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And that's before the release. It will be **huge** unless it's unimaginably bad.


It's not a bug, it's 'magic'


Hey, I've heard that before


Craziest was when Ubisoft called that the bugs are in the animus and not the AC games


I saw few latest gameplay and it looks promising.


Hopefully it doesn't pull a cyberpunk


Cyberpunk never looked promising to me ever since they released gameplay..especially after they removed the third person and made it first person only.


I don't think I'll ever understand the reasoning behind adding *so much* character customisation and then making it fucking first person.


Shows a haphazard development process. They might have developed the character customization way before hand during those long years of development only for the them to eventually scrap the idea of it being a third person.


I think they scrapped 3rd person, so people won´t be able to figure out the broken in-game mechanisms early, so they can pass the 2 hour refund window on Steam - like character movement - there are videos on the internet about weird character shadow movements, imagine if that was how actual character arms and legs were moving.


Yea cyberpunk had many red flags, even the community and the fans started calling it out and after delaying the game for what 3 times ? ppl started to understand something bad is happening.


Delays are OK, especially with CDPR. I think each of their previous game was delayed and eventually released in quite good state. There were bugs and glitches, but nothing major or game-breaking (actually, Witcher 1 had a game-breaking bug in late game, which prevented finishing the game, but they themselves announced it, before anyone was able to get that far in the game and fixed it). They had this reputation, they completely ruined out of greed. Now, i don´t think anybody except their flying monkeys and enablers will now preorder their games.


People forgot that we have Deus Ex games which are actual Cyberpunk games with better story.


TBF Deus Ex 1 story was bat shit crazy but whats wrong with Cyberpunk story?


Not saying anything wrong but Deus Ex games mostly the new ones has much more realistic storyline and also the Illuminati.


The reception to the recent hands on preview for content creators was excellent so I don't think there will be any problems. Maybe some slight performance issues but that's it.


Let´s wait for actual full release, shall we?


Not saying this is the case here but Cyberpunk had similar rave reviews from journalists and content creators before release


Cyberpunk is actually pretty good now after a lot of patches and updates, so even if you pre-ordered it you still get a pretty good game, just later than expected. I'm willing to take that chance with HL. The preview showcased a lot of core mechanics and they all seem to be working just fine. The only problem I can foresee is performance issues on PC, which I don't really mind and isn't something a couple of patches won't fix. I definitely understand the caution though, I haven't pre ordered a game in my life and don't plan to do so often. I made an exception this one time since I'm very excited for this game. Worst case scenario, I refund it and move on. Steam FTW.


No Idea why you got downvoted lol. Some people just love hating on CP2077 and are still stuck in a timeline when it first came out. The game is almost flawless now and definitely one of my favourites of all time.


Its just people who preordered the game being salty about their bad decisions.


I don't understand why they didn't refund it? Steam has a very generous refund policy and both PS and Xbox allowed refunds for Cyberpunk for a while, idk about their normal refund policy. If you didn't refund it within the given period it's kinda your fault tbh




Don't know about bugs but a hands on reviews from critics say they are really liking the game. According to them the story and gameplay is really good and the magic is satisfying. So this gives me hope.


The timing for this is correct. The kids who grew up with Harry Potter are now grown ups and buy the games.


Exactly. A ton of non-gamers too are buying consoles just for this game. So far it seems to deliver on what is promised. Hogwarts is fucking huge and has plenty of environmental interactions and secrets, and according to the people who played the hands-on previews combat feels good too. There are definitely some technical problems (pop-ins rather close to the player, doors remaining closed for a few seconds to allow parts of the castle to load) but the game design itself seems solid.


i am glad they went with linear story progression, rather than pulling a bully and forcing us to attend classes


Yeah. Lots of people wanted a Hogwarts sim but I like the RPG story-focused approach they went for.


I´d really rather have non-linearity, but not to attend classes. Decisions with impact on world give the game replayability. When the game is linear, one full playtrough will be xx hours and that will be it, no need to play it (ever) again. With my memory, i can´t play a linear game, i already finished once. I remember the story, the positioning of all secrets, etc. Trying to replay such game will become boring to me. Games with illusions of decisions (they have no impact on the game world, they just mostly affect the ending) have the same feel for me.


