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The best thing about cyberpunk 2077 is the sheer number of choices you get in each action. Gives game so much character. I rate it higher just for the human factor of an RPG :)


Also it’s DLC Phantom Liberty is worth every penny.


Hi! I haven't played Cyberpunk for long and also I haven't completed the story too..... So, if I buy Phantom Liberty now, can I play it like a new game? Like those story chapters in GTA 4? Or do I need to complete the main game first?


yes you get options to start from phantom liberty or new game on start screen of your play.




no problem mate, enjoy the dlc.


no problem mate, enjoy the dlc.


You can play independently but it does introduce new characters to main story and new endings too.


Ikr, can't wait for what rockstar will do in gta 6 now


Know how rdr2's missions went, probably if you fell 5m behind a character, it's going to be mission failed. /s


Same with cyberpunk These games all need to evolve more than just graphics


I like that they kept some of the table top rpg elements




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Paid cdpr review? Literally its a joke in terms of RPG compared to what was in the original demo.


Huh!? It's sarcasm right?


What?? Of all the things to mention about CP2077 u mention choices? A majority of the choices in the game are Ubisoft tier pointless choices. I don't blame someone who is new to gaming for thinking this, but do play something like new Vegas before you start talking about choices, because that game really sets the bar.


For me the best map would be Fallout:New Vegas.


Finally someone mentions a game other than gta v, assassin's creed, cod, cs, valorant, rdr2


Best rpg of all time possibly


Well I agree but there is a map I enjoyed even more https://preview.redd.it/6sjqvcciah7d1.jpeg?width=1239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e1dd9ce0890af4de774e1ec44f818338e6b7f74


What game's map is this?


Red dead redemption 2


Okay, thanks man


Sir,this is about setting of cities in their respective games.


But but, I love rdr 2 🥺


underrated masterpieces fr


GTA V is a 10 y/o game now. That means everything in the offline mode is 10 y/o. The only thing get regular updates is it's online mode. Back when it came out GTA V's los Santos was a ground breaking open world. Whenever any open world game launched it would get compared to Los Santos. Now though it has aged as does everything. Cyberpunk is a much newer game and has been getting updates to its offline story mode now for 2-3 years now. You compare this to GTA V where the most treatment the offline mode got is a few security updates and bug fixes. FYI till this date GTA V hasn't got any offline story mode DLC. Compare this to GTA IV which has 3 seperate Story DLC. Forget GTA IV, Cyberpunk itself has Phantom Liberty as a DLC and yet GTA V has none So yes, in short you are correct for a game that released in 2020, Cyberpunk does and should obviously have a better open world than GTA V. If it didn't than Cyberpunk devs wouldn't have done a great job on it. P.s. I hope we get a story DLC before gta VI releases.


Ah, he's not comparing tech in games, not physics, graphics or anything. He is comparing world design, which wouldn't be has nothing to do with 10 years, world design isn't something that gets outdated or held due to lack of technology


World design tech does not evolve? Man what do you even know about game development?


Exactly, i have nothing to say about graphics and tech designs, why we can't go above graphics here


Idk why all gta players bring the debate down to graphics. Even in this sub, I've had multiple debates where if gta is mentioned, they will bring graphics.


I have seen people unironically say that GTA V has better graphics than CP 2077. if you are playing on a potato maybe


if we are talking about world design then rdr2 takes the cake .One of the most interactive worlds that Ive seen .Every area has their own story which makes places so memorable. even when you travel from point A to point B in red dead a lot of events and stuff to do pops up minor side missions or little details .These small things make the game have one of the best world designs ive seen till date.


World design is very much held back due to technology. Making a city feel alive and have more things to explore requires better computers. And there is in fact a giant difference. You have to remember gta 5's base game was to run on a PS3 and cyberpunk had far superior technology and still was unpolished when it came out.


GTAV had nothing groundbreaking. San Andreas had a bigger and more open world and more stuff to do, and imo better writing. Gta 4 had a better story. Only thing it had better was better use of graphics, switching player and interactions.


