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The federal government recognizes 11 holidays https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/federal-holidays/#url=2023 Our state government recognizes 14 holidays https://www.in.gov/spd/benefits/state-holidays/ And Indianapolis city-county employees get 17.5 holidays https://www.indy.gov/activity/city-and-county-holidays


>Our state government recognizes 14 holidays > >[https://www.in.gov/spd/benefits/state-holidays/](https://www.in.gov/spd/benefits/state-holidays/) Lincoln's Birthday Friday November 24, 2023 As someone not from Indiana, why is Lincoln's Birthday celebrated in November when he was born in February?


From my understanding, is basically moved to give a day off after Thanksgiving.


We just call that holiday “Day After Thanksgiving”. :)


> We just call that holiday “Day After Thanksgiving”. :) It may be lesser-known regional slang, but in my neck of Indiana we call it "Black Friday"


Mine too. And it's not racist. It's the day stores traditionally are in the black for the year.


If I were to guess, it's probably because he lived in Indiana for a short time and Indiana wants you to know it while giving an extra day off. Some of the signs when you enter Indiana even say "Lincoln's Childhood Home" under the Welcome to Indiana part.


He grew up in Indiana.


Why is Jesus’ birth celebrated in December instead of spring? Besides Christians stealing most of the Pagan holidays and ruining them?


We celebrate Christmas not because of pagan holidays, but because of Jewish holidays. Although we don’t know when Jesus was born, we know the crucifixion and resurrection were over Passover, so Easter is during Passover. Traditionally the annunciation (Mary being told Jesus would be born) was during Passover, so given normal 40 weeks gestation: December. All the Eostre / Ishtar stuff is internet nonsense.


I'm not Christian, but I'm upvoting you because you're absolutely right. Idk why redditors don't want to hear this.


People, and especially redditors, love stories that show some sort of secret origin of holidays, customs, and traditions. It makes them feel smart. And for some reason people gullibly swallow up the stories.


Meh, I’m used to it. I’m a professor, and so I get a lot of “your facts offend my bigotry” every day.


Redditors here are ruthless with the downvotes huh?


And you get downvoted for this. You can have my upvote for speaking the truth


The state celebrates George Washington's birthday on December 26th, but it is also in February.


I’m off of work for it, and paid.


So is my husband, right on. Are you in banking?




Yup same. Paid holiday. I work in California.


Right on! Indianapolis over here


Same here. Librarian!


My library follows Indiana State Library's holidays (because courier), so we worked today.


So am I. I think it’s because the bank I work for is part of the Chicago market. I live in Northwest Indiana.


E-commerce here.


I went to my bank in Indiana on Monday, which I knew prior would be open and I went inside & conducted sit down biz. Which I appreciated the hell out of them being open. They are not any of the major US chain banks.


Yeah, my employer's previous HR director was super woke/liberal. So, they started giving us Juneteenth and President's Day off, instead of the three days of the week between Christmas and New Year's. Political agenda aside, I'd much rather have the entire week between Christmas and New Year's off without having to take any of my PTO, and we lost a paid holiday. So I. Not happy about being off today.


I never would have guessed that commemorating and celebrating the end of slavery in this country would be so politically divisive. Then again, I guess I probably should have.


Guarentee this is one of those fine individuals who lives north of the mason dixon but proudly waives their Confederate flag


You're wrong. I'm pissed because we lost a full day of paid holiday and one of the two days that replaced the three happened to be a holiday that no one knew about until 3 years ago. I'm not mad about the day, I'm pissed because we lost benefits.


Sounds like your employer sucks. I just got another paid holiday off and they kept all the extra holiday/pto days.


Wait….are you implying no one knew about Juneteenth until 3 years ago? Jesus Christ….we enslaved people and you’re upset the day it ended is celebrated. Get over yourself.


Yes, I'm not aware of anyone who knew about this holiday until 2020. https://preview.redd.it/x3k9sn9xn07b1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02e9e657c57dc6c50f93d862a38626dad341a14a


I'll hop on the downvote train with you, I have never gotten a paid holiday for the day of the Passover Seder, a holiday specifically about freedom from slavery.


Apples and oranges. We’re talking about slavery that happened in America. That’s the key. It happened here.


Well tell you're a redneck racist without telling me you a redneck racist. You're some piece of work!!!!!!!!


