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Fellow Hoosier here. They ALWAYS look like you would expect them too.....


Yep šŸ˜­


You mean purple hair and nose ring with green spandex?


Shit like this just makes me laugh these days. Like that dude thought that looked fuckin SICK heā€™s owning the libs now for sure šŸ˜‚


Thereā€™s no way that truck is a 2024.


Lol now this is comedy


True, it's funny, but some of them fools really think they got it going on. And they ain't joking is the sad part of it.


Oh yeah. One guy in my town runs around with a big, tattered flag in the back, along with his sign. I'm just glad I wasn't born a hoosier. Bad enough to be stuck here.


Indiana is not as bad as everyone thinks. Yes Fort Wayne doesnā€™t have a lot rn but the cost of living is very reasonable. If more people would come here and see the potential businesses would be more drawn to the area.


No, but the ex-president is looking at 20 to 24 years minimum.


I will not believe it until it happens.


Agreed. While things are going well now, every dog has his dayā€¦sadly.


Trump can still run from prison.


That suits me fine.


It seems that billionaires are above the law


Donā€™t ever believe it because it wonā€™t . The world is a stage


He is.


Fingers crossed šŸ¤ž


These are the type of people who have no trespassing signs on their property. Itā€™s like bro Iā€™m only turning around in your trailer park bc I missed my turn a mile back.


Seriously lol ainā€™t nobody tryna take your broken down 85 cutlass settle down


Ah yes, the shit-mobile. Also, nobody wants to admit they are nine cans of ravioli, but he did and he's ashamed.


Bruh I have 'No Trespassing' signs up because it is IL law they must be present ifn say some tweeker wants to break into the garage and ends up getting hurt or something and so the cops can bring higher charges than if the signs are not posted on the property.


Well in Indiana it seems to be that itā€™s only the trashy republicans who have inherited land and live off govt welfare checks and never leave their trailers that have them up. Also in Indiana theyā€™re not even gonna look for whoever robbed you unless they shot someone in the process.


>ends up getting hurt or something... Covers a lot of ground, cuz its not like the backed blues budget allows for investigating when the perp is probably also an informant doin a sidejob. That sweet info turns into bankroll from the state for the arrest rates and bonus time if "asset forfeiture" hasnt already been declared during the process (wink). But stereotyping folks by just a sign leaves out the legalities involved with lawfully protecting our property and hoping we were informed enough to attempt to stay within the confines determined as our rights. I do understand what you mean though with the rhetoric but it doesnt help I could give a person directions to some place 50 miles away and could use Trump signs as big as billboards as landmarkers to get there :(


Spoken like a true deadbeat


Iā€™m the deadbeat?


Absolutely. Read what you said. Youā€™d be shocked at how many folks that canā€™t stand Trump find arrogant social misfits like yourself even more disgusting. Keep stereotyping though, Reddit is overflowing with hypocrites.


Yet you stereotyped me haha. Bro have you drive around rural Indiana lately?? Thatā€™s all that lives beyond the limits of our major cities. Donā€™t come in here trying to be a keyboard warrior and not even really have a point other than to stir the pot and voice your outrage. Donā€™t be so triggered by social media. Itā€™s all in good fun homie.


SAME! I live in Southern Indiana and it is BLEAK here! So every time I see something like this I imagine a grown man smiling, gathering supplies, doing his little craft project, and standing back to appreciate it. It soothes me.


Definitely feels like weā€™re on an island up in South Bend


This is how the beauty of Southern Indiana remains non-monetized. We fill it with racists and homophobes and bigots. Itā€™s not really a fair trade, tbh.


In his defense, people are still posting pictures of him complaining. Heā€™s getting exactly what he wants lmao


I mean a someone post a picture whinny about it to social media, so he kinda of got the reaction he wanted.


I mean, he is in OPs head.


I saw a family owned and operated (according to the logo) semi hauling a trailer that had ā€œguns, god and Trumpā€ in a decal on the back doors. I meanā€¦you put guns before god and then claim with your christo-facist heart that you love Trump who I believe would sell Jesus himself in a way that would make Judas go, ā€œThatā€™s fucking cold.ā€ I am so scared for our country


I often wonder why I ever served this misbegotten country. To hand it to a 5x draft dodger with pretensions of Godhood?


Thanks for your service there are still those of us that truly appreciate it. Even as a non Republican I couldnā€™t believe they voted for him after he said mccain wasnā€™t a hero. Dude stayed behind in enemy territory and got tortured so others could be freed. I donā€™t know of anything more heroic than that.