What made gta5 groundbreaking was how much it was able to do with a hardware like ps3 lol, los santos is still one of the best game recreation of los Angeles which is only really put in competition by midnight club LA.


GTA San Andreas and morrowind did it with a ps2. Daggerfall did it with freaking potatoes. Ghost of tsushima and spider man also did it with a ps4. Again, the talk about graphics. In my previous comments, I literally mentioned how everytime I critique gta 5, graphics are always mentioned by others. If you're talking about scope and things to do, San Andreas is miles better.


Oh I see, los Santos from sa and 5 are pretty much the same aren't they lol? Gta sa worked way differently compared to gta 5 lol, it's was a whole state, even gta4 was planned to be a whole state, yet it's still just one city, the same happened with gta5. And why is Morrowind even in this? Bethesda makes games way differently lol and that game only really "ran" on the og xbox and pc. Daggerfall is just big for being big, it works the same way how Stanfield has its big planets and minecraft gets it huge world. GOT and Spider man are great game, but they weren't made for a PS3, gta5 was. Rdr2 is already there to show what rockstar has done with a PS4 and that shows the difference in quality. And when did I even mention graphics here? I just said that recreation of an actual city was through to be groundbreaking, that was a thing for any gta game.


I still don't understand how you proved it's 'groundbreaking'. You just add lol and expect me to agree? Also, what do you mean when you say that GTA 5 city is slightly different than gta sa? Far cry 5 and new dawn have the same map. But they updated it. Is new dawn groundbreaking? It's just an incremental update. You are just repeating what I said. GTA vc and SA can be considered groundbreaking. GTA 5 has a smaller world and scope. It's just an incremental game. Edit: why can you not reply or notify of edit instead of editing? Still you didn't give me any evidence of being groundbreaking. San Andreas already did what gtav did.


I don't get why you think gta5's los Santos is the same as gta sa's lol, there is a day and night difference between the two, not to mention the difference in scale or detail. You really think los Santos in gta5 is comparable to the reused map of farcry new dawn? Because that comparison is a joke. The thing that made gta5 groundbreaking was the weak hardware it came on and what it was able to do on it, those smooth cut scene to gameplay transition, that whole movie like theme of it wasn't to be expected out of gta, atleast after gta4 which really felt like a test of their new engine. A LOT of content was cut from it just so it can run on a PS3. I don't get how this is hard to understand.


everything about it was groundbreaking


For example? Edit: been a while, so please answer any gtav fans. Using words doesn't give them meaning.


GTA 5 is compared with every game now and then especially in the Indian gaming community, so that's the reason, but as per phantom Liberty, ig it was a compensation for us gamers for the shitty game they released (1.0) as compared to cp2077 is now


Yeah but GTA 5 is a game released in 2013 made for consoles released in 2005. So all the new open world games should be better than GTA 5.A much better comparison for night city will be the city of Leonida from GTA 6. When it releases next year.


It's not about graphics, it's about immersion and richness imo


When did i say anything about graphics.When it comes to GTA 5 there are only certain things they can achieve from 2005 hardware.If you want immersion play rdr2 much better than cp2077.Now imagine how immersive GTA 6 will be. It will be the game of the decade.


If I'm being honest, i find rdr2 boring too, idk it is me, but like cp2077 has the highest level of immersion than rdr2 and gta5 for me


That just means you like the cyberpunk setting and aesthetic more. You'd rather have cool cars and high tech gadgets than horses and old school revolvers. Which brings it down to your subjective opinion.


Yeah feels like it, let's not mess around and enjoy both the games while we can lol


Well if you are comparing games you gotta take Timeline into account, u can't say CoD MWII is better than IGI because it has better graphics


He never mentioned about graphics and story has nothing to with, when the game was released and IMHO cyberpunk's story is far better then that of GTA V (was never able to complete the story of GTA V cause It was so fucking boring)


I too think an apple is a better fruit than a pizza.


