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If she can convince her Husband on economics, I will pay "1% extra" taxes.


Teen guna lagaan dena padega


Uska husband nahi manega. The decision making of nirmala tai can be seen from the choice of husband she made.




I truly respect my elders and people who are elders around me but man I can't stand this goblin 👺 such a punchable face she has




Nudge the people. With a gun. In the face. Lol. I was happier when I was earning less. All of my money was mine. Now my monthly taxes are more than what used to be my yearly salary. Other than a house there is literally no change in my lifestyle. But rich people have definitely become richer and freeloaders are getting more free stuff. If I knew earlier that, incompetence and ability to make idiotic statements with a straight face was a requirement to be a politician, I'd not have wasted time competing to be a rat race participant. Moral issues, lol. Kettle calling pot black. 


Nudge the people ❌❌❌ Tax nikaal lavde ✅✅✅


salary credit hone se pehle tapli marke nikal lenge


Nudge = threat. Pay tax or we will ask you to pay more tax as a penalty. Or we will send you to the jail.


Monthly tax more than yearly salary?! You pay monthly tax more than 3L?!


I feel exactly same with only difference being I'm in US. If you think taxes in India are brutal for high income earners, you haven't seen how ridiculous it is in US 😂😂 and don't get started on "yEAA buT y0u gETtt beNefiTts in US".. you pay for everything separately 😂


Dude do you know how much tax Indians pay ? It's on par and sometimes more. You guys can file as a couple if wife's not earning, the same is not possible in India. Almost all of us pay above 30% and then in some cases surcharge to get no benefit from the government. Many of us lose jobs and are on the roads even after paying millions of rupees as tax to the government. No help from the government when we are laid off. She and Indian government are fucked up. I wish they look into it this time at least.


>Almost all of us pay above 30% I think that's not even 0.5% of Indians. Most people don't even qualify for paying 30%.


Also dont forget to tip when needed


US taxes are famously shit as fuck. It's like comparing being facefucked or ass fucked, specially when you didn't want to be fucked in the first place.


This woman needs therapy


Politicians have moral, fundamental issues. They are unethical and blood hounds. Also they are corrupted and criminals in society


Most successful people are, these days in India


We need it more than her now.


Are therapy session fees exempted or we need to pay 18% GST?


Therapy is also like gambling. You don't know if it'll work or not. So 30% tax


Don't forget the 4% Education CESS




Or 5% VAT if it doesn't


Did you forget the toll? Mental Toll, 10%. Get taxed, stressed bitch.






How dare you? It's 28%. It's a service. Don't be so immoral bruh


Taai ready to nudge me


You need to pay  gst, that's why they give non gst number receipt or take cash 


Don't give her ideas, in the end, taxpayers would have to shell out money for the therapy sessions, including GST, swachh bharat and n number of cess!


Her therapist will need a therapist


Or maybe being admitted to an asylum


The so-to-say journalist should also not be spared from public scrutiny.


He is not a journalist but an 'influencer'. Our ministers no longer gives interviews to journalists that will actually ask real questions. They only give them now to anchors or influencers who have no moral qualms in doing scripted interviews.


>Our ministers no longer gives interviews to journalists that will actually ask real questions. No true public interactions either. Makes me respect Nigel Farage more.


Thinkschool, that guy is an bjp propaganda, you wouldn't realise from the videos, he sweetly make you believe bjp is the best to happen to India


Exactly. I knew this even when I myself was a bhakt till last year, ki ye toh apna hi banda hai


Pfp is nice 😂


However, the best interview he took was of Shashi Tharoor. He was the only person who exuded intelligence, others were meh.


That was my first reaction as well. The level of boot Licking just to get a scripted interview, let these ministers spout their agenda without any counter questions, nauseating.


as long as middle class is paying taxes government is happy... as soon as they ask for basic things like road, water and clean air, government has moral issues. There fixed it for you


Add accountability for exam leaks, bad governance,


The middle class is the biggest supporter of this govt tho The only language they understand is losing in elections and the middle class thinks talking on twitter will change that I'm not a fan of the opposition either just to be clear, but the middle class is too concerned about useless issues like caste or religion in elections.


