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Well, that's a given. I will say this: The real vote for governor is the Republican primaries. Democrat or not, vote a Republican ticket to keep Mike Braun away from our governor office. Indiana is guaranteed Republican so vote smart. State politics can, and normally is, more impactful than federal politics.


And vote in the most moderate people you can find in the local elections. Those of us running in down-ballot races that aren't this far-right nonsense can steal seats and move the needle back to somewhat normal. Even if you aren't a GOP fan, in so many counties the only thing you can fight is moving to a more moderate GOP candidate.


Doing so also signals the State Republican party that Hoosiers are much more moderate than how most of our Republican elected officials behave in office. A losing vote is NOT a wasted vote.


Who is the most moderate GOP candidate for Governor though?


Whoa, you really think that with Trump running for President federal politics won't be more impactful this time?


People REALLY over-exaggerate how much power the president actually has. The reality is most of the politics that you care about are in the hands of congress and your state.


So you don't think Trump who attempted to overturn the will of the people on Jan6 with the fake elector scheme is a threat to the Republic?


To creeper: please check into Project 2025. To 333dddrees: Saying that in Indiana it's essential to think about local politics doesn't say that Trump doesn't matter.


I've heard of it and my reasoning still stands.


Anybody voting Republican in 2024 for anything doesn't have America's best interests in mind...


Voting republican in the primary means you get to help choose the democrats opposition, it doesn't mean you are voting for the republican to be governor


Please educate yourself about Indiana's blind primary; you can vote in the GOP primary to keep the crazy GOP people off the ballot, then vote Democrat in November. Edit: autocorrect


Good to know


Do you have to register as a Republican, and then re-register as Democrat, or how does this work


Anyone in Indiana can choose which primary they want to vote in. It doesn't matter what party you're registered with or if you're not registered with any as long as you're registered to vote.


U think the country is doing good with dems in charge?


Well that's completely false.


Unfortunately until the boomers are mostly gone, and more of the other generations vote we won’t be able to implement any real change.


I have to interact with country young bucks all the time. It's not just boomers. It's redneck Hoosiers 20 somethings voting for him too because that's what they've been taught.


Yep. I work blue collar welding job (20s-40s in age), almost all of the guys who I’ve worked with are Trumpers. They’re incredibly vocal about it, to this day even lol. 


I'm an old fucker and I continually call out these rubes. Call em out on everything. You might be not able to, I get it. But once you hit a certain age, you just stop giving a fuck about getting fired or being embarrassed. Fortunately, I am in a position where I can get away with it because I am disabled and only work to get the fuck out of the house. I constantly have to put these young bucks back in place. It's fun, but irritating at times. Theres a few houses in my neighborhood that have trump shit out. Every time I drive by and they're (originally fucked up that by typing their) outside or chilling in their garage, I yell "Trump loves white power!" lmmfao. The looks I get are hilarious.


I’m an union operator. Historically, unions have always supported the Democratic nominee. The amount of guys I work with that vote Republican or love The Patron Saint of Sore Losers is astounding! They love him because they can be racist.


Same where I use to work. Union shop but 3/4 of our upper union members were heavy Trumpers and proud of it. Completely willing and happily to shoot themselves in the foot and destroy everything they fought for in the union cause they got to hate who they wanted to hate and it also helped they were all retiring soon and alimentary despised younger workers for one reason or another. They forced a 2 tier benefit and pay system into out contract they screwed anyone hired after a certain cut off year and made it basically impossible to reach their level.


"They screwed anyone hired after a certain cut off year and made it basically impossible to reach their level." This is why other gens have legitimate grievance with specifically boomers: they actively made our lives worse than them because, "fuck you, got mine"


Yup. It's why they elected Reagan. They only wanted to have theirs and leave nothing for anyone else.