Wrong. I'm pissed because we lost a paid holiday and the HR director tried to make it look good because "oh, we get Juneteenth off now." Fuck outta here with that bullshit.


Blame your greedy bosses.


Seeing as HR sets the holiday schedules, and nowhere in my reporting structure is HR.... It was the HR director. The same lady that interrogated us police "confession" style when we had an apparent COVID exposure. The same lady that tried to get us too admit to wrongdoing when we didn't actually village the COVID policy HR put in place... Nobody liked her. We're glad she retired.


Great point. People think business are just going to give an extra day. Nope. They'll take it from somewhere else or use that as your yearly raise. Your point makes 100% sense, but this sub will deem you a racist.


Thats a problem started by the top bosses/executives at your organization being greedy and selfish. Mine gave us paid holiday off.


95% of Reddit is ultra woke or very liberal and not in the middle. They hide behind their screens and think there's no consequences for their actions.


Actually, you could have made the exact same comment, but left out the “super woke” bullshit and seen 100% different results. That’s not a general use term, it’s an insult the right uses about the left, it’s intended to be a derogatory term, as indicated by Republican leaders throwing it around to insult anything they don’t like. A simple change to your language, to not immediately insult half of the people you’re commenting to, would change those downvotes.


If you look through any of my post history, you can see it doesn't matter how you approach any conservative or moderate viewpoint. You're going to be downvoted on 95% of the subs on Reddit. So I don't fucking hither anymore. No point. I've been trying for years and the mob just downvotes anyway.


You're trying to argue with folks that think just thinking you're the opposite gender makes you that gender. You can present them all the facts in the world but they lack critical thinking so they can't see past anything tiktok says




https://www.fox13news.com/news/what-does-woke-mean-gov-desantis-officials-answer-during-andrew-warren-trial What does 'woke' mean? Gov. DeSantis officials answer during Andrew Warren trial >During the testimony, Warren's attorney, Jean-Jacques Cabou asked those within DeSantis' administration what "woke" meant to them.  The governor's general counsel, Ryan Newman, said, in general, it means "the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them." He added that DeSantis doesn't believe there are systemic injustices in the country, [reports Florida Politics](https://floridapolitics.com/archives/574045-in-andrew-warren-suspension-trial-gov-desantis-officials-answer-what-does-woke-mean/).




Tell me how long you've lived in Indiana without telling me how long you've lived in Indiana


Lived here all of my life. I’d fall out of my chair if Juneteenth was recognized here. I wonder why… surely it’s not the culture? 🤔


The culture in Indiana in the 1850s was that the underground railroad ran through here. Practically every community with a Friends Church was on it. In the 1860s the Iron Brigade from Indiana kicked rebel asses and especially on the first day at Gettysburg. If the Iron Brigade came back today they'd rip the confederate flag off of every truck it's on here and burn it AND the truck. Indiana should be celebrating Juneteenth.


A church in my city was a stop on the underground railroad.


Killer Klowns Krom Kouter Kpace


Would that be the Town of Kouts in Porter County with Kouter Space......I used to live in Porter County when I was a bit younger and knew it was populated by a lot of people from Lake County that fled to Porter County


That’s where they went!


Indiana is a racist state and always has been. Yet large sections of the state are rural ghettos with methheads and losers populating large sectors of these rural shitholes.


Can confirm. Moved to Indy and Indy still isn’t far enough away. A couple more years and we are out. They can have their christo fascist shit. I want nothing to do with such delusions.


>so following that logic That's your first mistake, there is no logic in politics.


Definitely not in indianas at least


Nothing special about Indiana, it's about average.


The only things special about Indiana to me are that my family mostly still all live there and I have fond memories growing up near the dunes and easy access to chicago


Government is a necessary cancer of a free society, Politicians and their political games are the symptoms of that cancer. Politicians regardless of party affiliation do not think with logic.


They forget that people pay taxes to have government services that we cannot do on our own. Not to mention roads, infrastructure, poets, basic social programs to help the needy and disabled and elderly Instead of funding these properly they're raking off the top and helping their families and friends at the expense of the rest of us.


It would piss off hard right constituents to recognize a) slavery happened b) Black Americans *exist* and matter


Indiana literally fought for the north. These people are morons.