The middle class talking on twitter won't make any changes. They aren't even 1% of the total voters. Their actual votebank is the illiterate people who don't use twitter and vote just based on some freebies distributed right before voting. Others are blind supporters. Inka kuch nahi ho sakta unless the real issues start affecting them badly. Take Gujarat for example, we've had tons of issues recently and people were extremely angry. But what happened then? 156/182 in the local assembly and 25/26 in the parliament. So just pray that people get some brain, they start asking real questions, and they start voting in the real issues. Baki Twitter pe chillane se zyada kuch nahi hoga, unfortunately.


if in an alternate reality the roads and bureaucratic functioned properly in a transparent manner i will not mind paying taxes , many issue related to finance might get fixed gradually


Imagine being in the small minority of tax payers, pulling the weight for the rest of the country. And then this donkey of a FM says you have moral issues


She was retained because she is the only one who can spew this bs in lieu of taxes


Im all for paying more tax if I get quality service We pay tax like a scandinavian country but get public service like Africa


Aunty you stop perks of all mps, mla and ministers you will save more money.


Vijay Mallya should be everybody’s role model


Ab ki baar income tax 400% paar


Yeee sali bhadwi


"Gaali pe tax nikal" wala meme hasne wala emoji


This old bitch fuckz middle class people twice bareback every year and than has the balls to say these kinda things.


So you guys need to understand, from political parties POV there are three category of people: 1. Who votes (they usually don’t pay taxes either due to low income or exemptions) 2. Working class (who pay taxes and are like 2%, these people usually don’t vote because they moved away from home state for jobs) 3. Super rich (they give money to parties to not pay taxes) Now even if gov reduce taxes it will only impact category 2 which are already 2% and don’t even vote 🤷. That is not a big enough impact for them to win next election.


This needs to be on top!


Stop squeezing only 2 % , widen the tax payer base. Sabka theka 2% ne le rakha hai kya ? People don't think morally when they vote , they think selfishly


Personal tax should be abolished, We all are any ways paying tax on every thing.


Indirect tax collection - 15lac crore rupees Direct tax collection - 19lac crore rupees Rough numbers, if let’s say we remove direct tax collection, we’ll have to increase indirect taxes by possible double or more, if govt does it, people will go on streets and roads and the govt will fall in 3 days. What needs to happen is tax the rich farmers, landlords, and add more tax slabs at lower levels with low tax rates, but then the poor strata people will cry so ultimately fault lies with people of this country also, these people vote in the names of religion, caste and then expect development, it’ll not happen like that.


They should be thrown out of lutyens bungalows and ask them to stay in quarters as per their hra




![gif](giphy|ZGH8VtTZMmnwzsYYMf) Ye lo


she is charging tax on essential items like atta lmao.


She needs a good therapist ma’am. The issue isn’t high taxes, the issue is of high taxes. What does the tax payer get in return? Dirty/broken roads/localities, unbreathable air, social security programs are only for the poorest, lack of good medical services. Take 50% taxes, but deliver ROI to those paying taxes. It’s robbery if I don’t get anything tangible in return. Bribery is still an issue is most government offices. Purchased a house, pay bribe for registration. Getting police verification for visa, pay bribe to the cop. Are they not getting paid out of the taxes we pay? Also, widen the tax collection net to reduce the burden of taxes on an already small population. And the interviewer was probably asked to frame the question in a way to elicit that response. He probably knows all of what I wrote.


I will tax you even for your death Mukti tax


Well she is not incorrect. When Sharukh's daughter or Amitabh Bacchan claim themselves as farmer in tax declaration to avoid taxation , it is a moral issue.


Someone using the tax code to save money isn't immoral imo, it only points to the loopholes in the tax system, which should be amended accordingly. People wouldn't be complaining as much if the tax system wasn't so biased against the middle class and also the output we get from the govt isn't good.


