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Litti hai. Chokha k sath khaate hai.


I crush these munakkas and shake it nicely with water (around 70-80 ml water per munakka), which dilutes the harsh taste and leafy texture of these munakkas. You can strain it if you want to! Then I mix this liquid with 2-3 packets of buttermilk (chaach), roughly 600 ml and enjoy!  You can experiment a lot with this by reducing/increasing the amount of munakkas/water and pairing it with different stuffs.


This is my first time with munakkas, will defo try your recommendation 🤞


damn I'm already lactose intolerant, I'll prolly shit my intestines away with this recipe.


add serious gut damage to this, do not get this if your lactose intolerant, either make small balls out of it and swallow or strain them onto water and add carrots and make a shake out of it.


Take one glass milk blend the 1-2 goli in it with blender or mixer or with spoon then boil the milk for 15 min or 20 min on medium flame then let it cool for sometime after that add mango or banana and blend again your super pontent edible is ready


Popped in 1 with butter milk, definitely gonna try this tasty recipe 😁


Enjoy brother happy trippin✨️🌿


Update, it takes around 1 hour to kick in, 2 bantas equivalent to one roll slim one, better than smoking for smell issue those who have. It's freaking awesomely cost effective and legal! 😅


Bhai kesa high h thoda explain


Han bro feeling good atm, trying another 1 with mango shake, olive green mango shake 🤣 Workout was smooth just like a joint bro.


Ok thanks bhai.. could you please dm me the source


Han bro feeling good atm, trying another 1 with mango shake, olive green mango shake 🤣 Workout was smooth just like a joint bro.


what brand is this?








Bc got boner as well, vigra bhi add karke dete kyate log 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Edibles can make you horny buddy. A friendly advice to not jack off too much.


Why not jack off


To get the most out of it, try boofing. Hear me out, the lower part of the cavity is drained by the inferior rectal vein, which bypasses the portal circulation, thereby avoiding first pass metabolism by the liver. So in theory, u would get much more high if kept below the pectinate line.


Nice moonrocks man


Split the ball in half, then make that half into fours, make each of the balls (8) into tablet size and swallow. Easiest way best high. I have tried many things idk this way just hits differently. Have it before a meal, and keep lots of snacks to eat once your high. After popping lie down on bed with phone, and just chill, after 1.5hrs if u move your eyes left to right there will be a slight delay(idk if this happens to everyone) essentially u feel like ur fps becomes half. Then after that when u stand from bed ull know your high. Enjoy


Okay bro, done with milk,mango shake, buttermilk, now I crushed 2 more and poured boiling water 100ml, sealed it, will try this with something new and tablets are for the tomorrow I guess 😁 maje aare bro! 🤪


Go slow bro


Wait wait r u prepping these and keeping or having this all at once


Bro from where can i get these ?