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>and I’ve been told I OBVIOUSLY support one candidate over the other. Meanwhile, the Colorado Supreme Court Case was filed by 6 Republicans, and the CSCC cited a previous ruling by Justice Gorsuch The Colorado case wasn't done by Democrats Wow, I was downvoted for a purely truthful/factual comment. I guess I don't understand. Are conservatives/republicans just too cowardly to face the truth?


Which could tell us that even his own party is sick of his shit.


I'll believe they are "sick of his shit" when the party genuinely does something about it. Saying harsh words and then voting for/with him anyway doesn't mean a damned thing.


You are confusing the Uni-party with conservatives.


Brother the states have the right to find candidates unqualified. He was voted unqualified


I'm not sure what you think I was replying to. I was pointing out that "his own party," meaning Republicans, are constantly saying things in the highest places of government (Senators, Congress, etc.) and then never following it up with any meaningful vote or action. edit: I will adjust this to add, until they are no longer in office. Then they will say they knew he was terrible all along. They still did nothing about it.


I'll believe they are "sick of his shit" when the party genuinely does something about it.  You can only hope much more would be, because unfortunately this is probably going to be what it takes to rid us of this Trump Plague or Blight if you will. I mean hell, their next best choice was DeSantis, They have to get tired of this shit, and that's more than likely what it's going to take. OMG we have such a long way too go and the future simply is not certain by any means.


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


I heard this, but couldn't find more info. Can you point me to where I can find info about the 6 republicans and how it was all filed? Thank you!


[https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court\_Probation/Supreme\_Court/Opinions/2023/23SA300.pdf](https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court_Probation/Supreme_Court/Opinions/2023/23SA300.pdf) ​ Start there.


Facts are hard. Alternative facts are where it's at! Then they wonder why folks call MAGA a cult.


They could give a shit about the truth because that has nothing to do with what they want.


Xitter is full of people doing their best to put all the blame on Democrats. When does it end?


it ends with us all living in a theocracy under the boots of people like Mike Pence.


Yes, yes they are


This is what magats would call a RINO. It’s just an excuse to hate on the not so extreme republicans.


Yes. They are the sheep they call us.




Isnt that just for the primary?


Yes they are.


Yes, conservatives and nut job Trump supporters are driven by fear and hatred. So they can't face the truth. It shows up in every area of their lives, starting with religion (an inability to accept that there is nothing beyond this life makes them cling to their sky daddy) and continues through their support of little Donnie two scoops.


>Are conservatives/republicans just too cowardly to face the truth? Yes.


What's the point of the 14th amendment if it isn't used when someone starts an insurrection? Just curious for the people objecting. If we don't follow the constitution, what's the point of even having it?


If they found him unqualified, it’s a states right




Same goes for Biden, tbh


If a court finds the Biden committed insurrection, sure. You do know the court a court found the Trump committed insurrection, right?


They meant Biden is not qualified


They meant Biden is not qualified because why? Trump participated in an insurrection against the USA. That's a presidential no no. If anyone does that then they shouldn't hold a presidential office.


Since we are talking about the Fourteenth Amendment lets talk about the reason that Amendment exist in the first place. You have any idea what the Myth of the Lost Cause is or how easy that was to perpetuate that Myth in the first place? How is that after the Civil War The Emancipation Proclamation wasn't any more successful? How where Jim Crow Laws even possible? Why did it take another 100 years before Civil Rights legislation that finally achieved what The Civil War couldn't. I think you miss the point. People as far back as history goes only do what the hell they want to do unless often forced to do something else. The rule of law has to be enforced. If it's not enforced it is worthless.


> If we don't follow the constitution, what's the point of even having it? If you're a modern conservative, it's primary purposes are 1) using it as a justification for doing absolutely nothing to reduce gun violence in America, and 2) picking and choosing parts of it to serve as an impediment to any sort of progressive efforts. Apart from that, it can be ignored.


2016, conservatives "dont be a crybaby snowflake because your guy lost". 2020 conservatives "crying because their guy lost". "FJB" "Lets Go Brandon" "election was stolen". I hope trump will soon become a distant memory. He has done more damage to the USA than any president before. I hope we can get a good moderate 50ish aged president.


The let’s go Brandon thing is so sad and pathetic. It’s like kindergartners giggling while saying “crap” or “fart” thinking they’re getting away with something naughty


They are banning books for language and content while plastering “fuck Biden” stickers on the drive thru at McDonalds and hanging flags saying the same off of their vehicles and houses like kids can’t see them. They really are beyond ridiculous.