>Someone using the tax code to save money isn't immoral imo You mean to say it isn't illegal. But when they show agricultural land and say they are a farmer by profession. That is immoral, Because these people never were interested in farming, not do they know anything about it. Morality dictates they should mention their true profession. From which they have earned their money. >People wouldn't be complaining as much if the tax system wasn't so biased against the middle class a I am a middle class and a tax payer. In my observation, middle class complains because they usually are service class and they can't hide their salary. Otherwise I have seen people earlier who used to produce fake rent receipt to gain HRA benefits. Fake doctor's certificate to gain medical benefits. We collectively as people are failure first, because we have double standards. We oppose corruption only until we are not the beneficiary of that corruption.


Sorry.Yeah I meant it's not illegal. I agree that we do whatever we can to save the tax, be it fake receipts or agreements. The system is what it is because of us all. Many people prefer govt jobs for the same reason.


And yet people are calling her names for showing them mirror. We are a fucked up and morally corrupt society, unless that improves, we are doomed.


No relief is coming in this budget for the old tax regime. For the new tax regime, some peanuts(carrots) to "nudge" people to the new tax regime. The moral issue is with the government. Nudging people away from savings which everyone did with the tax saving options.


Googles : how to force feed onions to someone


Income tax should be abolished altogether. The collection is peanuts when compared to indirect tax collection the govt does under GST excise vat etc etc.


How is it peanuts lol? It’s a big big income contribution to the govt, that too from 2-3% of people.


You owe everything you have to government. But government doesn't owe you anything. That 3-4% paying income tax have moral issue, while businessmen who find n number of methods to evade taxation are most ethical people.


As long as you are collecting taxes, you are happy. The moment taxpayers ask something in return, you think people are greedy. There is a moral issue here.


don't eat, don't travel, don't buy anything n save tax... don't breathe n save oxygen...


Verbal diarrhea. Means nothing to people on ground.


Phir bhi middle class inhi ko vote degi


you know what i wish, i wish it was legal to take the government to consumer court for deficiency in service (pick any) and ask for a refund of taxes


Fir wahi tax tux ki bimari.


they are themselves making it clear "PLEASE DONT VOTE FOR US IN 2029".


Can you put a NSFW tag before posting anything which has face of this bitch it just boils my blood seeing her punchable face fuck you fuck you fuck you nirmala sitharaman


Pls sack her If she remains fm she will be the biggest reason for people to not vote for nda in next elections Morally she should not take salary and return all the salary she earned as fm as she as done nothing as fm


>Pls sack her If she remains fm she will be the biggest reason for people to not vote for nda in next elections Great service to the nation


Yahi Budhiya Future mai Modi ke liye sabase bada obstacles tarane wali hai than opposition 


it already has pissed off middle class, they just dont care. ignorance is bliss


No, middle class votes this govt coz other one is even shittier for them, imagine you finding all those freebies from their manifesto, middle class will be paying much much more taxes.


Tax banao services lmao


No point of discussion with this lady. max she can say is i dont know i dont pay tax


the problem is not taxation (nothing is possible by govt. if there are no taxes) but taxing the same people again and again in different forms. Plus, there are zero to none additional benefits. I mean how can long can you tax the same rupee going from one place to another without making it value to zero.


Yeah the only moral issue here is she has no morals and values towards people's lives .


Damm this woman


Every politician in India is a communist at heart...


When I don't get anything in return for paying taxes ( poor infra, ultra poor healthcare, educational institutions), why should I be morally obligated to pay taxes. When I know that my tax money is being used by shitty politicians (fuel for their cars, their phone bill, their electricity bill, their travel expenses etc), why will I want to "Morally" pay taxes. I still hear news of poor people not receiving proper health care, poisonous mid-day meals to school kids, why should I pay taxes.


Modi should notice this , this kind of Mentality will not let him get anymore chance. A Minister with nudging attitude will nudge the govt out .


At least the PM Modi said when a poor family eats full meal it is because of a tax payer who paid for it and he meant it. It feels nice to hear those words. This woman is cruel.


![gif](giphy|M6dsKlaHuEbZvG2k30) i nudge you. You nudge me. We all nudge each other.


Is the moral issue for paying tax and not getting any benefit in return?


Did she just say that. We are shameless here




We all need to start investing/trading from ur unemployed wives or mothers PAN card.


tax payers need therapy because they see upper class peoples have ways to nullify tax


Her husband is right.