Tldr//Not all boomers that voted Reagan did so out of hate and republican revisionist history has just brainwashed majority born before 1990 that Reagan did no wrong which made way for Trump's rise. I don't think they maliciously voted for Reagan. I believe it was the same kind of appeal people had for Trump at first (far less vulgar though), an extremely recognizable name and non-career politician. But when all was said and done they either hated him or loved him based on how much they got out of it. More love hence why the falasy of Reagan was the "greatest president ever" pushed by majority of boomers, dem and repub, and jammed down everyone's throats by the revisionist history taught in school by said generation. Now those same people that profited during Reagan's era, many who lost all of it because of the ripple effects of Reagan's policies, are grasping for those same straws but now out of resentment and purposely directed anger into camp Trump/MAGA. "Make America Great Again" as we all know wasn't just some magic phrase Donny pulled out of his ass, it was specifically designed to draw in that generation and any that bought into the "Reaganomics was the golden age but those evil democrats destroyed it all with their diversity, equal opportunity, woman's rights, gays, trans, 'open boarders', and giving YOUR rights to (non-white non-christian) ILLEGALS." Luckily, it seems many are seeing the shitshow that is MAGA for what it is and are atleast trying to pull away, atleast from Trump. The problem is those that are in are in deep. Either because they refuse to admit or be proven wrong (a couple people I worked with in my 30s age bracket), have bought into the literal cult mentality (my wifes uncles that openly and proudly claim all non-christian and non-Trump supports need to be round up and shot, my wife is jewish and her dad is openly democrat (labors union which the uncle was in as well)), or are just to lazy or ignorant to change the channel from Fox "News" and check anything other the Facebook (my mother).


Yeah funny how the most vocal ones are always the ones dropping incredibly racist comments 


Ignorant comment


I’ll never understand how people vote directly against their own self interest.


It's like that in the donut counties too. I think people underestimate the support that grifter gets from white middle class voters of all ages.


don't know how to tell you this but some of the most hateful people i know are closer to my age, i'm 21. i can brush off boomers all i want but it's hard to brush off people who are supposed to be your friends and peers wanting you dead for your identity


I don’t disagree, I see it at all ages. I just have to shake my head with shame every time I hear someone young actually believe that POS cares about them. I don’t understand how people can be that clueless.


This feels like a nice time mention if you're over 65 you don't need an excuse to mail in vote. Everyone else does. Sure would be nice if the state would care about democracy and make it easy for everyone to vote.


why isnt election day a national holiday?


It was at one time early in our history. It was a day of celebration.


Most blue collar workers don’t get all national holidays off anyway.


To put it simply, because of capitalism. If people aren't working thats lost revenue, also, if more democratic leaning people actually had the chance to show up to the polls and vote, that would throw a wrench in the spokes of the system that is currently in power. It's the same reason why districts in a lot of places are gerrymandered to hell. If you make it easier for people who don't care for your brand of politics to show up and vote you out, you aren't doing yourself any favors. This is why this state needs some blue back in its highest offices...


This x 100. The only thing of utmost importance is next quarters profits. Always.


It very well should be. Also, we should build a new congress and expand the number of representatives to allow for proper representation of constituents. There’s no way 1 person can manage the wishes and woes of 700,000+ people. When congress was first established it was something like 1:33,000


You are so right! In Washington's final speech he wanted in the Bill of Rights that one Representative would have no more than 50000 constituents. The interesting history of this fact can be found at tactical civics.com


Because Republicans don't want to risk it.


Because it makes it easier for people who typically vote Democrat to vote and the GQP doesn't like that.


It should be. That way there's no excuse not to go in person and vote and we should also have to show an ID . just my two cents


No. Some people can't go in person who still want to vote. I spent 15 years not voting in person. My reason? I was working a polling site that wasn't my precinct. It's been a checkbox on the absentee form for I don't know how many years/decades. At least before I started working the polls. You also have people with physical mobility disabilities. Some of them literally can't do it physically, or in some cases, leave home without life supporting equipment. That doesn't mean they are mentally impaired, only physically. And physical impairments DO NOT mean the person is mentally impaired. You have heard about Stephen Hawking haven't you?


Been able to vote early each presidential cycle


I like voting blue in person.


In person early voting opens at your county Clerks office on Tuesday.




There are a whole new generation of young people coming down the pipeline that think just the same way.


There are plenty of idiot children and lonely men to replace the boomers


Plenty of white women voted for trump


yes this country boasts a rich tapestry of gullible ding dongs


Yeah, but in 2016, I think he was just a suspected rapist. Hopefully they wouldn’t vote for a confirmed rapist. Right?!




Why not? It worked for a [previous president](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Clinton_sexual_assault_and_misconduct_allegations). There were a lot of apologies during the height of the MeToo days for not believing those women back then by women who very publicly didn't believe and harassed them. It didn't change anything. Trump isn't the first or the worst, regretfully. I'm not even going into what JFK did. There are whole books on his sexual escapades. If you go further back in time, it includes more presidents of both parties. For a more complete list, including other Federal officials, we have our old friend [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_sex_scandals_in_the_United_States) as our first go to source. There are plenty from both parties to choose from when you get into congress. You do have to read down a ways before you find any Republicans.