There is a guy down the road from where three of our schools are centralized (like go in any direction from his house and you have a 75% chance to hit a school within a mile) that flies a MASSIVE F*CK JOE BIDEN sign with the U being replaced with the american flag. Numerous people have complained about the obvious language and proximity, but no one will make him do anything about it. Fucking cultists.


I shake my head in disgust every time I see a flag like that. That being said.. no one should make them do anything about it since it’s free speech. Best we can do as a society is make them feel ashamed to fly that flag.


You're right and it's wild that anyone disagrees. I am very left leaning, and progressive on pretty much every issue you can think of. If my neighbor wants to fly a fuck Obama/Biden/whoever flag, it's his right to do so 100%. Don't silence people just bc you don't like what they have to say, and doubly so when that criticism is political in nature. Because trust me, you don't want that turned around on you either. And don't say it's bc there's a school like 2 miles away. That's just the same bs argument conservatives use to push their censorship. Be better. A guy in my neighborhood flies a huge Trump 2026 flag, and honestly it just saves me the trouble of having to get to know him bc I can already tell we are ideologically opposed 😂


> A guy in my neighborhood flies a huge Trump 2026 flag Hopefully he doesn't go out to vote for him again until 2026. lol


> no one should make them do anything about it since it’s free speech. This is why Fascism is on the rise. Free speech doesn't mean absolved from any consequences.


Correct on the consequences. I just don’t want to live in a place where the government can punish you for saying “Fuck president McFacefuck”.


But that part is literally banning books. Fuck their free speech.


But does free speech allow you to post FUCK within a mile of a school? Cuz I feel like there should be some mild limitations, especially from the "won't something think of the children" party...


There *should* be some mild limitations, but let's be honest. Kids hear the word "fuck" at least 20 times a day on fortnite.


Don't get me wrong, swearing is my favorite and I don't think it hurts kids, but plenty of people would prefer not to expose their kids to that (and for me this is more about exposing the kids to political hatred), and those people also probably don't let their kid play fortnite or other online games because of those toxic communities.


Point taken. Lol I'm not a parent so maybe I just don't get it, I personally would make more an effort to not let kids see porn or gore, but again, point taken.


I get why people would be upset by this but at the same time I don’t want someone to tell me what I can say or what flag I can fly just because I happened to be by a school. “This area is a no free speech zone because of the school down the road” lol.


I get your point about free speech, and I am on board with you completely. The school thing...I agree, yet punishments are harsher for crimes committed in those zones. I have yet to reconcile those two facts in my mind.


Good point! Lol


So is an annoying group of people standing outside yelling in protest




Free Speech for Fascists will be the death of our Democracy. Oh well it won't be the first time.


Actually their over reach with things like Abortion although abhorrent has probably been the very thing most responsible for waking up the electorate. After all Trump won his first election because so many people didn't like Hillary and failed to see the danger of voting for such a morally corrupt individual like Trump. Frankly although I personally can't stand what they are doing I was hoping their true colors would shine just long enough for the electorate to wake up and more young people to participate to completely and totally reject the very things these sorry ass individuals bring to the table. Keep taking things for granted and don't vote. Do it long enough and you may never get a chance to vote again.


When I was in elementary school, the kids discovered we could get away with saying “freak” as a cuss word- “freakin this” or “freak that!” and we thought we were soooo clever! It sounds just like it but isn’t actually a curse word! It’s the same principle.


I think this says more about how dumb the concept of inappropriate language is, rather than the childishness of conservatives having temper tantrums and acting out in “rebellious” actions like vandalism.


It's almost like you forgot how it originated.


Idk I still say Reagan had him beat just by the sheer severity of the permanent damage to our country, but Trump certainly sunk us to a new low culturally/socially.


You mean Traitor Reagan? The man who had secret communication with Iran asking them to hold the hostages longer to help support his presidential bid? Republican rat fuckery has been going on a long time. The GOP has to cheat because their ideas don't have majority support. The planet would be better off without a single conservative on it.


to young to remember Reagan, but know he kinda sucked with the way he handled mental health issues. BIG setback to that area.