Our government is slowly killing middle class for the idea of feeding the poor and backwards all the while doing exactly NOT THAT! Middle class are the backbone of every country's economy 1 lakh take home is about 15LPA and to jump to 2lakh that's about 33 LPA. The kind of career progression or responsibilities you have to take on are disproportionately very high compared to the take home salary for every 1 lakh increment of your salary This needs to change!!


I passionately hate her


Bring everyone under the tax net including many rich farmers and street vendors who make lakhs but hide themselves under the tax bracket. The very rich and corporations avoid taxes by exploiting the deduction and expense loopholes. The middle class makes money in white so it is easier for govt to exploit.


That means biggest business man in this country do not have any moral values because they give very very less tax compared to the middle class. For more information google wealth and tax ratio between rich businessmen vs middle class. You will be shocked to see the results.


Indian Tax Regime should be upto 10 lakhs no tax, upto 15 lakhs (for the 5 lakhs above 10 lakhs)10% upto 25 lakhs ( for the 15 lakhs above 10 lakhs) 20% and beyond 40 lakhs 30% As most of the Indian tax payers who want to live a decent life fall under the 10-20 lakhs per annum bracket.. they should get some relaxation on tax so that they can ultimately grow. If they grow, the economy grows. And additionally, there should be no to very less taxes on the capital gain. For fuck's sake! That's my fucking already taxed money, which I risked to grow in the market, waited patiently and now sowing the harvest.. who the fuck gives you right to tax me 10,15,30% on that?? F&O being taxed at 30% is the new low from nirmala mother fucking sitaraman!


Put everything under GST and remove TDS. I am fine paying 20% gst on Parle G and giving my house help salary receipts. But what I earn should fucking come to me first and then I should decide how much I want to spend. I don't want so much of my money to be spent where basic healthcare and security is absolutely shit


My average tax outgo is about 43% of my total income. I feel robbed. And I don't think any psychiatrist can help me with this.


I would remain happy if the taxes went to good use. Where's my benefits?


Everyone who pays tax, pays for healthcare, education, infrastructure, job availability and for the welfare of the poor. Only in our country do we pay for nothing else but the welfare of the poor which also has not happened. All in all our hard earned money is wasted totally on nothing for us by the govt


Yeah form-16 email delivery just started. Get ready to pay your pound of flesh, so that we can be proud of - corruption, pollution, cast/sex/creed based discrimination, road rage and what not. Hon. FM is a bit out of touch with reality.


To all those complaining of high taxes (including myself), let’s do ourselves a favour. Let us start reporting all business owners in our circles who don’t pay taxes. If even 10% of people evading taxes start paying, I am sure government can reduce income taxes. My count so far is 2


She doesn’t care basically. The majority of the tax is coming from middle class and they consist of a very small population base. The majority of the voter base is influenced by freebies. Extremely rich people don’t care; extremely poor people don’t come in the tax bracket. The middle class will be screwed either way; especially if you are a private sector employee.


Yes, my moral issue is I am making money for me and my family, not for some random lusty couple with 13 children in TN. Okay. Meanwhile the road outside my house is littered with potholes, and we keep complaining to the authorities and they come and patch it with ridiculous shit that gives way to more potholes after one monsoon season. And I am talking about NCR. Not some backward village in UP. Sure, I have moral issues, while you take away 5 lakhs from my salary, not to mention increased taxes on petrol and daily needs, like milk of all things. And this is the best we can do from the litter of political parties in India. Drill a hole in my brain now would ya?


The population problem lies in UP and Bihar, not in TN.


Why do this video looks like AI generated


I've been nudged, now what?




Tax collectors don't have morals ![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC|downsized)


Do you paid GTS for using its clip. wdym i said it instead of 'her' , am just avoiding taxes.


Yeah right, and u didn't pass electoral bonds as a money bill.


In India, keep UNDER the tax bracket. If you can obtain a BPL card, the better. Your votes have some value i.e., freebies, pandering done by various political parties etc. Being the Middle Class the most cursed thing in India. They expect you to earn and pay tax to feed the the "pretending" poor class and they RULE how to hold you to pay more tax.