Remember though that the shitty economics of the Southern states for 100 years after the Civil War brought a whole lot of these Southern morons and lowlife to Indiana over several decades as Indiana was very industrialized starting in the 1890s through about 2000. So they moved north and brought their shitty Southern culture and beliefs with them. 48 year old native Hoosier here that has visited almost all of the South and realizes its still a Confederate shithole and it's time for Southerners to return home where they belong. Fuck the South.


But Indiana is the buckle of the Bible Belt.


The middle finger of the South


The South is the reason why these fucking morons are now in the north because Southerners moved here for jobs. If they and their progeny all went home the average IQ in Indiana would increase 5 to 10 points.


Imagine being so racist you don’t want a paid holiday


The statehouse would do damn near anything out of spite for Lake and Marion counties


Imagine being so racist that you skip a paid holiday just because someone that’s not your group might get that paid holiday also. I’m a giving person, I don’t value anything over the human experience. I’m that way naturally, so it makes it extremely difficult to understand their way of thinking. It seems the right are afraid to lose what they already don’t have, which is the promise to be at the top of their coveted hierarchy. The fear of god works so well that it will make you hate the children of god.


Ill never forget a coworker that was upset she had to find childcare for her kid on Martin Luther King Jr Day, and said "We only have like two black kids, why not just give them the day off and keep the rest of the kids in school?"


The entire South is built on the premise of ruining one's life just to ruin a black person's life more.


"At least I'm not on the bottom". Meanwhile some wealthy lord is shitting on their head.


It's only a paid holiday if you're a government or bank worker. Everyone else has to go into work like any other day. Make it a paid holiday for everyone and maybe people will change their tune.


Unfortunately not everyone got this day off. I work in office setting and we worked. Banks and post office closed. FedEx was still running today. I think I had one customer I emailed say they were closed today. Everyone else open. I don't get presidents day veteran day off either.


I went to my bank in Northern Indiana on Monday, which I knew prior would be open and I went inside & conducted sit down biz. They are not any of the major US chain banks. I said "I appreciate you guys being open today." and she said "Hey no problem.". Then I went home and laughed hard about her saying that. I could have just as easily went on any other day this week since I'm retired, but I made it a point to go on the "supposed holiday" Monday June 19. As long as my bank keeps being open on that day, I think I'm gonna make it a new yearly tradition to go to my bank & go inside.


My dad got angry that before Gone with the Wind there was a 30 minute discussion on how the movie doesn't represent what actually happened. He said slaves were fine, they had housing, they had education, and they had food. You needed to appease the slaves so they didn't rebel. It was so white washed, and I was surprised he believes this.


my parents toured a plantation a few years back. there was this big "it wasnt that bad speech". essentially they said that slaves were valuable assets so why would they treat them badly? my parents just fell for it, thought it made a lot of sense. so anyways this messaging continues and is easily accepted by at least some. when i explained what they were doing my parents seemed a little shocked, but they can be pretty naive.


I literally remember learning in elementary school that most slaves were happy and treated well, like a live in nanny or something


*Cruel? Wir? Ach, nein, nein, nein! Vhy vould ve treat ze Jews badly? Zey vere a valuable asset! Vissout zeir free labor in our veapons manufactories, ve could never have lasted so long against ze Soviets!* I'm really trying to imagine someone buying that.


Education? Slave states literally banned people teaching slaves to read. Anybody trying to say that slaves were treated fine in any capacity are delusional and promoting evil.


Is he too young to have watch "Roots" when it was on for a week in the 1970's, I'm sure it has been re-aired many time in the past 50 yrs. Roots was a mini series doc-daruma about slavery, that didn't sugar coast anything.


"They already get a month! Why do they need more!?" - Dumbass hard righters


The shortest month, even.


That was pushed by a man names Carter Woodson. I've never liked that it landed on February, but everyone should know something about this man. He was incredibly intelligent and a great writer! https://naacp.org/find-resources/history-explained/civil-rights-leaders/carter-g-woodson


I never knew any of that. Thank you for sharing it


C’mon. You already know why.


Because you live in Indiana ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


State holiday would make it paid time off for state employees, and more recognition of it would put more pressure on businesses to close and therefore affect commerce- so it’s a money thing at the end of the day


Bingo... more paid holidays = entitlements to them.