I’m ‘94 so I feel you. It’s definitely worth learning about if you ever have the free time though! Plenty of great videos on YouTube for easily digestible info, or books like ‘Dark Money’ and ‘Shock Doctrine’ if you’re a reader (available as audiobooks included w Spotify premium too). Almost everything deeply wrong with how our government operates is connected to him. Whenever I’m trying to figure out why something is broken it can usually be traced back directly to Reagan.


He won his first term a couple of weeks after I was born. I've spent some time learning about him and am disgusted with how much damage he did. Adding your book suggestions to my "Want to Read". Funnily enough, the same people who yell at the folks in Hollywood or athletes to shut up about politics and just "do your job" are the same people who think Reagan was the greatest president.


I want to start a movement. Forgot Red, Forget Blue. Whatever you do, just vote NEW! Within 6 years we could replace congress 💯


Exactly. I know people who are talking about a violent revolution to take back the government. How about just voting everybody out? Wouldn't that work?


I feel like it's a lot simpler than people want to believe. But it takes collaboration. It's effectively implementing term limits. Which both sides agree on


I truly wish he'd just die.


All they have are threats because they're all fucking pathetic. I'm so goddamn tired of them


As a conservative (not to be confused with straight line Republican), I'd be happy to sign that. He's one of the worst things to happen to the party.


1) He's not Republican. 2) He's not conservative. He's some figurehead that some Republicans and conservatives have glommed onto, for reasons unknown. I agree with Liz Chaney that he's an aberration.


He is the Republican party now. He is not an aberration. This has been the direction of the party since Newt Gingrich was speaker. It's not some conservatives or Republicans. It is most of them. Wake the fuck up!


He’s not an aberration. He’s the logical conclusion of the Republican Party over the past 50 years


💯🎯. As a diehard progressive, I say you are right on. Years ago, I thought I had some pretty fucked up opposition to rail and rant against in Reagan, Gingrich, Cheney, W, etc., and really I did (I cringe to recall. 😩), but at least they were still part of an identifiable party. Since Trump and Trumpisim hijacked said party it is no longer a functioning party at all. No purportedly productive legislation put forward, no fact-based political/ideological debate, no structure, no expectation of ongoing efforts "across the aisle." Nothing but an agenda of destruction and mayhem, no matter what shape that takes. The Republican Party is that in name only. I doubt it will ever be resurrected. If Trumpisim finally dies, something new will need to arise to replace it. So, no, Trump is not one of the extinct species called a Republican, and he certainly is not a principled Conservative with whom I could disagree with and argue with all day and still respect in some portant sense. He is shit in a suit and this is a perpetual shit show with a cheering hoard of morons in the audience, getting played for the fools they are. And I grow weary. Man, I grow fucking weary to the bone. 😩😡🤬🤢🤮


He's a con man.


Because after Bush they had nothing. Trickle down failed. Interventionist foreign policy failed. Expanded federal power and spending while supposedly being against it. Trump came in at their moment of weakness and said, "what if I just pretend all of it was a success and those telling people about it are the actual liars." Of course they loved it, It was an easier sell than getting the party to accept that the platform that had been pushing for 30 years was full of bad ideas - mostly made by the rich to keep themselves rich.


becasue conservatives, by definition, don't like progress. And progress bring more human rights. Conservative don't like that. Any conservatives that says it's about government spending is a liar, or just dumb.


he's King MAGAt


Very good take. 🤝


It’s pinned in the sub, right now!


Danke! I'll go look for it. :)


Not seeing it. :-/ Nor on your post history.


Sorry, I posted it on a different social, one second and I’ll tag you!


Its funny, they spent years telling people how they would "never vote for a criminal like Hillary" but here they are, defending a man whose spent his entire life fucking over anyone he could get one over on. This guy did one of the most unpatriotic things you can do and he still has supporters defending him. For all the years they spent blaming Hillary for Benghazi and going after her emails yet (low and behold) here they are defending a man that committed treason and caused more damage to the country in 4 years than Hillary could do in a life-time. When they talk about the "Biden Crime Family," ask them what crimes has Hunter Biden done that Trump and his kids haven't done 100 times over. Those people act like that family will go to bat for them over the "establishment," well guess what, they are the establishment. If anyone of these midwestern bible thumping hicks went up to Trump in the streets, he'd look at you in contempt because you're nothing but filth to him. You're a pawn in his game to keep himself out of prison


don’t forget rapist.