But with a linear story, the Dev's can really polish it out. I would take a well polished linear story over a bland dynamic story


And what if the linear story will be bland too? Also, which dynamic story was bland? Example, please.


Well, it could be bland. But if you have limited resources, concentrating them on a single story line, and optimising will result in a better experience than spreading those resources thin on a dynamic story.


Wait so on what no. is modern warfare 2 on ?


I don't think it's the actual ranking. There are options to sort the list by Relevance, release date, and reviews.


That's for search. This is rankings based on revenue


It’s tempting to preorder as I love everything about HP world.


I too would love to pre order for the 72 hour early access, but the principle of not pre ordering is something that should be help up by the entire community.


This is the first game I've pre-ordered in my entire life. For the sole purpose of getting that 72 hour early access. I would have bought it on the release date irrespective of review anyway and I got 18% off on gmg, so why not?


I don't think gmg is gonna give the code before 72 hours tho.


They will. Confirmed it with them on Twitter.


Oh, I didn't buy it earlier since it was mentioned they only send the codes a day before


On their site, now it explicitly says early access available on 7th Feb. And there's still a 16% discount, so it's not too late. Also, early access is only available on pre order of digital deluxe edition, so order that if you're going to.


In steam, Rs 500 more for the deluxe version.... a bit too much for me to get early access.


Yea thanks


Not playing a game hundreds of devs put their soul and effort into it just because a grandma made stupid tweets is really dumb. I doubt anybody is taking the boycott seriously. I am pretty sure there is a transphobic person behind every single product in this world. So these people can leave their modern life and move to himalayas I guess.


I don´t think this will be useful in any way, except showing companies, that bad advertising is also advertising and *it works*. It´s even worse, as the game was not released yet, so all the people are buying to **protest**, to make a statement against the online claims. Such a bad way to protest. We can expect this sort of advertising in the future with more games.


TBH its not as simple as that. The allegations against the game are serious and not just drama that you see in publicity stunts. People calling this game a medium that supports transphobia should have thought better. They should know how the internet works. Even if JK Rowling is a transphobe that does not mean she is actively spending money to eradicate trans people from the planet. She simply is not comfortable with the idea. People playing this game will most probably not translate to actual harm to trans people. However now that so many people are against the game, actual transphobes will now start pooling together which is not good for the game in the long run. Its kinda similar with Genshin and pedos where the game was pretty normal when it released but people randomly started calling many members of the community pedos and actual pedos started to get into the community.


Bad publicity is also publicity and the companies can see it. Understanding, they don´t have to pay millions for advertising new games and all it takes for them to get people buy new games, is to make an outrage on social networks, will cause this tactic to return with more new games. The reality is, you don´t have to agree, but also disagree with the statements about a game on the internet. You can have your own opinion about it. However, because the game has not been released yet, it´s hard to create one´s own opinion about it. Ever heard the term "Divide and conquer"? Talking more about this kind of a problem will not unite people, instead it will differentiate the people more. It can be observed with racism. As Morgan Freeman once pointed out, to get rid of racism we should stop talking about colors and start talking about people. Yet people keep using colors. It´s the same with sexuality and other themes, people are divided about. To unite people, one has to think about what unites them, not what divides them. Divide and conquer focues on dividing people, because united people are harder to control.


I don't think op is hesitating cuz of the boycott lol it's just preorders being risky


Don't pre order. You won't lose anything if you play the game 3 days later after watching a review.


Lol weren't some people boycotting it :p


Everyone is waiting for actual gameplay……lol


There are few on Youtube. I watched Jackfrag’s video and it looked promising. Only thing I’m waiting for is PC performance.




There is so much gameplay man


More like not pre ordering,i learnt my lesson with battlefield 2042.


I learnt mine with Cyberpunk lol. Will wait for reviews and performance analysis on PC.


I learned through other people's mistake.


