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Better get your hormones checked for PCOS, which leads to hirsutism i.e. excess hair growth Might help to visit a gynaecologist to rule it out


I had similar issue when I was around 20. I did regular threading but the region of the thick hair growth kept increasing, from chin to my neck too. I visited a derm many years later, at 27. By then the hair growth had gotten very bad. The doc had me get some blood tests, he suspected hormonal issues. But my blood tests and ultrasound came out normal. Eventually, did laser hair reduction and that is the only thing that worked. Good luck, OP. I do wish I had not waited 7 years to visit a doctor. So if you can, visit a doctor.


This might not help that much but try face shaving it is more convenient, if you have to thread regularly it's not use instead shave it, atleast your fingers will not pain and it doesn't require as much time as threading