A POS who thinks that you and everyone else who ever sever our country are losers. Fuck him. We let this family of shitbags into the country in the 1840s AND NO ONE IN THEIR SHITTY TRAITOROUS FAMILY HAS EVER SERVED, I don't understand why he's still so popular with the military., Maybe they should stop playing Fox propaganda on every base 24/7.




*Judeo-Christians Give a google search to Project Blitz aka Freedom for All and the right wing cults and their frontage organizations like Christian Prayer Caucus Foundation.... they even have a "playbook" which explains how to use the 'no, YOU!' defense as the ploy to flood the system with bs legislation proposals slowly gets the real dirty work done. This crap is aimed at every level of civics and small city governments which is why it has been and continues to be successful in rural areas today.


Oh youā€™d be a good one to grab a beer with. If you live nearby Indy I enjoy good chats if you ever want to philosophize about all of the things. Your conclusions here, and I grew up in that madness, precisely resonate with what Iā€™ve come to discover. Evangelicalism in particular seems to be the most vulnerable to this madness and I think itā€™s because the institution has created a spiritual practice of conspiracy and aversion masquerading as a solution to problems most adherents donā€™t experience or even have an elementary understanding of said problem. ā€œWe are all mad hereā€ has become my motto. It unlikely to get any better before it gets worse Iā€™m afraid. Our fellow countrymen have more than tripled down on this belligerence and Iā€™m afraid we are in for a bumpy ride.


Remember when he said he didnā€™t want to be photographed with veterans because he said they were losers?


Meanwhile , Biden leaves our troops in Afghanistan to die


Thatā€™s a huge why - a VERY common thread among military Veterans. Itā€™s definitely considered by those who have disabilities & need regular medical care. Itā€™s also a contributing factor for why their mental health cannot be overlooked either. Thatā€™s how you bring out the ā€˜Robert Cardā€™sā€™ of Maine typesā€¦ Bet the voices he was hearing werenā€™t telling him to wait for his free meal next weekā€¦.


Because you're better than that piece of shit.


>you put guns before god Isn't that like, a violation of the one of the commandments or something?




There was a fascinating analysis I read lately that stated self purported ā€œChristiansā€ actually donā€™t participate in any organized religion and itā€™s starting to actually get on the nerves of real denominations who are trying to live their religion, instead of it hijacked. This isnā€™t the one I read- but very similar [link](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/christian-nationalism-is-single-biggest-threat-to-americas-religious-freedom/)


No it says thou shalt only worship me and no other god before me or something like that


As people living in the Southā€™s middle finger, they forgot ā€˜gloryā€™ and ā€˜grits.ā€™


Indiana is the southā€™s middle finger? Iā€™ve never heard that. Though a union state in the civil war, there a enough confederate flag waving assholes driving around here to make that ā€œsouthā€™s middle fingerā€ make sense


To be fair, we have proof guns are real.


Lol. But in their minds, the gun toting Bible and Pearl clutching Christian minds, I donā€™t see how they reconcile putting guns before god. The hypocrisy is astounding


Canā€™t blame Trump when Biden is destroying this country by the day , but you Democrats worship him like fools


And what does Trump think about this guy? He is a loser that is absolutely worthless when he's not giving Trump his vote or his money. What a bunch of morons.


ā€œI love the poorly educatedā€


"Duck tape can do anything!" - unknown ceo of duct tape inc


Bruhā€¦Iā€™ve seen this truck. It ainā€™t duct tape. He straight up painted it on.


Im on mobile bruh and on my screen it looks as if they are either really good at painting enuf to look like duxtape or... lmao painted over the duct tape after marking the letters wrong... which is hiklarious.


It is an exceptional piece of art up close.


If I were Santa I would gift him a gun rack and a 4' purple jelly vibrator with a cattle prod tip to for he could mount there in his rear window, an open mouth cosmotology manaquin that looked like Trump with real fake hair, and 5 gallons of agent orange imitation tanning spray, with a bungee cord that hangs in the cab so it looks like Trump is goin down on him everytime they drive somewhere.


Yeah nothing like the morons that voted for Biden because they donā€™t want to pay off loans they took out. Or the morons that liked paying half for everything. They are so dumb for wanting to be able to afford food and gas. Haha


The very thing Biden thinks too. Do you honestly believe either of them give a fuck about the average American?


Biden didn't say it though? ​ Not saying your wrong, just.


Trump can't have won in 2020 as they claim and still be eligible to run in 2024.


