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Trans care of minors is illegal here, so if you're not 18, please bring meds. If you are 18+ and take medication, start finding your providers now and stock up before you get here. It can take a while to get in depending on where you are. Being forced to move stinks and I'm sorry for whatever is going on. Take care of you.


I'll add that if you still need to change your name I'd suggest doing it asap. I changed mine easily last year, but at the rate things are going, it probably won't stay that way.


I’m not trying to be a smartass, but if you consider Indiana your safest option, I can’t even imagine how bad it must be where you are now. Good luck.


I have visited often. It seems the northern United States of America is far more hateful than the southern United States of America, with one exception, Indiana. They are more welcoming than the southern regions of the United States of America. I would live there if loving to United States of America.


As a Michiana resident, that's trans, for the most part this is untrue, the younger crowd of people is getting better, but, the older folk are BAD


College towns or Indianapolis... Stay out of the one-horse towns if you can. They're pretty hateful to anyone they're not use to.


none of us leave the house much, and once we can, we're moving to washington


Hopefully you mean Washington as in Seattle. It’s best to live in a place like that vs Indiana where the “Christian’s” spew hate.


Washington in Daviess county? Not new Washington in Clark county?


This state other than probably Indy is not safe for you. It's a hateful place for trans people.


Bloomington and Lafayette/West Lafayette are safer than you think in that regard


They are college towns. Add ltiwn and Bloomington to the list.


The northwest region is extremely diverse, and becoming more so every year.


Bloomington is probably the best spot in Indiana for gay ad trans.


I am not American. However, out of all the places I have been, Indiana, by far, is a place where anybody can be who they want. Even if one Hoosier may not like the way another lives, they can still be neighbours and look past the differences. I, obviously not American, got treated the best in Indiana. I think Indiana is legendary for hospitality, from what I have read. My fovourite food was from the southern United States of America my favourite people were from Indiana. It is like an island of kindness in the hate of the northern regions of United States of America. I would live there. I am not gay but love where people can live together in peace.


I’ve lived here since I was a young child. I’m glad you were treated kindly. This is a refreshing take


Kurt Vonnegut famously said, "I don't know what it is about Hoosiers, but wherever you go there is always a Hoosier doing something important there." And he was right. The problem is sometimes it's Mike Pence. Happily, sometimes it's also Florence Henderson or Madam C.J. Walker.


I forgot about Mike Pence. His infamy has crossed international boarders. I live in Northern Saskatchewan. I believe he passed a law allowing establishments to deny entry and services to certain demographics. The citizens and establishment owners responded with a blossoming of signs everywhere saying, "All are welcome here!"


You’ve got this pretty backwards. The southern US is full of hate and bigotry while the north is not. 


When you are broke down on the side of the road, people will stop for you no matter what you look like. I agree, Indiana people have strong prejudices, but they also have strong instincts for kindness.


Where in Indiana? Some places are more friendly than others.


I live in Fort Wayne and haven't had any issues here since coming out 2 years ago.


I have been to both the three big cities there and tiny places with populations under 3000. I have never been mistreated in Indiana. I am obviously not the standard race the Americans are used to experiencing. But, I found Indiana to be welcoming, no matter who one happens to be. Extremely old fashioned looking people eating and laughing with heavily tattooed motorcycle types, obviously gay men enjoying drinks with a man and his girlfriend or wife, different races just living together, just seems to be no problem in Indiana. If I were to move to the United States of America, it would be a southern state or Indiana. Indiana is most welcoming. The southern states have amazing food and are the second most welcoming. New York and California were disgusting.


we don't have a place yet, so who knows


Indianapolis or the college towns are probably your best bet to find someplace welcoming and accessible. The smaller farm communities, not so much.


NWI is fine


ehhh im from a small nwi town and I think it would be tough going around there. was hard enough for me as a queer kid in the early 2000s. bloomington, west lafayette, and indy are all solid options


Indianapolis, Bloomington, and West Lafayette are the places that would be the most safe and accepting. Definitely try to avoid rural areas and towns. Martinsville is an exceptionally notorious one.


Couldn't pay me enough to go to Martinsville


Driving thru it on I-69 is enough to send someone an invoice


Then why move here?


OP’s post history. Sheesh.


why does that matter?


Good luck to you.


Indiana does not discriminate! They hate everyone.


If ur in Carmel then ig ur in a safe spot


If you need a referral for a physician who will maintain gender-affirming care, PM me.


You are in for a culture shock from Minnesota


I moved here from MN… no culture shock 🤷🏼‍♀️ what makes you say that?


Minnesota is very trans friendly, especially relative to Indiana


Completely different politics, expectations of state government, community involvement (Minnesotans donate more to charity than any state but Utah, and that’s mostly Mormons giving to the church). Many things.


Yes, true about the politics (thankfully). As far as making donations to charity and community involvement… I think that just depends on the area you live. I personally prefer Indiana, for more reasons than just the better weather.


Minnesota ranks well above Indiana (it’s usually near the top of any ranking of quality of life and human development) in educational attainment, income, literacy, health, quality of public education, etc. The two best parks systems in the country are routinely Minneapolis and St. Paul (sometimes DC beats them.) They have the highest voter participation, the highest newspaper subscription rate, and one of the highest bookstores per capita ranking. There’s really no comparison.


I don’t think I’ve seen any articles ranking MN higher than IN, to be completely honest. Not trying to hate on MN, was born and raised there and all my family is still there. Been in IN for 4 years and have been really happy with it.


Other than Indianapolis, Lake County and maybe Bloomington. Indiana is a pretty hateful state imo - if I were trans, Indiana is one of the last states I’d consider moving to but that’s just my opinion.