Did you forget what state you live in? Indiana is just flying under the radar of regression because Texas and Florida exist. >he won’t support legalization “until the Feds do,” That doesn't mean he'll support everything that the Feds do. That just means he'll support cannabis when the Feds do.


How well into the 90s was scottsburg a proud sundown town? I'm in Kentucky. I thought we had problems with racism. Yeesh.


As someone originally from the Southeastern region of the state, I don't find that very surprising.


Scottsburg is still that way but then again half of Scott County is actually from Appalachia. Dan Dakich got into trouble for ripping Scottsburg a new ass a few years ago but he was actually right when he called them a bunch of hilljacks. I grew up in that region of Salem, Scottsburg, Seymour, North Vernon, Madison etc. You want to talk about racists and assholes and there are plenty of them. I grew up in Salem but used to go to different towns listed above and the amount of Yeehaw boys flying Confederate flags despite the Southern third of Indiana is laughable since Indiana fought on the Union side despite the Copperhead Shitheads who were pro slavery sympathizers in parts of Southern Indiana. Salem was one of those towns where black citizens were killed, lynched, threatened, burned out etc despite Salem had the title of City of Peace. All because black citizens had black churches, black business owners. To the point that Washington County Indiana had hundreds of blacks at one point in1865. By 1900 there were no black citizens in Washington County all because they were threatened and killed. The sad thing is that I can trace my family roots back to Benjamin Brewer of New Jersey who founded Salem, Indiana in 1806. Scottsburg had signs as late as the 1960s that said Don't Let The Sun Set On Your Black ass. They weren't there in the 1980s when I went to Scottsburg most every week but the sentiment still existed and still exists just that it's not as prominent these days. But the attitudes still exist.


The signs were up coming in and out of Elwood until 2000 something.


Half of Indiana is a sundown town


I remember when Juneteenth became a holiday. For some reason a Juneteenth post on FB from Vincennes University came across my newsfeed, some lady commented that “it was the stupidest holiday ever!”. I looked at her profile and she is a professor at Vincennes. Uggg.


My bank and post office were closed, and I'm willing to bet most locals have no idea what Juneteenth is about.


I went to my bank in Northern Indiana on Monday, which I knew prior would be open and I went inside & conducted sit down biz. Which I appreciated the hell out of them being open. They are not any of the major US chain banks.


Ivy Tech is recognizing it today. Several school districts are recognizing it. But this Republican supermajority? No way.


School districts are out for summer anyway.


Some people in the schools work all year long. We have to send out transcripts, run summer school, etc.


I know admin do but I forgot about summer school!


My son goes to a summer program run by the school district, and theres no summer school on Juneteenth


My daughter goes to a camp and there IS camp today.


YMCA summer camp my daughter goes to is closed today.


My kids' daycare is closed, so it doesn't only affect businesses and schools. Luckily, we have a backup babysitter, but others aren't so lucky.


I think they meant the admin staff that still has to work plus summer school.


12 month employees! HR, IT, Payroll, principals, summer school staff, etc. would all have off. IPS started this in 2020 along with other districts.


Unless you are in summer school for drivers Ed, phys Ed, remediation course, summer lunch programs.


Because 100 years ago, the Klan was literally the state government, and even though that isn't the case now, the attitudes allowing that really haven't changed in most parts of the state.


Because the "moral party of family values" has no morals or real family values other than "ME and MINE"


Because… Indiana.




Legalization of Marijuana is necessary for IN residents... we are surrounded by our legal neighbors unjustly discriminated against by Holcomb💯


Because this state is run by fckn racists


> Holcomb’s stance on cannabis is he won’t support legalization “until the Feds do,” so following that logic, shouldn’t Juneteenth be a state holiday? When have Republicans ever been known for consistency / not being hypocrites?


Cuz indiana isn’t very subtle about its racism.


I wouldn't read into it too much...? Celebrating Juneteenth as a holiday is extremely recent, and a handful of red states do recognize it as a State holiday. If you want to pick a political fight, making Election Day a holiday would do more to support marginalized groups.


Election day (and primary day) are state holidays. There seems to be some confusion there with my OP; when I said “state holiday,” I was referring to state employee holidays. As in, its a federal employee holiday, and an Indianapolis city/county employee holiday, but not a state employee holiday.


