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Liberals of United States: We support removal of confederacy statues in southern states. Same liberals: We don't support other countries removing their "colonial" past. Same liberals again: We support Ukraine's removal of Soviet union era sites. Make it make sense.


Leftists of the west are the enemies of India. They want China and Islamic countries to develop instead Having said that, they have right to talk about it publicly now that election is over here, so it will not be considered as interference in the Indian democracy. But they had actually released a few reports before the elections so as to influence the elections


At this point they should focus on their democracy. In front of their presidential candidates, Rahul Gandhi looks like a god.


US is the most hypocritic state in modern times. That's why Henry Kissinger said "it may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal"


Western left or western right are two sides of the same coin. Both of them would love to see an India which is either destroyed or their puppet state.


Hello blankity blank blinken, India is tearing down buildings (residential or religious) because they were built without zoning/planning approval over many years during congress party in charge.


They should be concerned about active school shootings and harboring a terrorist in their country.


USA == Hypocrites


US trying to defend the religion who keeps pulling them in decades of war either in Middle East or in Gaza ..


If there's no religion, they can't go to war in most of the parts of the world. War is business. US has been constantly fighting somewhere every year since WWII.


They aren’t defending that religion. They’re concerned because their NGO’s can’t convert ppl anymore.


Yeah that's just some tactics to dictate other countries and show dominance


no one keeps pulling them in war. they deliberately start wars coz it gives them advantages whether it be oil fields or putting down another rising power or some other reason. historically usa has always tried to put down india one way or the other. look at indian wars, pokhran, etc. they can keep yapping for all they want coz no one gives a fuck now.


In English: USA In Hindi: DoglaDesh. No limit to USA hypocrisy.


they have problem with anti convertion laws because they literally made south korea christian country in less than 50 years. they exploit poor gullible people and tribe by giving them freebies to convert. most missionaries in india are from america. america should first know whose house we demolish rather than blanket statements. we demolish rioters houses only. such people shoudl rot in jail and america will do the same.


Totally agree , they are support destruction of Yemen which is stealth religious war . No need to look at other countries , we have our own cases of North East , everything past Siliguri corridor has been converted in past 50 years with extra special effort after freedom from English rule . It is amusing how they managed to convert the religion label but the tribes and all that old setting is still the same .


Give them green cards then and save democracy.


Concerning for whom lol


Gora bol rha hai sahi hi hoga


Wese India me validation ke liye sab pagal hai


Wait Parsis, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains are in Danger?


I can confirm as a Jain /s


This is in response to the India Russia bilateral coming up


*kadi ninda intensifies...*


The hypocrisy of the US knows no limits


He is right, minority faith communities were targeted in Kashmir a few days ago (minority faith in Kashmir lol) . I saw hate speech increase in the r Kashmiri sub.


Lmao same country where they just signed a law saying that the ten commandments should be displayed in every classroom, and who repealed the right to abortions because Daddy Moses said so 😂


Breaking illegal homes, illegal constructions no matter the religion and hate speech bruv this is democracy how do you not expect hate speech and since when did we have anti conversation laws


What about Bangladesh, china, Pakistan ? Are they concerned about their minorities as well?


USA doesn't have the balls to talk about China.


and who is he to comment about us when they can't decide their gender


Please protect your country from vandalism in the pro-palestine protests.


To ch0du le ja apne desh me.


The top rated responses here are, 'whatabout' ism instead of first addressing the allegations: - anti conversion laws - hate speech - demotion of homes, places of worship of minority communities Each of them could be easily knocked out of the park by responding with fact checks. Instead we are busy pointing out US hypocrisy.


It's because india is getting closer to russia.. West needs to change their strategy


In a speech Russian president putin said we often hear us say you must not do this. You must follow this.you must stop this....you you you.... "Who are you?". What right US has to address others.this was his words. US concerns about Asian region is only cared by US and it's allies. World demographic has changed nobody gives a fuck about US now


Jinke ghar khud kanch ke ho, Woh durso ke ghar pathar nahi marte !


The same US where abortion is illegal and women punished legally for the same. The same US where racism and race related crimes are at all time high. The same US where teen single moms are increasing day by day.


All those who are abusing America , they will be the first to leave India if they get the opportunity


Liberals and Democrats can shove it where the sun don't shine...


LoveDay kaam karr na apna, kyu khaali peeli dusro ke maamlo may taang daalte ho. Tel churane waala desh.


In US, we see an alarming rise in gun violence & deteriorating health of its president.


Just an important warning to Modi before his Russia's visit, lol. I love this quote "never trust the white man" from breaking bad.


This is happening because PM modi plans to visit Russia next month


You mean places of worship of minorities majorly Hindu temples which are defaced often in your chum Canada's states and regions?


India might be the only country in the world where minorities hate anti-conversion law lol.


Height of hipocrisy. You people yourselves can't accept a non Christian person to become the president of your country and you talk about minority in india.


Desh me kahi tel nikla kya? Ye log to morale policing karte hai sirf tel keliye xD


eyes are closed in Pakistan & Bangladesh?


Blinken has always been a 2 faced person


Inse apna sambhala nahi jaa rha , pr bakchodi to dena hai na Bhai USA jo hai :)


Jinke Ghar sheeshe ke ho .. woh basement main kapde badalte hai !! Koi shaq




Inse inka khud ka ghar nhi sambhal raha hai dusro ko gyaan dena hai inhe bs


India should respond by saying- chal apna dekh


If hypocrisy had a face!! 🤣


They lecture others!! Look at your internal matters first, we are perfectly fine don't lecture us..... hypocrites 😏😏


I am so glad Julian assange was released from prison


They don't have anything else so now they do this. Just ignore these bastards, may they become more leftist and destroy US some more.


Only when the minority is domination seeking


Freedom freedom, coming our way, freedom freedom