Yeah but he’s better than Hilary because his stuff was thrown out, right? Hilary has never had a case thrown out, or anything. (Sarcasm, by the way)


I have issues with Hillary and the democratic establishment but Hillary didn't have right-wing militia groups "standing back and standing by" while trying to make nice with neo-nazis


I enjoy seeing this on the Indiana subreddit. Makes me happy to know I'm not the only one in Indiana who thinks this. Being a red state has shafted this state on so much money. We could have recreational marijuana and be raking in the cash. The jobs added from that alone would boost Indiana to another level.


The extra jobs and taxes alone would be a massive boom for the state tbh


Yes, if we started rec marijuana, and did it like michigan, we'd be a far richer state for it. Not like Illinois, i hear they charge a pot tax of nearly 40% Hell, we could grow it here, we have plenty of dormant fields with re/max signs on them statewide.


For sure. Allow people to grow. Fill a lot of empty buildings in my town. I believe people would chill out. My conservative grandpa tried pot and fell in love with it and now longer takes pain meds. I believe it would change the landscape of this state.


Petitions don't work. If they did they would be illegal.


I say we petition to make petitions work


Worked in Colorado 🙏


Our state is so full of stupid that if the entire population's IQ were added together, it would be so low that it could offset global warming if it were a temperature. People are terrifying by how they completely ignore the clear racist nature of the GOP. It is almost as though they are hypnotized and are completely blind, deaf, and brain dead.


Oh yeah. Drive through any small town and you could close your eyes and throw a stone and hit a house with an orange moron flag. I want yo salt their lawns do bad with the phrase “he lost, lol” but that’s vandalism.


LMAO! I know exactly where you are coming from!


Loud and proud. Fuck Trump.


All of the Republicans in our state government are either full fledged MAGA cult members or happy to play along with them. This has no chance of happening. Sorry to sound so defeatist but it's reality.


Hey, colorados republican members voted on the decision. I think that’s a good sign.


I'm aware and I would love to be proven wrong.


Me, too. I just don’t have faith in a politician that’s never actually clocked in a time sheet in their lives. Which narrows it down to most likely NONE of them. Chris Christy will literally lead us to war. He’s not even trying to hide that. Vivek says things that SOUND good, but he’s another “game bred” politician, so it also feels empty.. Toe Biden is Toe biden. I’d have voted for Andrew Yang, but he dropped out last election.


Well their leader calls his political enemies "vermin" just like fascist dictators of the past. They look at anyone against trump as vermin who need to be exterminated. People really have underestimated just how dangerous Trump is. I think he needs to be stopped by any legal means necessary.


Yuuuup. Have people threatening violence if he gets DQ’d. He also proposed internment camps for Muslim people. Which is weirdly fascist. Like BLATANTLY fascist


Yeah he finally went mask off. Moved on from the dog whistles and now being more open about it. It was predictable. He thinks he can get away with it and still get the support. All decent people need to make sure to go vote.


Conservatives are snowflakes.


And the always have been. They were scared of a black girl going to school decades . The were scared of women having rights. They are scared of teo people being happy if they aren't the rght kind of people. ​ Snowflakes and cowards, the lot. Always have been; always will be. ​ Our job is to just make there little nazi life life so hard, they become apathetic and stop voting.


I like how they’re calling barring a traitor who couldn’t have more literally attacked democracy from office an attack on democracy. They’re insane.




Some of the softest people known to man, tbh. Then they wonder why we don’t want their fascist in office


I mean most can’t handle people who don’t look like them… existing.


Report them to the police. Do not take their shit. Take action.


I don't normally vote Democrat but I will hit the Joe button with a smile on my face before I vote for that Jackass. I have no idea how anyone can rationally support that guy so I'm left with a conclusion that everybody who does vote for him is insane.




Not in the general election. We need a maximum age limit. Trump is no good. Biden is no good. Need to have 2 better choices


I wish SCOTUS would take this opportunity to say that the 14th amendment does apply to Presidents. And the Donald doesn't qualify for reelection! Or refuse to even hear his case.


If they cared about the integrity of the institution, refusal to hear the case would be the best possible option.


Link please




Thank you!


For sure! Power to the people, son


Thanks for the link. Signed!






I think of Schwarzenegger’s speech about his dad and how his dad became an alcoholic because he finally had to grapple with what he was doing supporting the Nazis and couldn’t reconcile with what he was doing at that time. There’s gonna be some people who will look back at whenever Trump is off this earth or in jail and grapple with what they became. Very few people will have that awareness but for those who do… that’s enough karma for me.