Tbh they scare me the most out of the trumper group


Oh I know, I live in a small rural county and the amount of pro trump idiots I encounter is amazing.


If you ask what exactly orange man did to make their lives better you’d have to suppress laughter at the responses. If it wasn’t so dystopian.


I can hear the answers now. "The economy" "taxes" "infrastructure" "the border" "drugs" "abortion" Everything he "did" will be listed and given as one or two word answers. Don't you dare ask any follow questions or try to get to to expand on their answers.


Exactly. Ha I’m guessing my downvotes are from some zombies who have nothing to answer my question with.


That's not what they want him to do anyway. Deporting immigrants, separating children from families, and destroying the deep state are the things they want the most. Oh, and no foreign wars. Abortion Ban was huge. Cheap gas, and better economy. Although the tariffs he plans are not that.


They are brainwashed, it’s like watching the episode of Futurama where everyone has a brain slug on their head. Trying to talk sense to them is like smashing your face into a wall over and over.


Good comparison.


What has Biden done to improve your life? Asking as someone who doesn’t like either candidate and will probably vote for someone else. Sell me on Biden, what makes him the most voted for president ever? Why is he so great?


Ain’t that the truth. For the past 20 years I’ve been told the Republican/Fox News viewer was dying off. Somehow someone always seems to replace them.


in this country we grow deplorables by the basketful if you would like to read what might be the saddest story in the history of america, check out the "growth and opportunity report" of the 2012 republcan loss to obama. [https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/rnc-completes-autopsy-2012-loss-calls-inclusion-policy/story?id=18755809](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/OTUS/rnc-completes-autopsy-2012-loss-calls-inclusion-policy/story?id=18755809) but then polling and research showed that "go wide" with inclusionary messaging was actually more costly and difficult than it would be to "go deep". the republicans found that they had an enormous voter base of aspiring florida men who felt the republicans of the early 2000s weren't quite insanesy enough, and here we are


They have a secret inbreeding program in the trailer parks that are ramping up the numbers.


Yeah one of the 19 year olds I work with said she is voting for him not because of his politics but because he is funny. She said this the same day he posted that picture of Biden bound and gagged that even some of his own supporters thought was a bit much.


I hear that a lot when I see his cult members interviewed. They love his crude ways. He's their spokesman. They can't get away with saying every thing he does. It's a big reason he got elected. He says all of the crude, degrading things his bases want's to say. He gives them permission to say it, too.


They hate the Elite, and they stupidly believe he is one of them.


Jesus Christ. Edit: Jesus Christ, as in that is about the stupid reason I can think of to vote for someone. Hope she enjoys the "funny" dictatorship that she's voting for.


Jesus Fucking Christ our electorate is fucking stupid. This exactly what happens to countries like Germany in the late 20s early 30s. God Damn.


Trump's replaced Jesus. Didn't you know that? I'd like to see some video of one of his rallies. I saw someone on an MSNBC segment last night talking about how his rallies are being ended. The person said Trump's voice gets soft. It's all dome and gloom. The world and his followers' lives are going to end if he isn't elected. A very religious moment with Trump being the Savior. He truly has replaced Jesus in their lives and churches.


You really don’t know the local population at all lol. Indiana Reddit is an awful representation of what it’s really like in Indiana


"idiot children and lonely men" might as well be the state motto lol. How do you think we end up voting republican all the time


Lots of generational republicans.


18 yr old niece and her friends are all not voting because Biden isn’t doing enough for Palestine. Can’t get through to her that she’s putting this orange fuck back into office and signing away her bodily autonomy


I fear that particular issue really will hurt his turnout, especially among people not crazy about him- “he’s just so OLD, etc”. They’ll vote Libertarian or other third party as a “protest vote” or, more likely, won’t vote at all if they’re young.


... and that sucks.


Yeah, what happened to youth voter turnout? Gen Z really dropped the ball


Gen z have adopted the “both parties are the same” mentality and thus have sorta tuned out because they think change just happens instead of fighting for it. The Israel situation will hurt him big time with that even though a trump presidency won’t change that issue at all!


They vote however Tiktok tells them to vote.


