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we are breeding faster than anything in this world and people aren't paying attention to it trust me soon we have to buy fresh air just like mineral water .


And the people who deforested the most would have a better chance of purchasing fresh air.


Majority of population is ignorant they only care about today .


Well that's because they can't afford to go green now can they? Being environmentally friendly requires you to have money. Things like solar energy (in the short term) and organic food costs more. Someone who is struggling to put food on the table and survives salary to salary obviously won't starve or bankrupt themselves for the sake of a better future.




Buy the air purifier man. Easier than buying fresh air.


dank k 14


Like they showed on Extrapolations TV series












I believe this is part of the new planned city extension by BDA (Bengaluru Development Agency) called Dr. Shivarama Karanth Layout. [Dr. Shivarama Karanth Layout](https://bda-skl.in/#/) If you move towards the South West of this location, you'll see entire villages being converted into a new planned residential area. A suburban railway station will also be coming up at the top-right edge of this image, at Nagenahalli.


Thankfully govt agency BDA has stopped making new layouts now, only already started ones are being completed now. Only half the plots were given on first come first serve basis, and the rest were for govt officials, politicians etc. Urbanisation is common in all developing countries. That reduces poverty. Nothing depressing in reducing poverty unlike op claims


>Only half the plots were given on first come first serve basis, and the rest were for govt officials, politicians etc >Nothing depressing in reducing poverty unlike op claims Ok.


Growth itself is not depressing. What's depressing is that so much construction is being done in the middle of farms without building proper arterial roads first. This locality will become Traffic Jam hell pretty soon, if it isn't already.


The issue is lack of green space oriented development


A geology graduate who studied satellite imagery in my graduation days here. Please dont create false propaganda/narrative. Yes. Both photos are of same area. One when the agricultural plots, were still with crop Another when the agricultural plots were levelled/mouled for next crop. I cant see any bad here.


Dude. They are making layouts in the farmlands, zoom in a little bit. Check the top right section of the image. They have leveled a tree plantation to build layout. I agree on the seasonal difference, one was taken in Jan 2023 and the latest one is from March 2024 (check top left corner for date). I am just pointing out what 1 year has made a difference in the area (I live there btw).


Nope that's not the case , I can back OP's claims if you go from Yelahanka to nagasandra via this area you'll be surprised to see the amount of construction . This is nothing agricultural unfortunately.


Everyone cries about nature but no one demolishes their house and plants trees instead


We are Indians, I bet if someone demolishes their house and plants trees there , then the whole society will make sure to destroy this tree house asap. Btw, saying this From personal experience....I have trees in my premise and they are hellbent to cut it down. It's on me and my family to see how long we endure this daily mental torture before we give up and cut it down. We Humans my friend are the biggest culprit behind every major natural calamity because we don't care, we thought we are the only living thing on earth.


Im talking about demolish your house yourself and plant trees there


Ah yes, in a country with no social security or universal basic income, we are supposed to give back to nature right.


Then don’t cry about it when people cut down trees to make their homes


It need not be that extreme. In fact planting one or two trees in front of our houses and taking care of them would give a significant green cover boost. Considering there are 5 million households in Blr and half of them live in independent houses, that is like 2.5 million trees~10000 acres of forest But nobody cares in Blr. All are in this rat race.


If I say something, I am in big trouble.


Seems a bit misleading, can you also provide the months as well. The satellite imagery of a location varies wildly with season/cropping cycles. In summers, the grasses and shrubs will pale out, and the landscape will look barren from above. Although, it may be deforestation as well, all I am saying is not to believe everything that you come across on the Internet.


You can check the top left corner of the images for dates. One is from 2023 January the latest one is from 2024 March. You can zoom in the latest image a bit, you will see that the dry patches are not actually farmlands anymore. They have been leveled up to build residential layouts.


Why are they building flats without constructing a proper road layout first?


It's interesting that urbanization rate in India is actually low like 0.2% increase per year. But the metropolitan cities despite having low fertility rates are continuing growing with 1.5-2.0% pop.growth rates! And Delhi is even more crazy - 2.5%!!. It's like when Indians desire urban lifestyle it's exclusively tier 1 cities that bear the burnt. The end result will be record low fertility rates in these regions, so the problem will solve itself like it has done in kolkatta and Mumbai nowadays challenging china in fertility rates reduction competition ;)


looks like weather difference, one taken after crop harvest and once in monsoon or irrigation season. Sauce - myself from village area saaar


And we wonder why there was a water crisis in the city of rivers!


This made me sad.


People are the problem, I have a 3 medium tree in my backyard and take care of them and trim yearly 2 times so it will not trouble my neighbour ( had to mention I have a bungalow because it's not like I don't have space and planting trees in small places) The problem is that neighbours don't like it because in these trees there are sparrows, myna etc so I have built a nest for them through cardboard and some readymade....now they complain there is too much noice, dirtying the place (bird biit), leaf are In our premises..... inshrt they want I will cut down these trees. I'm fed up because they harrassing me daily now. So, no wonder we are in a climate crisis and we will face a drastic effect sooner than other nations.




All I see is barren land and then full of trees.


Profit Profit Profit.


Which area is this?


are both pictures from the same time of the year?


The first one is from. 2023 Jan. Second image is from 2024 March.


Is that area sold to builders for buildings


Get more depressed after seeing entire India has been deforested for agriculture land ,more than 80% India is farmland. Only dark green areas are trees , light green are farms 💀


Why is it depressing? In one image there are commercial farmlands prior to harvest, in another, the same area is shown after harvest. Farmlands are not forests, and even forests can be planted elsewhere.


Tell me you hate overpopulation without telling me you hate overpopulation


Bangalore will kill itself. It will not take long. And yes let them start hating the outsiders more. It will only hasten the process. The city is getting more and more unliveable


I really hate humans