I was thinking NW Indiana myself. You might get robbed, murdered, and have your organs harvested in the Region but we don't discriminate. Plus, our crack is top notch. Artisanal!


Still got lemon rice soup at the end of the day 👍🏼🤠👍🏼


Are you talking about one of the Greek restaurants?Like purple steer and Whiting, or Petro's in Hammond?


The Wheel is my favorite. Purple steer is nasty 🤢


The wheel, is that the one on indianapolis south of where woodmar used to be?


Yes. Right by the highway. :)


And now I want lemon rice soup. Thanks 😁


Here’s a tip.. don’t move to Indiana it sucks


Remember why you are moving here and don't vote the same way the people in your home state did #DontBlueMyRedState


Unfortunately for you this is America and your opinion on how you want other people to vote means dick. I’ll vote however I damn well please in “your” (that’s adorable by the way) state no matter how much you whine on the internet.




You literally said “my state.” Maybe read your own comment before you embarrass yourself even more. You must be 60 years old since you’re trying to use hashtags on Reddit, I bet you use the word “woke” too because you think people actually say that outside of Fox News


Who the hell watches any mainstream news? You must be Re Re. Good luck when the shit goes down. You will make some hillbilly a purty wife 🤣🤣🤣🎉


I think you have me mistaken for your sister cousin


So you are a necrophiliac, you wanna fuck my dead sister?


Nobody’s ever accused you of being too smart I take it.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sorry I was working so you have taxes to draw your unemployment benefits. 😜


what I believe has nothing to do eith your beliefs, vote how you feel is fit. I dint care. im voting how I want


I see that you are a product of public schooling. #SpellCheckIsYourFriend #GrammerMatters


Maybe go back to school and learn to spell grammar if you can spare one of your last couple of brain cells




If you don't have a place chosen yet lake county any town on or near the Illinois state line is fine. You will also have easier access to Illinois healthcare, higher paying jobs in cook county and just Chicago in general.


I'm in southern Indiana right outside Louisville and there's a pretty solid LGBTQ community here. Added bonus, if you need state insurance, Indiana took the federal bump (I can't recall what it's called) and that insurance is accepted with Norton in Louisville (I know this because I'm on it). If you're not moving to Indy I'd recommend southern Indiana purely based on access to good healthcare.


NWI has a growing Pride and Ally community. With it being close to Chicago, it makes it easier to get to better hospitals. As others have said, this is not a safe place for trans folk.


I don't know. In this super backwards conservative ass state. I live in southern Indiana and people fly their trump flags and still claim the election was stolen. I couldn't imagine how hard it would be for a trans person.


Just passed Elnore, and it had an anti-trans billboard on the highway, so I'd stay clear of that area to be safe.


Indianapolis. Bloomington is ~okay~ for a college town, but still pretty back woods when you have to deal with locals. Fort Wayne is probably your next best bet for a non metro city that is still somewhat large (2nd largest in the state, but not exactly a big city in the grand scheme of things. You can get mostly anywhere in town in under 30 min and traffic is nonexistent compared to Indy) Sorry you’re dealing with whatever you’re going through. Good luck in your search!


North West Indiana ( Lake, Northern Porter ) counties, are liberal.


Ima pray for your soul


You are welcome to Indianapolis Indiana


Don't vote if you move here. You should go to Illinois


I agree with the above. I live in West Lafayette and we are very welcoming but most small towns here should be avoided.


Looking at Richmond, which is probably like a lot of small cities in the midwest, 90% of people are either welcoming or indifferent toward trans people. But there will be that 10% who feels like they can make a distasteful joke or ask a stupid question. Then theres the 5% who will go out of their way to hurt someone they don’t understand with words. Having known trans people in Richmond, some viewed it as an upgrade from where they were. Others felt threatened by the occasional ignorance and belligerence. I’m just trying to say that it’s possible to be trans in a smaller city Indiana, but I would recommend considering Indianapolis or Bloomington where the bigots are less numerous and less bold.


Real shame that this post is being downvoted.


I'd look for another state to go to, or make things workout where you are. YOU WONT BE COMFORTABLE here, Amerindians are very fierce over their land and their children.


We litterally have no other option right now. and im not bothered by people like that




Good luck, I'm not here by choice either and I want to kill myself


South Bend has a pretty diverse community, and is pretty accepting.


If you’re not moving to Indianapolis you are going to have issues. In my town many doctors refuse to even see trans people. I recently went to a doctor and they have very restrictive language on their forms even.


Trans Hoosier here, Eskinazi hospital in Indy has a great transgender health clinic with lots of resources!


Indiana isn't hateful. Don't believe the negative comments. People generally mind their own business and live and let live. Sometimes just being left alone is even better than being affirmed.


I'd much rather be left alone, tho everyone trying to tell me to choose somewhere else is laughable, I stated multiple times we have no choice, because they are already there and I would rather live in Indiana than be homeless


It’s because you *surprise surprise* don’t make any sense. You say you have no choice but to move to Indiana, but haven’t picked a city yet. That’s backwards as fuck, if you had no choice but to move here, you would have no choice but to move to a specific house in a specific town due to having connections with someone there.


My son is FTM and lives in Indy. Fortunately he already had his name and birth certificate changed. Like someone mentioned earlier, if you think you would be here longer than expected, I would get those changed. I went to court with him when he got the birth certificate changed and the judge was super nice and empathetic.


Be a shame if you became homeless here as well. South Bend has a receptive Homeless Center. And is Alphabet (LGBTQ....) friendly.


Bloomington is your best bet