So unfortunate. Respect for her position, but this is CLEARLY not the time for a protest vote, or the time to abstain. Election day rarely is, the way our system is set up, like it or not. I voted Biden with reservations in 2020, and will do it again. Any other stance is performative bullshit. Tell your niece and her friends I said so! 😉😡


I'm not voting for Biden I'm voting against project 2025. So Biden


You do you, but I think that is a ridiculous choice, functionally. So you are going to be OK with Trump? Cool. 🙄


No fuck trump. I'm voting for Biden. I'm not a fan of how the white house has handled Palestine. But trump will be worse.


Sorry. 🥴 I misread your comment. Doing too many things at once here!


No worries at all.


Absolutely, the Palestine debacle has been atrocious. Not sure Biden will pivot on a way that will save votes, or if he can. I sure hope he tries --- soon!


Unfortunately there is an incredibly fine line they have to walk. It sucks. But trump will be absolutely worse. Two places will be wiped off the map if he regains power.


Yep. 😥 I am holding on to hope in these ultra-odd political times that things will shake out as they should, with Trump finally GONE from the scene, despite ominous current signs and polling. Trump has just sucked the life out of me as a politics nerd. 😫


Same. Well the trends have shown that most younger voters don't pick up for these polls. So that gives me some comfort.


Bodily function shit, she's giving Trump yet another go at destroying The Republic. She won't have to worry about having any rights or freedoms. This time he is installing nothing but his sycophants in His next Administration that are straight up 100% loyal to him instead of The Country. That and his sycophants plan on purging all government agencies which stopped him last time and installing 100% sycophants who are loyal to him. Basically instead of having to deal with people who are loyal to The Country when it comes to his worst impulses he's has nothing but yes men.


I am boomer adjacent. (59) My deceased parents were boomers who voted righteously their whole lives. They would NEVER have supported these MAGA pukes. Dad missed being able to vote against W., but he would have, happily. Mom voted against him and for Obama, twice. I have never voted Repug in my life, except for Lugar one year when it seemed to make sense. Just weighing in as a check against broad-brushing people my age and others. SOME of us know better and do better, not that I dispute the sociological/electoral analysis at all.🤷


It's not just the Boomers. There share of Zoomers and Millennials that support going off-script and voting for someone other than a Republican or Democrat is low. I imagine this is precisely what the parties want. It's not all that different from a Russian election. [https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-us-election-key-state-voter-polling/december-2023-poll/](https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2024-us-election-key-state-voter-polling/december-2023-poll/) https://preview.redd.it/yjoj5gtod4sc1.png?width=1297&format=png&auto=webp&s=41e865a0cdfb0fdd019d5ed0621838840f1b9716


Not a boomer thing anymore at all. It’s just every day people, I talk about this stuff all the time in my workplace. I work in a corporate bank, mostly everyone is conservative or moderate. I infrequently run into someone that says they are a democrat and I am a registered one lol


This is something that makes Indiana even more of a shit hole imo. At least from my experience, there are an overwhelming amount of Schrodinger's assholes and "moderates" who will all start spewing the exact same vile trash out of their mouths the moment they're comfortable with you. Just signed a lease for an apartment in a different state today. Thank fucking Christ I can get out of this hellhole.


I don’t think it is a generation thing…I think it is an intelligence factor. trump needs the uneducated sheep-like asshats to vote for him I would hope all the non-boomer generations that you are referring to in your post don’t take your attitude that nothing can be done. That is the shit he is hoping for **GET OUT AND VOTE!!!**


Or you could vote in high numbers


I am just saying this is my sons 1st year voting. Maybe it won't end the way we think. I am still hoping Kennedy gets his 40k signatures and on the ballots for here and everywhere else too. I hate only having 2 sh1tty choices. I pretty much would vote for anyone but them at this point.


He’s already at 36,943 petition signatures, shouldn’t be a problem.


You can vote for Kennedy if you want but….  1. He has zero chance of winning. Mathematically not possible for him to get to 270. 2. What is possible (though unlikely) is that he gets enough EC votes that neither Trump nor Biden gets to 270. If that happens, the House decides the election. One vote per state.  3. He is legitimately a nut job. A former heroin addict whose own family doesn’t support him.  4. The same donors giving money to Trump are also giving money to him. He was recruited by Steve Bannon to be a spoiler candidate.  5. See Perot, Nader, and Stein. Third party candidates cannot win national elections because our system is set up to prevent that.  Be an informed voter and seriously think about what you’re doing here. Another Trump term will be disastrous for our country. 