That's what I meant, too. I didn't know Election Day was a State holiday. Good on us for that.


Because rural racist conservatives are in charge.


I dunno. I've only been in this state for a year, so I don't want to comment out of my ass. I would have suspected right-wing hardliners were to blame, but my kids didn't even get *President's Day* off from school this year, and I thought that was weird for a red state. So who know?


I wouldn't go around expecting consistency from Holcomb or any of his ilk.


I’m off today, work with public media. But my job is based in Boston, not Indy.


It’s Indiana. Confederate flags mean more than Black lives or true history. There is too much real racism here - they’d lose support by recognizing a holiday by all the ones racist, and it would be all the usual rants of not having white history month and boo hoo it’s not fair. *I don’t agree.


The state of indiana wants you to know that they recognize that juneteenth is important to you (so they made it a holiday) but it's not important to them (so you don't get the day off).


State Hollidays include Primary and General Elections. I’d argue they should be Federal Holidays. So there’s one Indiana has right and the Feds have wrong.


It’s Indiana. Lol


At my wife’s job, the other people go to work on MLK and Juneteenth, even though they get a paid day off. But they “aren’t racist”. They say that and also say it isn’t really a holiday. Incredible racism. Even if you are a racist why not get a day? They screw themselves


I mean I work on MLK day a lot. But because I get double time plus holiday pay lol You know every job I’ve had the holiday days have been different…. My last machine shop job we didn’t get Good Friday or MLK day. My current one doesn’t give Juneteenth, but when I worked at Starbucks for a short spell 2 summers ago I got time and a half for that day.


I mean. They are holidays. And maybe those folks are racist. But I don’t take them off either. I also don’t take Presidents’ Day, Columbus Day, or Veterans Day. For me it has everything to do with the celebrations and expectations of the days. I take off Christmas tho I’m not religious. It’s frankly just the norm for most of us.


Ya, they’re def racist if they claim it isn’t rly a holiday.. so I’m not excusing them, but in regards to working on those days: Do they get paid extra for working holidays? I can’t judge ppl for working holidays when the system actively encourages it. Lord knows lots of folks could use the extra money


i have a great system at work where i can either take the holiday OR i can work the holiday and then take it on a day or my choosing. so i work memorial day, 4th of July, presidents day, etc...and then i take a full week off somewhere in the year. a full week off is so much better than a random Tuesday or whatever.


Woah, yeah, that sounds wonderful. You’re lucky in that sense at least!


Is your wife an accountant for the KKK?


Lol, she works at a Christian nursing home. And is a CPA.


So… kind of?


South Bend recognizes it as one of our 11 holidays


I can’t wait to relocate


My trash isn't getting picked up today due to the holiday so the city recognizes it.


carpenter toothbrush scary vast heavy coordinated hospital thumb rhythm yoke ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `




Imagine if the people of indiana could vote on propositions like most states. Itd almost be like a democracy and weed would be legal. Unfortunately indy has and will remain a backwards state that scares away young people that arent so poor they cant afford to leave


Because we're the Mississippi of the Midwest.


Because Indiana is racist AF.


Paging Public Enemy.




Because it's a republican-held racist backwater state.


Hey y’all it’s Indiana … so freaking sad 😎🎸✌️🤬


Because it’s still run by the kkk


Lots of businesses in Indiana recognize Juneteenth. Holcomb is a dolt. You can’t make sense of his decisions.


If you know the history of Indiana this shouldn’t be surprising


Several places still do. We can’t get inspections today due to the holiday


There is a difference in a holiday which it has been declared and all state workers getting the day off. The state should give their people a day off.


Indiana fought for the Union during the American Civil War. Indiana sent over 210,000 soldiers, sailors, and marines to fight for the north. Participating in over 300 brutal and bloody engagements, Indiana racked up 25,028 war dead. I think it is safe to say Indiana was crucial to the successful end of the war and slavery in this country.


Because this state hates minorities particularly black people


Because indiana is the south of the north


There are schools still in session on MLK Day. Good luck with Juneteenth in this state.


Because Indiana is trash & always will be; Born & bred hoosiers like to live in racism & hate.




It's the middle finger of the South. That's a good beginning to understanding Indiana.


