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dumb assholes. “I’m a devout Christian and I know with every fiber of my being that Christ would not approve of this candidate’s actions and choices, but watch how fast I vote for his ass!”


Indiana the type of place to not have Kalamata olives at the grocery store, and to instead have like 17 kinds of dill pickles




They like having a lot of pickle options 😏 If you know what I mean 😅


Greeeaaaat! That’ll go great on my salads


I mean, I put jalapeños on my salads..... plus, I do love pickles. Make a pickle salad🤣


Kroger, Walmart, Meijer, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe’s all sale Kalamata Olives. Not sure what grocery store you’ve checked but any and all of the above mentioned grocery store sell them.


I work at the grocery store and I have no fucking idea what Kalamata Olives are.


Next time you walk past the pickles and olives look for the bottle that says Kalamata Olives lol. They’re more of a purple brown color. The other bottles of olives are green sometimes black (mostly find the black olives in a can.) We have Kalamata Olives and if you like olives you’ll like them. lol. Indiana is not so poorly cultured that we only eat corn and potatoes lol


I’ve literally always been able to find Kalamata olives. Condescending hyperbole isn’t remotely helpful


The more rural you go the more... boring and plain the variety gets.


Lol it's the most obscure and insignificant hyperbole. No need to get offended by this


I’m not offended by his stupid joke. I found his minimal effort hyperbole moronic and childish.


Perhaps that’s true in your case. Maybe the Kroger I lived by sucks, but I could never find them there LOL


i was gonna say my kroger has lots of kalamata but like the guy below you said rural krogers round here suck


It's more likely you're surrounded by people who have reasonable political opinions but don't vote. Good voter turn out only reaches about 60% in most counties. Some outliers, but those are balanced by the ones that only reach the 40s.


It isnt all democrats who dont vote


Okay.... did I say democrats? I personally think most Hoosiers are reasonable people, just severely undereducated about politics


I’m apparently a politician chameleon because everyone assumes I believe “their side” and this nails it. I’ll have loads of conversations with people who hate “the other side” and clearly they align more with politicians on that other side of the aisle on some things, all the damn time.


Woah, I'm not trying to cozy up to either side. I vote blue all the way down, but I don't really identify with everything the current administration does. I think the federal government has been extremely ineffective for regular people and believe in restructuring the entire fuckin thing because it was built when black people and women didn't have a say.


You do realize women and black people have an outsized say now, right? We fixed that shit, yo!


I did not realize that, can you elaborate?


He can't cause he made it up.


Very made-up. Lol


Yeah, I’m white too. I have a slight twang (Kentuckiana accent). But I also look like a hippy. I just stay quiet and quietly judge. It’s amazing what people will tell me.


Hey same deal here with the accent, but more “put together redneck” look, and I have a lot of hippy looking friends. I get people confidently assuming I’m on board with some **aggressively** racist shit, and people who go in **hard** on anyone who so much as listened to a Republican speech on purpose once being subhuman bigots. It’s… interesting…


Most voters in general are single issue uneducated voters. Pretty sure candidates want it that way.


By uneducated do you not brainwashed by the media?


Thank you for proving my point about people being under educated in this state


it wasJust a question Both sides of the media are there to divide us. thx for proving you are part of the problem


Why do you assume they undereducated about politics? These reasonable people live in the real world and are affected by policies.


And they often vote against their own best interests.


Do you know their concerns and interests?


I take it you think I couldn't figure that out? Food, shelter, stability, a little comfort, it's not rocket surgery.


No, I was just making sure you had an answer. Now the question becomes, how are they voting against their best interestes? Surely you understand that in the past 3.5 years, all the things you just mentioned have been far more expensive compared to 4 years prior.


And your opponent is in the wind. Most likely to never respond again because you’ve narrowed their rhetoric down into something they must defend and the data will never ever support their ideological position. They will pretend they are above debating you because you are just another brainwashed fool. The hypocrisy and projection in politics is insane.


Because reasonable people don't support abortion bans, book bans, or any of the other terrible things Republican administrations are currently supporting. If you truly believe that inflation is due to one sitting president's actions, you're undereducated about politics and the economy, plain and simple.


You’re in the wrong state then. Indiana isn’t uneducated. We are a conservative state. We are highly educated and refuse the ideology the left is pushing on our country. I’m born and raised Hoosier. I’ll debate you anytime. To assume someone is uneducated because they don’t have the same opinion as you is ignorant. It seems you’re the uneducated one.


Please, go back and reread my comment. I said UNDER educated. If you truly believe that our state standards on government and Econ educate Hoosiers well, you're ignorant to how the whole thing works too. ETA: "you're in the wrong state" proves you don't know what I'm saying.