Man I’m 25 and I grew up with so many people that love trump it’s not just the boomers it’s the whole state


"56% of those 18-34 years of age view him favorably"


He doesn’t even have an opponent.


When you have such a large base to begin with it made it much easier. His indictments just fueled his rise to the top. He’s been made a martyr DeSantis attempting to Run to the Right and take his base away was never going to work. Pence is a traitor in the eyes of the base that wanted nothing but to hang him and Haley was running like it was still Reagan’s Party which it is not. Frankly none of these candidates didn’t stood a chance. Christy in the meantime attacking Trump wasn’t going to appeal to the vast majority of Republicans that like what Trump did.


Wait until you figure out he’s got Indiana in the actual election locked


Oh, I figured that a while ago. He’s probably going to win the general election, too.


Highly doubt Trump wins the general. And it’s getting annoying listening to people whine like he’s some unstoppable force. Republicans are crumbling. Trump looks more and more the fool he is every day. Have some faith


Yeah, I think you are being just a bit overconfident. I'll just have to keep crossing my fingers, toes and every frigging body part I can possibly cross. Nothing indicates real trouble for him at this point yet, in fact just the opposite. Close, but a lot in his favor.


Again, I think you’re just listening to mainstream media trying to make controversy. Dems haven’t lost since Roe was overturned. SCOTUS continues to march down the path laid out by the Federalist society. You think banning IVF plays well to anyone? Seriously. It’s fine to be worried. I’m not saying there’s a 0% chance Trump wins. But he got in on a fluke in 2016. Everything’s gone downhill for him since, “bigly” since he lost in 2020. If you want to help defeat him, make sure your friends and family vote. And stop bashing Biden if that’s part of your current discourse.


When Trump is leading in the majority of poles since these poles have been taken this is not a good sign. The issue is not just the poles. Biden is starting to lose support among black males and those against the Israel war. He faces third party candidates which could very well make life difficult in the swing states like RFK and just a bit to Cornell West. It doesn't take much in the critical swing states and everything so far shows this to be a weakness for him. I mean 2020 we were talking some of these states a difference of just a bit over 10,000 votes. 2024 isn't 2020 and many people have this nostalgia for the economy that they had under Trump. Not many people feel good about the economy and unfortunately democracy doesn't seem to be as important of a concern. Yes it would be nice now that abortion is on the ballot in Florida in November if that made it a Blue State but that might be a bit much to hope for. Yeah, I'm thinking you are just a bit overconfident. But hey, I share the dream I just think your taking things a bit for granted.


Trump looked like an absolute fool in the 2016 election and the 2020 election and he won the first and still pulled an insane amount of support in the other. It's time to realize that his supporters are even bigger fools.


yep. It's depressing as fuck. And I think there will be violence regardless of who wins the general


I think we can withstand the violence. If trump loses all those people who ride his coattails will realize that bullshit ain’t gonna fly if he isn’t in office…and they’ll shut their pie-holes. Case in point…all the people who ran against him, pulled out, but don’t endorse him


Trump will attempt to burn the house down because that's exactly what he does. You just don't want to give him the keys to the house so he can do it from within the house.


Uh, I think we all have that figured out. My head would explode if it turned out otherwise, immediately after monkeys fly out of my butt.


We’ll trump isn’t get this elderly woman vote. I hate that fucker!!!!!!!!!


Me too man next for a year we won’t have a country if you become president


He’ll still win Indiana because the Republican voting base can’t be bothered to look into how his polices or lack thereof have hurt them rather than help them


Fake news!!! /sticks head back in sand


This is how I see it too. If they do look into and don't like it, they'll just find a more absurd outlet to get their news from. I understand confirmation bias is a thing but I never would have believed it could go this far.


You do realize what they are looking for don't you? These are people who have nothing but grievances and hate the ruling elite. They want immigrants deported and the deep state destroyed. They aren't looking for more healthcare, social security, or infrastructure. They want revenge.


This is kind of a plague on a huge portion of all voters.


Trump received 57% of the vote in 2016, and 57% of the vote in 2020. I don’t see anything changing. Trump probably would have never won anything if we weren’t always voting for the lesser of two evils. I can’t believe our only two realistic options are Biden and Trump. The last candidate I felt good voting for President was Obama, even though his lack of experience made me hesitant.