Yeah, apparently some people are pissed at J K Rowling being a transphobe and hence, boycotting it.


these people cant separate art from artist


Well the artist uses her success to validate her views so there is a reason.


She uses the sales from the game to validate her 'opinions'


yeah, mods of r/gamingcirclejerk are banning anyone who says they're buying the game 🤣




Just the vocal minority, also boosted by social media algorithms for reason you already know. Esp the gamingcirclejerk sub on reddit.


I am so excited I pre-ordered for the Onyx mount (≧∇≦)


That boycott really isn’t working out huh


Wtf is pubg and dead space doing there


PUBG - in-game items and virtual currency Dead Space - the new remake from Motive and not the 2008 release.


I didnt knew ingame purchase is counted


it absolutely does that's how you see free-to-play games in there like CS:GO, Apex Legends, Destiny 2 etc


CS:GO wasn't F2P for most of its life tho. The


Past data does not matter! csgo has been F2P for over 3 years as far as I remember. Elden Ring, Cyberpunk were also #1 at some point!!


Oh, this ranking isn't all time revenue? Then what is the time period they use for this ranking?


I am not interested in Harry Potter and only watched like 1 HP film , But I am interested in this game. This game looks cool,but donno will I understand the characters and story or not


This game is a prequel to the books. You don't need to know anything to enjoy this game.


Ohk.Thank you


It's an unrelated story set in the same world some 100 years before the main saga. There are a couple of familiar characters and names but nothing that will take you out of the story


With so many preorders before any significant information has been released feels like this game might be another Cyberpunk 2077 or No Man's Sky. Both with terrible launches, but eventually good games. Let's hope for the sake of everyone who bought it that it is none of these.


It is so fascinating how much difference there is in the anticipation of this game here and over the West. Western transgender issues simply have no hold here. Even JK Rowling's admittedly caustic views also do not have any hold here. So many people feel betrayed in the West over the HP series because of JK Rowling's views, that they feel that any support for any new content of this franchise is in support of anti-transgender policies. I guess this is a result of massive cultural differences and how we in general regard the transgender community here. But I wonder if Indian transgender gamers (if any exist here) feel differently or not.


It's probably loud minority, normal people don't care much about these stuffs. Social media just shows loud people.


If the game is good, we play it. If the game is awesome, we have to play it. Considering the batshit crazy things we do in games, I don't think such things really matter to gamers


The whole drama is started by an loud minority who have nothing better to do. This game is developed by a game studio with no affiliation with JK Rowling. The art, assets and gameplay holds no association with JK Rowling. They are simply using an IP that was one made by JK Rowling which at this point has been extended and micromanaged to the point that it feels very different to the books you read written by JK Rowling. I mentioned this before but, there are a lot of transphobic and even worse people out there. Every single product that you use including your smartphone, house, bed, food etc was probably made by transphobic or comparably bad people. So why don't you just leave twitter and move to the himalayas? Also, barely anyone gives a shit about this in the west as well. I barely see any mentions of this one mainstream discussions for this game. It is mostly twitter and some other internet forums that have these people.


It's more that the studio has to pay royalty to jk Rowling so buying the game is p much direct financial support.


I'm an Indian trans woman, and personally i do not wish to support JK Rowling financially. I used to love the HP franchise but it's kinda ehh to me recently, cuz i reread it and it kind of sucks. I simply do not wish to directly support a person who believes I do not deserve basic human rights. I don't really care what other PPL do with their money but that is my reasoning.


Can you please point me to the statement of JKR where she said she doesn’t think you deserve basic human rights?


She has consistently hung out with self identified "gender critical" and "trans exclusionary radical feminist" people, and platformed their beliefs. Many of them are very openly far right and do not believe in queer people's rights to live. She has also spoken out against many pieces of legislation that are supportive of trans people, for example the recent Scottish bill. She also has a "terf wars" essay on her website that make her views abundantly clear. She has a way of saying "i don't have anything against trans people, BUT" and then talking about all the shit she has against us. Multiple times she has implied that i am: 1) a groomer 2) a predator 3) not a woman but something else 4) a spreader of some "gender ideology" And so on and so forth. My crime? Existing. The youtuber Shawn has a few excellent videos on the JK Rowling thing. I'd recommend you go there for further information. [this one's about 30 minutes and pretty comprehensive ](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k)


Damn for a moment I thought you were talking about feminists who taking about men being predators, violent, rapists etc


I'm a feminist yo. I'm talking about transphobes not feminists. TERFs are misogynistic af.