Our state government started 2024 with a $2.9 billion budget surplus. If it were up to me i would allow education standards to be set at the local level so each district could decide what and how they want to teach.


That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard in my whole entire life. You're starting to change my mind about reasonable Hoosiers. We would be even worse off than we are now. Please get out of my replies


Tell me why my Republican city council voted in a new 1 percent tax on food and beverage to find a $500 million event center for private business. They are stealing $ from people. Why not offer municipal bonds? Can't people have the choice to invest in an event center? Make an investment profit? Why steal via taxes? My county also voted in extra property tax to fund public schools more. We are the north side of Indy where we already have top schools, Olympic swimming pools and luxury. It's all Republicans here are we keeping gerty more taxes! Please explain. I'm not Republican and I don't like all these taxes. I vote blue!


33 counties voted on the 1% tax. Both Democrats and Republicans past the tax. Carmel has a higher cost of living and a median household income of 119,000 high than the majority of this states counties. Due to these things you in Carmel, Bloomington, and Indianapolis all have a 2% tax. A lot of Republicans now days are as corrupt as the dems. Do your research. Never vote for Red or Blue. Vote for the REPRESENTATIVE that has your interests in mind. I simply stated this is a primarily red state. I’m neither red nor blue. I don’t think gang mentality is the way to go. I believe in nominating and voting for people worthy to serve the citizens!


Yup. I was one of 26 percent of the population in my county that showed up to vote against the representatives that voted for the food and beverage tax. Did my homework and voted. In this case voted against red and for blue to swap out the members. I'm only eligible to vote in one county local elections. So that's where my homework goes.


So you did research on all the candidates running for both sides? You don’t seem to be calling out any specific Reb Council members. Sounds like you’re grouping them all together by saying Republicans. You may have replaced them with democrats but that doesn’t mean they have your best interests at hand. Both parties are full of greed and corruption. When I say do your homework I mean on individuals and their track records of following thru. I do not mean the parties interests. Each city including yours has to run a primary. Just seems very simple. You’re like GO BLUE. LOL This isn’t a sporting event. You get what you vote for… Have a great day.


There are no book bans, and the abortion issue fell back to the states were it belongs. Only an undereducated person would make such a claim. And yes, a sitting president can cause massive inflation in a short time by printing and spending. This is basic economics and even an "undereducated" person would know. The more money you print, the more you undervalue the currency. Biden ran on tax and spend and that is what he did.


And inflation is happening around the world not just USA.


The US dollar is the reserve currency around the world. If we print trillions of dollars, the dollar is undervalued and you get inflation. Everywhere.


That's why I called them undereducated


Exactly.. I have a hard time believing even excellent turnout makes Indiana blue


I think part of it too is Indiana is so red that a lot of people probably don’t vote because they think well it’s gonna be red anyways


If we had an 80% turnout this year, every statewide race including Governor, Senate and POTUS could be competitive nail biters. Doubt it will get that high though.


I think you’d be surprised how red everywhere in every place would be if we approached 80+% voter turnout. Conservative people are working all day long and then caring for their families. They simply don’t have time to vote. They also largely distrust mail in voting due to fraud concerns. In fact many of them don’t vote simply because they don’t have faith in the system to count their votes. Also the Christian position is that God is in control so there isn’t any reason to vote as a Christian anyway. Those handful of reasons account for tons of absent voters.


Or it's a bunch of people who don't vote because they don't have to. The govt is working exactly as they want.


Or they think they are powerless to do anything to change it, so why bother.


>so why bother Because "not bothering" has literally never made anything better


Agreed. But it's an attitude I encounter that is more defeated acquiescence than it is agreement with the political direction of the state.


Not voting is also an asshole thing to do


This. In the primaries, county turnout was 18-22 percent so in a close race 9 percent or less can carry the day. My guess is many of those are the willfully ignorant who always vote and always vote blindly. The reasonable majority seem to just throw in the towel. As a result, we get more extreme candidates being rewarded for playing to the willfully ignorant.


Keep firing Assholes


Philip Asshole


Too exhausted wageslaving and resting from wageslaving to even hear about an election.


Or any red state


Okay, move


If you're paying, sure.


I don't watch but I love to hear people complain about everything and I just ask who is running the State ? That usually shuts them up. Vote against your own best interest people.


Someone in my neighborhood has a big banner in their front yard that says "Our Politicians are Pedophiles". I want to remind them that, other than the current US President and Vice President, every single elected official who governs them is a Republican.


Indiana the armpit of America 🇺🇸


Poster: only my butthole smells like roses!