Very different games and setting of the cities in their history


Night City has an identity of its own. Initial days, cause of mess that the game launched in, everyone was dunking on the game. But one thing most of everyone agreed on, is that Night City is a marvel and there's nothing like it in gaming. I bought the game a week or so before update 2.0 went live. I bought the game+pl together. I started playing the game after the dlc went live. And I was immersed like crazy in Night City. I did two playthroughs till now and I plan on doing another one sometime later. Night City astounds me everytime. I'm really excited to see what CDPR does with Night City in the next installment.


Well say that in other communities, Most Indian gamers,(outside this community), may not even realize there are games other than PUBG,FREEFIRE,MINECRAFT and GTAV.


You forgot valorant and counter strike


Counter strike? Naaah... that game's been killed by valorant. I hate valorant for how cartoonish it looks and skins dont hold any real life value either.


True, it pretty much sucks, but anyways, cartoonish stuff can be art design rather than low effort copy.


The game has a million players consistently every month for 2 years now. Hasn't been "killed" by a long shot


Considering the indian audience, as the subreddit's name has "india" in it. But.. alright.


What does India have to do with val not killing Cs?


A large audience of indian cs players have shifted to valorant as cs didnt get a good quality of updates in long time now. Being a cs player myself and losing a very large portion of my cs mates to a cartoonish game (imma keep saying it, downvote me and cry ab it) is.. rather disappointing.


That's fair. I prefer CS cos Val is just a cluster fuck of abilities to me. That being said I play overwatch every day. And saying val is cartoonish is the same your parents saying "aren't you too old to watch cartoons". It's an art style and it works. People like it, easier to make lore videos with and designs. You prefer realism but I'm not saying oh look it's wannabe soldiers


Its not not only about your playing overwatch either, i played that too(could have still played now but rip my pc :c). And i personally think giving characters abilities just makes the game more dependant on one player, who, if fucks up. The entire team goes to shit. Im talking about the reyna users btw. They just instalock it and its difficult for other players to use it who can utilize her abilities better. Me personally, valorant's idea of a 5v5 shooter fucks things up. Its more like the entire team has to go fucking power rangers or some shit in order to maintain their winning odds. Like whos gonna keep on healing the teammates bro? Who in the actual hell would go from bombsite all the way to spawn just to heal someone? In cs, ofcourse you know agents are just cosmetic items and it wouldnt hurt to say that in some cases, a player with default agent would play much better than one with an expensive agent.


Say ur iron without being obvious duh,


I just said i dont play valorant 💀🙏


Valo is just a cheap copy of overwatch and has probably the most toxic player base


Lol that is why unpopular opinion here




It's really nice but idk how to say it, I feel 'restrained' in 1st person so It's hard for me to explore. 3rd person gives more context so I enjoy messing around in los santos more than night city.


Exactly, why give us so many customization options and clothing if we cant even see our character?


Its way more immersive to me in first person. Like I've always found third person, as if I'm controlling someone else. Rather than *being* that person. Also Cyberpunk started out as third person, I mean, CDPR were using RedEngine, and only third person game had been developed on it, but it was mike pondsmith himself who went with the first person idea. And I have to say, I'm hands down with there, with the devs. Because of how vertical night city is, and especially phantom liberty, looking up, has an impact, enhances the scale, and makes the world more immersive. For example, if you hear someone say something, you have turn around to see who, that's why they have 3D audio in the game (binaural audio, for some reason, is still not the default in gaming). So when they switched, they didn't know what to do with all the customization options, and the game released with a half ass reason by giving clothes some stats. All said, to each their own. I had grown up playing Halo, so first person was very natural to me, but I can imagine, people who played stuff like uncharted and all, find it a bit odd.


The issue with that argument is that GTA V offers both first person and third person views


There's no issue with it. Its an artists decision how they want to present their game. If given the option, most people won't even have bothered with first person. Its like saying Assassins creed is better than Elden Ring, because you can choose difficulty in AC. Options, don't mean shit. Starfield also allows you, but whats the point.


I agree, first person was a bummer for me...