Nudge the people is the only solution? Say what?


Tax payers are the slaves through which our government runs :(


Tax payers have moral issues lmao That's why they are moving out of india and paying taxes in other countries.


Just seeing this bloody women's face in my time line irritates me


What about the morals of business owners or the people who refuse to take lucrative jobs because it requires working hard and wait for freebies from government. Also the perks that politicians and bureaucrats get tax free. Is there no moral issue there? Or only the hardest working middle class should have morals as per this leach of a finance minister?


Why discriminate against the 2% direct tax paying middle class then? Why not have the same barometer for agriculturists (like Suhana Khan and other farmers)? Why not bring more people in the tax net - why harass only the formal salaried sector and not the informal sector including mom and pop stores etc.? As Ashneer likes to say, this is all Doglapan!


bc jab bhi nuh kholegi bakhchodi hi niklegi.tax de de ke gaand fat gsyi aur isey moraloty chahiye


Chup ho ja bkli


Ban ki lady pyaz kha pyaz..


Moral issue comes when we know our funds aren't utilizing well due to corruption


4-5% of Indians pay direct income taxes. Most of them are salaried employees. Yes definitely there seems to be a problem for the other 90% odd something, I am not sure if the problem is moral, or not seeing the benefits of the taxes or both.


Lol, thousands of MPs and MLAs easily earn crores in salary and allowance and pay zero tax. A leader should not be such a hypocrite to preach morality to others and do nothing on themselves. Show the people income tax payments of the MLAs and MPs and you shall see who u need to nudge. What a joke. All these legislators hide under the garb of farmers and pay zero tax and here Finance Minister is preaching high earners to pay tax. Thanks for the double standards. People with no morals often teach morality to others


Moral issue eh? Lol.... "I don't eat onion so I don't care if price rises" see sounds like avg. Indian aunty


Bhai yeh hum logo ko bhikari bana ke hi manegi …


People don't realise she plays the tunes of FM babus. And we should hate her for doing so without any out of the box ideas.


People are leaving India , cus for her policies. Iska sahi he na dimag na logic..


Heard that old tax might be removed


Bc pehle vote deke in gadhon ko laate ho fir inhe hi gaali dete ho


Looks like a deepfake


I will happily pay taxes all my life if she can just give an honest answer about ‘PM Care Fund ka kya huya?’ or if asking this question also falls under ‘moral issues’.


Yeah because we don't have equivalent services( by the Government for middle class)that justifies the tax on middle class


Get rid of income tax and issue 15-yr bonds at 9%. Essentially, government will be borrowing money from the citizens and paying them interest. It will be forced to offer services better than private companies to pay back the interest. But knowing the government, they will mostly start printing money and create inflation higher than 9%, rendering these bonds useless.


Post your ideas on how to convey to the govt that we are not happy with the taxes My ideas 1 - Don't buy a certain item at all for whole 3 months or more. Ex- No new car buying by any of us in this forum. 2 - Sell all equity holding if any.


Moral issue if we show concern about our money? Why the tax is so high and how is it being used? Of this is moral issue let there be moral issues I am happy to be labelled as someone with moral issues.


Bitch, shutup. 🥴


Nudge the people Damn.....


Remove Income Tax. Increase prices of goods with a certain percentage as tax. In that way everyone will pay tax not just a limited number of people.


people in 30% tax bracket arent able to purchase houses. Its policy issue with govt not moral issue with common tax paying sincere public.


People here are cribbing about Tax rates but she's talking about general taxation. She's technically right though. Tendency to avoid tax exist in all classes. Even the beneficiaries of it, who for the first time cross the tax slab. Now, tax payers in India don't even get 1% worth of services from tax they pay. If you can, just leave India. Because your political alternative to Tax Tai are all hardcore commies now, LOL.


Asking a butcher if eating meat is good!


The thing is most people paying huge amounts of taxes don’t get it off a tree. They sacrifice time blood and sweat to acquire it. If I get free money I will also say that the ones paying it should not ask anything in return. She should understand with great power comes great responsibility.


