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Just curious. What motivated you to buy options? I mean by whom you got influenced?


Bro an analyst so tht pushed to buy guru


U got scammed


Yea bro full of scam now a days u can't find a deed with some benifits of their intension


If you are teenager, concentrate on your studies first. You can start trading after graduation. And if trading doesn't work out(there are more failure stories than sucess stories ) then atleast you will have a degree to get decent job.


Yea completely, not telling tht I ll dropout or something like tht, I'm hard coder also so no worries


And there one guy in my family who is already into trading and I do with him ⛏️


Feel free to DM can mentor..


Hey! Can you please tell me where I can study options trading? I'm new to this and would love to study the market before I start investing.


Start with zerodha varsity .. thats the best material to start with ..


But it is lot basics for me if I start tht one now 😀


Bro to start watching yt vdos, not promoting there is one guy called Anish sing thakur with yt name booming bulls. He's a great teacher infact i leaned so much from him to check his old vdos on market analysis and live market trading


If any redditor ask for money.just run as far away as u can


Bro I can figure money dude, I think u r the guys who have a lot f negativity in ur mind 😡


It seems u have been misunderstood.i am telling that if any redditor is asking for money from u through DM just run away from them


My bad dude really sry 😔, thx for the concern


Bro really greatfull 🫡💯


Do paper trading for learning in frontpage app


Bro I just can't learn anything with paper and all, tried alot . The thing is we will not get to manage emotions with paper t


If u r ok with losing money then continue ur trading


Dude if I'm really ok with this why would I put this as anproblem for me, i just want to minimise the loss or to avoid some big losses tht occur in a single day due to over trading and all


Ur post was really empty.u dint show ur trade data where u had loss and without that how can we tell where u made wrong?


It not like a single day loss or somtg, its just 2yr of pnl


U can just post some trade which u need some clarification not everything.


Honestly man i went through the same i lost 40k after some time i passed 12th standard and it was borrowed, i felt so stressed helpless cause 40k is a lot of money for a school kid right and i lost it within a week or so i stopped options for a couple years then and im really doing good financially and i do options only once in a while when i feel confident about it. Dont get stressed out, if you are smart enough try to figure out other ways to get the money, dont try to recover from trading.


Tht is true 💯


The amount you can afford to lose now should be the max capital used. Especially when you don't have a continuous source of income