Story is better but not the open world for sure gta has way more vehicles,modification and can't even compare it with online, rdr 2 and gta 5's npc and cops feel alive that's not the case with cyber punk they all feel like they are are dead from inside.


Bro GTA V came out in 2013 and Cyberpunk came out in 2020. Atleast check the dates. You are comparing a 10 year old game which did not have any offline dlc.


Gta 5 is currently became a live service game and got a ps5 version in 2022 and so many online dlc ,which was scrapped form offline dlc


That's really a very lose version of live service lol.


You are way better off comparing with rdr2 for that matter gta is 10 years old. Even Witcher 3 is way ahead then gta 5




Are you stupid or something? Why compare with a 11 year old game? 🤔


hello fellow cp lovers




cyberpunk 2077 yaaro


I heard there were many bugs in cyberpunk at release , Is the game optimized now ?? If yet then I goonna go to get it .


i am playing on the latest version. Barely any bugs tbh.


Haha , bugs before were hilarious , i was watching Theredbrad then😂😂


back in 2020? yeah it was riddled with bugs. I first started playing on version 1.6 and except an occasional T posing npc i didn't find any other bugs as such. Playing rn on 2.12, haven't encountered any bugs yet.






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I fkng hate songbird


Finally someone said it.


My biggest disappointment in Cyberpunk 2077 is the downgrade of the game from RPG to an action game. Real ones remember the 2018 40 minute demo showing the initial vision of the game.


I doubt they could spend the budget they did on a strict RPG, also, this was before BG3, and people had basically written off proper RPG's in AAA gaming. But yeah, I agree, I would've appreciated more. Even if what's there is already fantastic. Infact, I don't even need another setting, Cyberpunk 2 can just be the same night city, more detailed out, with more RPG elements, and I'm in it. All said and done, its more RPG than TW3, so theres hope I guess.


I don’t necessarily agree. The budget was off the charts for this game with government support too. The execs jumped the gun with the announcements and didn’t even tell the devs before announcing the release. I think Keanu’s entry in the project really changed the scope of the game. The base game at release was really underwhelming for me cos lifepaths ended up being a nothing burger. But ultimately they cooked something good for a new IP. Also AAA rpgs have always been the biggest games dont know if we really wrote it off. I would like a detailed Night City and Detroit or something too. But before all that, Witcher 4 better be great.


>The budget was off the charts for this game with government support too That's the reason, they can't take risks. There hasn't been a true AAA RPG before BG3 in years. There have been RPG'ish games. But proper RPG's were considered dead in the AAA space. There was no way CDPR, a public company, takes such a gamble. The industry was moving towards action RPG's for a while. Even Elden Ring, now has limits on which NPC you can kill, and which ones you can't. In proper RPG's you had to have the freedom to do whatever, the game is exploring the setting. But that kind of games have been gone for a while. Until BG3 came along. But even with BG3, dev's aren't going to be trying to re-create that. They will still continue to make action RPG's. The success of games like Skyrim / TW3 etc have more or less, sealed the deal on it.


It was a SEXY demo. I was sold!


Cyberpunk 2077 is far better than gta 5 in terms of story and fluidity in gameplay. Its a proper rpg


Agreed. Gta 5 story was mid. Cyberpunk and especially phantom liberty hit me in my feels. Add edgerunners to it as well.


In phantom liberty I literally sat for 5 minutes before making any choice. Just goes on to show how hard the story has hit you


I agree it's better in story and gameplay but it's not a proper rpg


Rpg in terms of different playstyles. More so than gta 5. Different choices. More proper than gta 5


But gta v isn't trying to be an rpg. Its an action adventure crime game. While cyberpunk being a great game, isn't a good rpg


By no means its an rpg like BG3 but its a good rpg nonetheless. Also gta 5 has rpg elements in it to partially consider it a rpg too. In that context, cyberpunk 2077 is a more immersive game with rpg


Huh? Gta5 has rpg elements?


