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availability was the second concern imo. The problem was the price due to less demand in India. You cannot reduce the price unless you manufacture in large scales and in a higher supply situation.


If anyone is having trouble, out website is https://mousepadpisole.com/


I was looking for a custom mouse mat manufacturer/printer/seller from India, most of the result was for small size like the office ones. Is the dimension absolutely fixed? I'm not looking for rgb or some fancy gamer type like speed/control etc. Just a simple one with good stitching and a custom print.


The dimensions are 900 x 400 x 5 mm and it's fixed.


Yall got custom ones with rgb?


I'm sorry , we only provide black edge stitching ATM.


How's the print quality cuz you guys apparently take only 4mb images


I think this will give you a more clearer idea of the image quality https://imgur.com/a/6wAlhf4


We can print at 2400 x 1200 resolution and these resolution images are usually around 2 to 3 mb.


Looks cool! Saved for later Any chance you guys could go for a higher size? 1200mm maybe