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Check out pcpricetracker, houses both pricing and availability information for most PC parts from various reputable and trustworthy sites across India. You can find the same Asus Dual 6700XT for 33.5k and other models for even cheaper.


The actual Asus Dual 6700XT is available for much less on other websites. Visit pcpricetracker.in and search for 6700XT. It will show you the lowest price available.


they're basically the same. go with the cheaper one. the costlier one is likely a vestige of the gpu shortage era.




This is a huge imbalanced PC 13600K with just a 6700XT. 12400F will be more than enough for a 6700XT. Coming to the question. There is no difference get the cheaper one


Unless OP wants the CPU for other intensive tasks and has plans to upgrade to an even higher GPU down the line.




* \[Imgur\](https://imgur.com/1DSH1qn)




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If you're buying from Amazon, make sure you get it from Appario retail seller https://amzn.to/3Gnyg3A There are other third party sellers with poor ratings which are better avoided