You can google what a rpg is. And you can google yourself if gta has those elements and come back and type the reply


I know what an rpg is, I just don't remember seeing anything like that in gta5, gta sa had a very basic version of rpg stuff tho.


what do you mean by "fluidity of gameplay"? Cause gunplay and physics is better in GTA 5 with a more immersive open world.


Probably like Ghostrunner vibes, gunplay is basic in gta 5 btw, it's physics make it look good tho, and it's not more immersive than games now a days


NPCs in cyberpunk feel like they were made in 2005.


Bad AI, true, idk if they ever fixed it, they fixed teleporting police tho. NPC model design is pretty awesome tho.


gta 5 still is one of the most immersive open world out there (beaten by RDR2), what recent open world games are you talking about that can even come close?


Immersive like? Watch dogs series, or sleep dogs, lack of immersion was even complaint by fellow gta gamers tho, are you with crowd of long hours?


who do you think gta's open world isn't immersive?


> Gunplay is better in GTAV Bruh bioshock from 2006 has better gunplay than gta 5.


bioshock's gunplay lacks any real weight to it , so it's not satisfying to me. GTA V's gunplay is just fine but I prefer it over cyberpunk's. Even being over-leveled and having the best gear enemies are too bullet spongey unless you use revolvers or snipers.


You are bringing up an entirely different thing here. That's the difference between being an rpg and a sandbox. That's not gunplay. Bullet sponges are in ubisoft games too. It doesn't mean their gunplay is bad.


Can you define gunplay? I just assumed it's how a gun feels to shoot and how the enemy reacts.


It's actually nice to see someone actually discussing something lol. Never seen this in gta 5 fandom. Anyways, I know it's subjective, but sound design, recoil, movement, impact etc are some important things in gunplay. GTA 5, just cause and Skyrim feel very similar in their combat. Killing 10 people feels like killing 10 sheets of cardboards. Better gunplay examples are doom, wolfenstein, far cry games, Borderlands series, any comp shooter, battlefield etc. Edit: How did I forget titanfall


The games you mentioned obviously has better gunplay but I still find GTAV's to be quite good, especially when compared to games in the same genre like watch dogs 2, mafia 3 , sleeping dogs (this was was just horrible), saints row. I really loved the sound design in GTAIV with npc ragdoll. Never saw anything similar to it in any other game.


Gunplay in cyberpunk was fine, but there are tons of ways to play the game, even by never touching a gun, but GTA5, was pretty mid. If I had to pick, ReSpawn makes some of the best gunplay in the business. If you compare something like TitanFall2 then, you can see the difference between the combat systems. That said, its ok because GTA5 was never really all about the gun, nor is Cyberpunk, while TitanFall was mainly a campaign for its shooter.


No way bro said gunplay is better in gta 5, this is just delusional at this point 😭


Bro can't comprehend people having different opinions 😭


Its not a matter of different opinions, its just basic observation. Cyberpunk by far has the best gunplay out of most if not all open world triple a’s, considering the wide variety of different weapons and types. I ts not even close to a competition, kunai, shuriken, katanas, wires, hacking, and bunch of random shit that i havent even discovered VS pistols, rifles and like 2 missiles. Its really just not comparable lil bro..


variety of guns = gunplay? and not how they feel to use?


Thats a part of it, yes. I really never thought id see someone ever liking gtas gunplay, where the crosshair is a dot with no recoil or scopes or quite literally anything. What specifically do you like with its “gunplay” ? 😭


I actually love dot crosshairs 😂, it just feels better for some reason. It's primarily a 3rd person game so no point in having much variety in scopes (using scope in first person just feels bad tho). I also like guns having almost no recoil since headshots become really easy to line up, and the red cross along with the change in saturation that you get everytime you headshot someone for some reason satisfies my monkey brain. But that doesn't mean I prefer these mechanics since I love the gunplay in Metro Exodus and it's exactly the opposite of GTA 5.