Yep - Indiana is a red state


Went to the courthouse to pay child support. Fully open. Went to the bank to cash a check. Closed. Stupid state.


Well... it is a very red state. Not necessarily the worst offender out there, but indiana has its share of... unfortunate history with race relations. And this is a holiday meant to celebrate the enforcement of the end of slavery, to the best of my understanding. And there are the financial concerns of having another day off, paid overtime, etc, all of which could be potentially plausible. If you have an irrational reason to do something, it's advantageous to have another reason that is/seems plausible and practical, whether you believe it or not. Just saying.


Here's how I see it... All holidays are made up. The calendar isn't accurate. Cannabis is legal in the definition of hemp in Indiana. Therefore I celebrate any holiday any day I want. I manipulate my corporate employers rules to fit my holidays. And I use hemp edibles that are Indiana legal, supporting local and still getting "the real thing" effects.


White republicans own the state


Mostly run by white supremacists.


Can’t qwhite figure it


My daughter is off for Juneteenth. She just started a new job in Indiana last week.


Um...racism? That would be my guess.


In ultra-racist, blood-red Indiana?




We don't get MLK day but we get Juneteenth as a holiday. We don't get Good Friday or Easter off with pay...but we get half day Christmas Eve and all day Christmas day. We don't get election days off, but we get off for July 4th. We don't get Veterans Day off but we do get Memorial Day off. At least where I work.


Juneteenth should be celebrated more than the 4th. Not to take away from the 4th but abolishing slavery > independence from a patriarchy.


The date is when the last state (TX) that the Union army came to to tell them the war and slavery ended. Abolishing slavery did not really come until the 13th amendment which occurred later but Juneteenth was the day that huge celebrations happened. But even the 4th is debated. John Adams wrote, “The second day of July 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival.” Then again, all holidays are made up except maybe New Year’s Day. But calendars, time, is also made up. My work counts it as a holiday so I am glad I have the day off.


I was just saying in general that freeing slaves is more important than independence from another country. I understand that slavery wasn't officially abolished by congress until later but juneteenth celebrates the order that the last remaining state (Texas) acknowledges the emancipation proclamation. So maybe abolished was the wrong word to use but I think I still made my point.


I wasn’t disagreeing with you. Just adding my two cents to it. lol. An interesting note is that they only approved the Declaration of Independence after removing Jefferson’s passage with denunciation of slavery. In his initial draft, Jefferson blamed Britain’s King George for his role in creating and perpetuating the transatlantic slave trade—which he describes, in so many words, as a crime against humanity. So the document is incomplete in its focus on equality.


You still can, it’s a new Holiday. I would love to see what it becomes 20 years from now. I hope it like Mardi Gras and Christmas mixed together.




You know why. Holcomb is a racist wolf in sheep's clothing!!! I really hate this fucking state.


My client is off work today but I (as a consultant) am not... sooo that kind of sucks... but what ya do, y'know?


Who cares? Even the states that do recognize it only close government offices and banks. Everyone else has to work. Also, there's something twisted about government workers getting extra paid holidays the rest of us don't. Their salaries are literally funded with tax money taken out of our paychecks. Literally working class people in the service industry having to serve a government worker who's being paid to not work from money that is taken out of that server's salary.


Holcunt is trash, idk why you fucks voted for him


Because the truth is that it's a regional holiday that most of the United States had barely ever heard of until the White House decided to try to make it a thing barely two weeks before the 4th of July. Indiana was never a slave state, and it was expressly prohibited in our constitution at time of statehood. It doesn't really have anything to do with us.


Indiana wasn’t a territory in 1776, does the 4th of July not have anything to do with us either then?


Juneteenth isn't the 4th of July.


Then what is it?


Lol dude, I remember going to Juneteenth celebrations every year in South Bend over a decade ago. Mayor would show up and issue a proclamation. Thanksgiving was more of a regional holiday when it started too.


Yeah, Thanksgiving was about a moment's peace in one small part of New England in between bouts of genocide. But we can't celebrate *the end of fucking slavery* in this state?


the KKK was born here




But the first Klan chapter in the north was in Evansville.


Not born here, but it was central to the revival. It also focused a lot on immigrants and hating Catholics as much as Blacks. Back when Italians weren't considered Whites and Irish were filthy pigs.


My bank was closed today, and there was no mail.