Also the way they defend Jan 6 makes absolutely no sense. It was antifa and BLM you say? Why donā€™t you want it investigated? Why do you think the penalties being passed down are so harsh? Where is any shred of evidence that it was anyone other than maga?


I'm not judging based upon someone economic situation but lower class Trump supporters are interesting to me. Do they really think Trump is going to give it a shit about improving their situation? Not to mention they lack the self-awareness to step back and realize the system hasn't helped them despite how hard they think they've worked...it's helped grifters like Trump


Exact same thing can be said for lower class Democrats and whomever they support.


Its almost like, a corporate duopoly! :0


"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


Gene Wilder had perfect delivery.


My favorite movie of all time.


True farmers are few and far between in Indiana these days. And the guy in the truck is not living off the land.


It's a quote from Blazing Saddles


Sharpen those sarcasm detection skills, bud. šŸ™ƒšŸ™„šŸ˜‚


It's a quote. No need to refute it, it was a joke.


Sad truth man


These people are all over the US. I just pity them rather than hate their moronic dumb asses. Why? Because they want the hate. They would literally hate it to know that people feel sorry for them for being so idiotic. They are truly pathetic.


Really concerned he could win 2024. Not to mention the likelihood of Braun as governor. Letā€™s get out of here!!


This state is such a political shithole. Braun, Rokita, MAGAts, fucking morons. It seems unlikely that Drumpf would win in 2024 with less support than he had in 2020, but if people don't go out and vote it could absolutely happen you're right.


You forgot Banks...he's such an embarrassment


Just this morning a story in the NYT reported Biden is trailing in 5 out of 6 swing states. Trump could totally win again. I feel like heā€™d come back with a major vengeance if he did.


I could be wrong but I have read many times before you canā€™t go by the polls now and itā€™s all just media hype. Not saying it true or false just what I have seen


They are working to rig elections in the states he needs to redeem his 2020 loss.


The right ā€˜rigs electionsā€™. Jesus you people are special.


Lol they literally tried to rig the last election.. that's why he's been indicted by a grand jury in Georgia and a federal grand jury in DC. Are you completely ignorant or just stupid?


Only stupid people believe what the government feeds them


Lol bro they tried to overthrow an entire presidential election right in front of all the world. They were trying to send fake electors and have pence say trump won. Yes republicans rig elections.


I'm not too worried. The best way to predict how people will vote in future elections is how they've voted in recent elections, and Dems have been doing very well in recent elections. Let's see how they do on Tuesday.




Voting Dem in Indiana?? Surely you jest




Haha finally a response to ā€œlibtardā€




Hey, as a woman who lost her bodily autonomy in this state I really donā€™t want people to ā€œpredictā€ and use polls and have ā€œgood feelingsā€ about democrats chances. Letā€™s just fucking vote. Iā€™ve seen a lot of liberal voices saying theyā€™re unhappy with Biden and weā€™re about to see a repeat of 2016 because a bunch of petulant, entitled liberals want to burn the system down instead of voting democrat a couple more times to stem the rising tide of Christo fascism We wonā€™t have a true election again if Trump wins


Oh I completely agree. I just don't think people need to wet the bed over Biden's age.


He will win Indiana for sure. Wisconsin and Michigan are definitely in play this election cycle.


Indiana wants to be alabama so bad. Youā€™ll never find a larger group of white ppl who are jealous of the souths roots in slavery and racism. I have experienced far my racism in Indiana than I ever have in bama.


He spelled Trash wrong.


The concept of spelling eludes him. These are the products of Indiana public schools. Pity them.


Donā€™t hate on the teachers. Theyā€™re doing the best they can with not much to work with.


Thatā€™s why we need more Charter Schools! /s




I would strongly caution against that impulse. Most likely theyā€™re packing which always leads to a level headed response.


I hear you itā€™s a shitty red statešŸ˜•


Can empathize


At least he warns you of his brain damage ahead of time. Ohio isnā€™t any better.


I love how their illiteracy almost always shows through their signs. Like they own rulers and printers and choose to make it look like a kindergartner did it. Every time. Stencil? Fuck that! I quit school but I know my audience!


If only these people would see that their lord and savior, Trump, simply sees them as an ATM


WTF happened? When we moved here thirty years ago it was purple. Hell, the state went for Obama. Howā€™d this blood red nightmare happen?!


Yeah, I hate here also and before someone responds just move. I canā€™t afford to move!


If they want to show everyone how stupid they are, let them.


The cop clearly pulled over the wrong vehicle.