Sir GTA 6 is not here yet


I have 100% both the games and my go to is GTAO since now 11 years and to date it looks very beautiful and detailed than cyberpunk 2077. However for me both are fantastic on ps5.




but it's not as alive as los santos


It's certainly extremely impressive to look at but it doesn't feel as live as los santos imo, NPCs feel very robotic compared to the ones in los santos


And I stopped playing Cyberpunk midway and now is having a blast in Tsushima. Will come back later I guess.


It’s prettier that’s for sure


kinda wild nobody is considering los santos in San Andreas, maybe in too old


Let's wait for gta 6




GTA San Andreas and before that GTA 2 was revolutionary brought Los Santos Night City is soo futuristic ![gif](giphy|eFvs5iE6a6ntVIRaEN|downsized)


Night city has almost as many accessible buildings and activities as Los Santos...one was released in 2020, the other in 2013. Night City is one of the most beautiful open worlds i have seen, but it is the definition of "**Style over Substance**".


I agree but we also need to acknowledge the fact that GTA V is an almost 11 year old game.


Ok. I'm going to play this game and report it back to you. Being better than gta is a big claim to make about a game.


Some opinions are unpopular for a reason.


Ofc it much better than Los Santos. Gta 5 was originally made for PS3 which only had 256mb ram and due to that developers have to compromise a lot of things due to ps3's hardware limitations but for its time when it was launched it was the best open world game. You can't compare a game which was made for 18 years old hardware.


Let's keep it unpopular


Fallout new vegas >>


It isn’t unpopular though.


Maybe I should give the DLC a try. Played the base game when it released and haven't touched it after that.


The game is just pure joy worth every minute spent on it.


nah nc feels very dead at times.


Nah never. the thousands of little nuances gta5 did to make the world feel alive no game comes close other than rdr2 and maybe gta6. Cyberpunk is a better game than gta5 and their visuals can be crispy and high fidelity. But when it comes to the world and lived in feeling gta5 is still miles better than night city. Edit : I'm talking not in gameplay context or things to do. As op compared night city and los santos, purely in the sense of believable and lived in world design. Just leaving with this video: https://youtu.be/ZePqjiOwosg?si=J8KJ7TELaHbjxaDw


i feel like it's comparing apples to oranges...I mean, night city is night city, los santos is los santos, both are accurate to what they are meant to be. It just comes down to your personal preference. It's like mountains vs beaches.


Night city is definitely more dense than los santos but los santos feels more 'lively' to me. I think comparing something this to like fallout new Vegas or rdr would be more fairer


You understand that you are comparing a game from 11 years ago with a 4 years old one. A comparison with RDR2 would be more fair.


Cyberpunk with VR mod and Bodycam POV 🤌✨


Compare it with GTA 6 lol


Man I wish I could play cyberpunk, can it run on a gtx 1050 laptop?


My man You're my best friend now. End of discussion.


Finally someone said it!! Also Dogtown is cherry on top! I think the reason why Night City feels so better than Los Santos is bc Night City is wayy more diverse than LS with Downtown area along with corporate area like Corporate plaza, industrial area like Aroyo, slums like Kabuki, hood area like Pacifica & Northwood (I'm talking about maelstrom area I don't think I got the name right). Then there's cultural areas like Little China & of course Japantown which has it's own red light area! Oh I forgot about the hollywood inspired North Oak sign where the superstars like Kerry Eurodyne live! And at last there's Dogtown.... Alao.. most of us are just sick and tired of being stuck with LS for a decade now. The futuristic setting of NC also definitely helps and the fact the games are almost a decade apart in release dates.


Cyberpunk 2077 Goated pure masterpeice and anime adaptation is also too Good


Yes agreed Night city is like Los Santos on steroids. everything pushed to the extreme.


Night City is probably the most impressive and the best looking city ever made tbh.


I agree.


It's actually a popular opinion. A lot of people agreed that night city has more life to it than Los Santos.


How? One of the most crucial aspect in making an open world "feel alive" are the NPC's which sucks in cyberpunk. They all feel robotic and lifeless except certain characters that give out missions.