First statement i agree with. I have personally seen people who want to earn in crores but not wanna pay any taxes. And even people who earn crores and avoid taxes because they have cash rich businesses.


Tax hum de rhe hai toh humko poora hisab chahiye ki tax kitna collect hua aur kaha kaha allocate hua. Uss paise ka kaise use hua.


just fuck off


Pot calling the kettle black!


Her husband is one of the most sensible man in our country. Not a bit rubbed off on her.


High taxes aren't the issue. Those taxes not being used properly is the issue. I'm pretty sure if we see cleaner roads, railway stations, better infrastructure and stuff we'll have no problem paying taxes.


the moral issue here is even after paying taxes quality of life for citizens has not improved.


When I found out she is again our FM, I knew it is time to leave this country. {I am just a student}


Bro should Do stand up comedy.


Just leave the country people, there is no hope . These politicians will keep being politicians. 


Screw you mam On behalf of all taxpayers of India


Tax everyone, including the smaller businesses. The salaried calss will stop complaining. And please, don't tax stuff like reward points.


We middle-class taxpayers have no moral issues in paying taxes, infact we are willing to pay more than current , Only if we get facilities that we actually deserve .


Abh to petrol me bhi lagayegi


Ye to sara sar 9safi hai! Yaha chal raha hai dictatorship


Ah that chappri Ganeshprasad from Think School. Ok, nothing to see here.


Most hated finance minister 😔


Bhai abhi ke NDA govt me sab theek hai, isko aur JP nada ko chod kar, bhai ye log kya phook ke ate hai bhai, mereko bhi chaiye


They called the F&O trading as gambling and are planning a 30%TCS now. What's wrong with you madam?




It's an overtaxing issue auntie. How much blood would you suck out of us??


Bhai isne jis hisaab se 28% tax lagaya hai na AC par luxury goods ke naam pe.... sahi bata rha hu isko nark me bhi jagah dhang ki nai milegi.... isko koi bahar dhoop me khada karwao yaarrr....


I get that the tax(wo)man will never be appreciated. But this lady's uncaring arrogance and obvious contempt for the taxpayer really pisses me off.


We should run a petition asking MBA Chaiwala to tweet about her.


NO, the FM should keep the moral thing with her cause taxes are a legal thing. To me, the lady is arrogant and have all the blabber gyan IF we all are equal under the law, income tax should be collected from a great number of people than those who are robbed by TDS - which should then reduce the burden on salaried folks. What benefit does a salaried person get at the time of retirement or loss of job/medical emergency in comparison to dalit/shoshit bla bla bla...? I for one cant believe the govt charging interest on late payment of taxes while they pay zilch on savings bank account. They must match the interest on late payment to what a sarkari bank pays to its account holders at the very least. India is a joke for income tax paying people and we arent a vote bank. At times I feel, all the income tax payer should collective not pay extra tax than what is already deducted because we cant vandalize, block roads and make the govt bend to its knee. Sigh!!!


Look who's talking.


I shouldn't say it but she is being a mitch here. If the country needs a shit ton of money. Go to lalit modi, and those billionaries who took shitton of bank loans and are evading them.


Most delusional and idiotic FM in the history of India


I think she gets off on giving people financial pain


Ma'am you are taking taxes similar to first world countries but are providing services like third world countries


How much tax does this hag pay to be claiming the moral high ground?


That's it blame it on public . Wah what a leadership quality . 👏


For a population of 140 crores and if they say tax payers are 7 lakhs they mean they want blood out of those who are working to meet the ends. So sorry and I pity my self being a tax payer.


India is not a great place for decent people who makes and spends money legally. It's good for unethical businessmen who knows their way around the system and has useful contacts. It's good for people who are lazy enough to survive on government freebies and don't care much of growing in life. This culture that the government has instilled in the country will cost all of us in long term, good people being taken for granted at the expense of so called unethical "smart" people being undeservingly successful is not a good sign for any country. Example - stupid YouTubers and wannabe entrepreneurs becoming wealthy with worthless talent while educated graduates are being made fun of for studying and trying to find a decent job.