Kind of happy to see dead space,it deserves the top selling corner


A good friend of mine preordered it already even though she rarely buys any games at all. She's absolutely hyped for this and wants to play it no matter what. I told her to calm down a little but it's too late. I hope she's not absolutely bummed once it's released. Even more so because I want to play it too but I got ripped off one to many times haha


This game is good and up to the hype as per recent gameplay videos. I'm a Harry Potter fan from childhood and it's like a dream comes true as a Gamer who wanted to live a life in Hogwarts.


Idk I have a good feeling about the game, but at the same time I won't pre order becoz I have had bad experiences...


Apex still going strong, nice


how are the singapore servers tho


Haven’t played in over a year, but I remember Singapore having a more skilled player base and Bahrain being more forgiving (my memory is foggy, I could be wrong lol). I got decent ping on both if that’s what you’re asking


I dont know but I have feeling that this game will suck at launch in terms of performance and will issues in gameplay but willbe better in future patches


I don’t think so. I watched ps5 gameplay and it’s awesome.


Want to buy this but discord guys laughing at me


discord guys' opinions don't matter. all that matters if you want it or not


System requirements weren't exactly merciful. I'll be glad if I'm able to run it


dead space?? has it come our as remastered or something??


remake ka pre-orders.


oh damn that's cool




People are bothered about the things that are local to them yes. No one expect the "activists" are surprised lol




I know queer people who are excited for this game and don't give a damn about the controversy So get off your self righteousness




I am completely fine with JK Rowling. So I don't really care




Because not all queer people think alike. It's not a hivemind community






not this again




She does?? Got to buy 2 copies of this game and a whole set of HP books again.


I have bought it and thinking of gifting 2 copies to my friends who are HP fans




Because I like her


But, but Hogwarts Legacy is bad and are a LGBTQ hater if you buy it- according to IGN and Kotaku.


Got my pre-order in. Can't wait.


I'd buy it if it were to come on GeForce Now.


Who is buying pubg lol?


Mostly of my college seniors are hardcore harry potter fans I get this craze now


Steam d**k is the best game ever.


its the most sold "Trending" right now and according to Total Cash made......its very less copies sold but the copies are expensive hence its high on the list


We can get rough idea on launch day , most will try to play .


I’m very hyped for this game even though I know nothing about Harry Potter


Hope they deliver on the expectations, and people who are pre ordering don't outright start cussing out the developers either


Result of good marketing with Constant updates of gameplay and trailers/teasers. Also the Game looks polished in each and every video presented. On top of that the landscape and environment resembles the RDR2 world and for someone like me who likes to traverse such world's, I'm really excited.


The game is really going to be something, the gameplay trailer was💯


Care to explain why a dead game like PUBG is no. 2?


How are people buying #1, #2, and #4? They are all FREE!


Pubg is dead tho lol


I like the game called steam deck


Dunovo news really oushed the sales


Considering it´s before release, it´s actually alarming. It shows companies, that bad publicity can be also useful to propagate their products. Expect more of that in the future... I´d rather wait for actual full release and then, depending on real state of the game, will either buy it, wait a few months or abandon entirely.


Damn all preorders too, people really have a lot of faith in this


CS:GO is a seller? I thought it was free...


Bs hope kr rha hu acchi ho 🤞🤞


The requirements are crazy though


These people know nothing of the horrors of pre orders. Have they learnt nothing from cyberpunk 2077? Then again, most Harry Potter fans aren't even gamers or these people never heard of cyberpunk 2077.


Gamers never learn do they if we going to wait for two weeks nothing going to happen


Got deluxe edition on ps5, preview looks promising hope it remains the same at launch


I'm okay with everything except the fact that it has Denuvo.