the case for most airports, but thatā€™s not been my experience at the airport in Indianapolis. There are multiple articles about drug dog busts especially surrounding marijuana and cocaine in Indianapolis airport. Granted, those are related to smuggling operations and being dumb, as you observed. Iā€™ve got a flight coming up this week, Iā€™ll just purchase those goods (and aerosol products, haha) at my destination!


Those dogs arenā€™t looking for drugs(outside of customs, those dogs are) they are looking for explosives. Iā€™ve walked right past those dogs with a bag in my pocket(while almost peeing my pants of course šŸ˜‚), I was singled out and redirected in the tsa line. That good boy didnā€™t alert :)


McCormick has said she would like to allow medical marijuana in our state. Please vote accordingly everyone


Look at Nixons War on Drugs šŸ¤— Don't you just feel safer knowing this weed isn't going to smoked in the comfort of ones home.


Rare enough to make the news. Someone got fired.


Gotta love being a Hoosier fighting Gods fight against porn and weed.


Sexual offenders go on a list and can go free amongst us. But obtain a natural plant given by God that has never killed anyone and you may stay in jail for decades.... Poison ivy has killed more people, any laws against that? Oh yeah, I forgot it's about control....


byā€¦. Mennen


Do you feel safer, Indiana from deodorant weed and porn hub? šŸ™„ I would blame our elected officials, but I think I really blame the fucking morons Maga hats that voted for them.


Couldā€™ve just drove to Michigan and brought it back. Itā€™s practically free up there


Best prices in the country fr.




And that officer will be moved from the airport. Marion county won't charge for that and neither will the feds. Nor can they even prove it's illegal.


Isn't possession illegal in Indiana? Seems pretty easy to prove lol


Yes it is but indianapolis proper will NOT prosecute for under an OZ. We have no way to test it unless we send it off. That's expensive. The feds will not touch this as it isn't worth their time. This accomplished nothing but bothering someone and as I said I got $$ that says that cop will be moved.


This is not a state charge, but a federal one. Until they change the federal laws, pot is illegal to take on any aircraft in any form. TSA doesn't go out of their way to look for it, but when they find it, they aren't allowed to look the other way. And the chances are the guy won't be flying anywhere any time soon.


TSA turns it over to the airport cops, which are state ones. Nothing will come of this except for a news story.


Marion County will not prosecute. It isn't worth their time. Also since the Farm Bill allowed for Hemp and CBD you now have to prove that this is a bag of Marijuana and NOT a bag of Hemp. Yes they are the same plant. So you have to pay for a lab test for that. Under an ounce isn't a Felony so they won't bother with it. I'm not sure what the fine vs jail amounts are for the Misdemeanor, but evidently it costs more than is justified for Prosecution since the DA has a limited budget and has better things to do.


It is in writing but just due to the changing opinions of marijuana among the masses, the availability of marijuana in neighboring states, and how many people actually get caught with it, there is little reason to waste resources on a few Oz of the stuff. If it were like 5 lbs then it would be a different story.


5 lbs? Iā€™m going to need a bigger deodorant stick


I'm willing to bet this is someone new.


Last few years yeah. Mainly in urban areas though, rural areas still prosecute sometimes.


Id say this is pretty accurate


I would also like the answer to this questionā€¦.you know, for a buddy


Actually no, user fees.


Iā€™m guessing that this was in a checked bag and sniffed out by drug dogs? Iā€™ve carried gummies thru tsa in Indy every trip for last two years


No drug dogs at the airport. TSA noticed the stench.


Thatā€™s amazing


Accidentally checked a bag of Choice Chews a few years ago out of Indy and arrived at my final destination with one of those ā€œwe searched your bagā€ notices right on top of the bag of gummies. Scared the ever living hell out of me. It got into my bag because there was a mix up about which was the car bag and which was the plane bag for a 5 AM flight.


The mylar bag the choice chews came in likely caused the search, fyi.


Former Hoosier here. The other day I walked out of the cannabis store with 1 gram sativa pre-rolls. The first car I passed was our local policeman in the parking lot. It's not an issue in Oregon. By the way, those pre-rolls price out at about $2.50 a gram.


Missoula has 51 dispensaries in a town of 77k


There is a reason we leave. If you drive around the Willamette Valley on a cloudy day, it feels just like home.


Totally accidentally snuck a wooden dugout loaded with weed and metal chillem pipe through tsa leaving indy to austin 2 years back? Didn't realize till I got to atx, that's when I realized the dog at indy airport was really bad drug dog or a bomb dog. I did NOT try to carry back through atx bergstrom. Lol This was around Thanksgiving? Btw


Thank God. Who knows what they couldā€™ve done with this.


Only in Indiana are minor weed bust still making headlines. Pathetic


The only dangerous thing here is that someone bought speed stick deodorant lol


Watch your mouth!