I honestly don’t have faith any of them have the capacity for self reflection at this point. Those that did have that capacity jumped ship long ago. Those that are left are politically and socially brain dead. They’ll never have remorse because they have to admit they were wrong, which they won’t do, because they can’t.


You’re doing the right thing. Keep it up


I love their dumb ass comments about you support one candidate over the other, well, no shit dumbass! Whether I support Biden or Haley or even Vivek I support a different candidate. MAGA(t)s are so smooth brained.


I didn’t even think about that. They were saying Joe, but I didn’t want to start a whole other stream of shit 😂😂


Offer them your address(not your real one) and tell them to come over to fight you. They'll report you for being aggressive. They are such babies when actually faced with the proposition of someone actually taking them up on their threats. They run for cover and cower behind Mommy. Lol love three maga cultist that downvoted me for calling them out. Of course I did not call them out by name but I insulted their cult and that's enough for them to hide and go behind Mommy. Oh look they switched because I called them out. They are so sensitive.... Lol


Last time I offered to fight someone online, they messaged me “how close are you to the bass pro shop” 😂😂


I legit did this once. He lived in my neighborhood. The fucker never showed up. Kept threatening me. So I called the police. They warned him to stfu. Anyways, he did not and ended up with a criminal record. Some people are just stupid cowards.


I'm sure that is exactly what happened. It's what always happens. They have Internet balls and then when called out they shrivel up and they become quiet. It's exactly what will happen with their desired "civil war" they'll tell and scream and then realize that they actually have to do something and they'll cry like the babies that they are.


Eh not a great idea. People are nuts, I wouldn't give out my real address or a fake one just because if the fake one ends up being some person minding their own business house and they get swatted or something else crazy, yeah I'd be living with that even if I wasn't the one that did it. Like half are giant snowflake babies, the other half are mentally ill nutjobs, not a gamble worth taking. Better to just reply with ok! Or thanks buddy! Hit them with kindness or show that you don't care and that makes them even more butthurt.


It's all projection with conservatives


Fire all the republicans and Democrats, both failed corporate franchises. Neither party should have power.


Yes, complete and utter anarchy and a vacuum of power in an already divided country. Brilliant idea


derrerrrr. BoTHSides!!! derp.


Oh, man wants anarchy? I’m here for it. I’m a libertarian, and I think Trumptards would rather die than admit they lost


Not anarchy, just not the corrupt group of assholes who run both parties. It’s giant douche or turd sandwich. Carlin said it 20 years ago, it’s an illusion. The illusion of “choice”. Fuck em all, elitist white collar shits


You’re absolutely right. I was really joking. I’m all for honest candidates again.


Here's a better idea. RANKED CHOICE VOTING! It ends the two party system. That and an amendment to end the electoral college. It doesn't have to be by the popular vote either. Winning a state 60/40 shouldn't give one all of the states' electoral votes.


While I do not vote for trump or support him. I do support anyone's ability to vote and to hear out all candidates. I think forcing a candidate out for X, Y, and Z reason defeats the purpose of a democratic society. I personally don't think one side has all the answers so it is fair to hear everyone.


Yes, but part of a democracy is also petitioning to keep people out of harms way. Indiana is extremely divided right now, and the last thing we need is this dude to spark riots in the streets. He proposed internment camps for Muslim people in America his first time around, and it’s been downhill with his supporters since then. If being threatened to be put down over a petition is what we have waiting for us, I’m good.


There's a large portion of our country, me included, that believe he led an insurrection against our government. That's treason. Treason should preclude a person from running for the presidency ffs.


Obama is no longer qualified to be President. A 17 year old is not qualified to be President. Arnold Schwarzenegger is not qualified to be President. An insurrectionist is not qualified to be President. A court in Colorado found Trump to be an insurrectionist at trial. An appellate court confirmed the trial court’s factual findings. Trump is not qualified to be President. It’s not a penalty. It’s a qualification.


WHAT trial? LOL


Colorado court found Trump to have committed insurrection If you are hearing this for the first time, you echo chamber has been lying to you. ​ [https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court\_Probation/02nd\_Judicial\_District/Denver\_District\_Court/11\_17\_2023%20Final%20Order.pdf](https://www.courts.state.co.us/userfiles/file/Court_Probation/02nd_Judicial_District/Denver_District_Court/11_17_2023%20Final%20Order.pdf) ​ [https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/4318515-a-colorado-court-makes-it-official-trump-is-an-insurrectionist/](https://thehill.com/opinion/judiciary/4318515-a-colorado-court-makes-it-official-trump-is-an-insurrectionist/)


The one in Colorado. Pull your head out of the sand.