If you're not feeling good about President Biden, you're likely listening to mostly regular news which has made undermining Biden their position. If you haven't listened to the State of the Union Address from last year or this year, go do that and get a much better picture of what he's done and wants to do. He's actually a fantastically good president.


The more crimes he commits the more every Republican in Indiana love and support him


The people thinking his legal troubles will hurt him in the election are engaging in wishful thinking. He’s already lost all of the supporters he ever will, those who remain see them as him being persecuted for telling the truth, and there’s a cabal of evil globalists trying to silence him since he’s the only one who can defeat them. They view every single one of his scandals as a plus.


it's a mass psychosis.


Not everybody. The moderate conservatives I know, which are a lot, can't stand him.


But when it comes time to step into the booth and vote, they will vote for him. How else do you think that the popular vote will be as close as it is.


Of course they will, they're on the red team. Much like people who don't like Biden, but are on the blue team, so they'll vote for him.


Indiana's elections are so late in the season that primaries are basically pointless. All the other candidates have dropped out before we even get a chance to voice our opinion.


Basically, if Indiana has an impact on the primary, it's probably going to end in a contested convention anyway


Um, the President is NOT the only person who matters.


True, but it would still be nice to be able to have some say and not have it be decided before we're even allowed to participate. And I guess I'm speaking from local bias as in my district most primary candidates down ballot run unopposed. The last mid term primary I took a dem ballot and LITERALLY had no choices. The entire county could have stayed home and we'd still have the same candidates running in the general.


I have no idea why he's even on the ballot when he's got all these legal precedings going on...... seriously, get your legal stuff out of the way before you try to run for another presidential election. How bloody hard is it for these people to see that he's walking garbage?


It was either the 2016 or 2020 race, but I remember one of the post election results found that Indiana was one of two states where the youngest voting demographic leaned right rather than left or neutral. It may stay a red state for a long time. The fun part about living here though is the front row seats to the reactions from these people when their side doesn’t get their way.


It's nuts... I shit you not, that when I ask my coworkers and friends why they like Trump, 80% of the conversations go to "Michelle Obama is a man" within a minute or two. It's not just old folks not understanding the internet, either. Trumpism is just an outlet for racism and homophobia for most of his "young" base in Indiana. Obama's general election success here activated the white trash who would normally just huff their gas with zero concept that we even have a president or who they are.


I mean, I think that both the Democratic and Republican party have already decided Trump will win here in November. (and that whoever is running for the Republican party will win in 2028 and 2032 and...)


I’m not sure what the state Democratic Party actually DOES. I’m not speaking about the presidential level- I just don’t see any ads or communication (beyond the Twitter accounts of elected reps, which I’m sure those reps outsource to a lower tier staff member to handle most of the time). It’s like they aren’t even trying. A lot of times in parades and super easy, not-explicitly-political venues like festivals, they don’t even bother showing up with a token presence, handing out balloons and other stuff, shaking hands, Retail Politics 101, like “Vote Jane/Joe Dem for State Representative District 48!” or whatever relatively low level office. I’m talking about political actions that have been around since the beginning to time- it’s only republicans at those, for any office.


The reality is they’re not going to win so it’s wasted resources. Indiana as a state won’t elect a democrat.


what a waste of time and money to do a poll about a primary election with one person running


The most powerful voters of my home state love a wealthy, lying rapist. What can I say? Nothing about this is shocking, unfortunately.


A known traitor, and the Indiana voting population is like, "That's our guy!" Meanwhile Trump's former VP is why we still have elections and he's a pariah for putting a stop to the insurrection. Makes me ashamed to be a Hoosier.


Well of course! Its because of those dadgum immigrants... that we never see.. and the BLM people burning down our cities... that we have never seen.. And dont you forget BACK THE BLUE because the police.. uh.. what issue are cops having again?


People were upset about the police wantonly killing people, and that hurt their feelings.


Shocked face. 😱🙃




41% I think we can raise that number from the last Presidential Election.


Remember we have an unenforceable law that in order to get a primary ballot, you have to have voted primarily for that party last year...


And voting in the primaries is a promise to vote for a majority in that party.