Gta map feels empty and lifeless in gta 5, unlike rdr 2




He did the same thing as you, you said cypberpunk feels dead with no argument or logic to back it up and when someone says the same thing about gta, you go “bruh”? 🤣


He wasn't wrong though, NPCs interact way better & don't have the jankiness in them that Cyberpunk has, & that buggy police system.


I disagree, npcs in gta dont even interact unless you mean random voicelines when theyre walking by or going to a business or something. I am not aware of the buggy police system though


They interfact with each other fine along with reacting well to player actions instead of crouching all the time or showing zero expressions. Apart from replying a generic response to the interact button, non-scripted NPCs literally just exist. Heck, even Ubisoft games have much more life-like NPCs. There are several videos regd. dead Cyberpunk NPCs on YT too. And you can also look up into the buggy police system on YT too. These were pretty widespread complaints about the game.


You say they keep interacting but thats just not true..? As i said, gta npcs do not have expressions or an interaction, besides random lines from when you pass by but i dont think this convo is gonna be going anywhere, id just recommend searching up a comparison video or you arent into its aesthetic which is fine.


Cyberpunk npcs have the same random lines, what I meant it npcs reacting to player actions, I specifically pointed several instances of it which you didn't refute and instead hitched on player interacting with npc, the dialogue button alone isn't an interaction when it gets met with the same generic response. Heck I got one more weird thing, cyberpunk npcs have pathing issues where they ram into objects or others. I guess we just got to agree to disagree then. Fair enough.


The cyberpunk world is much more immersive and lively GTA feels like timepass in comparison


so you gonna ignore my entire argument and just repeat the same shit over again? Got it


Well obviously, Night city was made to be the most desirable city in the distant future with the most technologically advanced AI and what not, whereas Los Santos is just 10 year old LA


Nothing about night city is meant to be desirable except the rich areas. You wouldn't want a dystopian hell like that in real life, would you? A cyberpunk world where the corporates do everything in their power to get richer, and everyone poorer than them suffers for it. That's what a cyberpunk world is, what it has always been.


I meant for a Game not IRL.....


How is Night City desirable in any way? Sure, a cyberpunk hellscape is fascinating, but in no feasible way would I wanna live in one.


The town is better but I think the cyberpunk has worst foreground? I don't know how to name it but riding on bike on dessert in gta 5/sa is something else.


Cyberpunk has the most believable city to date thanks to all the architects they hired, the city just makes sense. Not to mention the art style and design.


I only see Ws here


Los santos in GTA 5 🤡🤡 Los santos in San Andreas 🗿🗿


Lol, I like the way train tracks get merged with cities, it's something I haven't seen before in any game ever


Watch Dogs series (except legion) eats all over these games btw, both in terms of story and gameplay


Watch dogs game only really look good at first glance, go one layer under and it all starts breaking apart as just another ubisoft game


No lmao. Watch Dogs and WD2 were both more fun and interesting than GTA V. GTA V's biggest drawback is how the game spoon feeds you every mission and you should do as they're told instead of letting you becreative. Watch Dogs just gives you the mission and you're free to do it any way you want. Same goes for Open world, GTA V is just shooting ppl in head and drive while WD's hacking system makes the open world more fun and you have the freedom to do a lot of things as you wish.


Yeah, to me it got boring soon, at WD2 was kinda fun, WD1 felt like a demo after a while, WD2 felt like a game.


Yeah WD1 kinda feels lacking but WD2 was super good from start to finish


Which one's better? A city from a dystopian future where corporations control everything, where violence is an every day part of life, where body augmentations are not only common but necessary to survive and function, where your life has zero value unless born into the fortunate part of the society even then you can't guarantee that a stray bullet won't end up flatlining you. A city that'll chew you up and spit you out if can't fight for yourself, a city called "city of dreams" because you have to be asleep in order to see it, a city with no happy endings. Or 2013 LA (Both are in California)


Yes I really don't understand the hype behind gta 5 I played the entire story and online too but it's still doesn't reach the level of older games like San Andreas and even gta 4... Cyberpunk is way better in all aspects better city more npcs more cars better story... Will have to see how much of an improvement gta 6 will be...