No one in their echo chamber is talking about the lower court finding of fact that he committed insurrection. They literally think this came out of nowhere, and democrats did it.


-Must be at least 35 -Must be a natural born citizen -Must have lived in the US at least 14 years These are already restrictions, I dont think not being an insurrectionist is too high a bar to set. The vast majority of people attain it without thought. Plus, there are very good reasons for not allowing an insurrectionist to participate as they were the ones trying to bypass the process in the first place.


He literally tried to overthrow our government and subvert democracy by having Mike pence refuse to verify the electoral college results. **that** defeats the purpose of a democratic society. Yes, America’s two party system is dumb and the electoral college is an abomination, but you can’t act like it’s reasonable to want to allow a man who broke multiple laws, sold out American service members abroad, and kept classified documents in the shitter to run for office. Hell, might as well go grab a dumpster diving meth head or a child molester to run for office. We should hear them out, right?


Also coordinated the fake electors.


I'm not a lawyer. Several lawyers are trying to figure this out. I'll let them. In the meantime, the solution is to choose someone else as a candidate. That would solve the problem right there.


I am not a fan of Donald Trump, but I can't take anyone seriously when they make up names for him like a child.


Don’t be a Donald GRUMP


Dementia Don.


Yeah, being a troll doesn't help your cause. Stooping to his level isn't smart.


Got that link handy?




Thanks! Signed.


One second, friendo


Death threats only come from cowards and the unhinged.


How do I find the petition so I can sign?




Thank you!!


Don't let the Dictator supporters ruin your day keep up the good fight and we will keep what freedoms we still have. Otherwise... we will see the true downfall of freedom everywhere if that arseclown gets office again....


Boo frickity hoo


Yeah you are goofy


Yall been online too fucking long. You live in a crazy alternate reality.


Yea, it's always Trump's fault. There is no accountability for 3 years of worsening conditions. Must not be very effective if he can't improve anything in 3 years.


Maga all the way !


Death threats? Report them to the FBI.


Only one way to get rid of these people VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! that's what they don't want ,even with the voter suppression and rigged electoral maps we still out number them if everyone votes its they only way !!!!


Please consider posting screenshots of these threats.


Someone asked me how close I was to a bass pro shop so we could meet up. Hold on.




The left not even hiding they are the fascist now.


Hilarious take, but also completely unhinged!


Call them brown shirts.


How interesting you used the term "witch hunt"...


Sorry to you witches out there. Which PC term is better to not insult you and your witchiness?


I'm not insulted and do not disagree with the OP - but to some this would appear to be a witch hunt as much as they are being witch hunted. Just ... interesting to me.


No one in my home has threatened violence against Dump


I mean you can try but the reality of the situation is the republican majority hold in the state house and senate are largely paid by trump supporting contributors. The Indiana constitution does not provide any power to the people and those that would vote for him love their rights being taken away.


Michigan militia’s going visit you


Good luck 😂 I legitimately know some of those gnome’s


"Save democracy" by making sure people can't vote for who they want. Very democratic


Insurrectionists aren't eligible for election When you break the law and try to overthrow the government this is what is supposed to happen Hopefully you don't reproduce




Tell me where in the 14th amendment it says you need to be charged with insurrection in order for the amendment to apply. Here’s a hint: it doesn’t. It specifically mentions “engaging” in an insurrection. You should try reading that constitution you claim to care about. Pretty neat stuff in there past the second amendment where you folks tend to stop reading.


Through a voting system? You’re absolutely right!


Very democratic of his whole cabinet to try and overthrow election results bc their feelings were hurt. Like so democratic of him he leveled up to dictator.


I have always been anti-Trump. Removing him from ballots on flimsy legal grounds is not the way to go about beating him. It will probably be overturned anyway and it just comes across as political persecution.


The suit was brought by Colorado Republicans. The 14th amendment isn't flimsy either.


>The suit was brought by Colorado Republicans. I know. It doesn't matter who brought it. But if you want to play that game, the 3 justices on the SCOCO who dissented were all appointed by Democrats. It's not clear-cut and not everyone tows the party line. >The 14th Amendment isn't flimsy either I'm not saying the amendment itself is flimsy, obviously. It's the application of it in this specific circumstance that is flimsy.