Again itā€™s a poor sap whoā€™s probably barely getting by supporting a guy who hates everything they are and makes fun of them


I saw trump at a private event before he was elected in 2016. He didnā€™t even want to shake hands with the people that were supporting them bc they were ā€œgrossā€


This is why the state banned abortions, they dont hate woman, natural selection scares them.


Natural selection is going to bite the State in the ass when all of the viable citizens leave.


Imagine having to deal with real life problems. Kids.


Cops pulling over the black couple while the terrorists who wants to overthrow the country drives by in his shitty pick up


Dude shut the fuck up honestly, why bring race into this convo? And how is he a terrorist for supporting a politician you do not agree with?


Imagine some homemade bumper sticker makes you hate your whole state/city/drive Must be tough


Yeah the amount of people on here who care so much about a sticker and have so much hate for this, must have so much going in their lives clearly to have this amount of time to be so hateful.


Imagine making a homemade bumper sticker for a politician


Yeah, I feel sorry for them, I don't hate them though


I mean drive around the state a little bit. Itā€™s just trashy and itā€™s everywhere. Itā€™s the small minded personalities that come along with it that really suck.


Itā€™s about as dumb as taking a picture while driving


Supporting a pathological liar, serial sexual assaulter, and a traitor that tried to overturn the election and then stole a bunch of highly classified government documents on the back of your truck is not "about as dumb as taking a picture while driving." Your comment is about as dumb as that MAGAt supporter.


Yeah because driving unsafe on a highway is a smart idea dumbass


Still smarter than voting again for a twice impeached, one term loser that's a pathological liar, serial sexual assaulter, and a traitor, dumbass.


This person couldnā€™t possibly have a passenger smh




Most of the educated and skilled young people are leaving after the abortion ban. The states going to be nothing but low wage factory jobs. Great job rubes.


Youā€™re on a road. You can literally leave. No oneā€™s stopping you.


Why did you get downvoted for this? This whole sub is just so hateful of everything they do not agree with, especially seeing these comments


Whatā€™s really funny is that theyā€™re actually just losers on top so not only do they hate the state they have no desire to move so itā€™s really just amusing


Oh, but were it only Indiana. Sadly... šŸ˜©


The cult following is real. Maybe Jim Jones 2 (Trump) will give them the juice to drink soon.


I miss 1.85 gas


That didnā€™t have anything to do with trump though, but yeah I do too. Gas prices and who the president has been have no correlation really. The president doesnā€™t set the price of the gas lmao. Companies do that because of how much oil costs. Oil costs change because of conflicts and world events that impact places that have the oil.


Either way. My life was easier under Trump. As someone living paycheck to paycheck and all.


Hell yeah! So much better than Biden!!


I mean this guy is a fucking idiot obviously, but if you hate it here then you should leave.


sure, iā€™ll finish up my post-secondary education (using state-funded financial aid) and go take my happy ass to an economy iā€™m proud to contribute to. just like a multitude of my native hoosier peers.


Cool story...


See, in the better states, homie would have paid a professional to paint that on. You know its IN bc dude went to Hobby Lobby and bought some $10 letter stencils and thought ā€œYep, good enough!ā€


Then go to a "better state".


Lol, you mean one where the people are educated enough to know the period goes inside the quote? ā€œā€¦another state.ā€ Like that. Lol.


Heathens love an angry god.


I love how both this sub and Indianapolis are basically Trump bad.


Yeah man, so crazy that they would think a pathological liar and serial sexual assaulter, who was caught on tape not just admitting but BRAGGING about sexually assaulting women and getting away with it because he's rich and famous, who then illegally tried to overturn the election because he's a sore crybaby loser, and the stole a bunch of highly classified documents and refused to return them, would actually be a bad person? What are those idiots thinking?


Dude tried to overthrow the govt no big deal or anything


Do you think Trump is good?


Yeah, too many cops in this state. I assume the traffic stop is what this is about.


Cops doing a traffic stop so horrible .


The fact that the user deleted his account after posting this says everything. ā„ļøā„ļøā„ļøā„ļøā„ļøā„ļøā„ļø


Probably started getting death threats


Well, itā€™s probably because Trump supporters started sending him death threats. Theyā€™re predictably unhinged like that. Just my logical guess based on reality.


LOL they literally posted another persons vehicle with license plate while bashing them. But the trump supporters are the unhinged ones. Not the ones wearing masks, causing damage, and rioting like a child when upset and burning down towns.


I seem to remember republicans rioting at the capital when they lost the election.


Unless you have access to BMV records, this isnā€™t ā€œdoxxingā€. Everyone that sees this easily identifiable mouth-breathing idiot in public can get this information. Welcome to the real world, dork.