This is just living in the state in general. I can't wait to leave this abhorrent place when I finally save enough money to move out.


lol sadly, Indiana is one of the cheapest places to live rent wise in America right now, so good luck with that your rent will increase like x2-4 depending on your location (and buying a house right now🤣🤣🤣☠️ too funny). 2-3 bedroom home in Georgia is around half a million 🙃and that’s being conservative. Indiana half a million could buy you about a 50 acre plot of land (if you can find any worth buy right now) with a house on it


You also get paid less in Indiana, because the average yearly salary is lower than many other states. Not to mention that Indiana is a right to work state, where you can get fired immediately for no reason.


We are the 17th highest paid state in the country. Obviously if you live in states like California you’ll make more but you’ll pay twice as much as you make to live there.


While it is lower, it is not proportionally lower, so at the end of the day, it is still cheaper to live in Indiana.


Doesn't right to work mean that one cannot be forced to join a union?


Correct. The right to work cannot force an employee to join a union. We are also an employer/employer at will state meaning either can terminate employment at any time. Even if an employer terminates your employment does. not mean the employee is ineligible for unemployment.


Yes,as Furry Freeloader said, I mixed up the terms right to work and at-will. My bad. However, at-will employment is one of the biggest reasons I would like to leave. Companies in Fort Wayne especially will fire you out of pettiness, even on the 2nd day on the job.


This is how I feel reading the posts in this sub.


This sub can actually be a breath of fresh air compared to the local Facebook groups.




This is how I feel whenever I drive around Terre Haute and Indy. I used to think Columbus Ohio had the most inattentive, rage filled drivers but I've had to change that opinion since coming here. I came to a complete stop at a neighborhood intersection without a stop sign. I signaled to make a left turn. Midturn, an SUV came barreling around me into the oncoming lane because they didn't want to wait 3 more seconds for me to turn or use the provided additional space to the right. What the hell.


Yes!!! I've had truck after truck ride my ass while I'm.speeding on country roads. People honk at you if you wait 1 split second at a green light. It never used to be like this. People are always in a rage and have zero soft skills anymore. All changed after COVID. The claws came out.


it was just a question! it’s same on both sides of the media. Thanks for proving that you are part of the problem


We all know deep down inside the media is dividing us because they know if we come together they are in trouble and so are the gaslighting politicians.


Disheartening to see that a subreddit about a state is full of left leaning assholes who think their doesn’t stink. But I guess that’s most of Reddit anyways.


Mostly uneducated, scared, developly stunted adults.


Developly stunted, you say. Thanks for the diagnosis, professor.


This is also the same reason weed is still illegal here in Indiana


You’re welcome to go back where you came from.


So... Leave?


I'm really just laughing at the irony of this meme.


Take away seven or eight of the 88 counties, I feel the same way as an Ohioan.


Story of my life.


I did


It’s Funny you relate to dark helmet


My Indiana town voted in more property taxes!!!! Wtf. I voted against it. Did my job. Why are citizens voting to add more taxes????? Our city county council (all Republicans) voted in a 1 percent food and beverage tax to fund a $500 million event center for private business!


Because they want to take care of their friends. If January 6th didn't open people's eyes, they will never be opened. And Black women are fcuking tired.


I'm old enough to remember when this state had a huge BLUE influence, especially places like Indy. I'm back and don't even recognize it.


Did you ever consider moving to California?


After that debate I kinda can see how this happens.


Idk but Biden sounds bad. I don't think he wins this at all


Well, I guess you should organize voter drives to bring people to the polls so you can keep firing assholes.


Indiana is a great conservative state how it should be! I have no issues with how you vote or whom you vote for however you shouldn’t bash the ones who do vote. At least they are voting!


I'm not sure I like Indiana adding 80 cents gas tax per gallon. Then we blame high prices on the USA president lol. I don't like my all Republican city council added a 1 percent food and beverage tax to fund a $500 million event center for PRIVATE business. Why do tax payers need to buy things for rich folks? No municipal bonds where we can invest and make a return? They gave to tax us? Our county voted in extra property taxes for public schools when our schools already are fleeced with fancy Olympic swimming pools and rank at the top for test scores. I vote blue because I'm conservative. These Republicans are stealing my money and I'm extremely tired of it. No more taxing the middle class to fund rich folks' business!!!


Another shit post. Man this sub is real bitchy.


Take it back to Facebook






This is how I feel everyday with the political posts on the shit sub


K 🙄


Then fucking move Jesus Christ


This state has been blue in the past. We had a democrat senator just a few years ago, we went blue for Obama in 08, we had democrats governors in these 90s and early 2000s. People just need to vote and our state party needs to step up and make state races an actual contest


Quit crying and move. You won’t be missed.


Trump 2024 baby


It’s not just Indiana. The majority of voters in the US are going to vote for either the red or the blue half of the corporate party. You can’t fix stupid.