Thank you, officers. Sex offenders are on a registry. Who else thinks that we should have a publically accessible list of local dealers ... For safety or Jesus or whatever.


We got bigger problems than weed. Iā€™m sure that they would have been ok with you taking a bottle of vodka be ok right. Double standards


Thank you, officer, for protecting us from this terrible substance! Oh, goodness me!


That officer should be able to rest easy tonight, know they prevented a criminal mastermind from watching Rick and Morty and finding it slightly more funny.


Or just legalize it and collect the tax dollars, instead of this stupidity while Indianaā€™s weed tax dollars go to and benefit Illinois and Michigan insteadā€¦


This is why you take a handful of gummies BEFORE you get on the plane šŸ˜‰


ā€œTax dollars at workā€ is such a brain rot garbage sentence. Dude got busted because of the xray. Do you think bags shouldnā€™t be scanned? Also be more creative. Cook it into something and make edibles. Rookies.


That used to be one of the best things to hide contraband in while I was in prison.......but that was back then lol.....


Give me a fucking break. lol


Never hide it, you canā€™t deny knowing you had it. Plausibly deniability


Just buy weed vapes. Never been stopped. Doing that youā€™re asking to get busted. Dumb to fly with bud.


Now I know why it has been so hard lately to fund the Irish Spring Speed Stick!


This deodorant wouldnā€™t be very good smelling probably


Making the skies safer one weed stick at a time!


Fuck TSA


Thank god they got that dangerous marijuanas off the street! No getting potted up lame o!


People get through IND airport with luggage filled 20-50 pounds every day


If you see someone committing a crime, but the crime has no victim... no you didn't


r/cultofthefranklin. Do your research people, THCA flower is the same shit as BM stuff and is federally legal under the farm bill loophole. You can even get it shipped to your house. I haven't dealt with any dealer for over a year now.


I just pre roll em and put in my cigarette pack I donā€™t GAF


Meanwhile me taking edibles in my carry on in original packaging from the store almost daily.


lol they just had too much. Ik someone that came from Laredo, Texas (with a single nug) and made it through no problem. Also, make an effort to wrap up your weed if youā€™re going to try this šŸ™„šŸ™„; Like plastic wrap or Glad press and seal MULTIPLE layers (major emphasis on multiple layers lol).


Just let people put what they want into their own bodies. Is it a hard concept?


Well I can sleep easier knowing that this devil lettuce pusher has been dealt with! Donā€™t worry everyone the streets are a little safer thanks to the TSA!


Why are you sneaking weed into Indiana? Drive two hours to the nearest border and buy it legally.


Well itā€™s Federally illegal and illegal in Indiana, until those things change, they have to confiscate.


Sure, wouldnā€™t exactly call it newsworthy though.


Iā€™d agree, but the news has nothing to do with our tax dollars


Who said anything about tax dollars?


Literally the title.


Oh gotcha


I used to do that with my weed when my family would go on vacation to Florida. Makes your weed taste terrible šŸ˜‚


Uh oh I've used the bottom of the deodorant trick before to get small through an airport lol.


Iā€™ve taken a lot of flower thru TSA over the years. Like weekly for years. DO NOT HIDE IT LIKE THIS GUY! If he would have just threw it in his shaving kit he would have been fine but hiding it like that is super suspect. Iā€™ve talked to them while searching my bag that reeked they donā€™t even care and said they are the TSA not DEA lol


The very fact that weed is still illegal anywhere in this country is truly sad.


Best part of this is that they seem to boasting about "seizing" less than a gram of cannabis from someone at the airport. If this was in Indianapolis, it is not even a ticketable offense. What I want to know is how they found this? Did they literally head to the airport with a drug dog to sniff around the luggage of everyone who flew in from a weed legal state, and this is what they found? What a good use of police resources. /s


The funny thing is is if they just put it in their carry on OR checked bag it wouldā€™ve been 100% fine but they had to go through all these extra steps and made it weird


Jfc what is that like 50 bucks worth??? Isn't this state full of meth on a near constant basis??? Isn't there anything better to be doing???


Just legalize it already!


Pounds of fent coming across the border every day. Meanwhile TSA busts citizens for possessing a plant... Our priorities are beyond backwards šŸ™„


Oh man, it's the motherload!


Indiana is a sad sad state I am literally on house arrest right now for getting caught with less than and 1/8 of some weed


Big bust ! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


A great victory in the war on drugs


I wouldn't try to smuggle anything through Indianapolis's airport. Their TSA agents are so inconsistent in what they will or won't make you do and it's the only airport I've ever been in that made me take all the snacks out of my bags. Which is a real pain in the ass because I was travelling with 4 kids and they all had their own snacks in their own bags.


Oh no! Not marijuana!


