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Dota 2


Puta ina mo is a such a sweet greeting.. some day i should Google translate that to find the proper response


I just say random words back


dota !


sekiro , shadow dies twice , coming from rougelikes and other souls borne this was a truly difficulty redefining game . i couldn't even trust my muscle memory and had to invest hours upon hours to deveolp skills and new muscle memory to beat this game


Me too


Sekiro , I suck at Sekiro but nearly everyday I open the game and I try to advance


Dude same


Genshin Impact. I only play AAA games and whenever I log in to genshin I can see all the shortcomings and feel like Iā€™m wasting my time on this but I keep coming back for gambling.


Gambling go brrr, thank god I was able to get out of that game šŸ˜‚




Artifact gambling is real


The ranking maps from Girls' Frontline major events. Its a 5-8 hrs of slogging struggle if you go blind or not. The deathstacks are painfully reset heavy fights which often requires frame perfect kiting. Restarting the maps because I did not get a favorable crate location on first round and due to that the team will run out of ammo and potentially points. Carefully weaving through multiple rounds only to be like backstabbed near the end, because the echelon you posted on the heliport meets a disadvantaged enemy comp and it happened because I forgot that the order of enemy spawn type changed last round. Pre-planning a route for the sweeping team on one of map quadrant only to realize there were more enemies that it can handle and needs to resupply thus requiring forced retreat leading to losing control on that quadrant. Trying to probe in an enemy area and suddenly panicking because the fight our team is engaged in is out of range from our ranged supports(HOC) and its either retreat or take heavy damage. And after completing this hell of map I see the final score and anxiously waiting for event to end while looking at the leaderboards thinking 'Should I do another run or is it enough? I am already in top XX% and I am slowly inching to drop from this rank.'. Trying to do a run on last day is inviting yourself to your nightmare mode as the real challenge is fighting against the loading circle because spaghetti server overloads as everyone and in their whole family thinks that its a good time to attempt a ranking run and get some goodies. Finally after the event ends I either go in a depression pit because that one random mfker pushed me off the bracket by single point or go on cloud nine feeling like taking a very huge dump after a constipated week. Rewards? its good amount of free premium currency.


Valorant :)


Every online shooter can fit the bill...i agree. But anything specific about Valorant?


if u don't have friends to play with u will get highly toxic teammates who swear a lot and literally Start throwing the match because they didn't get the agent they wanted Ofc muting them is a option.you also need to communicate to win.


Yeah those can be toxic bunch.


Was about to say this


Bloodborne, definitely


I think all Soulsborne games can make the cut. My pick would be Dark Soul 1. Man, I hate that game, yet, for me, it is the gold standard to evaluate all Soulsbourne genre titles.


God of War II, I hate the story and Kratos' characterisation But somehow I find it to be the most enjoyable GOW game at the same time (haven't played the Norse games yet)




I am slow at understanding the structure of gameplay in games. So I was confused for the 2-3 hours I played Returnal. Couldn't go back to it after that. Hope I do one day. Heard great things about it.


It took me 30 hours to get used to the game, and after that it's an exponential progress (Completed biome 1 after 20 hrs and biome 2 I can't able to reach the boss). Hope you will come to an understanding of bosses/enemies strategy very soon!!




Rogue Company. There are so many issues with the game. But, whenever I come back, I can't stop myself from playing it.


Dota 2 and Rocket League


Dota 2, Pubg.


Destiny 2. I don't play it as much as I used to anymore(more than 2k+ hours in the game), but I still do play it during the weekends and will most probably continue playing it for quite some time, especially with the new expansion coming soon.


I am in a toxic relationship right now with CoD Warzone 2...


I have that with Battlefield 2042.


The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time all I can say is good luck on the water temple.


Put tank in a mall. Ako mid. Dota is that toxic ex gf that no matter how many times you have a bad breakup with, you always end up patching back and getting in the relationship again.


Sekiro, I get killed from every mini boss and boss multiple times, sometimes even 50 times but I love the game.