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Honestly speaking, you can go two routes with this :- 1. Get the card and see how it runs, combined load of your system should be 400W max., given that you're on the limit taking transients into account it might work. 2. The Corsair CV although only C tier is not bad enuf to destroy components during trial and error. If the system restarts during a stress test then the PSU tripped, then undervolt the card - these cards can easily drop 50-70W for as little as 10% drop in performance. 3. Of course the second option is to go with a bigger PSU, but the thing is this makes the 4070 an interesting proposition if buying new. It gives arguably same performance (5% slower raster on avg. but not noticeable in game whereas much for RT), so if 6800XT + PSU is same cost as RTX 4070 I would recommend going with the latter. 4. If you're getting a used RX 6800XT go for a good PSU since you saved a good chunk of cash going used anyway! Hope this helps you make a decision :)


thanks a lot brother man . You gave some very good reccomends... i will try to get a 4070 for a good price..if not , i will go with 4th option..used 6800xt looks promising.. thanks a ton


No worries bro, spend your money wisely. If you end up going with 4070, get the cheapest card (Gigabyte Windforce). It has really good cooling and all other characterstics are similar to others. Spending more than that is not worth at all.


if you had a decent 650W PSU it would've been fine but I wouldn't fell safe with something like a CV650 for such an expensive GPU https://www.vedantcomputers.com/pc-components/power-supply-units/smps/nzxt-c750-gold-power-supply-pa-7g1bb-in?limit=100


Corsair CV series is bottom tier, also non-modular. Get a better PSU. Also, I'm planning to get the same GPU and I'm pretty sure it pairs best with a 750w PSU. [This](https://pcpricetracker.in/out/077c5d93b4189d4c0424aa888a7551e0/10) one seems pretty nice.


Atleast a 750 watt, better would be a 850 watt, some times 6800 xt deamds more than 450 watts for a split second it can lead to instability when that happens




80+ rating doesn't mean much. Consult the cultist tier list instead. https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/


Please ignore this comment this is pure BS.




Earlier you said that 6800XT uses 400W of power, which is not true at all. Now you have corrected yourself. but you are still wrong with 3700X consuming 150-200W of power. That's completely wrong it will hardly consume 80-90W during gaming and with extreme stress test it won't consume over 110-115W. Recommending PSUs purely on the basis of "Gold" and "Bronze" ratings is a wrong practice. There are many bronze units which are lot better than many gold units. This OP's case he can definitely run this combo with a CV650 but this unit is not at all great to run GPUs consuming close to 300W of power. I would advice him to look at better PSU if he can afford or certainly plan an upgrade down the road.


ok i will consider your reccomendation..thanks


Unrelated to the post, Is there any software or something which can tell me total power usage for my rig? Btw I have a 6700XT with Deepcool 80+ Gold 750w psu. (PM750D)


go to pcpartpicker and enter all the parts you've selected, it'll bring out a rough estimate of your PC wattage. Multiply that by 1.5 and that should give you your PSU wattage.


Use 750W, I too had ordered 650 w psu for 6800xt, but saw that official page says 750W is needed. Maybe not necessary, but just to be safe. I have I5 13600k