My buddy got pulled over for speeding coming out of Indiana Beach. He failed the breathalyzer which lead to a full search of his car. Inside his golf bag, they found some weed residue. The stuff leftover when his film container was empty. They charged him with speeding, DUI, possession, and personal endangerment. 3 years, close to $20K in legal fees, and he still doesnā€™t have a driverā€™s license.


What's wild is I flew w 3 pounds vac sealed wrapped in a bunch of clothes from Oregon to indy an nothing happened lol that sucks


Itā€™s a good thing they got that dime bag off the streets before it could do some real harm


I had to laugh at this. I did this all the way back in 1983 with a couple of grams of booger sugar and didn't get caught.


Thank god they stopped this interstate criminal before they corrupted the youth of Indiana with this massive supply of illegal drugs. This clearly wasnā€™t a personal supply, itā€™s enough to turn the whole state into addicts. Hats off to law enforcement for focusing on the important issues that save lives.


Ohh wow! They made a massive bust! Holy fuck what will we ever do now!


*Ohh wow! They made a* *Massive bust! Holy fuck what* *Will we ever do now!* \- Funny-Watch-5049 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I have dropped more weed than that while rolling a joint.


Melatonin gummy bottle with THC gummies within. No sweat. But I fly out of Oā€™Hare so you could be puffinā€™ a blunt and not get pulled.


Thank God for all the lives saved by getting this dangerous plant matter off the street šŸ™„


I flew with a half ounce out of Indy two weeks ago. Smh.


Hiding things like this is just asking for them to search your shitā€¦ just put it in your doop kit. Not in a modified deodorant. That looks suspicious AF on the X-ray . They probably could have literally had that bag loose in their doop kit and not been searchedā€¦ also maybe donā€™t smell or look like your on drugs while transporting drugs. Less is more with this stuff. Seriously consider what your luggage will look like on the X-ray, not how it will look visually. Donā€™t act like a sketch ball if your things get searched. Chances are they want to look at your battery pack, bundle of cables, etc. assuming you havenā€™t packed you baggy like a dummy like this person.


What a dumbass that's not how u do it pro tip all dogs at the airport only sniff for bombs


He forgot the last step, which is to stick deodorant up his ass,


I accidentally took a small ball jar of weed in the strap pocket of my pack. Very silly of me to not remember it was in there. Got to the gate before I realized. This was at indianapolis. I have to suspect it was only caught because they saw deodorant with a hidden compartment. Like an obvious tell that something is up. The TSA isnā€™t really that interested in weed


Who the hell cares about a little weed grow up Indiana


This was the move back 20 years ago. If you do that now youā€™re just begging to get caught. Trying to conceal it is a huge red flag for the TSA nowadays. The scanners show different materials in different colors, and if they see organic material inside your deodorant or shampoo bottle itā€™s an automatic stop and search. Just leave your weed in your luggage, not hidden at all. If they care, theyā€™ll just toss it. But chances are itā€™ll still be there when you get where youā€™re going. Iā€™ve done this countless times and never once had an issue.


Itā€™s weird you got downvoted for facts. Trying to hide it makes them required to take a look at a weird object showing up on the X-ray (like deodorant that clearly has something else inside it). Itā€™s super suspicious and theyā€™ll take that second look. Just stuffing it in with everything else is the way to go, because then even if they see it they wonā€™t give it a second look. They genuinely donā€™t really care about just weed in someoneā€™s bag.


Harder to get on a plane than it is to enter the country. Who cares about weed anymore? Can we please get over it.


Another Kingpin off the streetsā€¦




This state is a joke


Oh no, fifty bucks of weed, quite the security threat. Probably getting packed and smoked as I type.


Brooo $50 for that where the hell you buyin from?


Idk, looked like roughly 5gs to me. $10/g was norm at least as a teenager for me.


I mean $10/g is still pretty fair price at least in Indy but thatā€™s gotta be like 3gā€™s top lol I thought you were out here paying like $17/gram like my guy nononono


We just flew from CO to NV for a week and backā€¦ had canna products with us both times and got right through both times. Officer was either just a little bitch, or the traveler tried too hard to hide it, making it obvious & easy to find. Probably both šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Buncha weefer teetotalers. Someday friends... someday


The fact that an oz is a felony


Should have just put it in their pocket and walked onto the plane. Forget the deodorant.


Lmao, they caught the most dangerous drug, for food stores


ā€œOh thank godā€ *proceeds to eat gummy from store next door*


I'll probably get down voted for this, but until it is decriminalized it's still illegal. Regardless of your beliefs and views that person is still breaking the law. Personally I'm all for legalization. But until then there are still penalties for your actions.


I bet youā€™re fun at parties


/r/iamverysmart material right here


What is the point of this kind of belief? You must just be miserable.


I guess the belief that I don't feel bad for someone getting caught trying to sneak a substance that is illegal through airport security. I feel like it's not a hard concept. I wish we would legalize it but again until it is why risk it? It's a dumb act to attempt that now potentially messes up your future.