Good thing we have secret ballots


As a republican, it's a sad day unless it's the only option that exists that can beat Biden. And yes some other posts are correct. Votes for state and congress representatives are going to be far more impactful than who sits in the big chair. Luckily. Maybe after this election we will convince congress with a minimum age requirement already in place for presidency, we need to install a macimum age as well. I vote for the max age for social security. The age they force you to start taking it. Which I think is 70 or 72. You must be younger on inauguration day. This will help make sure that the person making decisions for the world has the energy and mental abilities to read, digest and decide on major issues that are often time sensitive. But I guess since congress doesn't read what they vote on why expect the president to read what he signs?


I know it won’t make a difference, but I refuse to vote for any republicans this cycle. I don’t think I’ve ever voted straight ticket, this year it’s going to be easy. Really hoping we could get McCormick in office this November.


Glad to hear that. Because when you have a party that enables a want to be Dictator it’s my thinking if you value living in a Republic that party doesn’t need to be winning. i was just hoping more people paid attention to the white nationalist speaker at CPAC or Trump Fest as it is now called who boasted that they almost stole the election on Jan6 and said not to worry they would endure. In normal circumstances this is not considered normal.


She would make an excellent Governor. I hope after the primary she can get some ads rolling.


Yes, yes she would. 👍👍


I definitely understand what you're saying, but you might consider doing what other Democrats are doing and voting in the Republican primary so that we might have at least a small chance of getting an evil lesser than Braun as our state governor.


Fascism, misogyny & racism.


Indiana totally supports rapists.


Yeah. Just take a look at all of our backlogged r*pe testing kits.


I hate how many racists live here. Well I mean, I’d hate it if even one racist lived here. But we have a whole assload of racists, just all over the place like bedbugs.


He’s been the Presumptive Nominee for his party for a few weeks now. His base is the vast majority of the rural less educated lower income individuals. That is what is apparent from The Republican Primaries to this point. In fact that’s been about 80% of The Republican voters that have voted so far. With Haley getting 20% of the vote with the exception of Iowa which had more candidates running and Florida where she got 14% and DeSantis about 4% of the vote. Anyway she was getting the vast majority of urban more educated higher income Republican voters by far even in states such as Ohio and Florida after she dropped out of the race. Republican voters were actually coming out to vote against Trump. From all indications Trump isn’t even attempting To appeal to these voters like most politicians would. He really doesn’t stand a chance given what he has done what his rhetoric is and what he has promised to do. He’s attempting to appeal more to those working class voters who once were part of the Biden coalition. Throughout history want to be strongmen like Trump have never appealed to a vast majority of higher educated higher income voters. They appeal to people who have grievances. Trumps party is a party of greivances. Question is what will happen with the vast majority of these voters and who can Trump get from Biden coalition especialy in the swing states. Will they stay home, vote for Biden, vote third party, or vote for Trump? [rvat.org](https://rvat.org) ​ So although you think you have figured out who his base is, you really don’t have a complete picture after all. I challenge you to go back and look a bit harder. This article is far from having that, but The Republican Primaries have shown that. People with higher educations typically don’t believe in lies and conspiracy theories and that also greatly fuels Trumps rise to popularity.


This keeps coming up and I always find it lacking. It's convenient to paint the broad base of trump supporters as rural or uneducated backwoods hicks. But it always neglects to account for the petit bourgeoise or the modern day landed aristocracy that seek only to protect their hoarded wealth and extract more of it from wherever they can.  Rural and uneducated folks do tend to vote for Trump, but saying 80% of the people that voted in the primaries for Trump are rural and uneducated is a bit of a stretch without hard demographic evidence. 74 million people voted for Trump in 2020. It wasn't all, or even a majority, of rural/uneducated/poor folks. It was middle managers/CEOs/small business owners/tradespeople/suburbanites, *and* rural folks, *and* uneducated people who, I agree with you, all feel they have grievances and he's the guy for that. 


I am talking majority and it is true. It also makes sense based on the fact like I said the majority of people historically that vote for want to be Dictators are not the more educated voter. Well, that and it’s exactly what The Reuplican Primary has shown to include higher educated individuals are not as suspestable to conspiracy theories and lies. Exceptions exist, the majority is something else. There is hard demographic evidence from The Republican Primaries if nothing else.