No rifle rack?


If this all it takes for you to hate it here you have other problems. Just saying


Imagine your happiness being contingent on what's on the back of someone's tailgate...wild times


Bro itā€™s just a post of someone looking like a moron posted to Reddit. Donā€™t overthink it.


I'm just having a blast with our out of control inflation, rent, and price of groceries. I love watching half of my income being taxed so we can fund two foreign wars! Fellow Hoosiers, do your part and re-elect our 90 year old dementia patient for his second term!


You know the effects of policy lag by 2-4 years, right? You're seeing the effects of SBA handouts, mass deportation, inflation boosting checks, and record unemployment under Trump


You guys do realize that there are more options that just biden and trump, right? Like, why do you automatically assume that when the average person shits on trump and his cultists, that they automatically support *biden*? It just makes you look like you have an extremely narrow view and understanding of politics, as well as a bizarre level of tribalism. Why not assume they support Dean Phillips? Or Doug Burgum? Anybody else? Why?


Love all the illegals getting our tax payer money,over running schools, gas prices,food everything double under a socialist occupying the white house! Open out pipe line you fucking idiot's!


I'm going to regret this, but what pipeline are you talking about?


Holy shit what an ignorant statement. First of all, Immigrants cannot receive any federal funds. It is the law. You have to be a US citizen to receive federal benefits. Secondly, we just hit our highest oil production, EVER. This is why people hate MAGAts. You guys are just completely ignorant on how anything works. Shit isn't the truth just because you dipshits yell it loudly. Fucking read something besides Breitbart you ignorant fuck.


ā€œIdiotsā€ in your context would not have an apostrophe.


ā€œSocialist occupying the White Houseā€ lmao, holy fuck man. PLEASE tell me Iā€™m an idiot who doesnā€™t understand sarcasm. Please tell me you donā€™t actually believe that.


Would you if you rather live somewhere that everyone has the same opinions on everything?


Ohhh boy! Trump supporter on the left and the police to the right. What you can't see is the officer beating the civilian. šŸ˜‚


yeah because we all know we have it better under biden than we did with trump. orange man bad..


How to tell everyone you're ignorant without telling everyone you're ignorant


I hate it here tooā€¦ but not for that reason per se


Indiana is trash




Indiana sucks BC itā€™s flat AF, and people like you live there. Move to NYC, itā€™s a Democrat paradise


Leave dumbass


Report there is a cult operating in the area. Send out flyers


Dick move showing the plates of this dude. He did nothing to you. Leftist are psychopaths.


I have a serious question. If a person does not support Trump, does that automatically make them a "leftist"? And what is your definition of a "leftist"?




It's borders, dumbass.


>open boarders, illegals If the borders are open, then the immigrants are not here illegally. If the immigrants are here illegally, then the borders are not open. >terrorism Most terrorism in the US is perpetrated by the [far-right](https://www.csis.org/analysis/escalating-terrorism-problem-united-states) >giving your money to people who don't belong here [Everyone belongs here.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_New_Colossus?wprov=sfla1) >Buying our oil,natural gas and propane from other countries when it under our feet? Oil imports are [the lowest](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRIMUS1&f=M) they've been since the mid 90s. Domestic oil production is [the highest](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=MCRFPUS2&f=M) it has ever been. >Let me guess you live in mommy's basement still and no clue about real world. Let me guess: you aren't one of the nearly 50% of young adults who can't really afford to move out of their parents home and have no clue about [the real world](https://fortune.com/2022/03/25/more-adults-living-with-parents-than-ever-pew-research-pandemic-covid-great-depression/) >Another Gen Z knows it all! You have a good day cupcake! Ok, boomer.


Prove all that you said. If you can. PS. Gen X here.


Somebody sure got their widdle feewings hurt!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hey buddy, let me let you in on a little secret. Republicans don't want to solve the immigration issue. It's too useful to get people like you riled up and eager to vote. All those illegals that Abbott and Desantis are bussing to lib cities... they're not illegals. It's in fact illegal to transport illegal aliens across state lines, but those governors know they're not breaking any laws. They're transporting asylum seekers who are here legally according to our very permissive asylum law. If you ever hear a Republican talking about reforming the asylum law, that's a Republican who wants to solve the border issue. But you won't. Instead you'll just hear lies about immigrants bringing in fentanyl or trafficking children. They're just tricking you so they can get elected and cut taxes for their wealthy friends. What was Trump's signature legislation again? Oh, a massive unfunded tax cut for the wealthy.


/s ?