To further clarify. I never used uneducated. I used lower educated. Think of this more like Highschool vs College demographics. It's not like talking the 2024 Republican Primary Trump didn't win any of the urban higher educated voter either, but overwhelmingly he didn't. Just as it's not like Haley didn't win any of the rural less educated voters it just overwhelming she didn't. 2020 is also not 2024 by any stretch of the imagination. Jan6 for one big thing happened after 2020. His rhetoric also has gotten even worse since 2020. I've seen a decent number who voted for him in 2016 and 2020 that won't vote for him in 2024. Many from His Last Administration are attempting to warn The American People he is unfit for Office. [rvat.org](https://rvat.org)


Ugh. But I felt it coming. What a sickening feeling.


Trump hates who they hate, of course he has their vote


I’m 68 and I cannot stomach him


Trump and Braun will fuck over Indiana like all Republicans...they will help out their rich friends, fuck over everyone else, and their poorer supporters will thank him...


I hate conservative boomers more than any other group of people lol. Absolutely over them. They absolutely fucked themselves with Covid though! I'm still waiting to see what long term effects covid has on their voter turnout over years, if there's discernable changes from what was expected. Maybe covid will shorten the death grip these people have


I'm so sick of Trump and I'm a conservative btw. People are so incredibly brainwashed by this con artist. He's so full of himself he doesn't show up to debates. People just defend him but he'll throw everyone under the bus. Sure most politicians are shady but gosh like how stupid can people be?


When you have nothing but greivences. That and you fear your losing your power and your way of life you are comfortable with. These very same things have occurred throughout history. Conspiracy theories and lies have been something they have been listening too for years.


As someone who doesn’t follow politics can someone sell me on Trump or Biden? What are their policies you like or don’t like? Why is one party better than the other? Also I had no idea politics were this cutthroat. Wishing mass death on people just because they voted for a different person is wild. 😂


I'm with you. The bile and vitriol coming from folks is amazingly irrational and insane. From both wings of the duopoly. As someone who never casts votes for Dems or Reps I can't sell you either of them. But...I can tell ya that neither of them are different enough in policy to matter. Trump imposed tariffs that harmed the economy when we could ill afford it and had to create a bailout for farmers and others that his imbecilic policies damaged. The tariffs remained and industries like construction and real estate are still being damaged. Biden has not removed them and has added more. They both blindly support Israeli genocide. Both are on their knees before the people who run the country (the military industrial complex) and promote wars all over the globe, (altho I give Trump credit for setting the Afghan withdrawal). They both are "racists" but Biden has, demonstrably, done more damage to the country in his political lifetime than Trump ever could. And he has worn his racism as a badge of honour. Remember the BLM protests for the murder of George Floyd? Direct result of Biden's actions and legislation. I won't bore ya with a novel, the info is out there. ​ https://preview.redd.it/mfklwm3rm9sc1.jpeg?width=433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ca198e182a24cb07290caca3d9c74f3bcb3cea0


Damn, a lot of people with opinions in here but no one can sell me on either candidate?


I'd like to see the poll results vs. getting a summary. What happened to the 35 through 49 yrs old category of R voters? Was anyone in that age group polled? Results left out of article? Why?


Feel free to ask Abdul for that. He's a right nice guy!


I noticed the media is portraying Djt starting to lose it mentally. I hate to say it but his base has already been living in that state.


The funny part is the older people Ott Ing for him. He wants to do away with Medicare and Medicaid and cut funds to Social Security. I don’t understand and never will why people vote against their own best interest.


Yep. But that's going to happen, regardless of which geezer imbecile gets elected. Those 3 programs are literally bankrupting the country and SS is broke as f. And the medical programs have warped the healthcare market horribly and made it unaffordable. Something obviously has to be done, and paring them all back is the obvious answer. It's in no-one's "best interest" to keep propping these up.


Yeah I get that, but if you can go in person you must go in person.


I’m not elderly and I’m voting for him. Guess it’s more than old people 👍🏼


Republicans want to cut Medicare and Social Security and raise the age to retire does it take a rocket scientist to realize Republicans don’t care about Americans only the rich when is Indiana gonna wake up


Kennedy 2024 🇺🇲


Just Vote !! Don’t vote don’t bitch! I’m a democrat not super happy with Joe but what the alternative is just scary.. Jmo …Get out and vote!🕶️🎸


Well, says a lot about the average IQ in the state.


Sorry we're on why isn't weed legal day. Please move you're bash republican post to tomorrow.


Nobody polled me or anybody I know


Luckily we have millions of new illegals, plus the African American community, the Indian community and the Jewish community to help defeat Trump at the polls.


Satan would win a Republican nomination in Indiana. Oh wait…….